Nobody Else: A Niall Horan Fa...

By LouieenT

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What is love exactly? Niall's heart has been broken many times but the last one left him scarred. It seems th... More

Nobody Else: A Niall Horan Fan Fiction
Welcome Home
Day 1: Getting Acquainted
Day 2: Gals
Day 5: Day Off
Day 6: Break Ups and Heart Drops
Day 6: The Couple's Milkshake
Day 6: New Found Feelings
Day 6: What Just Happened?
Day 8: Bang!
Day 8: Results
Day: 16 - Another Passenger and A Day Out
Day 22: America
Day 23: Bank Atlantic Center (Florida) - Dark Intentions
Day 23: Bank Atlantic Center (Florida) - Concert & A Dirty Little Secret

Day 7: New Couples

162 6 7
By LouieenT

Zayn's POV

I woke up to a knock on the door. I could hear Niall yelling from the other side. He's been going at it for a while now, so I decided to finally get up and answer it. 

"What is it mate?" I asked him.

"I Cole in there with you?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's sleeping. Did you want to come in?" I offered practically half asleep.

"Oh no, I was just making sure. Here's some clothes for her to wear. You two should wake up already, it's almost 11am. We're all going to get lunch soon, so get ready." Niall informed while handing me Cole's clothes.

"Thanks Niall. We'll meet you guys in a bit." I told him and closed the door.

I sat down at the edge of the bed and looked over at Cole. Flashbacks of what happened at the club last night filled my head. I was surprised that any of that actually happened. When we got home early this morning, we both stripped out of our clothes until we were in our underwear. I threw Cole one of my shirts for her to sleep in and once we got in bed, things kind of happened and got a bit carried away. A smile made it's way onto my lips when I got up and tried to wake up Cole. 

"Cole, babe, wake up." I shook her lightly.

"Mmmm…" She groaned shuffling under the covers. I laughed and pulled the duvet off of her. She was in her underwear and one of my shirts. I was actually pleased to see her this way.

"Cole, let's get some lunch with the others." I told her. 

She opened her heavy eye lids and looked at me. I smiled at her as a smile found it's way onto her face. I handed her her clothes that Niall dropped off and went into the bathroom grabbing my hand along the way. We both walked into the bathroom and stripped out of our clothes. I hopped into the shower first and Cole followed soon after. As much as I wanted to, nothing happened, we just took a quick shower and made out here and there. We then got out, got dressed quickly, and brushed our teethes.

Cole and I walked out of our rooms hand in hand. To our surprise, everyone was outside in the hall way talking. Louis was with El, Liam with Danielle, Harry with some girl whose name I don't remember, Niall with Belle, and myself with Cole. Everyone was paired up. 

"It's about time you guys got here." Harry stated.

"We're going out for lunch." Louis informed. 

"Sounds good." Cole and I said in unison. We both looked at each other and laughed. 

"Yeah, Niall told us." I commented.

Niall's POV

Zayn and Cole seems to be getting along really well. When they both said the same thing at the same time, they looked at each other and laughed. A smiled perked on my lips, but deep down there was something inside me that was mad. As if I really didn't like how close they were getting. Was I jealous? It was weird to think that being jealous was a possible feeling because Belle and I got something going. Hopefully by the end of today, she'll officially be my girlfriend. 

"Niall, what are you thinking about? Let's go. Everyone is leaving us behind." Belle's voice interrupted my thoughts. 

"Huh, oh! Yeah, let's go!" I smiled and held her hand.


After brunch we all went back to the hotel. There really wasn't much to do considering we would be mobbed by fans where ever we go. Going to lunch was chaos as well. Paul and two other bodyguards ended up coming along with us because of all the commotion outside the hotel. Belle enjoyed it because she has never experienced anything like it before, Sasha who was with Harry seemed calm about the whole thing, and Cole seemed a little freaked out. I had to admit, it was pretty funny. She clung to Zayn's arm who couldn't stop laughing at her. 

