Vocabulary (Sans x Reader)

By Classic_Sans_Offical

435 27 6

Getting to know someone takes a lot of work, so why not skip to the good part? Adronitis: The frustration wit... More

Before you read
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

60 4 1
By Classic_Sans_Offical

A year. A year has passed since monsters have made it to the surface. But only now are they being allowed into schools. At first, people wanted to make separate schools for monster and human children the same way white and blacks did years ago. Seeing how well that ended, the government took it upon themselves to decline that plan(Thankfully), and instead passed a law saying that the monsters were to be treated as any other person. I really could care less if you were a human or a monster. You live your life, and I'll live mine.

I sighed as I listened to Mr.Netta drone on about some ancient society. I usually find history interesting, but today just didn't seem to be one of those days.

"Hey~" Oh, God. You know, I really don't care that monsters are here, but some just tick me off. 

I turned my head lazily to the cat monster next to me, watching his orange tail sway side to side. It poked out of the holes in the back of the chair. I've always wondered what those annoying openings were for. Never thought they would be for cat tails.  "Go away, Brandon," I groaned, "I'm not interested."

"Is it because I'm a monster?" He questioned, feigning an offended look before grinning lightly. "Because that would be just plain rude."

"Yes, its because you're monster, not because you're a creepy pervert." I joked.


I rolled my eyes, letting out a light chuckle. I yawned, blinking rapidly to try and wake up some. It was 4th period, and I still had a long ways to go before school went out.

I raised my hand. I need to get out of here before I fall asleep at my desk.

Upon being granted permission to leave, I walked to the door, ignoring the cat-calls from Brandon. Lunch was next period, so that was something to look forward to.

Its the third day of monsters being at school. The first day only a few showed up. I can't blame them, I think I would be reluctant to attend a school full of another species. The second day more came, and I'm pretty sure the rest came today.

As I walked through the silent hallways, I hoped I didn't run into Jacob. He skips class and hangs around this building. I know it isn't a good thing to hope your boyfriend isn't around, but I have a good reason: hes angry. Something happened with his friend and he's been in a bad mood ever since. He also doesn't like it when I bother him when he's mad. He says its 'frustrating'. I understand, though. If I was that mad I don't think I'd want to be bothered either.

I walked past the janitors closet on my way to the bathroom and froze.

"Steve..." A small voice panted from inside the closet. Nancy.

"Hush," The deep voice chuckled, "Someone might hear you."

My face scrunched in on itself. Are you kidding me? They're doing this now? I rolled my eyes. Who is Nancy not sleeping with?

I slid into the bathroom, taking a glance at my reflection. The bruise by my temple was a stark contrast to my normal skin tone. I tentatively pulled hair from behind my ear in a lame attempt to cover it. No one had noticed it yet, so maybe it wasn't that obvious. I sighed remembering the last time I had a mark. Every one blew it out of proportion and almost got me killed. I'm lucky Jacob took pity on me. I'm not so sure he'd be so forgiving this time.

I jolted in front of the mirror as the bell reverberated down the hall. I rush back to class just in time to see the flood of kids pouring out of the room. The sound of them talking to one another drowned out Mr.Nettas calls for tomorrows homework.  I snatched my bag and scurried to the lunch room. Not to be dramatic, but its kill or be killed when it comes to finding a seat. If I didn't get cracking, my spot will be taken for sure.


I lugged myself in to the bench, practically collapsing onto the table. Why the hell was school so exhausting?

"Lemme guess, you went to bed at two am? No, actually, I think three's more accurate."

I flashed a grin as I watched my friends sit around me.

"Ada, shut up." I laughed.

There was six of us including me. Six girls who- as much as I didn't like it- practically ran the school. Everyone raves about them, talking about how their lives were so perfect. However, its nothing like the movies. None of the girls are that bitchy. They're actually quite sweet when you get to know them. We don't really have problems with other girls.

