Sky Under The Sea

By peculiarphilosophy

183 3 0

PTV fanfic story More

Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides
Currents Convulsive
Yeah Boy and Doll Face
I'd Rather Die Than Be Famous
The Cheap Bouquet
Falling Asleep on a Stranger
She Sings in the Morning
Diamonds And Why Men Buy Them
Southern Constellations
The Boy Who Could Fly
Fast Times at Clairemont High
The New National Anthem
Bulletproof Love
Stay Away From My Friends
May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight
Hell Above
A Match Into Water
King For A Day

The Balcony Scene

7 0 0
By peculiarphilosophy

I wake up before everyone else does. That seems to be the common theme on the tour. By time I'm up, we're just making it into another state. We've been moving since at least 4am.

I sit down in the "kitchen" and think about Mike. Was it always so hard to be is friend? I don't remember it being like that at all before. It was easier, he was... kinder before. But now it just seems so messy. It seems like we blurred the lines between what was right between us. I've never dreaded seeing him before but now I do. After last night I don't even know how to act around him.

Luckily Tony wakes up and we hangout, distracting me from the whole Mike problem. We play Uno for hours, eventually making our own rules because of how bored we get from playing it normally.

Everyone wakes up after awhile, all of them joining us in the kitchen. Mike doesnt say a word to me when he gets in. He doesn't even look at me at first.

He only looks at me after he texts me saying 'we should talk.'

I ignore his text at first. Minutes later I reply.


I really don't want the drama, but talking it out might help.

We stop to gas up the bus around 5pm. Everyone piles out to grab food and stretch. Mike corners me outside the store as soon as I step out of it.

"Row." he says to get my attention. "Can we talk now?"

"Yeah, sure." I say and look at him expectedly.

"Look," he says and glances down before looking back up to me. "I'm sorry about last night. I was really drunk and it kinda pissed me off that you turned me down."

"It's fine. You were just speaking your truth." I reply.

"Row, come on. Thats not true. I wasn't even with anyone last night. I was just talking to someone but we didn't hook up or anything."

"Mike, it's whatever. Like you said, its not like we're together. Fuck whoever you want."

"I didn't mean it like that." he says. "You were right, I wasn't. I'm sorry."

I can tell that hes genuine about his apology but I'm still upset. I shouldn't be. I'm fucking someone else after all. Someone who's living in the same place as us for three months.

"So is everything better between us?" he asks.

"Yeah, it is. Just don't wake me up in the middle of the night again." I say and laugh.

"We can hangout then today? Watch another movie or something?" he says.

"We can even do it now if you want." I say.

We head inside and hangout in the back, watching yet another movie. This time its some shitty horror movie, but it still scares me.

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