When we got back, we were greeted with the same chaos as when we left, maybe even worse because there were more fans out. I tooK Belle's had and lead her into the hotel.

"That was crazy. The energy is so contagious!" Belle chirped. 

"It's cool right?" Harry responded.

"You get used to it." Liam stated.

"I still am." Cole giggled. Her fingers were intertwined with Zayn's. It kind of annoyed me, but I shrugged it off. 

We were currently in Liam's room chillin' and talking having a laugh. I had my arm around Belle and once and a while I'd catch Cole staring at me, then give me a wink. Every time she did that it made me blush. She always teases me and it always gets to me. I glanced down at Belle who was talking to Dani and El at the time. Her smiled was beautiful. When I looked up, I saw Cole fooling around with Zayn. Zayn would ruffle her hair and when she would attempt to do that same with his hair, he would hold her by her wrists keeping her away from his perfect quiff. Seeing Cole smiling and laughing that way with Zayn got me feeling a bit pissed again. I was getting so confused. Even with Belle, a girl that I really like, here I still can't get over Cole. Maybe with more time, my feelings will disappear. Plus, she's with Zayn. That should be more than enough reason for me to get over her. I sighed inwardly and joined back in the conversation. 

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get my charger from my room." Cole stood up.

"Want me to come with you?" Zayn asked her.

"No, it's fine. Have fun with everyone. I'll be back in a jiffy." She assured Zayn and everyone in the room. 

When the door closed, I decided I'd go get my charger as well.

"You know what, I'm going to go get my charger too. Be back soon. Don't miss me too much." I joked. They all giggled.

"You know that I always miss you Kyle!" Louis shouted over dramatically. I shook my head as I laughed and walked out.

When I entered the room, Cole was digging through her bag. She didn't seem to notice my presence so I took the opportunity to sneak up behind her. As I approached her, I could hear her mumbling. When I was directly behind her, I could here her cussing. I wanted to laugh. 

"Dammit, where is it?" She muttered. I bit my bottom lip to stop my laugher. I decided that it was now or never, so I lunged my arms back and flew it forwards grabbing onto the side of Cole's torso and yelled.

"RAAHHHH!!!!!" I shouted. 

She literally jumped about 5 feet in the air in shock. I bursted into laughter as I replayed her reaction in my head over and over again.

"NIALL!!!" She snarled at me and tackled me onto the bed. 

Failing miserably to hit me, she straddled my hips. I held her wrists back so that she couldn't hit me. But then she dropped her head down and whispered into my ear. 

"I'm going to get you." 

Suddenly, I felt a light pain that instantly grew worser. Cole bit my shoulder! My body jolted in surprise. I didn't know that she was going to bite me. This time Cole was laughing. 

"I can't believe you bit me!" I shouted chuckling.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." She stated in a matter of fact tone and shrugged.

"That's it. It's over!" I roared. 

I hopped up so that I was sitting on my knees and attacked Cole trying to bite what ever I could. She was screaming and laughing trying to get away from me. I got a hold of her leg and bit it. She freaked out and started squirming around on the bed to get out of my grasp. I noticed her shirt lifting up and thought this was the perfect opportunity to bite her stomach. I jumped on her and held her down. Before lowering myself down, I gave Cole a mischievous smirk and dived into her stomach trying to bite her skin. This time Cole lost it. She was laughing in hysteric trying to get away from me. I was laughing too. 

When our laughs died down, I didn't realize how close to each other we had gotten. I blushed and I knew she was too. We were so close that I could feel her hot breath brushing against my lips. For a moment, Cole and I started into each others eyes. I wasn't sure what came over me, but I continued to get closer and closer. Our lips were about to touch when Cole abruptly pushed me away.

"Niall!" Her voice seemed panicked. Shit, now I've done it.

"Cole, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to." I tried to defend myself.

"I know. As much as I wanted to kiss you, we can't. You've got Belle and I've got Zayn." Cole blabbered. But only one thing soaked into my mind.