"I swear to god, if you don't shut the fuck up right now I will punch you." Well, most of us.
I watched as Elyse threw a finger in another girls direction. She looked just as pissed as Elyse.

"Uh-uh, not happening. Sit your butt down you already got in a fight this morning." Caroline placed a hand on her shoulder and forced the angry teen down. If it wasn't for her, all of us would have been expelled by now.

Brigette and Juliana we're already at the table, and if it weren't for the small giggle they gave, I wouldn't even had noticed them. 

I know how hard it is to keep track of names, so here's a little run down on The Group.

Elyse has virtually no filter. She says what she wants, when she wants; does what she wants, when she wants, and just doesn't care. There's no such thing as a bad idea to her. Shes fun, but she also has a horrid temper. A few months ago, some guy said he liked girls with long blond hair, so she cut her hair to the top of her ear and dyed her roots brown purely out of spite. A few weeks after that, she shaved the side of it for fun. Its very suiting.

Caroline is the mom of the group. I'm pretty sure she carries her entire pantry in her back back, along with enough water bottles to supply a small army. She isn't boring, per say, but the most exciting thing she did in the past two weeks was cut her hair. It still hangs like a brown curtain, so nothing really changed. But shes pretty. Really pretty. And shes sweet, so all the guys are basically in love with her. She's oblivious though.

Ada plays Dnd. That's pretty much all you need to know about her. Her hair used to run down to her ankles-which was her signature look-but this summer she trimmed it down as far as she could. No one really knows why. Whenever we ask she gets defensive. However, despite her nerdy side, she's still in The Group. Everyone loves her for one reason or another.

Brigette and Juliana are the quiet kids who sit in the corner and draw. I don't think I've ever seen them without their sketchbooks. Juliana is also super innocent, and knows basically nothing about the real world, which makes her a prime target for the assholes at our school. Elyse and I usually take care of that.
Brigette looks innocent, but shes not. Far from it actually. Trust me, I've seen her Wattpad history.

And then there's me. Probably the most average of the bunch. The most interesting thing about me is how little everybody actually knows. Not a soul at this school could accurately describe a single fact about me other than my looks. Except for The Group, they know what I want them to know.

Its funny to live like this. Its like I'm anonymous, but not at the same time. Watching people lie to my face is probably the funnest part of my day. They pretend as if I don't hear the rumors. Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less about what they say. If you give people an empty space, they're going to find a way to fill it. Listening in is actually quite entertaining. I just wish people would own up to what they're saying. Just because I somehow made it into The Group doesn't mean I need to be coddled.

I watched as Nancy came sauntering into the cafeteria, Steve following close behind her. The sound of the two in the hall rang loud in my head as I scoffed. "So, guess who I heard in the hall today?" I raise my eyebrows in her direction.

"What a whore," Elyse grumbled, "Look, I don't usually slut shame people, but there's a problem when you can't name one guy you haven't done."

Caroline shook her head, "Language."

"I am a grown ass woman, if I want to curse I will do so." Elyse loudly slurped on her straw, leaving Caroline to shake her head in disappointment.

"She wonders why everyone hates her," I stab into my food, "Maybe if you didn't sleep with everyone's boyfriends, there wouldn't be a problem..."

"Exactly," Ada chimed, "She acts all surprised when girls get mad. What did you think was gonna happen?"

We all nod in silent agreement, each munching down on their lunch.

"What do you think of them?" Elyse suddenly questioned. She jabbed her fork in the direction of a group of monsters. They all seemed to be enjoying each others company while they ate. They laughed at something one of them said. Well, except the tallest. He didn't seem to get the joke. It was odd to see a skeleton outside the human body.

"You mean those monsters specifically, or all of them in general?" Ada raised a brow.

"All of them."

"I don't mind them," I swallowed the rest of my food before continuing. "I've met a few monsters and they all seemed pretty nice. Hell of a lot better than humans."

