skeppy badboyhalo and a6d go...

By MarbleFerret

100K 3.2K 10.6K

just your regular fanfic of [404 error: the requested file/the_trio.jpeg/is missing]. nothing to see here. ok More

a regular trip to IKEA
bbh gets lost at IKEA
calling backup at IKEA
night at IKEA
a couple of inconveniences occur at IKEA
bbh and skeppy are stranded in the basement of IKEA
a6d and technoblade commit arson at IKEA
shortcuts in IKEA
...uncertainness at IKEA?
the revelation in IKEA
betrayal at IKEA
the reunion at IKEA
nearing the end of IKEA

IKEA; the end

7.3K 326 1.1K
By MarbleFerret

There was a considerable amount of trying to break the walls down. A6d attempted to break the walls with his hammer, but it was no use. Techno and Bad tried to make some damage with their swords, but it was also no use. At one point A6d and Dream grabbed Spifey and threw him hard on the wall with hopes that it will make a hole or a crack or something.
Whatever they had to do they'd better make it fast. You'd think the fire wouldn't alter this other reality that is IKEA headquarters, but if it breaks the entrance or exit of the shortcuts inside the store, then they wouldn't be able to get out.

skeppy: oH mY gOd tHiS IS SO ANNOYING

bbh: aaaA we're never going to get out of here, we're going to starve!!! ;--;

a6d: i still have baguettes

bbh: but eventually we'll run out of baguettes, and the what!!!!! ;----;

Technoblade: I suggest cannibalism is the best second option.

bbh: wHat nO >:(

skeppy: aren't there any shortcuts around here????

dream: not rlly

Technoblade: Even if there were I'm not getting inside one of those.

spifey: yah they're annoying to deal with when you're not an IKEA worker

bbh: hmmmmmmmm we've tried damaging the walls but it's no use............. so maybe we should try breaking the roof!!!! :D

skeppy: how did u even come to that conclusion

bbh: i thought it made sense!!! cuz u know, it's like a box!!!

dream: tbh that doesn't sound too farfetched for IKEA

skeppy: ok now figure out how will we even reach the roof with ur 10000 IQ oh wait a second wE CANT CAN WE

spifey: skeppy u need to calm down

skeppy: I AM CALM


As Spifey and Skeppy were arguing, Bad grabbed his sword and yeeted it vertically to the roof; it shot rapidly upwards and stabbed the roof, making it crack a bit, but the sword was now stuck there.

Technoblade: Huh. It actually worked.

bbh: see, i told you!!!! the sword is stuck up there now, though.

a6d: let's keep throwing stuff up there until it breaks

dream: i suggest we throw spifey again but this time to the roof

a6d: i second that idea

spifey: plz don't

Technoblade: I reckon that a couple more hits will break the roof completely. Do you guys have anything else to throw at it? I have a sword I could use.

a6d: i have my hammer

skeppy: both me and dream and spifey have our IKEA exclusive merch swords, so that'll probably work

And so the group proceeded to throw anything at their disposal to the roof. It took only four more hits to shatter the roof completely, causing Bad's sword fall down to the ground; thankfully, it didn't hit anyone.

bbh: we've done it!!! :D

skeppy: ok now how do we get up there

bbh: uuuuuuuh we climb?????? :0

spifey: are the walls even climbable?????????

skeppy: of course they aren't, they're smooth white walls i don't think we could even-

Technoblade: They're climbable.

skeppy: how did u even get up there

Technoblade: They're. Climbable.

To their surprise, the walls were actually climbable and Techno made his way up to halfway there to reach the roof. It was almost as if the walls weren't completely smooth, but they looked like they were, somehow.

As they climbed up one by one, they all realized they were inside a tiny box this whole time. It was one of those "bigger on the inside" sort of box.

skeppy: whAt the hEck dUdE

a6d: ok this is getting weirder by the second

Technoblade: This is Zelkam's realm, he can basically do whatever he wants, so this sort of things isn't as surprising as you'd think.

spifey: mate this is getting f r e a k y we need to get outta here before i loose even more brain cells

skeppy: well we're not going anywhere unless we find zelk again. any idea where he could be???

bbh: i dunno >_> maybe he's still in the manager's office <_< or smth >_>

dream: isn't that too obvious tho

a6d: it's the best clue we've got

The group started to walk down the aisle. It looked as if they were in a room near the manager's office, so all they had to do was search to other rooms nearby, right?

