My Neighbor

By Shrataetae

41.2K 1.4K 411

[COMPLETED] Highest ranks: #1 chubby [15042020] #2 fat [25052020] #3 fatgirl [12012021] #10 fakefriends [230... More

One - Last day of summer
Two - He's back!
Three - A fake friend
Four - New friends
Five - Breakup
Six - The sudden kiss
Seven - Luna is so cool!
Nine - The Art exhibition
Ten - The question game
Author's note
Eleven - Tutoring him
Twelve - Dumb bum
Thirteen - Truth
Fourteen - Sleepover
Fifteen - Friends?
Sixteen - A second chance
Seventeen - Pranking Joe
Eighteen - Holy mother of god.
Nineteen - David's Halloween party
Twenty - Deal
Twenty One - More than a kiss
Twenty Two - Bestfriends reunite
Twenty Three - A friend from school
Twenty Four - Fun world
Twenty Five - Luna's secret

Eight - Dinner with the Millers

1.5K 58 22
By Shrataetae

"sunshine pumpkin!" dad was sitting next to me on the bed. His eyes fixed on the books arranged on my side board.

"morning dad" i said as i got up.

"you were smiling while you were asleep. What were you dreaming about? " he wiggled both his eyebrows.

"nothing dad! Go please... I need to freshen up"  I chuckled not wanting to tell him what i dreamt about.

Afterall i was dreaming about Justin. He never gets out of my head. He looked so happy and flirty in my dreams but once I got up, I could only only imagine his face from yesterday.

"its i thought we could go out for lunch? "

"yay!! Ofcourse I'm done with all Homeworks" i grinned showing off all me teeth. I had math... But math can wait!


It was a Sunday. Two weeks were already over since school had started and dad had returned home. And two days since what happened in school. The girls didn't try to text me. Not even Amy. I don't even know why I'm expecting so much from them. Maybe, now that they saw Justin and I kissing, they hate me more.

Luna texted me though. To share her 'best rock songs by best rock bands' playlist and it was damn cool . Not gonna lie. She also added me to a group for rock music enthusiasts!

I hadn't called or texted Justin yet. I didn't know how to approach him. I was nervous. He hates me now I guess.


I spent half the day reading a romantic novel where the pretty girl and the handsome guy fall in love, go through loads of shit in life but end up together at last.
I can never dream of having such a love story, can I?

Only the 'pretty girl' gets the handsome guy. Not me. Not a fat living potato.

I hope i find my soulpotato atleast.
We can be a potato family!


I wore a black dress and did a bit of make up so that I didn't look like some alchoholic or a drug addict .

Black was my favorite color because i thought i looked a bit less chubby in black. My wardrobe is filled with black tops and black dresses. Black is awesome. Its the best. It's an emotion. Okay, ill stop.

"im ready! " i shouted as i walked down the staircase to find two men standing near the door. Oh life must be kidding with me right now!

"Eliza! has been a while" Mr. Miller grinned. He was standing near the door along with James! Oh my god, James Miller.

"hello Mr. Miller! Such a pleasure to meet you and you... James" i smiled at both of them.

James had become more hot. Yes i was crushing on both the Miller brothers.
You can't blame me. They are just simply hot and cute. James had a girlfriend named Tiara who always tagged along with him. I didn't see her though-

Just when i thought they would have broken up and that i had a chance with him now (just kidding), she walked inside along with a beautiful flower bouquet.

She hadn't changed a bit. Just as beautiful as she was 4 years back. I know they will end up together, just like in those romance novels.

"eli! You cute little thing" she gasped and came running towards me to give me a bone crushing hug.

"Tia!" i smiled as i hugged her back.

All the three of them sat down on the couch while i managed to run to the kitchen.

"mom! What are they doing here? "

"oh honey! You look soooo lovely in this dress" she gasped. Of course. Pfft.

"mom i asked something" i whispered pointing at the hall.

"oh yeah... They are coming with us for lunch!" dad said as he entered the kitchen

"oh by the way you look pretty pumpkin! " he did a weird but cute dance.

"thanks dad and don't call me pumpkin infront of Justin okay? "

"ooooooo" mom whispered while wiggling her eyebrows. And dad joined her.

"you guys- " i rolled my eyes
"there's nothing going on!"

"Mrs. Cooper, do you need any help?" Tiara came in and gave the bouquet to my mom.

"Oh no dear... Im fine. Lets get going now! "

"Tia... If you don't mind we have a question " dad looked at her nervously and then at mom.

"w-where's sophia? "

"oh... You guys don't know." her face changed when mom asked her the question.

Sophia. Justin's mom?

