From The Inside

De Inconvenient_Ideal

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The days spent within the confines of a cage were perhaps some of the worst days that Beorn had ever known. T... Mais



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De Inconvenient_Ideal

"That won't stop them!" Bilbo exclaimed halfway through Bard and Gandalf's conversation. Both males turned to look down at him with a look of surprise. Ylva stood behind him with her hands holding the blanket around herself. For the most part she looked rather achieved at finding the hobbit. "You think the dwarves will surrender? They will fight to the death for their home." Bilbo said surely while looking between the two.

"Bilbo Baggins," Gandalf said at last while looking down as the hobbit flashed him a grin.

"I think your words aren't going unheard," Ylva whispered from behind him. She smiled sadly though, looking up as Gandalf gestured a hand to them both, she watched as he walked away from her, yet she trotted after him.

"If I'm not mistaken this is the halfling who stole the keys to my dungeons under the noses of my guards." Thranduil said while walking past Bilbo and seating himself down. He sent Ylva a sharp eyed look though when she let out a laugh which was disguised as a cough.

"Sorry," she whispered. She did find it quite amusing though. "You've got secret skills, Bilbo." She whispered yet even these words were heard and the look which was sent her way was deepened.

"Ylva, please." Gandalf sighed to one side. She looked to him and then lowered her head. Since walking back into the tent, she had as yet to leave Bilbo's side. He didn't seem to particularly mind though, there was a strange sense of confidence which came from someone standing by his side while he was about to have this conversation.

"Sorry about that," Bilbo said awkwardly, at last replying to Thranduil's words. He kicked his feet and looked to the ground while Thranduil reclined slightly in his chair and looked to him with a slightly disbelieving look. Though Thranduil seemed to have very little reaction to Bilbo's words, Gandalf and Bard couldn't help but slightly smirk. "I came to give you this," Bilbo shifted forwards away from Ylva's side and moved towards the table. Reaching inside his shirt, he pulled out a small cloth covered object. With care, he placed it down on the table and started to unwrap it. Eventually through the layers of cloth being removed, the glowing brightness shone out.

"The Heart of the Mountain," Thranduil said breathlessly. He couldn't believe what he was looking at as he stood slowly. "The King's Jewel." He continued on quietly, from the side Gandalf had shifted as well as he moved forwards to get a better look at the glowing stone.

"And worth a King's ransom." Bard stood from his seat and walked towards the table too. "How is this yours to give?" Bard looked down at Bilbo, he had been watching all three males take interest in the Arkenstone, Ylva for the most part had stayed indifferent and staying in her original standing position.

"I took it as my fourteenth share of the treasure." Bilbo explained while placing his hands by his side and looking up at Bard as he spoke.

"Why would you do this? You owe us no loyalty." Bard continued his questioning with a serious firm look and frown.

"I'm not doing it for you." Bilbo said with a small shake of his head. "I know dwarves can be obstinate, and pigheaded, difficult, suspicious and secretive, with the worst manners you can possibly imagine. But they're also brave, kind, and loyal to a fault." Bilbo said while briefly glancing at Gandalf, who smiled softly. In the end he looked to the floor as his voice dipped quietly. "I've grown very fond of them, and I would save them, if I can." Bilbo said honestly while looking back up at Bard and Thranduil. "Now Thorin values this stone above all else." He swiftly pointed at the glowing jewel on the table. "In exchange for its return, I believe he will give you what you are owed." He said with a small nod while looking around the tent and its occupants. "There will be no need for war." He said in a pressing tone.

Gandalf looked slowly over to the other two standing opposite to him. Bard for one seemed to understand where Bilbo was coming from. He let out a slow sigh and looked up at Thranduil by his side. He was the only one who remained passive and unmoved by Bilbo's words. It was there that the conversation seemed to end. Placing a hand on Ylva's shoulder and the other on Bilbo's, Gandalf gently nudged them out of the tent. "Rest up tonight, you must leave on the 'morrow." He said with a sigh.

Bilbo turned and looked up at him, "What?"

"Get as far away from here as possible." Gandalf said as the three of them walked along a ruin strewn street.

"I'm not leaving," Bilbo said while remaining looking up at the wizard by his side. "You picked me as the fourteenth man, I'm not about to leave the company now."

