Los Santos Adventures

By DrexhunterCross

34.8K 1K 518

Hey guys here's another chapter. Now i know it's out of the blue and it seems kind of odd. But have a read an... More

Los Santos (Ch.1)
Business (Ch.2)
A Job for Three (Ch.3)
Preparation (Ch.5)
Jewellery Heist (Ch.6)
Race Spot (Ch.7)
Alexa (Ch.8)
Training (Ch.9)
Racing Off (Ch.10)
Lamar's Heist (Ch.11)
A New Player (Ch.12)
Choices We Make (Ch. 13)
Crew (Ch. 14)
Patching things up (Ch. 15)
Prison Break (Ch.16)
The Mess (Ch.17)
Military problems (Ch.18)
Business Plans (Ch.19)
Sandy Shores (Ch.20)

Michael De Santa (Ch.4)

2.3K 74 27
By DrexhunterCross

Day 45

It's been about six weeks since your job with Simeon's place. In that time, things have changed...

The mechanic shop finally opened.

When it did, it was booming, not only were we fixing cars for the common people. But for gang members too, meaning the 'Families' and the 'Ballers' come to the shop often. Sometimes to hang out or to get some work on their cars.

But we've got a very important rule... Don't bring shit to our shop. This is neutral territory and they agreed, they became one of our biggest clients.

Onto personal news thought. It's been interesting in those past few weeks. Emma and Juliet are probably the most interesting part. So... Turns out the two are dating and have been for a while. But, they've got this relationship where they like to share.

This is kind of funny since one morning a few weeks ago, Emma called you up and asked is you can grab coffee with her, next thing you know your both in a motel and she's leading you to the bedroom.

However, the best thing thus far was your cut of the job.

Which was suppose to be $138 000. But, thanks to Izzy and the extra items you got inside the house it went up to $163 000. Yeah, that's right. Somewhere along the way. You were able to get an extra $25 000 and that's after Paying Franklin, Lamar, Izzy, and Lester some extra cash we made. After all, if you want to do another job with these guys best make there pays a little better.

But it's kind of ironic. Nearly two months ago you barely had enough cash to feed yourself. Now you're making some real cash.

Which opened up your schedule to work on the car Izzy gave to you. After all, you can't look a don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Lucky for you a normal job like this would cost $50 000 and you would have three mechanics working every day for the next three weeks. But your worth five. Granted an extra pair of hands would help. But the way you saw it, the parts alone are worth $12 500 for pretty much everything. Including some of the racing parts. So It was an easy decision to make. After all, just because the money doesn't mean you shouldn't spend it wisely.

Y/N's Bank Account
Cash: $5 500
Bank: $145 000
Owns: 1 Bike, 1 Car

Which leads you to now, two weeks of work on the car working on it day in and day out. She's complete, only needs a new coat of paint and she will be ready for the upcoming race.

That what two days ago. Your little girl should be arriving very soon... So you thought, why not help out around the shop for a bit.

Currently, your dealing with a young mother, her son was clinging on to her hand. They were brought in by Franklin in a toe truck? Who would've thought right?

Y/N: "Alright, for the new part and the hour of work."

Your right hand was typing out the bill for the mother.

Y/N: "$750."

The young lady looks at the bill and chuckles, clearly out of fear.

Lady: "But that's... Far too much, can't you bring it down a little?"

I shake my head. I turn to her son who was staring up at me, his clothing was quite old, they must be hand-me-downs from a family member. I glance at the mother and even her clothing was showing the same signs. I sigh and turn to the mother.

Y/N: "Alright lady here's the deal... The new parts we put in costs about $450, then there is the cost of two mechanics, working and placing the new part is about $150, that's not even going into the profit margin. But... I'll make it $450 and I'll pay it out of my pocket But, I can't go any lower otherwise, your stealing from my workers and me."

The lady seemed to shine and you rolled your eyes knowing, this isn't how a business is run. But in poor communities this what you need to do. She jumped into her car still brimming with joy, her son even waved you off and you did the same.

