Down by the River (riverdale...

By HiddenSyn

19.8K 175 23

Malaya Jones the girl who has her daddy big bad serpent king wrapped around her finger. She the one who stuck... More

Serpent Life
Work sucks
Crazy day
A night with friends
Girl Time and Date
Father Arrest
Mustang and Joaquin
Taken care of Buisness
Hard headed Jughead
Sweetpea Pov request

Recovery and Drivein

2.2K 21 2
By HiddenSyn

Next time I woke up I glanced around Sweetpea was sleeping in the chair across the room as Toni slept with her head on the bed next to me. Fangs was on the little sofa looking like he was about to fall off. I could not help but smile these where my best friend my family I took my other hand and placed it gentle on Toni making her gasp and jump looking at me. She smiled and squealed making Fangs roll off the sofa and Sweetpea jump awake.

"What the fuck was th...Malaya your awake" Fangs said Sweet smiles and went and open the door.

"Hey, she awake" he called making roll my eyes and laugh as he walked back and set on the bed on the other side as Fangs set on my foot. I kicked him with a laugh making him groan.

"Damn girl you get a squeal and a groan and haven't said a word." Sweets said with his famous grin.

"I'm just good like that" I reached up to touch my head only for him to smack my hand making me pout.

"We are so glad you're ok. Though they had to cut around where you busted your head." Toni said with a frown.

"Cool maybe now my dad will let me shave part of my head" I joked making them laugh. "Where is he?" I asked

"Right here." My dad said coming over and placing a kiss on my forehead Toni went to move out the way, but he just patted her shoulder and went sit in the chair. The doctor walked in then making them all move and me hold my hand out to Toni.

"Nooo baby don't leave me" I joked making them laugh and her grin and rolled her eyes.

"Ok you have 10 stiches. You only been asleep for about 7 hours your father told me you wouldn't want to stay longer then you have to, but I advise you to stay the next 24 hours"

"Not happening where the papers. My dad will wake me every so often give me the pain pills and send me off doc. I don't do hospital." He sighed and walked out the door.

"So?" I said looking at everyone.

"I got the trailer." Toni smiled I smiled and looked toward my dad.

" he was brought out of town and stripped of his jacket" my dad informed me. Within the next hour I was sluggishly walking into the wrym. My head was killing me, but I had to stop in to see Hog eye and thank him and Joaquin. As soon as I walked in and was notice a bunch of cheer and whooping started going off making me groan almost fall back lucky my dad caught me. Every went silent as they looked at my state before I stood back up fully Joaquin had me in a hug.

"You scared me Laya" he was like an older brother to me and always looked out for me.

"Doll Face" Hog eye spoke as he walked up and hugged me. Once he let me go my dad help me to the stage where a stool set, he handed me the mic.

"I just wanted to thank everyone. From Joaquin Fangs and Toni getting me to my dad to Hogeye letting us use the truck. Sweets for helping on the ride up and everyone who helped get rid of the problem. We all know the rules that was broken in the last 9-10 hours, but one rules we showed proudly. In unity there is strength. I went there to stand alone but no serpent stands alone together we make this family stronger." I spoke giving everyone a smile.

"In unity there strength" everyone course

" Now I love to hang out like normal, but I think it time my ass get home and some sleep." A few chuckles flew through the room as Sweet helped me off the stage.

"Your dad ask me to take you to my trailer tell he gets finish" I nod and followed him out to Hog eyes truck. My bike was in the bed along with his. I laid to where I was using sweets as a pillow as he drove. He did not seem to mind at all. Once we pulled up to his place it was dark out.

" come on you can take my bed I will take the sofa." I set up and gave him a look, but he ignored it and got out. Once we were inside, I went to his room.

" I stealing a T-shirt do you still have my stuff here" I asked.

" Where it always is and here" He handed me my pain pills that he had stuffed in his serpent jacket. " you know where the shower is and all of you want one before you lay down and no, I did not get coco butter if you want that shit..."

"I have to bring it myself yeah I got it ass" I said with an eye roll as you can tell Sweet and Joaquin place is me and Toni home away from home. Sweets lives on his own and Joaquin parents kicked him out when he decided to come out as gay. After a good night rest or should I say being woken up every two hours. I woke up to being curled up to Sweetpea he was to tired going back to the living room last time he woke me up, so he just curled up in bed with me. He was already awake and smoking a cig. When I open my eyes and looked at him. He run his other hand through my hair making me sigh and snuggle into him.

"Toni coming around to cut your hair" he spoke with a chuckle making me mumble and nod my head.