As they walked through what appeared to be an endless hall, they eventually came across three doors.

skeppy: what the heck

spifey: which one do we take?????

bbh: whatever we choose, we gotta go in there together, cuz we're friends and friendship and all of that!! :D

Technoblade: Nah, let's split up.

bbh: wHAt!!! that's a tErRibLe idea!!!! have you seen ANY horror movies AT ALL???? >:(

Technoblade: I get the feeling that Zelk wants us to split up. You know, for more content.

a6d: ok but why does that matter

Technoblade: Think about it; maybe if we give him enough YouTube content he'll be willing to talk to us.

dream: but he also could not do that and still use us for youtube content

Technoblade: I'm willing to take those changes to be honest.

spifey: ok cool who goes with who

skeppy: i shotgun techno

bbh: whAT? WHY?

skeppy: cuz he can pvp and i lowkey dont wanna die u kno

bbh: oK fInE >:( i can go with spifey

spifey: aight cool

a6d: wait are you leaving me with with this guy????

dream: lol

a6d: bro he stabbed me like to times already

dream: hey i wanna get outta here as much as you do so stop whining

a6d: akrjakgjsifiajfjakgk f i n e

Technoblade: Alright, good luck guys.

spifey: see yee on the other side

The group split up and each walked to a door. Was it a good idea to do so? Probably not. But Techno was right, in a sense. Zelkam is looking for youtube content, giving him enough may just be what they need to compromise.

Dream and A6d stepped on the door in the left. They walked to what appeared to be an endless hall, but maybe they'll eventually reach something?

a6d: omg this is gonna take forever

dream: i told u we should've taken the middle door. middle is always best

a6d: yea w h a t e v e r idc

dream: well, the sooner we'll get out the sooner we'll get your gamer chair back

a6d: wait how do you know im looking for a chair i haven't even told you about that

dream: oh right zelk told me lmao cuz he has cameras everywhere and whatever

a6d: h u h

dream: y e a

They kept walking until they reached a room. It was a room full of bread, and it had no other door than the one they came from.

a6d: did we seriously just walk into a dead end

dream: hey, at least there's bread! french people like bread, right????

a6d: stfu these aren't even baguettes they're just regular bread

dream: oooOh I get it!!!!

a6d: ?????

dream: zelk left bread so you'd choose the left door. so he lured you with bread. cuz y'know, you're french and french people like bread

a6d: that's a frenchphobic remark and i will not tolerate this kind of behaviour

dream: lmao ok but rlly let's turn back-

As soon as Dream turned to open the door, it disappeared in mid air, almost as if someone had deleted it out of existence.

a6d: hUh????????????????

dream: see!!!! i told you!!!! it was a french trap!!!

a6d: ok s t o p that zelk is not that stupid he can probably tell apart regular bread from a baguette ok

zelkam: wait you mean bread isn't the same as baguettes????

a6d: what-

dream: is it me or did i just hear zelk talking

zelkam: yeah im talking from this speaker in the room

dream: there are no speakers in this room what are you on about

zelkam: oh right


zelkam: haha no this is perfect youtube content


zelkam: ok listen here i thought this was going to be interesting since you're french and french people like bread, right???

dream: i told u


zelkam: hey calm down!! i thought you could do a bread review or something but apparently you can't cause this is normal bread and not french bread

a6d: that's so stupid anyways can you let us out now

zelkam: look, the idea was that you were going to review this bread and then I'd let you go but you didn't and now im sad

dream: dude i think we're gonna have to review this bread

a6d: i refuse to cooperate with these frenchphobic remarks

dream: dude we cant get out otherwise

a6d: r u seriously gonna make me do this

dream: ppplllllsssss

a6d: oK FINE

zelkam: k cool let me know when you finish reviewing the bread

dream: will do!

a6d: wait where's the camera so i know where to look when i start reviewing this bread

zelkam: every wall has a camera just face any wall and you're good

a6d: i see no camera tho

zelkam: shut it and start reviewing

a6d: u g h

A6d and Dream proceeded to sit down on a nearby chair and started to review bread. The whole room was filled with bread, so it'll take them some time, but they didn't really have a choice, did they.

Bad and Spifey entered the door in the middle. They were greeted by an empty room and all the walls were colored in a light green tone. A sort of mint color, if you will.

bbh: hhhmmmm???? where are we???? o_o

spifey: looks like a room????

bbh: i guess..... can you see any doors nearby we can exit to??? >_>

spifey: no i dont- waaait wait. there's one riiiight at the end of the room

bbh: hUh????? that wasn't there before.... or was iiit?????? >>__>>

spifey: hm i don't think so mate

They both walked to the door. As soon as they reached it, they attempted to open it, but the lock wouldn't turn.

bbh: its locked >:(

spifey: what if we tried to break it down!!!!

