The Uchiha Phoenix

By HailKaiser

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Satoshi Uchiha is tasked with saving the world with the help of his masked mentor. The young Uchiha must now... More

Enter Satoshi Uchiha
Enter Chuunibyou
A Choice and Showdown with Sannin
Dueling Machine and Clash with the Immortal
Recruiting an Immortal
Author's Note


16 0 0
By HailKaiser

Satoshi had spent the next couple of days attending school interacting with the club. Now Satoshi had to admit it was getting tedious. It wasn't the people themselves, grant it Dekomori was annoying and Shinka Nibutani's irritable nature was also annoying. But what annoyed the young Uchiha the most was Yuuta and Rikka. No, it wasn't them themselves it was their love. Before the Great Ninja War Satoshi had fallen in love with his childhood crush. Sadly fate did not shine on them. It still makes him tremble thinking of the blood.

Back on topic Satoshi had made a mental list of everyone's abilities and was almost ready to set Tobi's plan in motion. It still shocked him how much Rikka's father knew about the chuunibyou syndrome. In any event at club Satoshi intended to explain it. He just worried about how Rikka would react. Taking a deep breath the young Uchiha went with the rest of the classes.

The time of reckoning had come club was about to start. Everyone was siting down in the room. Okay its all or nothing. 

"I have a question." not bad but could have done better. Everyone looked at me waiting for me to continue.

"Would y 'all like to have these powers for real?" I asked.

They all looked at me puzzled. Okay time for a direct approach.

"All of you look at my eyes. They are onyx colored right?" They all nodded.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and then opened them showing them my mangekyou Sharingan. It was clear Yuuta and Shinka began to understand I was serious but Dekomori and Rikka where still clueless.

Before anyone could say anything Satoshi explained. "If you want to know how to achieve your powers and make them real meet up at Rikka's house, with all her family." This made Rikka somber and serious.

"What does her family have to do with this?" Yuuta asked anger evident in his voice.

" Just do as I instructed setting down a piece of paper. Follow the paper and everything will be explained." Satoshi finished explain. Standing up Satoshi prepared to leave but before demonstrating his powers. "Just in case you think this is not real." Using Kamui the Uchiha vanished.

A couple days passed and the club where all feeling uneasy to say the least. Rikka had recently found closure after coming to terms with her father's death. But now some stranger comes out and says there is more to her powers and it has to do with her father. Once her sister found she basically threatened Yuuta within in inch of his life.

Yuuta for his part was uneasy I mean he didn't mind occasionally playing the Dark Flame Master, but to have those powers for real? C'mon he just wants to forget that. Well once Rikka's sister cam by he was 'persuaded'. So the two talked gathered everyone at the house. Rikka's family where not happy but agreed to see this through. It was 4 in the afternoon when a swirling portal then Satoshi, Tobi, and a third person dressed in a suit and tie with long black hair that fell mid back, light skin tone with and upside down magatama ear rings.

" I guess we should start with introductions." Tobi stated.

"Forget formalities I want answers." Mrs. Takanashi, stated.

Tobi took a seat on the floor while Satoshi stood next to him. The other person stepped forward.

"Pleasure to meet you my name is Azuma Saito, one of your husbands lawyers." he introduced himself. 

"I did not know my husband had lawyers." she responded.

"First I will explain my relationship with your husband. Then I will explain your daughter's behavior that happened after his death." Azuma explained.

Every watched as the lawyer pulled out a disk and put it into the player.  After a few minutes it showed Azuma with a man presumably Rikka's father.

"So are you sure my daughter will have this disease?"  said a voice that confirmed it be Rikka's father.  Everyone neared closer to the T.V.

"It would appear so and according to my research your death will be the trigger."  Azuma confirmed. Mr. Takanashi sighed face palming.

"If I may what are your thoughts to this?" Azuma questioned. 

"I can't stop myself from dying. Everyone does eventually, I guess for now just enjoy the time I have left with them." He answered. His family watching was getting chocked up.

"When she's older I will tell her, but for now I want both my girls to grow up, have dreams, fulfill them." he said.

"Sir, there is something else." Azuma added.

Mr. Takanashi raised a brow, "Go on." 

"My research indicates that if a person is diagnosed with chunibyo syndrome. If they accept it and my they have it they can make what they believe real." Everyone wore a shocked expression, from this.

The father did not know how to respond to this. His daughter would have this disease and not even know she could make it real. This felt so overwhelming. He looked at his lawyer with a pleading face.

"All I can say is to go with your plan and hope for the best and if you live long enough tell her." The father said nothing as he got a piece of paper and a pen and wrote something on it. After he was done he handed it to his lawyer before he left. Not knowing he was not gonna make it home.

The video ended leaving everyone silent.

Azuma stood back while Tobi stood up to speak. "I am recruiting people to help balance good and evil." Tobi started.

"We just learned the truth our father and are bearing our emotions, we don't care what you want!" Rikka's sister yelled.

"We will see." Tobi said activating Kamui and leaving the friends and family alone. The rest of the day was silent, lunch, dinner everything not one person said a word. It was dark RIkka's family allowed her friends to stay over. It was 10 and Yuuta could not sleep. He had a million thoughts in his head the main one being, Rikka.  Now he felt bad for saying that her delusion was running away from her problems. That wasn't the case, no his death activated them. Taking a deep breath he went to check on her.

Upon arriving he freaked out because she was not in her bedroom. His shock was soon replace with suspicion as he noticed the window was open. Curious he looked out and then around to notice a faint shadow. Climbing out the window he saw Rikka sitting alone without her eyepatch or contact in. Taking a seat next to her She didn't look, twitch, or say anything. "Rikka are you okay?" Yuuta asked.

Rikka through her arms around Yuuta and Rikka  balled her poor eyes out letting lose all her sadness, confusion, everything. Yuuta could do nothing much but hold her. Unknown to both, Zetsu had been recording everything that happened since the there left the house. Azuma, Tobi and Satoshi could see everything. 

"Looks like everything is going according to plan." Tobi said.

Satoshi only clenched his fist he was glad Yuta could be there for Rikka but he was SO jealous. 'Why couldn't fate shine on me?' he thought bitterly. Tobi noticed this and smiled evilly under his mask with only one thought.

'Now that's my boy.'


Whelp now the chunibyou squad now knows about Rikka's father what will they do? Why is Satoshi jealous? hope you enjoy PLEASE comment and review.

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