Always Him

By hanlovestowrite26

47.5K 3.9K 856

Murad and Hanna have always been best friends since their childhood. Murad was always the number one to Hanna... More



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By hanlovestowrite26


My heart pounded.

I felt nauseous as if I was going to throw up. My mouth dried up as I saw a glimpse of my dad on the dinner table eating and completely ignoring my mom.

I felt the air.

It was different.

"Dad," the thoughts in my head cleared, "I have to tell you something."

My dad sighed. Annoyed. I felt a distaste in my mouth. Ever since my dad forced his opinion on who was gonna be my spouse, I suddenly saw him in a different light. I was not pleased.

"What?" He snapped. The utensils waited in his hands.

Okay I'm just going to say it. "I don't want-"

Before I could finish, the door rang.

"Get the door." My dad ordered and I sighed. It was just gonna be my brother. How annoying I was about to let loose.

My dad noticed me not moving and he sighed. "Get the door and then we can continue the talk."

My shoulders slumped. But I was so ready.

I ran to open the door and my jaw dropped. It was freaking Ahmed and his parents.

My mouth dried up. "Ahmed?" I looked at his parents. "What.."

Ahmed's mom pushed me out of the way and walked into the house. "Hello!" She greeted my parents with a bouquet in her arms.

I bit my lip.

Ahmed smiled at me and handed me a gift which I wouldn't have taken if his father hadn't been looking at me.

"Thank you." I didn't meet Ahmed's eyes. He walked in and my mom looked really annoyed.

"Why didn't you tell us?" She faked a nice voice. I knew she didn't like them!

"Well were in the neighborhood and decided to stop and give Ahmed a look! He missed Hana too much." His mom said and I rolled my eyes. Ahmed sees me everyday at school.

I wonder what their real motive was for coming so suddenly?


"Did I interrupt your day?" Ahmed sat next to me on the couch as my parents and his talked about politics and things.

I stared at the red Persian carpet underneath me. I wanted to say no but I was sure the adults were listening. "I wasn't doing anything." I answered vaguely and my dad gave me a look.

I felt too much pressure here. I hated this setting. Should I scream now?

Ahmed started rambling on about his football games and I honestly zoned out, that is my phone started ringing.

Ahmed watched me as I walked over to the counter where it was charging and flipped it over.

It was Murad's number. I had deleted it but I knew it by heart.

I held my breath and without skipping a beat, answered it.

"Meet me in the front of your house." His voice sent happy shivers down my spine.

"I can't." I looked up at Ahmed and his family who were watching me like hawks from the living room.

"Fine." Murad snapped and cut off the line. I was left shocked but tried to keep a poker face. I can't believe he called me. My heart couldn't stop pounding in my chest despite calmly walking back to my seat.

"Everything okay?" Ahmed asked again but he was so faint.

"Yep." I nodded but I couldn't keep still. I took the juice he offered and because I was a klutz, it spilled on me.

"Oh!" Ahmed shot up. "I'm sorry." He grabbed a napkin and out of nowhere started to dab away the liquid off my skirt.

I felt incredibly awkward and stepped away from him. "I'll just go get changed." I say without looking at anyone.

Before any of them could say much I quickly bolted up the stairs.

"Ew ew ew ew ew" I kept muttering to myself.

I opened my door and quickly locked it.

I sighed and sat on my bed.


I quickly stood up and turned to face the intruder.

"Murad?" I looked him up and down. I put my hand down from my chest.

Murad smirked. "In the flesh."

I was utterly confused. I crossed my arms. I had to keep a strong stance in front of him. "Couldn't you have texted me?"

Murad looked at me like I was crazy. "I could have but, I heard a crazy story and I ran here like a maniac."

I was lost. "What story?"

"That you were having my kid." He said nonchalantly.

I started coughing. "What!" I felt the embarrassment crawl all over me. "I did not!"

"It doesn't sound too bad." He looked at his nails. "Seems like you wanna get jiggy with it." He started walking closer and I backed up until I hit a wall.

"I don't wanna do anything Murad." I pushed him away. "I can't believe Wafa told you!"

"Well to be honest I thought your life was over when I was rushing to get here. I came to stop you but it seems you already had some guests." He looked at me seriously, changing his playful tone. "Don't scare me like that. If you tell that lie, your dad will not only get worse, he'll probably kill us both."

My stomach fell. I haven't seen how dark Murads green eyes get. "I won't." Suddenly I realIzed how stupid it would have been to tell that ridiculous lie. My dad would have seriously not let me go to school and would basically believe it. Or use it as an excuse to lock me at home.

I sighed and sat on the bed.

Before I could say anything a faint knock came from the door. Me and Murad looked at each other.

"Hanna?" It was Ahmed.

Murads eyes narrowed and shot me a deadly glare. "What the hell is he doing in front of your room?" He sneered, nostrils flaring. "Is he seriously trying to come in your room?!" He put his hands on his hips and waited for my answer.

I panicked. "I don't know." I whispered. I was afraid for Ahmed's life. I knew exactly what Murad would do. He would pounce on him like he did every other time before. He always won.

"Don't let him in here or I will rip his neck out." He gritted. "I'm leaving." He said but didn't budge.

"Well?" I looked at him.

"I want to see you walk out that door first." He demanded coldly. We both kept our voices very soft.

"Ugh." I sighed. "Fine." I pointed to the closet. "Go in there." I whispered.

"Go in there." He mocked me as he stuffed his huge frame into my small closet.

I started to giggle softly but he shot me a look before closing the closet.

Another faint knock was repeated. "Hanna you okay?"

Murad opened the closet door and glared at me. "What did I say?" He whispered harshly.

