My life is...Perfect?

By AddictiveAcid

976 29 24

Hi there my name is Destany, and this is my life... I'm kinda weird! I have my group of friends and my life's... More

My life is...Perfect?
Break time
English Class
At home
Does it really matter?
Clean up and Sleep time
Late Again
Surprise Visitor
Anger has many results
My Life...
Movie Time!
Weird night
What a night
Forget fighting
What to do


21 0 0
By AddictiveAcid

 I wake up with a heavy feeling in my chest, I blink a couple of times and rub my eye's groaning, "Moaning for me already?" I open an eye and see Liam laid on me still and winking at me. I giggle at him and open my eye's properly, he smirks and kisses my forehead before sitting up but still sat on me. I raise an eyebrow at him and his smirk widens "Would you like a drink? A shower? Or maybe me?" he says and grins at the end, I roll my eyes at him and poke him in the stomach, "I'm afraid i'd break you sorry" I smile and he just glares at me "Whatever you say small fry" he laugh and pokes my stomach. I swat his hand away and glare up at him, "I am not a small fry!" I say raising my voice a little, "Prove it!" he laughs and I take the moment when he wipes his eyes to sit up and push him over and onto his back so i'm on top of him. "Gotcha!" I grin down at him, he looks up at me shocked for a second but then smirks. "Have you now?" he smiles and starts ticking me, I gasp and burst out into a fit of giggles and he pushes me back onto the bed, "St-stop!" I say in between breaths, he pauses for a second and I catch my breath and then he starts tickling me again. I'm crying by now and probably bright red, "I give in!" I shout and he stops, smirking at me he leans down and kisses my neck. "Good" he whispers against my neck making me shiver, I put my hands on his shoulders and push. "Uwah!" he shouts in surprise as I send him flying off the bed. I lay down in a nonchalant pose and smile at him as he stands up, "Oops?" I shrug, he watches me and laughs. He leaps onto the bed and on top of me sending us both back a little and laughing our heads off. We start play fighting; pushing each other down and off of us and then ending up getting pulled back.

By the end of it we're both out of breath and he's laying on top of me but back first this time. I breath out and it ruffles his hair, I see him twitch slightly and do it again, he spins so he's laying front first on me and glares at me, "That's annoying!" he growls slightly and I laugh, "Sorry mister angry pants" I giggle and he just sighs and lays his forehead on mine. I close my eyes and catch my breath back, evening out the pace. I open one eye when I feel movement, it's just Liam stroking my hair, he smiles down at me and kisses me lightly, "You sure are my fair demon" he winks, I blush lightly and avert my gaze from him, I notice his brow furrow from the corner of my eye and he leans down again and kisses my cheek. I blush again and ignore him, 2What're you doing Dee?" he whispers into my ear, I glance at him and then look away, he laughs quietly and traces a spot on my collar bone, I shiver and feel something weird where he's tracing but pay it no mind. "Oh Dee" he giggles and winks at me, "You better go get ready" he smiles and gets off the bed helping me up also. I smile at him and grab my phone before leaving Liams room and into mine.

I sigh as I get into the shower feeling the water cascade over me, I begin humming a random tune as I wash my hair. When i'm done in the shower I wrap a towel around me and walk to the cabinet to pick up my clothes and notice something in the mirror, I stand up straight and look in the mirror weirdly, I wipe the steam from the mirror and look at my collar bone that is now bright red with two holes in it...Liam! I sigh and stick a plaster over it and walk out...And straight into Jonathan. "We have to stop doing this" he laughs and smiles down at me, his brow furrows as he notices the plaster, "What happened?" he asks reaching for it, "Ah nothing" I smile at him and continue to walk to my room, "See you soon" I smile and shut my door.

I get changed into some black jeans and an old plain grey vest top and brush my hair. I twist it up into a bun once brushed and put a small amount of makeup on. I put in my earrings and a necklace, then some socks and boot slippers. I grab my phone and walk out of my room and into the kitchen, I grab a slice of toast and sit in the living room. I'm scrolling through random photos when I notice someone come in the room, I glance up and see it's Ash. He plops down next to me and puts his arm around me, "What you doing?" he asks and leans closer to look at my phone, "Nothing, bored" I smile at him and he kisses my cheek. "Thought you said we couldn't mess around?" I smirk, "You haven't picked yet " he laughs, "I might not pick any" I laugh and lean into him, "Warm " i sigh and smile closing my eye's. "Glad I can be of help..." he trails off his sentence near the end, I don;t look up at him since he yawned afterwards and I though that was the reason he trailed off. That was until I feel the harsh burn of a plaster being ripped off, "Tch!" I suck in a breath and rub my collar bone. "Dess" he says and traces it, "I know I didn't do it" he whispers and I can hear his smile, I glare up at him. "Liam did it" I say as he places it back on. "Thanks" I mumble and smile up at him. He smiles back and glances around before leaning down and kissing me lightly, he pulls back biting my lips a little and smiles at me.

"Turn around" he smiles, I do as he says and turn around, he hugs me from behind and kisses the part where my neck and back meet at the side, I shiver and he smiles against me and then covers my mouth with one hand as he bites down. I groan a little but ir's mostly stifled by his hand, he pulls out his fangs and licks the place where he bit, he smiles and kisses it before turning me back around. I glare at him and he smirks, "I'll let you bite me if you want" he laughs, "Gladly" I smirk and he pales, "Ah no never mind" he laughs, "Mean" I giggle and he hugs me again, "You know it" he winks and stands up. "I'm gunna get something quick to eat, ok?" he says looking down at me, I lay down and nod. He walks off into the kitchen and I close my eye's and sink into the sofa.

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