"There is no company, not anymore." Gandalf replied shortly. "I wouldn't like to think what Thorin will do when he's found out what you've done." Gandalf continued walking even as Bilbo stopped, Ylva looked between the two and side stepped to stand by the hobbit.

"I'm not afraid of Thorin."

"Well you should be," Gandalf quickly turned and looked down at him with wide serious eyes. The tone he used was enough to falter the two of them as they looked to him. "Don't underestimate the evil of gold. Gold over which a serpent has long brooded."

Bilbo drew silent then as he looked up at Gandalf, he looked as Ylva knelt down by his side. "You've taken something so very precious from Thorin, Bilbo. You must understand our reservations. I do not wish to see you return to Erebor only to get hurt, I am certain Gandalf feels the same." She smiled kindly at him and watched as Gandalf started exclaiming to some random man. "Listen, Bilbo." She whispered, Bilbo looked to her confused by the seriousness of her tone. "I admire your belief that nothing shall happen, or if something will that you shall be able to handle yourself. Do not take this the wrong way, my friend, but against someone like Thorin you would not stand a chance."

"What are you saying?"

Ylva smiled, "Whistle, and I shall come running to defend you, silly. What do you think I'm saying? I'm expressing my concern for your welfare, Bilbo." She snorted and watched as Gandalf had succeeded in hailing the same irritated man who had greeted them when they arrived.

"If I whistle, will you actually come running?"

"I can't fly, so yes, I'll run." Ylva smirked and looked at him with a sidewards look before looking upwards.

"When you say defend, what do you-"

"I don't mean hurt, harm, maim or kill." Ylva said lowly, she would get him by any means, yes, but not at the risk of harming the dwarves. At the promise of food and a place to sleep, Bilbo smiled and looked to her. He was grateful for the concern which she openly shared, and which Gandalf spoke of, indirectly. Standing, she stepped beside Gandalf. "He's going to leave, you know this, right?"

Gandalf sighed and watched as the two walked away. "Undoubtedly he will."

"Ylva," being suddenly patted on the head, she lifted her face up to look at who had woken her. The morning was still young and she was enjoying some peace and quiet. The large groups of elves and small numbers of men, along with both Thranduil and Bard, had set out to try and speak to Thorin.

She was not needed and decided to seek refuge and sleep. In all honesty she spent a good part of this time thinking of Beorn. She missed him terribly and really wondered why she offered to come. She hadn't been of any particular use as such. If she was with him, she figured she'd be feeling a lot more relaxed. Here there was just so much tension and even without heightened senses she could pick up on it all.

With a yawn, which showed off her sharp teeth, she stretched her front limbs out in front of her. Being in her human form had quickly grown boring so she reverted back to being a wolf. She definitely felt more comfortable in this form with the amount of people around. Shaking her head, she looked upwards, Gandalf. Of course, it was him who had sought her out and woken her. "Don't just continue to stand there, we must be swift." He said in a rushed tone and turned and walked off briskly.

Ylva bounded after him confused. Looking up at the sky she sniffed slowly, it was growing colder here again, snapping her head in Gandalf's direction, she picked up her pace and swiftly moved by his side. She didn't need to be told, she knew exactly where they were going. She couldn't help but have some reservations over this. Though she gave her word to accompany Gandalf here, she never thought she'd have to venture to the Mountain. Even as they walked through the ranks of elves, their armour glittering in the gently growing sunlight, she could spy the struggle which was happening on the lookout position above the barricaded door.

"Easy," Gandalf placed a hand on her head when she started to growl lowly. "If you don't like my burglar." He spoke in a loud voice which rung out and enveloped the area. "Then please don't damage him, return him to me." Gandalf finally reached the front lines of elves and looked up at the dwarves, and at poor Bilbo who was practically pinned against the broken stone by Thorin, who seemed to have it in mind to through him over the top. "You're not making a very splendid figure as King Under the Mountain, are you, Thorin, son of Thráin?" Gandalf questioned while moving forwards, one hand still gently placed against Ylva's head, the other around his staff.

