Falling for my roommate

By dilaudidlover852

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Charlotte Mortez has to move to a new state to start her college career. She has plans to become the best Psy... More

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By dilaudidlover852

"Why can't guys get pregnant?"she asked dylan, leaning her head against the car window.

"I don't know Char," he grunted.

She frowned and closed her eyes, the car ride had felt like hours even though it had only been a few minutes, and everyone seemed to be exhausted after the night before, mainly Dylan and hailey however.

Dylan wrapped his arm around her waist and let her rest her head against his chest, which she happily cuddled into, letting her eyes close once again.

Conor stared at the couple in annoyance, he despised the two of them together, mainly because he didn't like Dylan. He knew what dylan was like and he definitely didn't trust him to be with his baby sister.

Dylan caught Conor's eye for a split second before looking away awkwardly. The tension in the car was unbearable, and it had been there since the boys had argued the night before.

The car ride was long for all of them, and they all just wanted to go to sleep by the time they arrived back at all of their apartments, which they happily did.

"Oh thank god it's Saturday," Charlotte said with a yawn, stretching her arms and legs and letting herself fall face first on the couch.

"I'll order us a Chinese while you go get changed," Dylan offered.

Charlotte thanked him and got into her most comfortable pajamas and grabbed a fluffy blanket and dragged it over to the couch, where she quickly snuggled into it, pulling Dylan with her.

"I ordered you two egg rolls, I figured that's all you'd want to eat," He said, as if he knew what she would eat.

She sighed and rolled her eyes gently, she wanted much more food than that, she had spent two days in a tent with a very small amount of food, she was starving.

Their Chinese arrived shortly and Charlotte quickly ate her two measly egg rolls before telling dylan that she was tired and wished to go to sleep.

He objected at first but she eventually got him out of her apartment and sent him home. He had been acting off lately and she didn't like it.


"Why can't men get pregnant?" Charlotte asked, staring at Thomas curiously. He bit into his sandwich with furrowed eyebrows, deep in thought. "They have no eggs."

"Yes but why don't they have eggs?"

"Why do you ask such stupid questions?" Conor snapped from across the room. Chloe furrowed her eyebrows at the man, glaring at him.

"No one was talking to you."

Thomas stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans before he gave them both a quick nod and leaving the room, not wanting to witness another sibling argument.

"Still, you could grow up and start acting your age."

"Oh shut up Conor, you're twenty two and still can't even make a bowl of noodles."

"Well you're twenty and are still dating fuckboys and players," he sniped.

Charlotte's heart dropped, "Do you have a problem with my boyfriend?"

"He's a player."

She ignored his statement, although the fury was burning in her chest. Her heart pumped the blood around her body rapidly, making her fist clench at her side.

"I want you to leave him," He continued.

"Fuck off," she scoffed.

He rolled his eyes and stood up, "For someone so smart I wonder how you can be such a damn idiot!" He snarled.

She glared at his retreating back, "You're such a dickhead, don't come back until you're ready to apologize."

Conor stormed out, slamming the door in the process, "You'll be waiting a long time for that!" He yelled back.

After a few moments of Charlotte sitting in an angry silence Thomas poked his head around the corner, wearily checking to see if the coast was clear.

"You done?" He asked, his eyes narrowed. She nodded as he slowly made his way over to the couch to sit beside her.

"He's been at me about Dylan for a while now," she mumbled, picking at her nails.

He gave her a reassuring smile and gently patted her shoulder.

"I don't really care."

She huffed, "Of course you don't."

He gave her a side glance and rolled his eyes, a hint of a smile on his face. "Can we go to a party or something?" She asked, pushing out his lower lip.

He shrugged, "I don't know, I'm not really in the mood."

She frowned, "Please."

"Are you incapable of going by yourself?"

She shrugged and he sighed gently and turned to look at her, "Alright, lets go to a party then."

She smiled victoriously and he stood up, giving her a hand up also. "Now you go get ready, I'll go see who can come."

She smiled gently as he gave her a small kiss on the temple


She walked into the large house with Dylan's arm wrapped around her waist. The music was booming and the vibrations traveled through her body.