"You wanted to kiss me?" I asked out of the blue. 

"What?  No!" She denied.

"But you said…" I was cut off.

"Niall! We… we just can't!" She told me and rushed out the door and I assumed back to Liam's and Harry's room.

Cole's POV

I left the room as quick as I could. I couldn't believe  we almost kissed. I can't believe that I admitted that I wanted to kiss him. This is so bad! He has Belle and I have Zayn. Well, technically weren't going out. Zayn hasn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend. Also, Niall didn't ask Belle out yet considering he hasn't told me or anyone. So if we did kiss, would it still be counted as cheating? Ugh! Why am I even thinking about this? Belle seems really nice and she's so into Niall. And Zayn's a great guys and he seems to really like me… and I think I like him too. What's going on?

I rushed through the hall and entered back into Liam's room. They all looked at me and Zayn was smiling. I made my towards Zayn and sat on his lap. He gladly wrapped his arms around my waist securing me in place. A minute later Niall walked through the door and I noticed him stare at me. He then smiled to the rest of the room and sat next to Belle on the floor. Everyone was taking about the first concert of the tour. 

"Yeah, the first place we're touring is going to be right here in Manchester. Then we'll be flying to America." Liam announced. 

"Aw, you guys are gonna be leaving so soon?" Belle whined. 

"Yeah, sorry babe." Niall threw an arm around her shoulder. 

"Is everyone here going on the tour?" She asked looking around the room.

"Well the lads and I are a given, and the girls and Cole are coming." I told her. 

"So lucky. I'm just going to be stuck here in Manchester." Belle pouted. I wanted to invite her because I felt bad, but this wasn't really my place to invite anyone I want. 

Everyone in the room shared unsure glances at each other. They were probably thinking the same thing I was. I licked then bit my bottom lips in deep thought. Should I just invite her? Or would that be really rude of me? Maybe later on tonight I'll talk to Niall about it. 

"Don't hurt yourself." I heard Zayn whisper in my ear. I instantly turned to face him and tried to give him an evil stare, but I couldn't hold in my smile. Zayn laughed and I joined him. Without thinking, I gave him a peck on the lips in front of everyone. He even seemed shock. Everyone knew that we have a thing, but no one knew that we were that comfortable with each other to do PDA. We've kissed before at the club, but this was the first time we've ever kissed sober.

After the little peck of an incident, Zayn just stared at me with a cheeky smile. I felt my face heat up as a smile made it's way to my own lips. Not soon after, I felt a pair of soft delicious lips on mine. This time Zayn took the initiative. 

"What a turn of events, don't you think?" Louis blurted. 

"What do you mean?" Liam questioned.

"I think I know what Louis' talking about." Harry interjected.

"What is it?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, you've got me curious." Dani stated.

"Because in the beginning, we thought Niall. here, and Cole were going to be together." Louis mentioned.

"Yeah, and now Cole is kind of with Zayn, and Niall is kind of with Belle." Harry finished.

"Wow." Liam's comment was simple yet extremely relevant.

I was surprised to hear about this. Was that really what they thought? When they first kept saying, "I see it," I thought they were just joking around to poke fun at Niall, I didn't actually think that they were serious. Niall and I don't even act like a couple… do we? We're just friends. Nothing less and nothing more. 

"I have to admit, I thought that too." Zayn admitted.

"Zayn!" I looked at him shocked. He smiled at me and leaned closer so that his warn breath brushed my ear.

"But I'm glad I was wrong." He whispered sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but let out a smirk of my own.

"Look at you two, being all cute over there. What are you guys whispering about?" El put Zayn and me on the spot. The whole room now had their attentions on us.

"N-nothing." I stuttered as I inwardly cursed at myself.

"So are you two official yet?" El made things even more awkward.

"Official?" Zayn questioned.

"Yeah mate, did you ask Cole to be your girlfriend?" Louis bluntly asked.

"What? No. Not yet." Zayn replied.