One of my mechanics who was working outside comes to the front guest, looking rather scared.

Mechanic: "Ahh, boss... You've got a guest outside."

Yet, before I can even ask him. Who's my guest. I spot Lamar walking into the shop with his rottweiler on a chain.

Lamar: "Hey man? Long-time no see homie. How you been?"

He breaks out laughing and sigh, walking out to greet him. We shake hands.

Y/N: "Hey Lamar. What's up?"

Lamar: "I'm good my dude. I just need you to have a look at my van dog. Things been making this weird noise and the steering is out of whack."

Lamar points to his white van which was parked to the side and I nod. As I try to come up for the possible reasons for the sound.

Y/N: "OK, that should either be the engine. Which means a piston or one of the pipes. As for the steering... I'll have to take a look at that myself just to be safe."

Lamar: "Sweet... I knew I came to the right guy."

Chop: "Mmmmm."

I turned to Lamar's dog Chop, he was a cute little dog. The first time he brought it to the store the little fucker nearly tried to bite your hand. But, the dog comes to the shop now and again to get some scraps for the mechanics. Which has mellowed him out. But why did he seem agitated?

Y/N: "What's wrong with Chop?"

Lamar: "Na it's nothing he just needs a walk."

I brought my hands together in a clapping motion and walked to Lamar's van.

Y/N: "Well, while you do that. I'll be working on the van, give me an hour or two to see what's wrong."

Lamar: "Cool man, cool."

With that Lamar walks off with chop.

I whistle to one of my mechanics to help me as I bring his van inside the shop. Then get to work.

It was an odd job you had... It was almost therapeutic for you. It was like you were fixing a person, solving people's problems and in some way. It calmed you down.

Which kind of helps you in the long run, first you started with some steering wheel fluid. Then inspected the steering will make sure she's not losing pressure or ruptured.

As we get to the pistons of the car about to take the covers off, Lamar walks into the shop.

Lamar: "Yo, how's it going?"

I sigh, taking off my heavy-duty mechanic gloves. Shaking my head... Knowing I'm missing something, but what... Is the question.

Y/N: "We can't seem to find the area where the sound is coming from. But the good news is it's not the pistons. So we've got to check the exhaust."

Lamar nods his head not listening.

Lamar: "Cool... Cool. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

I turned to Lamar telling him he can talk here. But he glimpses to my mechanic with worried eyes and I knew what he meant. I turned to my mechanic.

Y/N: "Greg, I'm going to talk with the client... You're in charge until I come back."

Greg: "Alright boss man. I'll have a look at the exhaust."

With that out of the way, we walk for a bit. As we walk onto one of the more secluded streets. Lamar speaks up.

Lamar: "Listen I was kind of hoping I could get a discount on the van, you know if it's not too much trouble."

I groan, lighting a cigarette and keep my pace with Lamar.

Y/N: "It's not going to be that much. Right now it's about $180. So don't worry."

Lamar: "Is that with a discount?"

I turned to Lamar and I roll my eyes.

Y/N: "You are not getting a discount. You've got the money. Pay it, no reason to give you a discount, if you can afford it."

Lamar stops in place and rolls his head to the side, looking pissed.

Lamar: "Oh...So it's like that?"

I turn to him taking the cigarette out of my mouth and nod.

Y/N: "Yeah, it's like that... If you can afford the full price, then you'll pay the full price. Otherwise, I drop it down to its basic parts. But that's for families that are having a hard time. No single guys with over 50K."

Lamar shrugs his shoulders and turns to me, with some hope in his eyes.

Lamar: "Come on man... For old times."

I shrug my shoulders at that comment.

Y/N: "We have no old times... We worked together. Now I expect you to pay full."

Lamar points his finger to my chest and I keep my eyes on him.

Lamar: "You just a thief!"

Y/N: "May I remind you that the first time we met, you tried to shoot me."

