By Stranger_sweetwords

55.5K 1K 2.1K

In the town of Hawkins everyone suffers the aftermath of all the strange events of the last year, specificall... More

Chapter 1.- You're a liar.
Chapter 2.- "Toothless"
Chapter 3.- "You really love her"
Chapter 4.- " Bad dream"
Chapter 5.- The Party
Chapter 7.- "90 per minute"
Chapter 8.- "Sad faces"
Chapter 9.- "Who are all of you?"
Chapter 10.- "Romeo and Juliet"
Chapter 11.- "Woody Woodpecker"
Chapter 12.- A Christmas promise.
Chapter 13.- "Let him go".
Chapter 14.-You are not the only one lying.
Chapter 15.- "The life she deserves"
Chapter 16.-¿Where are we?
Chapter 17.- "You're out of that cave"
Chapter 18.- "She's going to kill you"
Chapter 19.- "Wherever you go, I'll go"
Chapter 20.- "In that place"
Chapter 21.- "Chief Hopper"
Chapter 22.- "Subject 3"
Chapter 23.- "Charging 100%".
Chapter 24.- "The last 10 seconds"
Chapter 25.- "The funeral"
Chapter 26.- "Happy, safe..." (Final)
New Fillie Fanfic!!
NEW FILLIE FANFIC "The Storm In Our Souls"

Chapter 6.- "STAY AWAY

2.5K 46 115
By Stranger_sweetwords

Hi everyone, here is a new chapter

again I want to apologize for the translation errors, my English is not very good.

Please leave me your comments and opinions, it´s important for me, and please share this story with your friends!!

I hope you enjoy it…💕

"I'm just saying we should go out a little, the atmosphere outside is great." Dustin was desperately trying to get everyone out, he didn't know what conditions Mike was at right now. "Steve sure outside there will be many girls ..."

… "¡¡Mark will kick Wheeler's ass!!”. Someone shouted from outside, causing everyone to run out into the garden.

"Shit ... Mike!" Dustin ran looking at everyone's worried face, Eleven was pale, they couldn't believe what they saw, Mike had a nose full of blood, but he seemed very funny.

"That was your best shot? ... I thought you would be better at fighting, to balance how bad you are in football, you fucking idiot” . Another blow went straight to Mike's eye, making him fall to the floor.

"The show is over, you gave him what he deserves" Steve was still a legend at school so no one prevented him from approaching and lifting Mike from the floor. "For your sake, I hope he doesn't have brain damage or something like that you shit-head". Steve threatened Mark before leaving, giving everyone a signal to go to the car.

Mike couldn't stand up, his gaze was lost and he didn't understand much of what was going on, he felt everyone was arguing around him, but he couldn't understand what they were saying, he just desperately looked for one person, the only person he was interested in seeing, put his eyes on her, wanted to approach but she took a step back, in her gaze there was a deep disappointment and ... that was it ... Mike understood that he had lost her forever, the pain he had felt all this time was suddenly multiplied, it was unbearable, he didn't think clearly, he didn't care anymore, taking advantage of everyone arguing, he started walking towards the party again, until Will stopped him by the arm.

"Are you crazy? You can't go back there. Do you want that guy to kill you? ” Will didn't expect an answer but Mike replied ... "Maybe that would be the best for everyone"

Everyone heard those words, the sadness in Mike's voice would have moved them all but his vomit diverted attention, Mike dropped to his knees vomiting all over the street. Eleven could not keep seeing this, got in the car so nobody could see her tears

"Get in the car everyone, please…we'll go in a second" Dustin approached him and rubbed his back slowly, it broke his heart to see him like this, Mike was crying with his hands on the asphalt, taking care that no one noticed.

"She hates me Dustin, she hates me" ... "NO, STAY AWAY!!". Mike shouted when he felt that Dustin was about to hug him.

“If you hold me, they will suspect that something is happening, It's not time yet, I can't risk them, we have to get out of here before someone sees us ”…They both walked to the car. It would be amazing to be able to say that Mike's plan turned out perfectly, but at that party, from the terrace of that place, Troy had seen everything, saw Mike leave with his friends, saw the way in which Dustin approached him and most importantly ... he saw her.

Dustin helped Mike up, made several moves, but in the end Mike ended up next to Eleven.

