Malakai's Possession

By deviouslypoetic

28.2K 606 47

Erika Bloome was pure innocence. She was the sweetest young woman, and she wasn't very defiant unless need be... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Authors note.
Authors Note.

Chapter Three

2K 51 5
By deviouslypoetic


The next morning, I woke up to the woman bringing in my breakfast. It was a simply piece of toast with a cream cheese spread, and an apple and an orange as well as a juice box. I was hungry enough, so I ate the food quickly, bite after bite. Usually I wouldn't eat that much, but I ate it all and I finished the juice box.

Not ten minutes after I finished that, Malachai had walked in with a cool look on his face. He looked like he was always thinking. "Follow me." He ordered, he voice giving no option for a different opinion. Obediently, I went along with him as he lead me into another, larger room.

The bed had sheets that were a light blue, with several throw pillows. There was a large white shaggy rug in the centre of the room. "It was kind of decorated to look more girly or whatever." He muttered before turning away to walk out. He was wearing a tight fit tee, and some jeans, and they did nothing to hide his figure.

My cheeks lit up, and a smile was plastered over my face even though he probably didn't do it for me. The room was amazing. It was not as 'me' as my old room which was covered in polaroids, and things that I personally cared about, but it was a start. "Thank you, Alpha." I mumble, moving around to get comfortable. "Do you think I could take a shower?" I ask hopefully.

He rolls his eyes cockily but nods anyways. He points to a door to my left. My own bathroom? "Thanks." I say again, before roaming to the large closet, and grabbing a pair of black leggings, a red and black plaid flannel, and a white tank-top, as well as black socks. I then grabbed myself a bra and some underwear before smiling. "I'll eat when I'm out, yeah?" I say before walking into the large bathroom.

It was huge, with a shower and a bath. It had a long counter, with a mirror. I set my clothes on the toilet, before sliding my dirty garments off of my dirty body. Instead of taking a shower, I was in the mood to have a bubble bath.

I ran the faucet with warm water, as well as the bubble bath soap, which happened to be peppermint scented. The tub ran for maybe five minutes before I shut it off, and slowly slid into the hot, bubbly water.

I let out a relaxed sigh once the water connected with my dirty, freezing body. I simply relaxed for a few minutes, before scrubbing the dirt off my body. It was with my absolute favourite scented body soap. Vanilla. God that's one of the most amazing scents.

I then began to shampoo and condition my hair, rinsing it out once I had finished.

I quickly washed my face, before pulling the drain on the tub, and hopping out, wrapping a towel around my waist to get rid of excess water, drying off my legs, my arms and my torso, I wrapped the towel around my hair to semi-dry it.

Once I had finished that, I slid on my clothes -and let me tell you; pulling on leggings when your skin is still damp is almost impossible!Once I had finally pull those on, I went out of the bathroom, and out of my room into the hallway.

Kitchen, kitchen, where was the kitchen? This house was like a mansion, without some help, I will never find it, actually even with help I'd probably still manage to get lost.

I had been exploring for what seemed to be twenty minutes, and it looked like I was walking in a huge circle! "Hello? Helloo?" I called down the long hallway hoping to find someone, or at least get somebody's attention. I hated being lost, even if it was just in a super huge house.

And to my surprise somebody actually came. It was a young girl, maybe around seven or eight years old.

"Hi! I'm Carlee!" She says with a smile.

I couldn't help but smile back at the cute young girl. "I'm Erika!" I reply crouching a little to be around her height. "Kai said I should go find you, and I did! You're calling helped, but I did great, right?" She asks with a big grin.

It shocked me at how she called him 'Kai' not 'Alpha' or 'Alpha Kai.' "Hun, you should know to call you're Alpha an Alpha and not by his first name. An Alpha should have the most respect from his or her pack members." I say with a smile, to show her she isn't in trouble. I didn't really agree with it myself, Kai shouldn't get respect, but it was nothing I could stop.

She grins back. "He said I didn't have to. He said that since we were siblings and that I was his little wolf, I wouldn't have to call him by Alpha, unless it was infront of the pack."

Now two things from that surprised me.

One of the things was that- Kai had a sister? Most importantly a little sister that he actually treated with love and respect? Well, he grew up with her. She's probably the only one he lies.

The second thing was that she- at seven or eight years old- spoke like she was a lot older.

"Oh? Siblings-" I begin before cutting myself off with a large grumble from my stomach.

"That reminds me! He told me to get you and being you to the kitchen!" She states before gripping onto my wrist and pulling me along towards a way I hadn't been.

A few short seconds later we were in the kitchen along with the beta, the alpha, another girl, and a teenage boy. How did we get her so quickly? It took me twenty minutes just to find someone!

"Kai! I brought her!" Carlee grins, holding her hand up to show mine that she had grabbed.

"Great job, Love! Do you think I could borrow her to introduce her to our Beta, his brother and his mate?"

Woah woah woah! 'Love?' 'Borrow?' Who was this guy?

"Of course." she smiles, pushing me over to him, but I stop myself making sure to keep my distance. I sit down next to Cole, since I had known him and trusted him more- which earned a glare and a growl from Kai. Probably an annoyed growl.

"Anyways." He starts bitterly, obviously going into 'I'm a pissy bastard' mode.

"This is as you know, my Beta, Cole." He starts off. "Cole, Erika. Erika, Cole." He mutters, earning a snicker from me, and my snicker resulted in gaining a glare from him. He sounded so childish- "Don't make me lock you up again." He grumbles, which immediately shut me up, I hated being locked up even if it were only for a day.

He smirks at me, before continuing. "This is his mate, Christy." He states, and Christy butted in afterwards. "Very nice to meet you, Erika. I hope we can become friends." She says politely and I immediately smiled back. She was someone I could picture myself being friends with.

"Nice to meet you, as well, Christy. I think we'll become great friends." I say and then Kai scoffed.

"Enough of your pathetic talk. This is Cole's younger brother, Matthew." He says.

After me and Matthew had introduced ourselves, I went to make myself a sandwich, making everyone a sandwich in the process. The kitchen was huge and had many different kinds of meats and cheeses so I had fun making the sandwiches.

I was having a good time whilst ignoring Kai, which I could tell he didn't like, but I didn't really know why.

But did I care after what he'd done to me?

Definitely not.

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