He stops in place, quickly walking back and forth for a moment in thought, then finally stops in front of me

Lamar: "I don't have the money."

I craned my head to the side. Studying Lamar.

Y/N: "On you?"

He leans closer to my ear so no one would hear. But then again, who would?

Lamar: "No... I mean, I don't have any left."

I turned to him with my jaw dropped.

Y/N: "How did you spend it all?"

Lamar: "Drinking, food. Some ideas I had about making some easy cash for the 'Families' But they didn't stick. So I'm asking-"

Y/N: "No..."

Lamar: "Come on... We made easy money."

I dragged Lamar into an alleyway. Leaning closer to him now so I'm as silent as can be.

Y/N: "Easy money that you wasted. Why don't you have a job?"

Lamar broke out laughing and finally realized I was serious.

Lamar: "Oh, you serious? I'm an OG man, I don't need no job."

I sighed and walked off.

Lamar: "Where you going?"

Y/N: "To my job... You're paying for those parts. If you don't I'm calling Franklin and he'll pay for them. I ain't taking this shit again!"

I could hear Lamar trying to call me back. But I didn't look back and kept on walking, as I stepped into the garage I saw Greg taking Lamar's exhaust off his car.

Greg: "Hey boss, how'd it go?"

Y/N: "Terribly, our client doesn't have the cash to pay us..." I turned to Greg, as he places the exhaust on a table. "Is this the problem?"

Greg: "Have a look."

I flip the exhaust over and spot the rusted pipping and groan. Now the job was simple, either we cut out the rust or replace the part.

Greg: "So what do we do? Do I put it back or keep working on it?"

I bit my thumb in thought.

Y/N: "Cut and weld a new piece of metal on the exhaust. The guy doesn't have the cash on him, but his friend will pay later on. I'll give him a ring now."

Greg: "Alright. I'll get right on it."

Y/N: "Alright... I'm heading to my office."

I quickly walked up the stairs. I was about to call Franklin when I get a call from Lester, I pick up without a second thought.

Lester: "Hey are you there?"

Y/N: "Yeah I am Lester. What's up?"

Lester: "I've got a job lined up... It's still in the building block stage. But Franklin's in, this is some big cash kid. You up for it?"

Y/N: "Yeah... I'm in tell me when the jobs taking place and I'll be ready."

Lester: "Good, 'cause you're going to be the getaway driver. I'll keep in touch."

Y/N: "Alright then Lester."

He hung up the phone and shook my head. Knowing the next phone call won't be an easy one to make.

[Time Skip]

Y/N: "OH... My... GOD!!!"

I had just walked out of the shop, I was going to have a smoke break. It was getting close to lunchtime and I was about to go grab something around the corner. Until I spot my car driving up to the shop, I was speechless and a little giddy as my little girl stops right in front of me.

Izzy: "Nice right. I told them you would like this color."

I bro hugged Izzy as he chuckles along. I turn my attention to my car. She was sleek and shined in the sun, she looked amazing and with the engine, you've put in here. She's not only a looker. But a racer too.

Y/N: "You. Are. My. Best. Friend... I don't think I say that enough."

He smiles and I slowly walk up to my restored car. My hand glided on top of the hood. My other hand was already opening the car door, staring at the leather seating I bought a few days ago. Still smelling brand new.

Y/N: "How in the hell, did it come out like this?"

This was your biggest restoration job's and you're still shocked by what you've pulled off.

Izzy: "Aren't you going to sit inside?"

I jumped into the car and turned the engine on... The hum of the engine was amazing and I felt like a child again on Christmas day.

Izzy: "You alright?"

I shook my head.

Y/N: "This, is better than any present than I ever got." Already putting the car in reverse. "I'm going to take her out for a test drive."

Izzy: "Go... The shop will be fine."

He walks over and speaks in a very hushed voice.

Izzy: "I've got a race set up later on tonight. It's nothing special. But it's the starting point for us. You win that race, you're going to have ranked race. What do you say to race your new toy there."