"Ooooh! Did you hear that guys? Not yet!" Harry just took the awkwardness to a whole another level. 

"What about you Niall?" Louis shot his attention to my Irish best friend.

"What about me?" Niall responded.

"When are you planning on asking Belle out? I mean it's…." Louis trailed off as he glanced at the clock on his phone.

"It's now 4pm and you're still single." Louis finished.

"I don't know. I've been meaning to break my singles' streak but haven't found the right moment. How about we make a memory of this together." Niall announced. 

We all looked around at each other with uncertainty to what he actually meat. Even Belle was trying to make sense of what Niall was saying. As we continued to sit around for clarification, Niall stood up from his spot on the floor next to Belle and extended his hands out to her. She gladly took it and stood up next to him. Niall then bent down on one knee holding Belle's hands, and took a deep breath. We were all easily amused at the scene playing before us and watched on curiously. 

"Belle, would you be my girlfriend?" Niall popped the question. 

There was a weird feeling inside me. It was that feeling when your heart just sinks and you want to cry or hit something, or rather, someone. Everyone was in an uproar. They were cheering Belle on to say yes, which she did. Who in their right mind would ever turn down Nialler? 

"What about Harry and Sasha?" Eleanor instigated.

"We just met. Nothing is certain yet." Harry calmly answered. And surprisingly, it was a very mature and adult-like thing to say.

"Wow Harold! Someone's grown up." Louis teased. We all laughed.

After two more hours of lounging around Liam's room, we all decided to go our separate ways. Liam, Dani, Louis, and El decided that they were going to go out to dinner. Niall went to bring Belle home, Harry and Sasha went off on their own, leaving Zayn and I to do our own thing. 

Zayn and I ordered room service. We were both craving grilled cheese, therefore that's what we were currently waiting for: Grilled cheese, milk, and some chocolate pudding for dessert. While we were waiting, Zayn and I were having a random staring contest. How it started, I can't remember, but it wasn't boring. Zayn and I would force ourselves to try and keep our eyes open that our eyes would tear up and sting. It was a great laugh and it was just so stupid. While we were in the middle of a session of hysterical laughter and tears, there was a knock on the door.

"FOOD'S HERE!" Zayn and I shouted in unison, which caused us to burst out in laughter again. 

I began to crawl off of the bed to get the door, when I was suddenly pulled back by my ankle and having Zayn's body crawl over me, beating me to the door. He opened the door and the room service guy dropped off our food. Zayn thanked him and turned to me with our food. I smiled at him as he set the food on the bed.

"Bon appétite." Zayn grinned. 

"Why thank you Monsieur Malik." I gave him the best curtsey I could while sitting cross-legged on his bed.

After we ate, we were both laying on our stomachs sharing a big bowl of pudding with our heads at the foot of the bed watching a bit of television. I took a spoon full of pudding and faced it in Zayn's direction so I could feed it to him.

"Zayn." I called his name for his attention. When he turned his head, I accidentally had the spoon too close and got pudding on his nose. I looked at him trying to hold in my laugh, but to no avail, my giggles came rushing out.

"Oh shoot. I am so sorry babe." I giggled. Zayn  joined me and let out a few chuckles of his own.

"Let me get that for you." I said as I licked off the pudding from his nose. Zayn was smiling at me.

"Thanks." He finally spoke.

"My pleasure." I chirped.

"Cole." He called my name, gaining my attention.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He finally asked me. The edges of my lips curled upward as I nodded my head and leaned in to kiss Zayn.

------------- NIALL'S WITH THE WRONG GIRL! haha. Kidding! Or is he? What couple do you ship?! TELL ME I WANNA KNOW! Niall and Belle? Niall and Cole? Zayn and Cole? Niall and you? Or Zayn and you? LOL. Thanks for reading guys! I really appreciate it! I hope you liked the chapter. Leave a short yet sweet message for me ;) haha! Thanks again! Until next time! Ciao~

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