Caroline hummed in agreement, "You can say that again. Who would have thought teenage boys could have manners."

Elyse chuckled, "She's right. They actually have some decency."

"I don't see the big deal," I shook my head, "Jacob on the other hand..."

"God, when are you going to break up with him?" Elyse groaned.

"I'm with Elyse on this one," Caroline pointed at her with one of her baby carrots. "He's cheated on you, like, how many times? Eight? Ten?"

"More than that," Ada rolls her eyes.

"Seriously? We've been over this." I crossed my arms over the table. "He said they meant nothing and he was drunk for most of them-."

"Why can't you see that he is lying." Elyse furrowed her eyebrows. "And for what its worth," She leaned in a little closer to whisper the rest of her statement, "We all know that cut on eyebrow last week was not from falling in the shower."

"Speak of the devil..." Ada mumbled, looking behind me.

I didn't have to turn my head to know what she was talking about. His hand was placed firmly on my shoulder before I even had time to think.

I looked up at the man standing above me. He did so in such a way that left me no room to myself, and no room to escape. He looked down at The Group, eyes like ice as he surveyed each one of them. He liked to keep tabs on my friends. Its just him being protective.

"Hello, ladies." He greeted them coldly before looking down at me, "I'm stealing Y/N for a moment. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all." Elyse spat just as harshly.

The two glared for a moment before Jacob grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out of my seat. His grip was tight, forcing a red mark to grow on my skin. Because one arm was grasped firmly in his hand, I only had the other to swiftly snatch my things off the ground. The bag was open, and as we walked across the cafeteria I struggled to close it.

Jacob tugged on me again as we walked, causing a few books and papers to fall out of the pack. Only at the sound of textbooks hitting tile did he pause. I gave a light pull on my wrist as to be let go so I could clean things up. He complied. Turning around, I saw the tall monster from before. He had already swiped everything off the ground for me and was holding it out.

A small glance to my left confirmed that I had dropped everything a few feet away from the table of monsters we saw before.

"HERE YOU GO, MISS," He gave a genuine smile. Its been a while since I've seen someone so willing to help me out, "YOU SHOULD REALLY KEEP YOUR BACKPACK CLOSED."

I smiled gently back, reaching out to grab my belongings. "Thanks, I really apprecia-."

Before I could finish thanking the skeleton, my stuff was ripped away from him. I soon followed, the feeling of my shirt collar digging into my neck all to familiar.

Jacob had torn me away from him, fist balled around the back of my shirt. For a moment, I struggled to stand because of how he was holding me. I soon got my footing and turned just in time to have him shove my books into my chest.

"Stay away from them." Jacob spat, never breaking eye contact with the now deeply confused boy. "We don't associate with their kind."

Someone at the table- a smaller version of the monster who tried to help me- stood swiftly and angrily, only to be coaxed back down by their peers. He looked furious. If I wasn't used to the sight of rage, I might've been a bit scared.

His fist never let go of my shirt as he guided me away from the group of monsters. Most looked angry, while a few looked sad. Specifically the taller monster who had tried to help me.

Unknown to Jacob, I turned my head a little and caught the gaze of the taller skeleton. I gave him an apologetic look, silently hoping he understood my situation.

Once in the hall, Jacob unleashed whatever anger he had been holding back.

"What did I tell you about monsters?" He barked, shoving me by my shoulders, "Huh? What was the one thing I told you to do?"

My back was against the lockers. I had no where to go this time. I should've just listened.

"Answer me!" He slammed his fist into the lockers behind me, the sound of the metal was loud and sharp. He was going to hurt himself if this kept going.

I jumped at the noise, my eyes squeezing shut. "To stay away from them at all costs." I sputtered, glancing behind him for any sign of another person. If anyone saw what was happening Jacob could get into huge trouble.

"Is accepting their help, staying away?!"