The road home was long, Mike was completely unconscious, they went through a curve that made his head slide to Eleven's shoulder, she jumped over, wanted to push him away but part of her missed that feeling, I missed how the simple touch of Mike could send electricity all over her body, she turned her head a little to see him up close, he looked like the same person, it was his freckles, his long eyelashes, his lips, but she knew that his Mike didn't exist more, he knew that the boy who now slept on her shoulder, tomorrow would be a stranger again, someone who had tired of her, his friends and now had a very different life, Steve's voice lifted Eleven from her thoughts.

"We will do this ... we will call Nancy to cover Mike and say that he will sleep with you Dustin, I can't take him home in these conditions, You and Will will have to take turns watching him and taking care that he is always lying on his side, not on his back or he could drown if he vomits again, he will need a lot of water when he wakes up, you must force him to drink, I will return in the morning.

"You should try to hide him, don't let your mom or Joyce enter your room." Robbin advised. "No matter how reliable they are, When it comes to drunk teenagers, it is best to keep this between us”

"Calm down, my mom and I have an agreement, she doesn't enter my room without my consent, now we'd better get in quickly before Mike throws up your car." Dustin went to the door dragging Mike with Will's help, Eleven entered first to check that there were no mothers awake, fortunately they came to the room without being discovered.

Eleven cleaned the blood from Mike's face before leaving the room, she hear him babble nonsense

things she and Will didn't understand.

"It's all his fault" …"It's dangerous…. for everyone" ... Dustin perfectly understood what Mike was talking about, so very nervous he kept them from listening.

"Ok ... I think he's delirious, you better go to sleep, I'll take the first turn, come on, come on." Dustin sighed in relief when he closed the door. "That was close dude."

Will woke to hear a strange noise, apparently Eleven had nightmares again.

“Mike… Mike… Mikeeeee… Where are you?” Eleven had a scary expression on her face. "Eleven, quiet is just a dream, it's just ..." Will could not finish his sentence because someone knocked on the door "Will, Will I’m Dustin, something happens to Mike, it seems that he ...". Dustin froze when he saw Eleven in those conditions.

"OK ... Will, this is very strange, you have to go see Mike for yourself."

Will went quickly to Dustin's room and found Mike with the same scary face as Eleven, only that he was saying her name. "El ... Eleven I'm still here ... I can't see you ... El."

Will couldn't believe what he was seeing, it seemed as if their dreams were connected, he had no idea what to do and suddenly he saw the walkie-talkie He knew there was one more in Eleven's room.

"Dustin, do you copy me?, I'm still with Mike, how is Eleven?" A couple of seconds passed before Dustin replied, "I copy you, stay asleep and keep repeating Mike's name."

Will had to think fast, he had to check if they were really connected or if it was a coincidence. "Listen Dustin, I want you to wake up Eleven, wake her up now." Dustin started shaking Eleven until she opened her eyes and almost jumped out of bed. "She's awake. What's up with Mike?"

Seconds before Dustin finished saying those words Mike had also awakened agitated. "Mike also woke up ... can you both come please". Will, had his hands on Mike's shoulders, preventing him from getting up, Mike looked puzzled, he didn't even remember getting there, his head and stomach were killing him, he felt very dizzy, he had to make an effort to put on his best face when he saw that Eleven crossed the door, her eyes were swollen, she had been crying, deep down he hoped it wasn't his fault, he was tired of hurting her.

"Eleven ... Mike ... guys something weird happened, I think you were having the same dream, I know it seems silly but I want to be sure, this could confirm our suspicions Eleven"

Mike was confused. "Wait a minute, what do you suspect?"

Will and Dustin looked at each other for a second, seeking Eleven's approval, when she agreed Dustin began telling Mike about Eleven's dream of Hopper, it was a very quick explanation, just a summary, but Mike quickly understood.

“I need you to write on this paper, saying nothing out loud, who was in your dream and where you were.” Will handed a pencil and a sheet of paper to both of them, when they delivered it, They discovered that they had written the same answer. . Both had placed each other's name and both wrote that they were in a very dark and large basement, the four were silent, there was only one more thing to find out, something that Mike did not know, Eleven told them that after the breakup, she had such dreams for a month, it was only a matter of finding out if Mike had also had.

"Mike ... you must be honest with us." Dustin looked him straight in the face "have you experienced anything like this before?" Mike thought a little before giving his answer, he didn't want to sound like someone obsessed that he dreamed of his ex-girlfriend every night.

