Paige's Angel

By firedancer8

4.2K 166 81

Yeah... phanfiction!!! It was supposed to be a short story for LifesPuppet, but it got longer than short! hah... More

Paige's Angel
Chapter Three- Not Alone
Chapter Four- Christine, The Fop, a Garden, and REALLY Bad Aim...
Chapter five- In Which Erik Helps La Carlotta
Chapter six- The End of Life as They Know It
Chapter Seven- How to Frighten a Fop and Get Away With It
Chapter Eight: What Would I Do Without You?
Chapter Nine: Change of Heart
Chapter ten: A Place to Call Home

Chapter Two- A Friendship Begins

368 13 13
By firedancer8


Paige looked around the room but she saw no one. “I am here to tell you that Christine is taking the night off.” She said bravely.

“Why?!” the voice rang out.

“Because she did very well this evening and she deserves it!” Paige said. “and the patron asked her to dinner.”

The voice swore quietly and Paige realized that she knew the voice. “Where are you?” she asked.

“I really don’t see why it is your concern about where I am.” The voice said curtly.

“Well, unless I am mistaken, I upset you when we met last night Erik.” Paige said. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement in the floor-length mirror to her right. Turning to it, Paige walked over and peered past the glass. She smiled when she saw a shadow standing just beyond the glass. “A two way mirror in a girl’s dressing room?” she said, laughing. Paige ran her hand down the side of the mirror’s frame until she met a piece that was sticking out a bit. She pushed it in and to her shock it gave and the mirror slid back. Quickly she stepped inside and found herself directly in front of Erik. “It is nice to meet you face to face.” Paige said, holding out her hand for him to shake.

Erik took her hand and kissed it as a gentleman would. Paige’s breath caught, she definitely didn’t expect him to do that! “It is nice to meet you, but I am afraid you are trespassing again.” Erik said.

“Trespassing where?” she asked. “I doubt the entire underground of Paris belongs to you!”

Erik was silent for a bit, trying to think of what to say. “Well this is the path to my home, so technically it does belong to me.”

“The story is true?” Paige asked. “You actually live underground?”


“Can I see?” she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

“No.” he said and then turned and walked quickly away.

Paige followed him immediately, her feet making no sound on the stone floor. Erik made many turns and twists, but thankfully he wasn’t going very fast. They came to a lake and Erik climbed into a gondola that was waiting for him. Paige realized that she would have to swim across the lake if she wanted to follow him, so she bit her tongue and stepped into the cold water. As soon as she did so, she heard Erik say “I’d be careful Paige, who knows what lurks in dark waters of the fabled lake beneath the opera house?”

Paige scowled and called back, “If you were a gentleman as you were when we met earlier, you would have offered me a ride.”

“Yes, but that grace usually isn’t extended to little ballerinas who follow me home.” Erik said, turning to her.

“If I catch a cold, it will be your fault.” She said coldly.

“Oh how will I ever live with the guilt?” Erik asked sarcastically.

Paige scowled and continued to wade through the (thankfully) shallow water. She reached the shore and saw Erik waiting for her with a blanket. Paige made a face at him and took the blanket from him. Erik laughed and Paige ignored him. “I’m sorry for making you swim across the lake, even though it was your fault that you did.”

“That was a terrible apology.” Paige said shortly. “So you are not forgiven.”

“Okay, then go home.” Erik said, laughing more.

“Never!” Paige said, laughing.

“You will have to return at some point in time.”

“Make me.” Paige taunted.

“May I remind you that I am the Phantom of the Opera,” Erik said. “I could return you when you are fast asleep.”

“What if I wake up?” she said.

“I will knock you out.”

“I could always return I know the way now!” she laughed.

“I could always kick you out of my home.” Erik argued.

“Your home has no door.” Paige pointed out.

Erik scowled and said “You are quite annoying.”

“So are you.”

It was then that both the dancer and the ghost realized how alike they were. And Erik realized that this was someone that he would want as a friend. Absurd! He first thought. But the fearsome Phantom wanted a friend more than anything, and Paige knew that she could be his friend. She knew that he could quite possibly be someone she could tolerate. That was another thing about Paige; she refused to think about romance. It wasn’t a necessary thought, but it tugged at her mind occasionally. (Especially when she realized how handsomely mysterious Erik was.) but as soon as the thought entered her mind, she would banish it from her head.

Erik stared at Paige, and noticed that she wasn’t at all like other Parisian girls. For one thing, her skin was tan, much darker than other girls he had seen. Her dark thick hair hung wildly, cascading down her back like the night taking flight. He noticed that she was staring back at him, her hazel eyes showed no sign of fear. She’s lovely… Erik thought only to chastise himself immediately. But she was and he knew it. Paige wasn’t obviously beautiful as his Christine was, but the longer he looked at her, the more stunning she became. He averted his gaze, cursing himself silently. Fool! His thoughts yelled. Focus on Christine!

Yes, Christine who didn’t show up tonight. Christine who is with the patron right now! His thoughts whispered. Why not forget Christine and focus on Paige instead? Erik shook his head and turned away, where on earth had that thought come from?!

“Erik?” Paige asked, walking over and placing a hand on his elbow. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes, fine.” He said, though he felt far from it.

Paige made a noise and Erik jumped as she rushed over to the piano. She sat down at the bench and looked at him. “Can you play?” she asked.

“Of course!” Erik said.

“Play for me!” she said in excitement, moving over and motioning for him to sit beside her.

“Alright.” He walked over to her and sat down next to her, ignoring how close the two of them were. Spreading his long fingers out, he played the overture from Hannibal, causing Paige to gasp in amazement. Paige let her eyes slide shut as she swayed to the music, completely losing herself in it. Yet another thing Erik and Paige had in common, a love for music. Incredible…Erik thought as he continued to play. At some point in the song, Paige felt her head grow heavy, and she rested her head on Erik’s shoulder. Erik tensed, but he didn’t stop playing until the song finished.

“Erik, I have one more question.” Paige asked sleepily.


“Can I stay here for the night?” Paige asked.

This was going to be a long night.        

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