I quickly straightened out my skirt and tied my hair to make something look different.

"Coming!" I raised my voice. I was weirdly happy  all of sudden. I quickly locked my door as I left the room. I had an extra key anyways.

"You look happy." Ahmed smiled.

I didn't trust his snake like smile. "Well my skirt dried." I ruffled my skirt.

"That's good." Ahmed seems disappointed that he couldn't come in the room but I honestly couldn't even trust him with a penny.



I walked to study hall shortly after my quiz in class and I see my usual group of friends except Hanna wasn't here. She said her head was hurting from yesterday's craziness with almost telling her dad her stupid fake secret.

As I get closer to the bunch of friends I had, I quickly realized Haylee was sitting next to Uriel but she was leaning on him, her head resting on his shoulder. She was caressing his face so casually as everyone else worked on homework together.

My uplifted spirt suddenly deflated. I felt betrayed even though Uriel wasn't dating me.

With my heart beating quickly in my chest I sat down with confidence as Uriel watched me quietly. His eyes were tracing my face for a reaction but I wasn't going to give him anything to look at.

Uriel was in general a serial dater even before I met him. I used to hear stories about how girls would just throw themselves at him or whatever but I think that was because he was rich and cute. And there was a lot of rich and cute at this school so I'm not sure why he got most of the attention.

"Hey Wafa!" One of the girls said. "You're kinda late."

I smiled. "I had a quiz to do before class ended." I tried my best to ignore Haylee's giggles. She finally let go of Uriel's hand and grabbed her notes.

I opened my notebook and started reading my notes. Soon we had a test and I don't want to waste time.

"Aren't you gonna say congrats to the new couple?" Devin said, a guy next to me.

I look up at Uriel and Hailey and Uriel's eyes are already piercing me. He lifted his brows. "What do you think Wafa?" He smirked. His eyes weren't sincere. I thought we had gotten over this? Yesterday he acted fine and today he was acting like a jerk.

"Cool." I smiled. "You two look great together." I pointed Uriel's sweater that Hailey was wearing. "That looks better on you than Uriel." I laughed.

I was not letting Uriel see me crack.

Hailey smiled. "I know right!"

I smiled back. Clueless girl. He had given me his sweaters multiple times to wear over my clothes so I didn't get dirty in the labs we previously did. My favorite was the dark ysl one

Uriel's smile disappeared and instead a stone cold glare was replaced. "You think so?" He twirled a piece of Haylees hair in his hand.

I looked away. "Sure." I shrugged.

I don't care.

I told myself that over and over.

Suddenly out of nowhere Henry popped out from behind the book shelf next to me. I almost had a freaking heart attack.

"Wafa?" He was surprised to see me here too.

"Henry?" I was confused as to why he was here. He never studied with us before.

"Yeah he's here to get some help from you." Devin said. "He actually kept asking for your schedule, I-"

Henry kicked his leg. "Anyways," he pointed to the empty seat that was next to mine. "Can I sit?"

"Yeah sure." I smiled and moved my books off his chair. As I did I caught a glimpse of Uriel's face. He looked so disgusted that I wanted to laugh. Take that playboy!

Henry sat a little too close to me but he used the excuse that he didn't bring this specific book to school today. I still felt the heat of Uriel's glare.

"Hey I'm actually having a party this weekend." Henry said as we worked on the next problem.

We were talking pretty low since everyone else was studying too.

"That's nice." I smiled and continued to write.

"Would you mind coming?" Henry asked like I felt that he would.

I nodded. "Yeah. I don't think my dad will mind." My dad was always chill with me going to parties because I never ever had broken the rules. As for my brothers, they never were allowed.

"Really?" Henry was surprised which surprised me.

I shrugged. "Yeah."

"What about us?" Uriel spoke up. The shadows of his hoodie sharped his facial features.

"Oh yeah!" Henry smiled. "All if you guys are invited."

Uriel scoffed and got up. I didn't really see much of  him the rest of the day.


"I think it's cute that you and Henry are getting close." Hailey randomly mentioned the next day. Me and my usual friends all sat on a big round table at the nearby coffee shop.

I blushed and put my coffee down. I noticed Uriel's uncomfortable stance and I wanted to laugh so I played the game well just like he was.

"Henry is really nice." I giggled for extra believability. I could care less for Henry. I saw right through that fuckboy.

"How nice." Hailey smiled and hugged Uriel all of a sudden.

Uriel looked at me. "I didn't think you'd be into guys like Henry." He shot me an arrogant look.

"Yeah me either." I shrugged and watched Uriel's face fall to a sad abyss. I was laughing in the inside!

I then for extra effects got up and checked my phone as if I got a message. "Well, I'm leaving looks like he's here?"

Uriel's neck snapped out the window. "Who's here?"

I smiled cutely.  "You know!" I waved him off acting like I was shy.

"Henry?" Hailey asked, shocked.

My face went back to seriousness. "No my dad."

Uriel looked at me in disbelief. He chewed on his cheek and looked at me like he was going to snap my neck.

He aired out his shirt and laid back on the seat. "Well get going." He motioned to the door.

I squinted my eyes at him and grabbed my wallet. "Goodbye everyone except Uriel."

Before I left the table I heard Uriel scoff to himself.



I woke up extra cheerful today.

Maybe it's because I saw Hanna yesterday or maybe my parents aren't around. It's probably both.

I grabbed a box of cereal and went to grab the milk was well when then I noticed a car coming up to my driveway.

I was staring out the large glass kitchen window and knew exactly who's red Audi it was.


I smiled. I knew he'd come but I didn't think he'd come this early.

I guess he did see my car parked at Hanna's  yesterday.


HEY YALL! tell me what you think of this chapter please!

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