"Maybe we should split up for a second, I'll meet up with you in a few," Dylan shouted in her ear.

Charlotte nodded and watched as he walked away, leaving her with Preston and Thomas. Preston looked her up and down, as did Thomas. She frowned and looked at the ground, her mood only seeming to sour.

Thomas wrapped his arms around her shoulder and led her to the kitchen, rubbing the exposed skin as he did so.

He poured her a drink, all the while chatting to a girl with a large grin on his face.

She paid no attention as she looked around and saw dylan talking to two girls, laughing, with his arm around one of them.

Anger filled her as she grabbed the drink out of Thomas's hand and gulped it down in one swallow.

He raised his eyebrows at her, not understanding what was wrong with her. "I'm gonna go dance for a while," she grunted, pouring herself another drink.

As the night continued on she soon lost sight of all of her friends at the party, not sure of where she was going or how to act, she simply stumbled around the house, making her way up stairs.

She opened a random door, walking in on a couple making out. "Oopsie," she said with a giggle, a small amount of vomit coming out with it. She placed her hand at her mouth and swallowed it again.

The man jumped up quickly upon hearing her voice and zipped up his jeans, apologizing to the girl who he had previously been making out with.

"Charlotte what are you doing?" He asked in a tired voice.

She couldn't figure out who it was, but he seemed annoyed at her. "I'm w-what?" She stuttered.

He asked his sexual partner to leave and apologized to her once again. Charlotte stumbled slightly and grabbed the doorknob, trying to keep herself up, although she still slid onto the ground.

The man hooked his arms under her shoulders and helped her up, lying her on the bed. He frowned at her drunken state, noticing how close she was to passing out.

"You're pretty good looking," she giggled, trailing her finger down his chest. He grabbed her wrists and held them down gently, "First, you have a boyfriend, and second, you don't like me, so how about I order an Uber and I'll bring you back to your place?"

Charlotte frowned and stared at the blurry man, "Who the fffffffuuuuck are you then? Are you a rapist?" She whispered. He rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but chuckle at her innocent and worried expression.

"It's Preston."

She struggled against his grip, but soon ended up lying on the bed awkwardly, having getting her bracelet stuck in her hair.

He removed her bracelet and untangled it from her hair, before picking her up bridal style and attempting to carry her out of the door, accidentally banging her head off the door.

"Stop trying to hurt me!" She whined, slapping him in the shoulder.

Preston looked down at the girl who was rubbing her head sadly. "You always hurt me," she said quietly.


Preston carried her out of the house and placed her on a nearby bench, sitting beside her and resting her head on his shoulder.

"I don't hurt you on purpose," he mumbled, knowing she wasn't going to remember the conversation in the morning.

Charlotte swallowed loudly, gulping down her vomit. "You scare me," she barely whispered. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and rubbed her arm gently, trying to warm her up. "I'm sorry."

Their Uber arrived and he scooped her up and placed her in the back with him, still holding her up and trying to keep her awake.

She lay her head down and felt her eyelids get heavier, almost as though there was weights attached to them. "I want to sleep," she cried.

He picked her up once again and carried her up the stairs and to her apartment, "Where's your keys?" He grunted, placing her down, but still keeping her balanced.

She shrugged and hiccuped loudly. He frowned and checked both of her pockets, being unsuccessful. "They could be umm, at the party," she whispered.

He nodded and picked her up once again. "Where are you taking me? Are you going to... drown me? Or lock me in a basement and kill me?"

He chuckled gently, "Does this place even have a basement? I'm bringing you to my place."

She shook her head quickly, "I- I can't go to your-"

He cut her off quickly, "it's going to be fine, you can sleep in my bed and I'll make myself comfortable on the couch."

She shook her head again, her heart racing, "But Conor-"

He cut her off again, "Conor doesn't need to know about any of this."

Charlotte bit her lip and pushed her hand into her bra, making her whole chest exposed. Preston awkwardly looked away, "What are you doing?"

She pulled her keys out with a giggle as he chuckled at her. She played around with the keys for a few minutes before Preston opened her front door and led her to her bedroom. "Thank you Preston," she mumbled, plopping face first onto the bed.

Silence followed and she was soon fast asleep.

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