"No!" He put a hand against the lockers, this time keeping it there as to trap me under him. He leaned in close to me and pointed a finger in my face. I could smell the faint odor of weed on his breath. "You listen to me and you listen good. You are my girlfriend. You will do as I say. I don't wan't to hear any complaints or defiance, okay? I am the man. You are the woman. Do I make myself clear?"

I nodded swiftly. It made sense. I was his girlfriend, so I had to make sure he was happy. That's my job. He makes sure I'm safe. Making sure he's okay is the least I could do. That's what he says, anyway.

"But what about-?" I received a quick slap across the face for questioning him. Fair enough, I guess.

"No. Exceptions."

Satisfied, he pushed off the lockers, backing away a few steps. "I brought you out here for a reason."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. He's said that before, and it never meant anything good.

He reached into his shirt and pulled out a large bag of weed. "That stupid resource officer is going to call me and Jack down to the office for a search. He's supposed to do it after lunch, and well," He motioned forward with the bag, "Can't have this on me." He tossed the bag at me, forcing me to catch it.

I looked down at the stuff in my hands. I can't carry this around, I'll be arrested for having this much on me. "You promised me you weren't going to do this stuff anymore!" I whisper-yelled. "You promised!"

"Yeah, well, things don't always go as planned."

"Jacob, I can't carry this for you." I held it out for him to take.

"You can, and you will." He pushed it back into my chest, "And if anyone finds it, you're dead, you hear? Dead."

I ran a hand down the back of my head. I really don't want to do this. It stinks: someone's bound to smell it and report me. I don't feel like dealing with felony charges right now.

Jacob looked me in the eyes, placing both hands on my shoulders. "You're going to be fine, alright? Besides, you love me. This is what people who love each other do," He pressed his hand against the bag in my chest, "They help each other out when they need it."

He was right. I do love him, so I need to be more open to helping him. Maybe I was being over dramatic, I mean, whats the chances of me actually getting caught with this thing?

"Unless... you don't love me?"

My head snapped up. Oh, God, he was making that face. That face I can't stand. His eyes looked down, sorrow filling them. "Which is totally fine, I just-"

"No, no, no, I do love you, I do." I gave him a hug, my head pressed firmly against his chest due to the height difference. He gave me a hug back, his arms nowhere near as tight as mine.

At the time, I couldn't see it. But while I was hugging Jacob to show him he didn't have to be 'sad', he was smirking slyly above me. He always knew how to get me to comply.

"Alright, I'll...I'll hide it for you. But only one more time! Promise you won't do this stuff anymore?" I begged.

"I promise." I don't even care if he's lying. Just hearing him say it makes me feel a little better.

"Thank you." I mumble as I stuff the bag into my backpack. I use my backup hoodie to cover it. Hopefully that'll conceal the smell until I can borrow some of Caroline's perfume.

"You're the best." Jacob stated plainly as he walked away. He didn't sound the least bit grateful.

I huffed. Deep down I know he's not going to stop. No matter what I make him promise or say, the moment I'm out of sight he'll do it. If I pretend he actually stopped, it makes things a little easier.

I jerked in surprise as the bell rang, students swarming into the hall. Chemistry was next, and boy did I want to skip. But, today we were doing a 'Welcome Lab' since new monsters are being transferred into the class. None of my friends from The Group were in it with me, though. Overall, it was pretty boring.

Slugging my backpack over my shoulder, I tried to disappear into the crowd. That isn't very easy when you're me, but hey, I tried.

The paranoia of someone smelling the bag as I walked ate away at my chest. The last thing I wanted was a rumor that I dealt pot.

I greeted the teacher at the door and moved to sit in my usual chair.


this is by far the worst chapter I've ever written. Please stay for chapter 2- I promise its better than this one!

Also, I've been writing this book for a while. At the time of me posting this, I already have 5 chapters pre-written. I'll be posting a chapter every Monday, so keep an eye out for it! If you enjoyed comment and vote! thanks guys!

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