Y/N: "Give me the time and the place. I'll even be there early."

He nods

Izzy: "I'll send you the details later on. Show these guys you can race."

Y/N: "Oh, you don't worry about me. Luna and I are going to beat these guys hands down."

Izzy: "Luna?"

I tapped my car door and nod.

Y/N: "She shines like a new moon... So her names Luna."

Izzy: "I'll never understand your reason for naming your cars?"

I reverse onto the road and speak up so he can hear me.

Y/N: "Give it some time. The names will grow on you!"

I sped off racing down the road. I'm passing the Vinewood practically speeding past these slow cars. I just lost myself in the moment. This feeling was pure joy. Car, money. What more could you ask for?

???: "THAT'S MY BOAT!!!"

Y/N: "What?"

At that very moment

A truck appears racing past with a yacht being towed right behind it. The car to my right which was red speeds past and I see this fifty-year-old caucasian guy screaming at the top of his lungs... As he races towards the truck.

I tilted my head to the side as I spotted Franklin moving onto the hood of the car.

Y/N: "What the... Fuck it!"

I cut my red light and drove onto the high way, narrowly missing a car as it spun out of place, as it was smashed against the truck. Another car comes flying past and I swerve to the side missing it as well. The cars in fifth gear and I finally meet up with Franklin. Who's still clinging to the windshield.


Franklin turned his head to the side finally noticing me, even his driver turned to me.

Franklin: "IS THAT YOU Y/N!?"

I nod racing beside them, getting as close as possible.


Franklin points to the yacht and speaks up.


Franklin points to the guy screaming a few moments ago. I chuckled and turned to the guy.


The man nods and screams out.


I looked to the side of the road spotting my opening and turn to the guy.



Franklin: "COME ON THEN!!!"

I race forward and although I can't see them, I can hear the older man scream.

???: "Alright... Give me a moment. Jump on."

I heard a thud and I wanted to look back. But I knew I need to resume racing ahead to try to stop this truck. I've passed the trailer and was now side by side with the driver.


He didn't even bat me an eyelash as he swerves the truck towards me. I hope over to the oncoming traffic and see him laughing. Pulling up the middle finger.

Y/N: "Oh you think you're funny!"

I speed my car up and I've passed the truck, I'm about a 500 meters away from him, I skid onto his side of the road. Turning my car so it's now facing the truck.

I've already got my pistol in hand, I aim for the driver.

I double-tapped and saw the splatter of blood on the driver seat. His body followed his head as he landed on his seat. Dead...

With the driver's foot no longer on the pedal, the truck starts to slow down. I'm stepping out of my car walking over to the hulking truck. It's slowed down and finally stopped. I was always aiming for the driver's seat. But as I reached the door, I see the guy is dead.

But at that very moment, I hear someone scream out and turn my head to the side to see some guy holding this ginger kid by his neck as he stands on top of the yacht with a gun on his head.

???: "DAD!!!"

Michael was out of the car and aims his pistol for the guy's head.

Michael: "Don't worry Jimmy, you're going to be fine..."

???: "No he ain't!!! Now here's what going to happen! I'm going to leave with the yacht and your son comes along for the ride. If you do anything I will shoot him!"

Jimmy: "DAD SAVE ME!!!"

Michael takes a deep breath and sighs.

Michael: "Fine..."

The person holding his son chuckles.

???: "Glad you see it my way, now drop your weapon!"

Michael throws drops his weapon to the floor and the guy starts walking to the bow [Nose] of the boat. Unaware I'm behind him on the ground. I can't get a shot from this angle.

But before I can even move. I hear the guy scream out.

???: "Don't move!!! I said don't move!!!"

I catch only a glimpse of Franklin's green hat and I whistled out loud so the guy turns around to see me aiming for him. At that very moment grabs the gun and elbows the guy in the face, making him lose his grip on Jimmy. With Jimmy finally I could shoot at him, but thanks to Franklin's punch the tripped over the railing and fell to the ground. His shoulder hitting the concrete.