Bad attempted to kick the door down, but it didn't budge. Spifey tried as well, to the same result. They tried for about 30 seconds to kick it down until they eventually gave up.

bbh: mmmmaybe there's a key?? :0

spifey: there isn't a lock on the door tho

bbh: what if it's like................................. a ~metaphorical~ key??? :0

spifey: hmmm but what sort of metaphor would it be????

bbh: i dunno... maybe zelkam knows???? :0

spifey: how do you plan to ask him


spifey: aight I'll join you hEY ZELKAM CAN U HELP PPPLLLLLSSSSS





bbh: see?? easy every time!! ^_^

spifey: what took you so long i though you could speak to your mic whenever you liked

zelkam: i was kinda in the middle of explaining a couple of thing to- no, you know what that isn't important just tell me what you want

bbh: we're kind of stuck here, how do we get past this door???

spifey: yeah it's locked

zelkam: oh right about that; this room isn't finished

bbh: whAt??? then how are we supposed to get past this?? >:(

zelkam: look, the room isn't finished but this door appears as an emergency exit and it has a safety function that can only be activated with a voice code

bbh: ok???? and the code iiiiss????

zelkam: about that; i forgot

spifey: how do we know you're not lying, huuuuhhh???????

zelkam: guys would i lie to u

spifey: tbh yes

zelkam: well I'm serious this time, just exit this room and I'll finish it when i have time ok

bbh: how do we know it's not a trap!!!!!

zelkam: guys no-

spifey: wait you're right!!! he probably want us to go!!!

zelkam: bruh im serious i haven't finished this room yet-

bbh: well we're not leaving!! >:(

spifey: yeah!!! we'll figure the password out and escape!!!

zelkam: guy i don't even know what it is how are you even going to-

bbh: what if it's like, triggered by good content????

spifey: huh??? what do you mean??

zelkam: you're not even listening to me now, great

bbh: if this reality is linked to zelkam... then it's probably linked to his desires too!!!

spifey: sounds poetic!

bbh: so if we give this door good youtube content... then maybe it will open!!!! :D

spifey: that's genius!!!

zelkam: it's really not-

bbh: do you have any ideas for yt content???

spifey: well, i was going to suggest recording a gameplay of minecraft or smth but there's no computer around here...

bbh: hm, you're right. we're gonna have to make do with what we have...

spifey: what do we have, tho???

bbh: a, uh, a sword! but i don't see a scenario where using this turns out good... >_>

spifey: wait!!! i know what brings in the views!! violence!

bbh: huh??

spifey: cuz like, there's these " funniest epic fails 2019" compilations, and they usually go viral so maybe that's it!!! hit me or something!!

bbh: aaAW no i can't hit you!!! that's mean!!! :(

spifey: well im not gonna hit you either!

zelkam: this physically hurts to watch can you stop

bbh: oh, i know! what about comedy! tell a joke!

spifey: uhh ok so knock knock

bbh: who's there? :D

spifey: joe

bbh: joe who???

spifey: jOE MAMA!!!! OOOOOOOOO

bbh: ... i dont get it :D

spifey: oh.

bbh: ok my turn!!! ok what did ((pppfffttt))) ok ok what did the hehehe ok sorry what did the hehehe sorry it's just so funny xD

spifey: stop laughing!!! im trying to listen to your joke!!!

bbh: okokok deep breaths deep breath ooof ok ok ehem... what did the sea said to the person??

spifey: wot mate


spifey: ...haha

zelkam: stop. please.

spifey: hmm that didn't work...

bbh: oh i know!!! are you down for some ~karaoke~

spifey: not really, but what the heck let's do it!!!

zelkam: guys-

bbh: *inhale* YOU ARE. MY FI-RE

spifey: THE ONE. DE-SI-RE



zelkam: oh my god. that's it. im muting you. bye.





bbh: tEll mE WHY



Bad and Spifey proceeded to dramatically sing their lungs out. They actually kind of forgot they were trying to get to the other side of the door; they were having fun. Of course this wasn't what they were supposed to do, it could've been easier to just turn back and maybe enter another door, but they were pretty stubborn on not listening to Zelk.

Skeppy and Technoblade entered the door on the right. They also had to walk a long hall until reaching the room. They both didn't talk to each other much; they were nervous. They were dead set on getting out of IKEA, they felt as if they didn't have time for small talk. But after five minutes of walking, Skeppy decided to talk, trying to figure out what to do after finding Zelk.

skeppy: so what's your plan when you get out of here??

Technoblade: I don't know, probably play Minecraft or something.

skeppy: same

Technoblade: Hey, Skep.

skeppy: ya?

Technoblade: When we get to Zelkam, what are you planning to do?

skeppy: wdym??

Technoblade: You probably know him the best. He's an admin on your server. Maybe you could try to reach out to him.

skeppy: oh yea, im definitely gonna do that

Technoblade: Ok, but what if it doesn't work?

skeppy: it's gonna work

Technoblade: Ok but what if it doesn't? IKEA can drive you mad. You know that.

skeppy: nah i think it will work

Technoblade: You're pretty confident about this.

skeppy: yea i have 69 iq

Technoblade: That's not very high.

skeppy: uuuh it isn't?????

