By wadewilsxnss

16.6K 571 73

she came to make a statement but didn't intend to make one on his heart More



1K 47 2
By wadewilsxnss

Fighting men and women had been what Zara was doing all her career. She wasn't going to stop just because you decided to go the WWE. Though it was hard to make Paul Levesque see how good of an idea inter gender wrestling was in this pg era of the company, Zara managed to do it. This was her, her character, her shtick so to speak. Hence the nickname daredevil, she was a risk taker and did whatever it took to achieve her goals.

Though others thought she did was crazy and would just result in further injuries than normal, Zara wanted to exceed expectations and showcase that women can do anything they put their minds to. If that meant fighting men in dangerous match concepts then so be it. If it meant making a name for herself at the expense of men then so be it.

Clearly she was making a name for herself, because as she stood at the door of Fergal's locker room, three shadows loomed across from her. Zara looked up from her phone and looked into the eyes of the three members of The Shield. Stone faced, she showed no ounce of emotion and squinted her eyes just a little at the three men.
"Problem?" She asked

Ambrose scoffed at her, taking steps towards her before Rollins pulled him back.
"No problem" he answered "Just curious as to why you're here beating us with a baseball bat"

"I could do it with a different weapon if you'd like" she stated as she pocketed her phone. Clearly her reply wasn't taking to kindly as Dean made another advancement towards her. "Woah relax muscles I'm kidding. I'm Zara, I'm new here. Paul told me to make an impact and the best way to do that is through the crowd favourites The Shield"

Zara gripped her suitcase a little tighter and shifted her weight a bit.
"I'm sorry if I did anything wrong against you three, but I also took out Drew and Lashley two weeks ago" she drawled on.

"She makes a valid point boys"

"See the big guy gets it." Zara pointed at Roman to which he chuckled at. "I'm just tryna make a name for myself here and it kinda looks like it has to be through you guys. I think you should be honoured personally" Zara shrugged nonchalantly

"Honoured? You're hitting us with bats" Dean exclaimed.

"Okay yes that may be the case, but.."

"But what" Seth asked

"Yeah I got nothing and would you look at that someone is calling my name" Zara avoided eyes with the three men before here and opened the door behind her and snuck into Devitt's locker room.

"No one was calling- and she's gone" Dean exasperated.

Roman clamped a hand on the two men he called brothers shoulders.
"Welp, better luck next time lads. Maybe hopefully she tell us her name"

"I doubt it" Seth rolled his eyes as the trio walked away from the spot Zara was in and towards their rentals. "She's lucky she's cute"

"Oh you think she's cute yeah" Roman smirked

"Shut it Joe" Rollins replied rolling his eyes and walking off.

"10 bucks says he tries to take her on a date next time he sees her" Dean joked

"Oh you're on" Roman smiled slapping the mans hand into a handshake

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