Jimmy: "Is he dead!?"

I hear the attacker groan in pain and had my pistol aimed for his skull.

Y/N: "He will be if he moves..."

I see his hand reaching for something on his waist. But I'm already so close that instead of shooting him as I promised. My foot kicked him in the face and the force was so strong, that it knocked him onto his back out cold. I saw in his right hand a small pistol, probably an SNS.

Michael: "You alright kid?"

I nod grabbing the guy's pistol and pocket it.

Y/N: "Yeah... I'm good, what about everyone else?"

I spot Franklin and Jimmy jumping down, walking over to us.

Franklin: "Shit dog, good thing you came along when you did."

I nod quickly fist-bumping him and as I turn to Michael, I see Jimmy holding his fist out as well.

Jimmy: "Come on dude... Don't leave a bro hanging."

I rolled my eyes and fist bump him as well. With that done the kid turns to his dad.

Jimmy: "So... What now?"

Michael: "We get the hell out of here... I take my boat back and we deal with this guy!"

He stomps on the guy's chest and I nod.

Y/N: "Should we leave him here or should we make his walk home a little more interesting."

Michael: "What do you have in mind?"

Y/N: "I know this little patch of dirt, it's the perfect place for someone like him... Ever heard of Sandy Shores?"

[Time Skip]

It's been about an hour or two since that mess on the highway took place. You've dropped the guy off in that little patch of sand, that you'd like to personally call hell. Stripping him of everything. Even his clothes, as he woke up I've pistol-whipped him again knocking him out.

He deserved far worse. But, this will teach him to use a fucking hostage.

That was an hour ago. You're now in Los Santos leaving Michael's place with Franklin hopping into your car.

Jimmy's had this brilliant idea, that Franklin and you are his friends now. He's hoping to grab drinks with both of you or head to the strip club.

Personally, he seems like a kid that doesn't have a lot of friends and you groan knowing he'll probably try to hang out with you or something. But at least Franklin is there. He's at least someone you can have a conversation without cringing in annoyance. Seriously the guy makes you want to punch him in the face. It's not even how he looks, it's how he talks.

Y/N: "Fucking hell... what a day."

Franklin: "Shit, you don't need to tell me. I planning on dancing on a windscreen going a hundred miles an hour."

I chuckled finally relaxing and sigh.

Y/N: "Yeah... Man, it got dodgy there, lucky the cops never showed."

Franklin: "Yeah... Did Michael give you the rundown on the job he wants to pull?"

Y/N: "I think... Didn't explain al lot. But I'm up to speed more or less. So I'll be the setup driver for the mission. I'll be dealing with the route and what kind of bikes we'll be using. My cut for the job will be 13% and you'll be getting the same, instead of your 11%."

Franklin chuckles as he hears the good news.

Franklin: "Shit man. Look at us... We about to hit some real-time money. Fuck man... How did it get this good."

Y/N: "Yeah... That also leads me to this Franklin. Lamar used all his cash..."

Franklin gawked at me concerned.

Franklin: "What? How? I haven't even used half of it yet."

I nod as we pull up to Franklin's house.

Y/N: "Yeah... Listen. Lamar is a good guy and all. But, he wants to do another job. I'm not bringing him on this one with Michael. Lamar is a loose cannon, he's picking fights with me and stirring up trouble. I can't work with him if he doesn't have a good head on his shoulders.

Franklin: "What do you want me to do about?"

I turned to Franklin killing the engine

Y/N: "I don't want you to kill him or something like that. He talks and listens to you. All he does with me is argue and fight. Tell him, if serious about making money. Then he's got to meet up with me and he's got to change. Otherwise, that last job was his last."

Franklin shakes his head but nods as he gets out of the car.

Franklin: "Sure man... I'll give him the message, peace."

I nod saluting his as well.

Y/N: "Yeah, see you later man."