Technoblade: lmao

They both walked for a few more minutes until they finally reached the end. It was a room full of tools, with cupboards and drawers with even more tools inside. There were tools like drills, hammers, you name it!

skeppy: where are we lol

Technoblade: Looks like a place for crafting stuff...

skeppy: hehe get it it's like mineCRAFT haha

Technoblade: That was incredibly unfunny.

skeppy: yea i know stfu

Technoblade: What are we supposed to do with these, make a door to get out or something?

zelkam: nah, that would be too boring. i want u guys to kill each other with these haha

skeppy: yO wHAt tHe hEcK dUdeE hE's bEtTeR aT pVp tHaN mE tHiS iS UNFAAAIR

Technoblade: How are you even talking to us, there aren't speakers anywhere around here.

zelkam: that's not the issue here! the issue is you two fighting! so ya craft ur weapon or uh use the tools to kill yourselves or whatever

skeppy: ok but what if we don't do that huh what are you gonna do about it huh are you gonna cry huh maybe piss your pants huuUh

zelkam: well, im not opening the doors if one of you doesnt die

skeppy: bruh the doors aren't closed what are you talking ab-

Skeppy attempted to turn the doorknob. It didn't turn. They were, in fact, trapped in a room together.

skeppy: oh shit they are closed

Technoblade: Ok cool what now.

zelkam: wdym with what now!!!! fight!!!! or smth!!!!!!!

skeppy: oh my god we don't have time for this

Technoblade: We don't really have much of a choice, do we?

skeppy: waIt so you ARE going to kick my ass???? bruh you're better at PvP than me this is clearly unfair?!?!???!?!!?!;

Technoblade: What, do you have a better plan?

skeppy: i mean no but like,,, does one of us necessarily have to d i e???

Technoblade: Maybe we can fight for a while and hopefully that'll be enough.

skeppy: uuuHGGGHHHHH FINEEEEEE just don't stab me or anything ok

Technoblade: Ok sure I guess.

skeppy: wait what do you mean with "i gUesS"!!!

Technoblade: Who knows you may accidentally die or something

skeppy: oh my god stfu

Skeppy reached for a nearby drill. Don't know what he was thinking to be honest. What was he planning to do, drill a hole through Techno's sword?

They both drew their weapons and began to fight. Honestly? Nothing noteworthy really happened. You see, the room wasn't really that big, at least not big enough for a decent fight. And it was really cluttered with all the cupboards and drawers inside. It was a rather awkward fight. There were a lot of moments where they were about to stab each other because of the very small place of the room but stopped themselves just in the moment and had no other option but to say "woopsie srry about that haha".

zelkam: guUys you cAnt just keep to avoid to fight!!! the fight should've been over like, 20 minutes ago!!!!

skeppy: yo dude frick off we know what we're doing

zelkam: u rlly don't do you

skeppy: where are the speakers even coming from imma break it im so tired of hearing ur stoopid voice

zelkam: good luck with that

Technoblade: Skeppy you need to calm down.

skeppy: I AM CALM OKE

Technoblade: Are you sure about that.


Technoblade: I get the feeling the isn't one.

skeppy: there is one aND ITS PROBABLY RRRIIIGHT H E R E

Skeppy stabbed a wall with the drill. It left a small crack on it.

zelkam: haha noob

skeppy: sHuT uP iM nOt a nOoB

Technoblade: Wait, the walls! They're breakable!

skeppy: huh i guess they are

Technoblade: Then lets bust our way out of here!

skeppy: hUh i gUess wE wiLl

zelkam: wait no that illegal

skeppy: we'll take forever to break it down though

Technoblade: There has to be something around here that'll help us get out of here easily.

They both searched the room, until eventually they found between all the mess a jackhammer and a motorcycle.

Technoblade: I have a jackhammer, this will be perfect.

skeppy: well, i thought just using the jackhammer was gonna take to long but i found a motorcycle so we could like, strap the jackhammer on the front of the motorcycle and bust through the walls at the s p e e d o f s o u n d

Technoblade: That sounds like questionable physics. But whatever. It'll probably work. Because of course it will.

zelkam: hahahaha guys how about you DONT do that hahahaha pls

skeppy: no

Technoblade No.

They both lifted up the jackhammer pointing to the wall and strapped it on to the motorcycle with duct tape. It was indeed, questionable physics. They sat on the motorcycle, Techno being on the front and Skeppy on the back.

Technoblade: Just so you know, this idea is incredibly dumb.

skeppy: but that's exactly why it'll work

Technoblade: True.

zelkam: guys plz

skeppy: no

Techno turned on the jackhammer. It was shaking very intensely, almost putting them off balance, but they managed to coordinate the movement with their weight.

zelkam: ok guys this is ridiculous you can't just drive a jackhammer into the wall that's not even possible plz

Technoblade: Oh it's possible.

zelkam: huh???????? how come?????