"she passed away 2 years back. Cancer" she looked down picking at her yellow dress.

Oh no.

"we are so sorry..."

"no its... Its fine! " she smiled again.

Mom and dad went to the living room to greet the two men.

Tia and Mrs. Miller were very close. She looked after her like her own daughter. It must have hurt a lot. I tried to change the topic because she looked like she was in a light trance.

"Tia..Where's Justin?"

"Oh he's washing the jeep so that we all can go together "

"together? " i tried to smile. It was gonna be awkward as hell with Justin. Or maybe I could use this chance to talk to him?


James was driving with my Mr. Miller's in the passenger seat. Mom, dad and Tia in the back seat. That left me and Justin at the back of the Jeep. Great.


He didn't talk to me. He didn't even look at me. Shit. He must not even want to sit with me. Maybe even look at me. But I had to talk. To make things clear between us.

"Justin I'm sorr-"

"I'm sorry." he cut me off .

Why is he sorry?

"What for?"

"The kiss"

The kiss. He was sorry he kissed me?

"That.. why? Why did you?"

He looked at me for the first time after 2 days. The kiss was the only thing I could think about when I saw him. It was just for a few seconds but those few seconds felt like the best seconds of my life. If I could, i would just jump on him and kiss him again. But we were in a... Situation.

"You were not talking to me"

"You didn't have to kiss me just because i wasn't talking?"

He looked down for a bit.

"Can we keep this conversation for some other time?" he looked very sad. "Please?"

"Yeah... Let's talk about it some other time" I nodded "but wait. Im sorry I slapped you"

"It didn't even hurt" he chuckled.

"But I'm sorry-"

"It's fine. You are not that strong" he smirked.

"Shut up. I'm stronger than you" I showed off my fat- filled arms as if I had muscles.

He didn't hate me. I thought we would have a long conversation or something but it ended in just a few minutes and we were back to our old selves. Thank God.

The restaurant was AMAZING and I had the best chicken steak ever! I ate like there was no tomorrow.

"The food is too good!" Justin exclaimed.

"I swear. I can eat everything on the table and I'll still have space for dessert in my tummy!" I exaggerated a bit.

"Sure!" He picked up a sushi from his plate and placed it on mine."eat up"

"You sure?" I looked at him with a smirk.

"Go on!"

Sushi is heaven. I mean how do they make it so yum? How?

Justin was looking at me and smiling while I was stuffing my face with the big piece of sushi. Did my crush just see my stuffed ugly face? Oh Lord, why do I keep doing this? Why do I keep embarrassing myself in front of him?

"Tomorrow. Diet. Hundred percent!" I blurted.

"You don't have to. Eat whatever you want and be happy" I was kinda shocked hearing him say that.

"Are you under estimating me? Or you telling me to eat too much and get more fat?" I scoffed as I shoved another sushi into mouth.

"Neither. " He said with a very serious. To be honest, his serious face was very hot. His blue eyes were so mesmerizing!

Why was he so honest and sweet though? It was too much for my heart.

"What happened?" He waved his hand in front of my eyes.

"Oh nothing-"

We left after a bit more of eating and chatting. Our parents were saying their goodbyes. Justin and I were walking round and round the park because I was so full, I couldn't even breathe properly. Yeah, he was just giving me company while walking.

"I swear. I can eat everything on the table and I'll still have space for dessert in my tummy!" He squeaked and chuckled.

"Please. Not now. My tummy hurts- I can't laugh for gods sake"

"Who the hell told you to eat so much?"

"You! You kept putting everything from your plate to mine!" I pouted.

"You didn't stop me"

"Whatever" I closed my ears.

He stopped walking and pulled me to the side. My hands were still on my ears. He held my hands and lowered it from my ears. My heart was acting weird now.
Must be the chicken steak.

"You are looking very pretty today" he smiled. And that smile, was very different from all other smirks and smiles he had given me till date.I was hundred and one percent sure I was red like a tomato.
I'm bad at reacting to compliments!

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't. I was looking into his dark blue eyes. His warm hands were still holding mine.

"Thanks" I let out and looked down. What the hell Eliza? That's it?

" Eliza!! Come on let's go in" I heard my dad call me. I pulled my hands away from him as soon as I heard him.

"Tomorrow. 6:45. Goodnight... El" he said and walked away. I stood there for a few seconds trying to figure out what just happened and between us and then went home.

♡⃛◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞⸜₍ ˍ́˱˲ˍ̀ ₎⸝◟( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )◞♡⃛

I want Justin in my life. Like honestly, I want someone who tells me to eat anything I want 🥺


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