" oh, don't y'all look comfortable" A voice spoke in the doorway making me open my eyes and lift my head. Fangs and Toni stood with their arm cross leaning on the door frame making me groan as I saw their grin. Sitting up Sweets just stood and walked out the room. Toni got to work after that cutting my hair better then what it was.

The outcome looked awesome and I had to say I loved it. We all got ready and headed to the drive in. Once we got there, I set in Joaquin lap laying my head on his shoulder with a groan making him laugh.

"That's all we got out of her day" Sweets said rolling his eyes I picked my head up and sent him a glare making him smile. It looked like we missed part of the movie, but I didn't care.

" SHUT THE HELL UP SOME OF US IS TRYING TO WATCH THE MOVIE" my eyes snapped to a girl standing in a truck as other clapped for her telling the group to hush.

"Oh, cute the princess thinks she brave" I shouted at her making her eyes widen as she set back down. I could see the sheriff's son peeking around the side of the truck and waved at him making Joaquin laugh and grab my hand stopping me. I stood straightening my jacket before walking to where the food stand was. I got a drink and hamburger and popcorn and went knock on the door of the building that runs the movie. Jughead open the door and his eyes widen as he looked around before looking back at him. I handed him the food and drink before going to walk off.

"What the hell happen Malaya. Did a serpent do that?" He asked pulling me into the building. I sighed and closed the door.

"No, an Ex member and my best friend Uncle. It's been handled." I told him as he looked at my wound. "And don't worry I don't think anyone saw me coming over here you should be safe away from your embarrassment." I said before turning and leaving. Once I walked around the front, I notice Sweet set in a chair near the building smoking a cig. I made my way over and sighed as I set on his lap leaning back. He moved where I could get more comfortable and handed me his cig. I took a couple puff before handing it back and leaning my head back on his shoulder and looked at the movie.

"I have a question" he whispered in my ear. I just hummed for him to know he could go on. "Why have we never?" I looked at him with wide eyes he was looking at the movie and not at me.

"Do you have feeling for me?" I asked looking at him with wide eyes he shrugged his shoulders not looking at me and could not help but smile a little as I looked back at the movie. "I though you always saw me as a sister" I could feel when he shifted to look at me. I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"Well if I saw you as my sister I for sure wouldn't do this" he leaned down and lightly sucked at my neck. I gasp and closed my eyes letting my head roll to the side, so he had better access. "But I mean if you don't like me like that, I'll leave you be to watch your movie" I looked at him to see he grinning as he looked at the screen. I reached up and made him look at me and kissed him. He kissed me back instantly and we just set there making out for a few min tell some on cleared there throat making me jump and slid off his lao covering my mouth with my hand as I looked up to see my father making my eyes widen more. He was looking at the screen with a grin on his face trying not to laugh. I groan and kicked at his leg he dodged it and laugh as I heard Sweets chuckle making me glare at him. He helped me stand up as I crossed my arm my face as red as Cheryl blossom hair.

"You hurt her Sweetpea you know what happens" my dad said not looking at him. I looked at Sweets to see him gulp before respond with a Yes Sir. "I got some business with the lady over there. Rest of the payment I will head out after just wanted you to know I did show up. I gave my dad a hug before he walked away and set back on Sweets lap not looking at him. My face was still red, and I knew he had to have his famous smirk on his face. I pushed his head slightly making him laugh. He went back to kissing my neck and leaving a mark. I tried to focus on the movie, but it was not working. I notice the girl I called a princess earlier sneaking toward where my dad disappeared to. She stopped and was watching something.

"You know it's not nice to ease drop on shit that none of your business princess." I spoke making Sweets look up and over my head.

"Just go back to almost having sex in public and leave me alone that my mom if it not any one business it surely not your " I stood up and walked to her.

"If your mom wanted you know then she would of told you and princess the fact one I know what going on and two that's my dad it makes it more my business so run along before you get hurt" Sweet just stayed sitting there with a smirk on his face as he watch.

"Yeah and I will sure believe a gang member" I just smirked and walked pasted her.

"Hey dad" I spoke and glance back at her as her eyes widen.

"Hermione this is my daughter Malaya" My dad spoke giving me a look I walked up and spoke softly to them.

"Your daughter snooping better keep the princess on a tighter leash" She sighed and looked between us worriedly. "Think I distracted her enough she didn't hear anything, but I am sure she saw something she didn't like. Might want to warn her also that attitude when she on our land isn't going to cut it."