It seemed Gandalf's words had gotten through, Thorin's expression calmed and he let go of Bilbo. For the moment he fell out of sight only to get aided to stand by Bofur, who continued to help him to walk away from the angered dwarf-King. "Never again shall I have dealings with wizards, or Shire rats." Thorin spat venomously.

Gandalf's eyes slid to the side as Bilbo commenced his climb down. Hearing the scratching of paws beside him, he removed his hand and allowed Ylva to run forwards. She worried for him, her concern for those smaller than herself was always something which Gandalf found endearing. But it was something which he couldn't dwell over right now.

"Are we resolved? The Arkenstone for what was promised?" Bard called out while he looked up at the dwarves. "Give us your answer. Will you have peace, or war?" His voice lowered seriously while beside him Thranduil merely watched as Thorin's gaze flitted to the side and then below at the stone beneath his feet.

Having the sudden harsh call and a black raven appear, Thorin's disposition changed as he looked to the black sleek bird in front of him. "I will have war," he said while turning and looking back to the nearby hillside. Even as they all stood silent they could hear the sounds of many booted feet on the ground. From over the hill came lines and lines of dwarves, all in heavy mail and armour, and all each holding a weapon and shield of some sort.

Bilbo had just reached the bottom of his climb only for his feet to suddenly touch something warm and soft below him. Looking over his shoulder, he looked to Ylva, he frowned and swung to the side and landed beside her. She just gave him a look, "I didn't have time to whistle." He said shortly while both turned to look at the oncoming dwarves. She quickly looked to him though, that one glance was enough for him to know that she wished he had. Not that she'd have been able to do much, but she didn't exactly like seeing the smaller being get manhandled by the mad and slightly brainwashed Thorin.

Turning his elven stag around, Thranduil rode amongst his ranks speaking a simple order, in unison the rows turned and headed to meet the ranks of Dain's men. Being suddenly nudged against, Bilbo took a few startled steps forwards. "All right, all right!" He exclaimed while pushing her large, slightly worried face away from himself. She stopped trying to get him to move and instead started to walk forwards without him. Bilbo didn't waste much time with walking briskly after her. In no time they were walking beside Gandalf, "Who is that? He doesn't look very happy." Bilbo said sounding a little breathless from his quick walk to catch up. His words were an understatement really.

"It is Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills. Thorin's cousin," Gandalf answered and explained in short quick sentences.

"Are they alike?" Bilbo glanced up.

"I've always found Thorin the more reasonable." He sighed while slowing his pace down and briefly sparing a look to Bilbo. He moved on and left Ylva and Bilbo to exchange a look, looking back to the retreating wizard they hurriedly moved onwards to catch up.

"Good morning!" Dain exclaimed rather cheerily, despite everything, on top of a rather large pig which pottered along grunting lowly.

Ylva tilted her head to the side, if things got so bad, would it have been bad to consider that pig dinner, she pondered. As if reading her thoughts, Gandalf sent her a look, a rather disdainful look. She hung her head rather ashamed of herself, she couldn't help her nature at times. She wasn't completely a wild animal, but there would forever be a part of her that was.

"How are we all?" Dain came to a stop at a small outcropping piece of rock. "I have a wee proposition for you. If you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time?" Dain paused to look over the ranks of men and elves before him. "Would you consider just shoving off?!" He shouted irritably. The rise in voice caused the few people who had come from Lake-town to falter backwards slightly, yet they still kept their makeshift weapons raised. "All of you! Right now!" Dain continued still shouting in a loud blunt tone.

"Stand fast," Bard had caught sight of the retreating people who had followed him.

"Come now, Lord Dain!" Gandalf said while holding up his hands and stepping forwards.

Dain's gaze drifted slowly to look at him. "Gandalf the Grey." Dain said in a hard tone. Gandalf inclined his head slowly. "Tell this rabble to leave or I will water the ground with their blood!"

Hanging his head, Bilbo caught on rather quickly to Gandalf's previous words. Hearing a snort, he looked to Ylva, her eyes had darkened considerably upon looking up at Dain. It didn't take a genius to figure out that though she had never had previous run-ins with him, she was not a particular fan. Not that anyone right now – albeit the dwarves in Erebor – seemed to be a fan of the dwarf lord before them.