Technoblade: This is a shitpost universe. Literally everything is possible.

zelkam: oh shit they figured it out!!!!

skeppy: ok letz do this

Vroom vroom went the bike. And one second to the other, they were already driving through a wall. The walls were thick too; it was almost as if they were moles digging through dirt. They could hear Zelk's voice calling in the distance; maybe there were speakers in each room after all, but they were really, really tiny.


Technoblade: I told you lol

skeppy: so, uh, where are we heading to exactly????

Technoblade: No clue.

skeppy: wait! remember the other doors where the others entered?? maybe we could drill to their rooms and see how everyone is doing!!

Technoblade: Maybe. That isn't a terrible idea.

Techno drove the motorcycle to its peak of speed. It was probably only matter of seconds until they arrive to a room.

Bad and Spifey were still on the empty room. Zelk wasn't lying when he said he muted them. They just kept on making noise until the door hopefully opened.

bbh: this is taking foreverrrrr >:(

spifey: maybe we shouldn't do singing???

bbh: but i like singing :(

spifey: yea but like, it's not getting us anywhere is it

bbh: i guess :::(((((

spifey: then what else can we do for youtube content???

bbh: idk???? maybe yoga or smth?????

spifey: ok. no. im not doing yoga.

bbh: i don't have any other ideas tho!!!!!

spifey: well it's not as if something will miraculously happen that will get us out of here!!!!

A loud crashing sound drowned the room's air, followed by Skeppy and Technoblade busting through the walls. They quickly stopped the motorcycle as soon as they arrived to the room.

skeppy: hewwo

Technoblade: s'up nerds


spifey: huh. that works


skeppy: basically there was a room and we had to kill each other but there was a motorcycle and the rest is history u kno

Technoblade: Yeah it was overly convenient

spifey: h u h.

bbh: so, uh, what now????

Technoblade: Well, we can use the motorcycle and jackhammer to get to the others.

bbh: great! you dig a tunnel and we walk through it!! :D

Technoblade: No, it took a while to even dig the hole with the motorcycle at full speed, walking through it is gonna take too long.

spifey: then what are we supposed to do???

skeppy: well, there was a small cart on the room so we, uh, attached it to the motorcycle and-


skeppy: come on it's not that terrible pls to it bad pls pls plllssss

bbh: oK FINE >:(

Bad and Spifey sat on the cart. It wasn't big, but it would probably be enough to fit them and the rest of the missing group. Techno had no hesitation in starting the bike, he accelerated on full force and...

dream: come on dude just a few more bread and we're done

a6d: i've been eating bread for an hour please end my suffering

dream: wait has it been an hour already

a6d: idk but it has felt like it. my taste buds are completely numb. im not ok.

dream: dude come on here have another bread

Dream handed A6d another loaf of bread. A6d slowly ate it with a pained expression. Who knew eating too much bread could cause this much suffering, holy hell.

dream: ok so what do you think about this bread

a6d: it's moldy. not too terrible tho. i give it a 5/10

dream: ok cool for this next bread-

Before Dream could finish the sentence, the rest of the group busted through the wall, in a similar fashion like how they entered the room Bad and Spifey were in.

a6d: what the FUCK

skeppy: hey guys how u been


spifey: im. shooketh.

Technoblade: Hey stop whining at least we didn't take too long to arrive.

dream: im assuming something convenient enough happened for you to get that bike and jackhammer

skeppy: yeah, pretty much. wait why is there bread everywhere

dream: oh basically we had to-


Technoblade: Is he ok.

dream: long story short he's been eating bread for like, and hour or so

spifey: tbh???? im too afraid to ask for context.

dream: good. let's get outta here. is there any room left in that cart???

bbh: yea, but it's probably safer to walk than ride this -_-

dream: ok cool let's get in the cart 6d

bbh: dId yOu hEAR WHAT I JUST SAID >:(

dream: no im deaf

Dream and A6d got onto the cart next to Bad and Spifey. It was pretty cluttered, but that'll have to do, since their time was limited. Techno started the engine and rushed to the wall where the door was, but it only took a single hit of the jackhammer to bring the wall down, revealing the room before them.

Technoblade: Ok we did it.

skeppy: so, uh, what now?

