AZLANDER - Second Nature - a...

By Gabriel_Brunsdon

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Puck is an Elven prince who was formerly known as Robin of the Forest (Robin Hood/Robyn Hode). He falls in lo... More

Chapter 1 - Who is Puck?
Chapter 2 - There & Back Again
Chapter 3 - The Guardian at the Gate of Hell‬‬
Chapter 4 - Jobe's Lament
Chapter 5 - The Angels of the Underworld
Chapter 6 - The Secondhand Store
Chapter 7 - Reason & Relevance
Chapter 8 - Space 1.01
Chapter 9 - The Winning Ticket
Chapter 10 - It's all about the Money
Chapter 11 - The Silent Watcher
Chapter 12 - Father & Son
Chapter 13 - Another Day at the Office
Chapter 14 - The Road to Hell
Chapter 15 - Everything is Personal
Chapter 16 - Allergies & Nuts
Chapter 17 - Eric's Death
Chapter 18 - Forty-eight Hours a Day
Chapter 19 - World Against Recognition
Chapter 20 - The Machina
Chapter 21 - Invisibility
Chapter 22 - On Time
Chapter 23 - Love Letters
Chapter 24 - Doing Time
Chapter 25 - The Pookah Suit
Chapter 26 - Strings Attached
Chapter 27 - A Coat of Alms
Chapter 28 - Smoke and Mirrors
Chapter 29 - All Gone
Chapter 30 - It's WAR
Chapter 31 - Many Kinds of Dead
Chapter 32 - Bear Hugs & Big Rabbits
Chapter 33 - Murder & Destiny
Chapter 34 - Permeable yet Durable
Chapter 35 - Five Years & Perfection
Chapter 36 - The Wake-up Ball
Chapter 37 - The Sanctuary
Chapter 38 - Blue Bloods & Breath
Chapter 39 - Grief & Pizza
Chapter 40 - Faerie Dust
Chapter 41 - The Magic of Truth
Chapter 42 - Apples & Oranges
Chapter 43 - Virtual Worlds & the Fey
Chapter 44 - A Holiday in Basingstoke
Chapter 45 - The Back End
Chapter 46 - Three Intruders
Chapter 47 - On Again
Chapter 48 - The Scarecrows
Chapter 49 - Misery
Chapter 50 - A Stab in the Dark
Chapter 51 - Weighing the Consequences
Chapter 52 - A Grave Concern
Chapter 53 - The Rocky Horror Syndrome
Chapter 54 - A Grand Plan
Chapter 55 - Alone again
Chapter 56 - Frogs, Spiders & Ants
Chapter 57 - The Great Lion
Chapter 58 - The Youth of Today
Chapter 59 - Seeing Things As They Are
Chapter 60 - Gold & Silver
Chapter 61 - Delicacies
Chapter 62 - The Loss of Leaving
Chapter 63 - Empowering the Little People
Chapter 64 - The Glass is Half Full
Chapter 65 - Something Big
Chapter 66 - I Know What I Know
Chapter 67 - Holy Cow
Chapter 68 - The Mirror Image
Chapter 69 - A Step at a Time
Chapter 70 - The Golden Key
Chapter 71 - Out of Sorts
Chapter 72 - Through the Looking Glass
Chapter 73 - What Was There to Do?
Chapter 74 - Stranger Still
Chapter 75 - Can't See the Forest for the Trees
Chapter 76 - The Cock Fight
Chapter 77 - Fun
Chapter 78 - Post-it Hopes
Chapter 79 - Cons Piracy
Chapter 80 - A Ferny Bed
Chapter 81 - The Future of Mankind
Chapter 82 - All Roads Lead Home
Chapter 83 - True Gravity
Chapter 84 - At the End
Chapter 85 - Unpaid Work
Chapter 86 - Celebrating One's Self
Chapter 87 - A Happy Day
Chapter 88 - A Souvenir
Chapter 89 - Thimble Pails
Chapter 90 - Of Memories Past
Chapter 91 - Murderous Thoughts
Chapter 92 - World Commerce
Chapter 93 - Magnetic North
Chapter 94 - Orifice
Chapter 95 - The Singing Head
Chapter 96 - Paracelsus
Chapter 97 - Goober Gets the Message
Chapter 98 - RAW
Chapter 99 - On Vampyres
Chapter 100 - Great Allies
Chapter 101 - Transparency
Chapter 102 - The Point of it
Chapter 103 - Going Home
Chapter 104 - Phone Home
Chapter 105 - A Bag of Beans
Chapter 106 - Charley
Chapter 107 - The Gardener's Shed
Chapter 108 - Solids
Chapter 109 - Happy Returns
Chapter 110 - The Evening News
Chapter 111 - The Surprise Package
Chapter 112 - The Long Farewell
Chapter 113 - The Master of Mishap
Chapter 114 - Articles of Association
Chapter 115 - The Perfect Fit Up
Chapter 116 - The Heavy Mantle
Chapter 117 - A Tall Order
Chapter 118 - Aptitude
Chapter 119 - Importance
Chapter 120 - "No"
Chapter 121 - The Golden Corona
Chapter 122 - Half Hearted
Chapter 123 - Migration
Chapter 124 - Life Goes On
Chapter 125 - The Mansion
Chapter 126 - The Sin-Seer
Chapter 127 - The Sheriff's Threats
Chapter 128 - One Last Prayer
Chapter 129 - The Storm Outside
Chapter 130 - Brogan Disappears
Chapter 131 - The Pile On
Chapter 132 - Send in the Clowns
Chapter 133 - Reclaiming the Past
Chapter 134 - The Return of the King
Chapter 135 - At the River's Edge
Chapter 136 - The Creme of the Crème
Chapter 137 - Limitations
Chapter 138 - Early Ikea
Chapter 139 - Facing the Darkness
Chapter 140 - The Meeting in the Forest
Chapter 141 - Good King Gone
Chapter 142 - Sun Struck
Chapter 143 - The Returning Tide
Chapter 144 - On We Go!
Chapter 145 - The Famous Nails
Chapter 146 - Picking up the Pieces
Chapter 147 - The Morning After
Chapter 148 - The Mystery Tour
Chapter 149 - Visions & Dreams
Chapter 150 - A Dream within a Dream
Chapter 151 - One Year Later...
Chapter 152 - A Pregnant Pause
Chapter 153 - Visits to the Park
Chapter 154 - Collusion
Chapter 155 - A Terrible Finding
Chapter 156 - The Open Door
Chapter 157 - The Great King
Chapter 158 - On Temperance
Chapter 159 - A Little Malt
Chapter 160 - Foibles on Toads
Chapter 161 - Jabberwocky
Chapter 162 - On Selective Forgetfulness
Chapter 163 - A Legend is Born
Chapter 164 - Sixth Scents
Chapter 165 - Mere Mortals
Chapter 166 - Potency
Chapter 167 - Idol Eyes
Chapter 168 - Digging for Wells
Chapter 169 - Past and Present
Chapter 170 - Foresight
Chapter 171 - A Wicci Business
Chapter 172 - The Portrait Hall
Chapter 173 - Naivete
Chapter 174 - The Chymical Wedding
Chapter 175 - The Contemplation of the Azlan
Chapter 176 - Scrofulus
Chapter 177 - St Agnes Day
Chapter 178 - A Fine Amount
Chapter 179 - Strays
Chapter 180 - Sprinkles on Top
Chapter 181 - Together Again
Chapter 182 - Pissing to the Wind
Chapter 183 - When all is Well
Chapter 184 - What to do?
Chapter 185 - Out on the Street
Chapter 187 - Consciousness Inside & Out
Chapter 188 - The Interview Room
Chapter 189 - The Stairwell
Chapter 190 - I Give you my Heart
Chapter 191 - The Weather Channel
Chapter 192 - Expelled to the Outhouse
Chapter 193 - An Answer from a Prayer
Chapter 194 - Hiding out
Chapter 195 - The High Place of Truth
Chapter 196 - It Begins
Chapter 197 - Questions and Answers
Chapter 198 - Hermetically Sealed
Chapter 199 - The Heavy Weight
Chapter 200 - A Beginning & an End