"There is no need for war between dwarves, man and elves." Gandalf said while promptly walking forwards away from the ranks which surrounded him. "A legion of orcs march on the Mountain. Stand your army down."

"I will not stand down for any elf, not least this faithless woodland sprite." Dain spat while gesturing his weapon to Thranduil, who still sat calm faced on his elven stag. "He wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I'll split his pretty head open!" Dain shouted angrily while still staring at Thrandiul, upon hearing his words Thranduil smirked. "See if he's still smirking then!" Dain added, though Thranduil was still sitting smirking, he found the threat rather amusing really.

"He's clearly mad." Thranduil said while ignoring the cheers which were erupting from the Mountain. "Like his cousin," he said shortly with a light smile.

"You hear that, lads?" Dain turned his pig steed around. "Let's give these bastards a good hammering!" He said while raising his arm and moving in front of his army.

And as if on cue, each member of both sides sprung into action. The dwarves commenced marching down, and the elves started to move into strategic positions, some holding their bows others linking shields together and aiming spears over the top. The low rumble from elsewhere though stopped most for the second. If the noise was enough to falter most, then the sudden spurting of were-worms all but stopped people in their tracks. The large forms tunnelled up out of the ground letting out high pitched squealing noises.

"Oh, come on!" Dain exclaimed irritable that something had got in the way of a long awaited elven fight. From the tunnelled holes suddenly sprung numbers upon numbers of dark armoured orcs. Momentarily forgetting about fighting any elves, Dain instructed his army to move away to face the oncoming dark army.

"The elves, will they not fight?" Bilbo asked when Gandalf had stepped back in line with himself and Ylva. For the most part the elves had remained standing motionless just watching as the dwarves charged forwards.

"Thranduil, this is madness!" Gandalf moved forwards registering what Bilbo had said and the general gravity of this all.

Thranduil turned and watched the fruitless efforts which the dwarves were about to undertake. They were severely outnumbered, even as more and more joined the ranks and locked shields with those around them, they were still outnumbered. With the slightest of commands the elves moved forwards and with ease they kicked off of the backs of the dwarves and leaped into battle, facing the orcs head on. Whether they wished to admit it or not, the two races did make quite a good team when the orcs finally crashed against dwarf shields, well those who hadn't got cut down by elven blades were merely impaled by dwarven spears.

"Eh, Gandalf, is this a good place to stand?" Bilbo asked awkwardly while beside him marched many forms. Gandalf stood in front of him watching the action slowly unfurl. Letting out a quiet yelp, Bilbo shot Ylva a look when she had gripped onto his shirt and tugged him backwards out of the way of a charging group.

Erupting into the air was the low horn from above on the cliff, Bilbo pushed himself away from Ylva's head where he had ungracefully landed and looked to her when she barred her teeth. Narrowing his eyes upwards, even he couldn't mistake Azog's form. Snapping to attention when Gandalf spoke, they both looked to him. "Azog, he's trying to cut us off." Some of the orc army had turned and commenced marching down to Dale, while the rest dealt with the elf and dwarf armies. "To the city!" Gandalf exclaimed and took up running with everyone else. Between the three of them, Ylva was the one in the lead. "Ylva?" She looked over her shoulder when she heard her name being called. "Go! Go!" Gandalf waved a hand at her.

With one nod, she charged forwards, she rather easily overtook everyone else who could not move as fast as her. Nearing a white horse, she moved aside when it almost hit her with a wayward kick. Looking up, she snorted and overtook the animal and rider, Bard could catch up at any time. She got told to go, so she was going. She watched as orcs easily piled in through holes which had been created by catapults.

Hearing her name being called again, she looked up, "I need your help." She couldn't really reply to Bard so she just inclined her head and followed him. Considering he was more or less in charge of Dale and that which happened within it, she couldn't exactly decline.

Ylva's eyes saddened though when she got on to what he was trying to do. Attempting to find his children in amongst a battlefield seemed like the impossible. Dodging out of the way of fleeing people, they managed to make it down some stairs and meet another man. There were other problems happening elsewhere in the town. Bard moved forwards past the group of men, Ylva stayed where she was panting lightly from her fast run.

(Edited: 13/Nov/2023)

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