The group found themselves inside a big room, similar like the room before the manager's office. A door stood before them; was Zelk there? It couldn't be that easy, right?

bbh: hey look!!! its the door to the manager's office!!! :D

dream: cool we're here

Technoblade: It can't be that easy, though.

skeppy: yea it can

bbh: ok, so who's opening the door???

a6d: why don't you open it

bbh: idk it's a suspicious looking door

spifey: well, now that you bring that up, im also kind of against of opening the door

Technoblade: It's a trap?

dream: guys pls it's not that deep

bbh: but like, what if it is? maybe it's like mind games u kno????? maybe we shouldn't try to find another route-

skeppy: i opened the door

bbh: what-

Skeppy stepped inside of the room, and the group followed. They were in fact, inside the manager's office, and Zelk stood before them.

zelkam: eeeyyyy you made it!!!

bbh: you!!!!! let us you of here >:(

zelkam: yea, sure

bbh: wait what

dream: hahaha ok no it can't be that easy

zelkam: what, you wanted to leave all this time and now you don't?? lol???

spifey: i mean, im down to leave tbh it just seems that it's too easy

zelkam: ooOOOOH, do you want an extra challenge???? maybe a final boss???????? well too bad. this is what you get. and anticlimactic conclusion.

Zelk pulled a button out of his pocket.

zelkam: just a push of this button, and it's all over

a6d: wait, what will happen once you press it?

zelkam: this reality is going to collapse, and you'll have your exit back to IKEA. you'll end the cycle of me taking over IKEAs. you'll win.

Technoblade: Hmm, sounds pretty straightforward.

skeppy: ok, no, what's your game here???!

zelkam: there is no game. you guys beat me, fair and square. are you seriously expecting something?

There was a long silence in the room. Zelkam was acting suspicious, but maybe that was part of his plan? Make then let their guards down? Maybe it really was that easy.

skeppy: and what about you?

zelkam: eh??

skeppy: what will happen to you after this reality collapses? you'll just get out as well and upload the youtube video you've been recording this whole time?

zelkam: oh right. about that...

skeppy: but there is no footage

bbh: wh-what are you talking about???? o_o

zelkam: you see, there is no footage for the video. it all got destroyed in the fire in IKEA. i didn't realize until you guys made it to the room before this one, i left all the footage in the computer room of the building. now i have nothing left. so i give up. im letting you go.

bbh: zelk, aren't you coming too??? :0

zelkam: a capitan goes down with his ship, bad

skeppy: wait nO-

zelkam: truth is, all this effort now was for nothing. im sorry. that's all.

Technoblade: Bro everyone tries to milk youtube content in any way possible it's not your fault the algorithm sucks.

skeppy: zelk, you can't be serious

zelkam: i am tho

skeppy: nO UR NOT

spifey: yeah ur not thinking straight, you're just having a mental breakdown cuz all of ur footage was deleted

skeppy: zelk, it doesn't have to end this way. come back with us, you can come back and work on the server and we can-

Zelkam pressed the button. The ground started to shake and the walls to collapse. The wall behind them fell down completely, revealing what the reality looked like when collapsing; it was like an empty space, where pieces of the building where floating all around.

zelkam: you see that bright crack on the wall of the reality? that's your exit. that's your way out

skeppy: zELK NO-

Skeppy tried to grab Zelkam, but a piece of ceiling collapsed, falling between them.

skeppy: ZELKAM-

bbh: skeppy, we need to go!!! the floor is falling apart!!!!

Skeppy stared at that chunk of roof that fell before them, and reluctantly turned back and rushed with the group to the exit. There was no floor on the way to the exit; they had to use the pieces of building that were floating around the empty space as their only reliable floor. In other words, they had to parkour their way out.

Technoblade: Ok cool, I'm good at parkour

a6d: cool. im not.

dream: just don't fall and you'll be fine

a6d: stfu

The group started to jump, piece by piece, to the exit. There were way too many close calls, but thankfully they were jumping close to each other, so in case anyone was about to fall, the other could catch them. They made their way there to what felt like a second; the adrenaline rushing through their bodies was making them think time was moving faster than what it was. And then they arrived.

The exit was as if someone had teared through the space; Techno stabbed his sword inside and opened it completely, forming a large opening, glowing with the blinding light of the outside world. Techno stepped in first, and the rest followed.

Technoblade: Is everyone here?

bbh: yea.... yea i think so

a6d: ok cool!!! we made it!!!! im about to have a heart attack holy shit that was intense!!!!!

bbh: well, now we can go back and play minecraft again!! right skeppy??

skeppy: ...

bbh: ...skeppy?

skeppy: i have to go back

a6d: whAT

skeppy: i can't just leave zelk there, i have to go back i-

bbh: skeppy no!!! you'll die!!!! D:


a6d: skeppy...

skeppy: look, i know it sounds crazy and it probably is ok. but if i leave him there, without even trying to save him I'll regret it my whole life

bbh: then... then I'll go with you!!!

a6d: i can come as well

skeppy: no, it will be too dangerous

bbh: but we gotta work together!!!

Technoblade: No, he's right. More than one person entering back can make it more likely for the reality to collapse faster.

a6d: but still...!!!!!

Technoblade: Skeppy.

skeppy: what?