[Time Skip]

It's about eight o'clock, you were standing waiting for the race to start. Izzy had caught a life with you. Right now he's dealing with the crew, who run the races. After all, your not invited or allowed to race. Unless you've got someone backing up your skills.

After all, besides the racers placing bets into a pot, a lot of gambling happens here as well and with no casino in Los Santos. It makes sense someone people need to let out a few urges and lose some cash along the way.

You can spot Izzy walking over with a big grinn on his face.

Izzy: "Alright, everything has been set up and you know the route for the race. So all you need to do now is win the and need the entry fee."

I click my neck from side to side, as I try to shake off this feeling of anger and regret from a few hours ago and sigh.

Y/N: "Alright, how much to enter the race?"

Izzy: "$500 to enter. But, when you win. It's $3 000."

I chuckled as I imagined the race ahead, I've been needing a little adrenaline in my life. Time to finally get it back.

Y/N: "$500 on the dot."

I handed the cash to Izzy, who nods pleased.

Izzy: "Alright, I'll put you in the race. Get ready."

I've already started my car and was waiting at the starting line. There were a few nice cars in the mix. I turned to the side spotting another car pulling up to the driving section. He seemed to be a Mexican or seemed to be of that decent.

He had this girl on his lap as they pulled up beside me. She was leaning into him and kissing violently, then finally stops as she jumps out of her seat as the flagman about to start the race in a minute.

Spaniard: "I'll see you at the finish line baby~"

The girl kisses his forehead and whispers something into his ear, I turn and look the other way, having a quick look at my competition. They all seemed confident.

But for how long is the question.

One of the drivers saw me studying them and she flips me off. I chuckle as the girl studies me for a moment.

Y/N: "Oh, temper, temper... This race might just be fun after all."

The girl spat at out of her widow spitting on my car and I shake my head, unimpressed.

Y/N: 'New kid on the block and you guys think you can scare me off... Typical.'

I leaned back into my seat, checking everything. When I hear the Mexican whistling to me. I turn and see him chuckling.

Spaniard: "Hey, you got a nice car. But you think can outrace us stranger, you got another thing coming, I kill you on this road."

I snicker at the very thought and grinned.

Y/N: "I hope you do better than the few who tried."

Mexican: "Perdóneme?" [Excuse me?]

I cracked my knuckles and turned to him.

Y/N: "Let's get one thing straight, You try that shit again. About killing me or even get me out of this car. I'll break your leg and arm, then I'll fuck your girl as you watched chained to a wall. Am I clear!"

For a moment I saw his eyes spring open realizing what he's said and I chuckle. His face becomes red and I see him about to open his car door.

Spaniard: "You think you are tough!"

I open my car door and step out. Leaning into his car to look him dead in the face.

Y/N: "I don't think... I know."

He swallows some of his spit.

Y/N: "You want to get out of your car and test my theory!"

At that moment Izzy comes over and whispers into my ear.

Izzy: "Calm down... Get in the car and chill. The race is about to start, pick a fight later."

I turn to Izzy and get into my car, at that moment young women strolled between the cars and holds a green flag in hand, stopping a few meters away from the starting line.

Girl: "Alright, ladies and gentlemen. It's time for a race and I don't mean to be a fool in front of all of you. Especially for those who are familiar with our rules. But let's mention them to the Newcomer."

She points me out and the people boo and I flash them a grin.

Girl: "Alright, since that's out of the way. My name is Candy and let's get this bitch started. But first the rules.

Rule 1. No weapons allowed in our races - We don't hold grudges here, we just make quick cash and chase the fame.

Rule 2. Clean Racing – Meaning, I don't want anyone to push each other off the road or act out in the pits. You do, you're out. Especially if you come in first place.

Rule 3. If you have a race and you lose – You give up what you put in, if you're doing a pink slip or cash. Put it in now, no cheaters allowed here. If there is... That bitch is going to die.

With that out of the way, let's start that race.






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