Chapter 186 - In His Defence

51 1 0
By Gabriel_Brunsdon

"Your uncle Gordon will take care of you until I come back" Puck softly said to Charley, who was drinking her juice contentedly.

They had returned to the tree-house immediately after their escape. The air there seemed to agree with the infant's temperament, and she had settled there quite happily.

The Troll Security Services were replaced with a blue ribbon, top Elvin Guard, who were more costly to hire, but well worth the peace of mind that came with them. Unlike the Trolls they were faithful to their employers and would not be paid off.

Puck was angry, yet cool minded. His ringlets had grown wildly down his shoulders; his eyes had turned indigo with sadness.

From his storeroom he retrieved a fighting suit that the Fey often wore under their street clothes when danger is felt to be imminent. It was woven from a fine spider thread, yet its outer was stronger than steel. It was the very kind that comic books based their costumes for superheroes upon, but much better looking compared to a Lycra counterfeit.

Three hours had passed, yet he still had no feeling as to where Marley might be or how she was. Losing this connection with her was making him agitated. He mentally ran through his plans.

"First up I must go and see to it that the Christian is alright." 

Puck felt responsible for Barnabus and did not want him going to jail for having killed Forsythe.

"Did you leave someone to watch the apartment in case Marley returns back there tomorrow? She has no where else to go right now." Goober asked, just as Puck was about to leave.

"Oh, the rabbit will be fine" he said, "he knows how to get hold of us if she does."

"No, that can't be right, he's back here with us - Charley has him in her room upstairs."

"She must have wished him back. That's alright, I'll stop by and leave a note."

"Message me with any updates."

"I'll do the same", he was tense now - and as he walked out into the half-light of the forest he was feeling very definitely that he could kill someone right now.

The ages weighed on Puck's heart and all of the harm this Demon had done was crushing him. He wanted Forsythe to be gone for good, expelled from the world - to another cosmos preferably.

He looked back at his woods and saw the ethers flicking around the base of the trees like misty flames. The flowers were expiring rich fragrant vapours from their labia and their perfumes of twilight were hazing all over the ferny growth. There was a certain peace one could find with immortality, he mused.

And with that Puck set out to go to the West London Precinct to help the man who had defended his daughter so valiantly.

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