Technoblade: Are you sure you can make it back?

skeppy: i mean I'll try to-

Technoblade: No. Answer the question. Are you sure you can make it back?

skeppy: ...yes.

Technoblade: Alright. Good luck.

bbh: you better make it back!!!! i won't forgive you if you don't >:''(

a6d: stay safe. please.

Skeppy responded their concerns with a nod and dropped down back to the reality; he made his way back.

As he walked to the building he realized most of the building pieces that were floating around were almost completely gone; they were probably being turned into dust by the collapsing reality bit by bit. He didn't have much time left.

He arrived to what remained of the room where Zelk was in. The floor was still intact, but the room had completely collapsed.

skeppy: ZELK???? ARE YOU THERE???

No response.


No response.

skeppy: PLEASE!!!!!!

zelkam: ok fine im under some rubble it's kind of hard to speak

Skeppy felt a wave of relief when be heard Zelkam's voice. He rushed to where he heard the voice and started to dig, until he found Zelkam, who's leg was stuck under a large piece of ceiling.

zelkam: why did you come back

skeppy: i couldn't just leave here ok

zelkam: you don't have much time left. you know that, right?

skeppy: i had to take that chance

Skeppy lifted the piece of ceiling up, leaving Zelkam's body completely freed from all the rubble he was stuck under. But he didn't get up.

skeppy: zelkam???? r u ok????

zelkam: no. im really not. i lost all my youtube content. i did terrible things to u guys. and my leg is broken so i can't stand up even if i wanted to lol

skeppy: zelk... come on we forgave u already

zelkam: yeah but that's not going to make me feel better about it tbh

skeppy: hey, at least nobody got hurt!!

zelkam: a6d was stabbed. two times.

skeppy: ok but it was pretty funny tho

zelkam: heh, yeah it was lmao

They both shared a small laugh, despite the world falling around them. Skeppy reached his hand to Zelkam, to help him stand up. But Zelkam took a minute to grab it. It was almost as if he was unsure, but soon after his eyes lit up with hope for the future. He grabbed his hand, and Skeppy helped him get up, putting his arm around his shoulders to help him walk.

No words were shared. Only the violent sound of stepping, from platform to platform, walking to the exit. What first felt like a second to get to the exit now felt like an hour. It was kind of hard to carry Zelk with his broken leg, but they had to make do. At one point Zelk slipped and almost fell, but Skeppy managed to catch him. He was not leaving him behind this time around.

They approached the exit. The light coming outside of it was almost blinding, it was hard to see where they were stepping. They could hear the muffled voices of their friends, calling out to them. Skeppy couldn't make out what the words were; it was almost as if his ears were completely engulfed by the noice of the collapsing reality. But he could hear them slightly. He tried to make out the words. Was it encouragement? Or was it an anxious shouting of his name, hoping for him to make it? As they approached the exit, he managed to hear a voice, talking next to him.

zelkam: skeppy?

skeppy: yeah?

zelkam: aren't you scared?

Skeppy looked at the silhouette of his friends. With his weakened voice, he replied.

skeppy: not anymore.

He reached his hand out, and five other reached back, pulling him up alongside with Zelkam.

As soon as they stepped outside of the reality, Skeppy collapsed to the floor, with Zelkam still in his arms. Both were unconscious, probably by the impact of the collapsing reality.

Well, not really. Zelkam was completely unconscious. As for Skeppy, his mind was not working but he was slightly awake. He didn't have any strengths left, and his vision was extremely blurry. His ears were ringing, but he could make out some muffled sound from his surroundings.

His lungs started to fill with smoke. Were they back at IKEA, where the fire was still roaring? He felt a tight grasp around his waist, and realised that he was being carried by someone. Whoever it was, he managed to run while carrying him, so it was probably Techno, since he was the strongest out of the group.

Skeppy's vision started to get less blurry. He managed to see what was around him. The whole place was on fire. He looked to his left, and saw Zelkam who was also being carried by Techno. He looked in front of him and saw a door. Techno jumped outside the door, followed by the group behind them. The impulse must've been quite hard, as he accidentally dropped Skeppy and Zelk. The pain of falling was almost numb, since his body was still in a state of unconsciousness. But suddenly, he came back to his senses and let a big gasp for air. He coughed violently, which is to be expected, since he couldn't hold his breath inside the burning building because he was unconscious. As he finished coughing, he regained is posture and sat up. As soon as he did, he saw A6d and Bad rushing to him, throwing themselves to him and hugging him.