"It's so nice to meet you Keela your very beautiful" she spoke with a smile playing off what I just said.

"Thanks, hey dad can I get 10 bucks have had the chance to chase my check yet with everything." He nods and pulled out 10 buck I smiled and turn and walked around the corner where she just stood.

" oh look the princess looks scared good run along before I really do let them know you was spying Sweets can you go get us a drink and a burger for me whatever you want" I ask him handing him the money. He stood and towered over my small frame. He kissed my forehead before walking away without the money making me groan and him laugh. I turn to see the girl still there watching.

"What now" I snapped making her jump and walk away.

"Who set Killer on the lose" Joaquin ask with a chuckle I looked to see the sheriff's son standing behind him looking like he bout to shit Himself.

" fucking ease droppers' man." I snapped rolling my eyes. "What's your name?" I asked his eyes widen.

"Kevin" he answers looking around. "You work at pops"

"Yea relax dude I won't kill you" I said with a chuckle. "But I would take him elsewhere Bro before Sweets returns." Joaquin nod and gave me a hug before taking Kevin around the building to do god knows what.

"Laya" Sweets spoke walking back up with our stuff he set down and I set on the ground leaning against him so we can both eat. Once We was finish, he picked me up off the ground and set me back on his lap. Where we watch the rest of the movie. I did not know what to say about what all happen between us tonight, but I will say I did not hate it. Once the movie was over Toni and Fang came and found us.

"What happen to your neck" Toni ask making my eyes widen.

"You better fucking not have" I took off into the movie both pushing Jughead out my way so I could hold my phone and see my neck.

" Well hello to you to" he said confused he froze when he saw what I was looking at. "Is that a hicky"

"Shut your mouth" I told him with a groan making him laugh as I stomped out. I return to only see Toni with a bright smile on her face.

"So, you and Sweets when did that happen?" She asked I blushed and walked past her making her laugh. "Come on you two are adorable together" I stopped and looked at her wide eyes.

" I-I don't know we aren't together really I mean I ugh" I turn and kept walking I made it back to sweet trailer and walked past him and Fangs drinking a beer in the living room. Sweets followed me as I grabbed my pain meds. When I turned, we were alone in his room making me blush. He just set on his bed and watched me as I walked out the room and went get me a soda to take my meds. When I walked back his head was in his hands. He looked up at me with an unreadable look on his face.

"Ugh should I go?" He set there in silence like he was thinking. " Don't think to hard there?" I tried to joke he did not even grin at me making me gulp.

"This was a mistake I don't want to lose our friendship" he spoke making me huff and roll my eyes. "Malaya" he spoke in a small voice as I turned away.

" I like you and have for a while but ignore my feeling" I spoke kicking my foot at the wall as I look down. "You slammed that door wide open tonight, but I get it. You don't feel that way." I know my voice sounded broken.

"I never"

"It's fine Sweets" I said giving him a small smile before grabbing my things and storming out of the trailer. It was raining out there, but I did not care I did not even stop at Toni and Fangs calling my name. The rain covered my tears as I made my way home. Once there I slipped of my serpent jacked and laid it on the chair by the table.

"How you are feeling?" My dad asked when he notice me.

"My head killing me and Sweet doesn't want to ruin our friendship" I said with a sigh as I curled up against him, he rubbed my back with a sigh.

"He cares about you and will come around." I just closed my eyes and feel asleep leaning against my dad. At some point I felt my self being moved to my bed.

"Thanks Sweets."

"Just glad she made it home ok. She forgot her phone and pain meds figured she need them." I heard him say.

"What happen tonight?"

"FP, I care about your daughter. She one of my best friends. I lost so much as it is, I can't lose her if things go south between us." I curled up tighter making them both stopped talking for a few.

"So, you won't even try them. I thought the same thing about her mom. She was my best friend and yes, she did walk away after I fucked up one to many times, but the memories and my kids I do not regret it. Sometimes we have to face our fears"

" I'll think about it" He spoke before I heard footsteps walking away. Once the front door closes my dad spoke again.

"I know your awake and heard all that" I sighed and looked at him. "Give him time ok" I nod and turn back over falling back to sleep. This is the side I love about my dad. People see him as this big bad hard ass serpent lead when truly he could be just a Teddy Bear. When he not drinking or pissed off that is. He cares for each member of the serpent because yes we all lose people blood only runs so think, but the family you put together from scratch that you pick and choice to be by your side is always there. Having you back more than blood could ever. I heard this saying before and after many years I believe it "Yea blood thinker then water but my family must be on blood thinners"

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