skeppy: woah what-

bbh: skEPPY YOU'RE OK!!!! ;--;

a6d: dude- we thought u were dead for a second there

skeppy: no, seriously, what happened after i left the reality wtf

a6d: ah, basically we were back inside the burning building and you guys were kind of dead but not really so techno carried you guys outside


a6d: stop crying lmao

bbh: yOU SHUT UP >:'''''''(

skeppy: wait. wAIT IS ZELK OK

a6d: yeah, dream is checking up on him. i think he said he was still breathing??? that's good, i think

skeppy: oh thank god

The trio let go of each other. They remained seated and stared at the burning IKEA in front of them. It was night outside, and the fire burnt brightly in front of them.

skeppy: so this is it huh

a6d: yea...

bbh: wait!!! we never got your chair, a6d!!!! :'0

a6d: actually, as we were running outside i managed to push one and threw it next to the car as soon as we jumped out of the building

bbh: ****gaaaasp**** that's great!!!!! we did it!!!! we got your chair!!! :'D

a6d: why are u prioritizing the chair bro our friends almost died lmao

bbh: yea but still!!! mission accomplished!!!! :D

skeppy: jesus christ, you guys are idots

They shared a small laugh, and stood up. The trio ran to the rest of the group to see how they were doing.

skeppy: so uh, how r u guys

Technoblade: Oh hey, glad to see you're not dead.

bbh: how's zelk???

dream: not dead. that's good.

spifey: should we wake him up or smth?????!!!

dream: how

spifey: idk slap him or smth

dream: ok

zelkam: wAIT NO don't slAp me plz

dream: oh hey you're awake

zelkam: i am. not ok.

dream: why??? is ur heart aching with the regret and guilt of your sins???

zelkam: no my leg is broken and it hurts and it sucks and i hate it

dream: oh yeah, that too

spifey: shouldn't we go to an hospital or smth

bbh: no!!! the hospitals work for the government and the government cannot be trusted!!!! viva la revolución!!!!! >:D

skeppy: are you saying you've never went to an hospital???? not even for vaccines?????

bbh: yea basically! :D

skeppy: how are you even alive

a6d: i can't believe bad is an anti-vac

dream: how bad does it hurt

zelkam: a lot. actually not much. i think it's now completely numb lmao

bbh: well, since your leg is getting better we should go get something to eat!!!

zelkam: i don't think not feeling your left is the equivalent of feeling better

skeppy: i mean tbh I've been eating nothing but baguettes for this past few.... wait how many days has it been??

Technoblade: Like, two.

skeppy: really??????. that felt way longer huh

Technoblade: Yeah it be like that sometimes.

a6d: where do we go tho

bbh: somewhere with bosco sticks!!!! like Apple bees!!!!! :D

a6d: tbh im good with anything as long as i can get something that isn't bread

bbh: then it's a plan! let's go! :D

Technoblade: You guys go ahead, I'll call my helicopter rider to get here and we'll take a trip to the hospital because if we don't do something about Zelkam's leg then he'll have no leg at this rate.

zelkam: yeah, sounds like a plan to me

skeppy: we'll see you there.

Skeppy, Bad and A6d stepped inside the car. Before heading back, A6d strapped his new chair to the roof with some rope that he had. The ride back was quiet, but it was accompanied by the soft music coming out of the radio. Skeppy and Bad were both on the back seat sleeping, and A6d took the wheel. A6d's cat, Ian, had left his bag and laid down on the front seat next to A6d. He wasn't as tired as the rest of the trio, since he was used to staying up late.

They arrived to the apple bees inside the city. Skeppy and Bad woke up and stepped down of the car with A6d. Techno and the other had already arrived there.

a6d: wtf how did you guys even arrive before us

Technoblade: I have a quality helicopter, alright.

skeppy: wait how is zelk here shouldn't he be at the hospital or smth

zelkam: yeah, but like, bosco sticks. you gotta get your priorities straight, man

bbh: eeyyyy this guy knows what's up!!! :D

The group stepped inside the restaurant and sat on a table. They shared laughs and tales of what had happened in IKEA. Despite it being a pretty troublesome experience, it was a shared one between all of them. They ordered bosco sticks and called it a day, each parting ways to their respective homes.

A6d arrived to his house to prepare his new setup. He placed his brand new gamer chair on his floor, with a triumphant sigh. He sat down and turned his computer on.
A new message from Skeppy was in his inbox: "hey n00b get in teamspek imma troll baldboyhalo and i need ur help lmao".

He missed these words. "Get on teamspeak". It felt nostalgic somehow, even though it had only been two days since he last was on this computer, playing Minecraft with his friends.

He opened Minecraft, and entered the chatroom. He spoke.

"hey guys. its been a while huh?"

-the end

Author's note

thank you guys for reading this lmao i didn't expect this to get as big as it did. its gonna be weird not making another chapter of this fic, maybe I'll make another mc youtubers fanfic in the future. idk about what tho. I'll get to it when I get to it akfjskjf

either  way, thank you so much for reading. i hope you stick around for whatever other mistake of humanity i may write in the future


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