"Mike, please, it's important!" Will was losing patience.

Mike closed his eyes tightly, it had been too much for that night, his head ached and now he was about to confess something embarrassing ... "After ... After ... after we break up, I had this same dream for ..."

"32 days " …Both said at the same time.

"Shit, it's real, Part of your powers are still within you. You are able to contact people, to see them, in Mike's case for some reason he has always been able to feel you in the void, I think that's why you are dragging him into your nightmares, it is as if your powers little by little wanted to manifest themselves, you just have to discover how to make them come back ”… Everyone was really surprised, part of Mike was happy to feel that he still had a connection with Eleven, but apparently she was embarrassed, she felt exposed, after all now everyone knew that she dreamed of the scumbag who abandoned her, saw her leave the room accompanied by Will, she had her eyes on the floor, he had to contain himself a lot so as not to shout the whole truth.

" Well, I think we should rest now , school starts in 4 hours, we are idiots for going to a party on Thursday." Dustin wanted to hit Steve at that moment.

Everyone had run again with great luck, Mike was able to leave Dustin's house before his mom or Joyce saw him, Steve was out with Nancy, Robin and Jonathan, he could almost hear the sermons on their faces. "Not now, Nance". Mike took the clothes and got into the car where he tried to change quickly.

"I wasn't going to give you any talk, Mike, I know we've moved away but I'm here for you, you know that". Mike felt his eyes get wet, he wanted to hug her but he couldn't break his role right now, he needed more time to get rid of Troy, so he simply said thank you and closed the car door for privacy.

School would be very difficult that day, Mike was very tired, with a black eye and his whole body ached, and if that wasn't enough, he had to endure all the teasing, the whole school had seen his face split, he almost felt relief from approaching Troy, at least there nobody else approached him. There was something odd about Troy that morning, he didn't seem anxious to make him feel miserable, his silence managed to make Mike even more nervous, he preferred to be yelled at or threatened, after a few minutes Troy finally broke the silence.

"So ... did you enjoy the party , Wheeler ? ... I mean, I know you left early, but you sure found some fun while you were there." Mike knew that the fight was something that everyone knew so he should use that and divert attention.

"Okay, I stayed a little longer and I got drunk, I ended up bothering Mark and he broke my face." Mike hoped that was enough.

"I'm glad you're fine Frog-face, but you must learn that there are people you shouldn't mess with, there are people you shouldn't challenge, people you can't lie to" . Something in Troy's voice caused chills in his body, but fortunately the bell rang and he ran to his classroom, but not before hearing Troy give him one more order ... "Wheeler ... See you after school, I must show you something" .

Classes ended quickly that day, Mike felt like a car had run over him, not only had an incredible hangover , he still felt the beating of last night, When he left the building, Troy and the other bullies were already waiting for him in the car, he had no idea what they wanted now, but he expected it to end quickly.

Dustin had seen Mike walk away with them, he was really worried and felt helpless that he couldn't do anything to help him, before they left he returned to his locker to take his things and a note fell to the floor ... "I saw them last night, your fucking friend is dead ... I want you on the cliff in an hour, you must bring that damn weirdo with you... Im watching you toothless, do not tell anyone else”

"Shit…". Dustin ran out of school, needed to get home, develop a plan to help Mike.

“Could you tell me, where the hell are you taking me?” … Mike was impatient, they had come very close to the forest and didn't understand where they were going.

"Quiet Frog-face we are almost here, in fact it is a place that you already know". Another minute passed and suddenly Mike understood, he knew where they were going ... that damn place again.

"What do we do here?, I don't want to be here, I want to leave" . Mike shouted scared, seeing himself again on top of that cliff filled him with fear, Troy was crazy, he was really crazy and they were no kids anymore, he knew that his life was in danger, He tried to run but between Troy and the other two bullies stopped him, Mike was hit in the stomach that left him without air and while he was on the floor they began to tie him, tied his hands and feet, placed him near the cliff.

“You're crazy Troy, what's your problem? I did everything you told me, I ... "Stop lying Wheeler!!" Troy interrupted him furiously.

“I saw you at the party, you were with them, I saw you talk to all those idiots, I'm sure they already know… and I saw her, that damn weirdo is back and I must say that she is hot, you are not such an idiot after all, I can think of a thousand things that I could do to your little whore”

"¡¡Shut up you piece of shit!!" Mike shouted angrily, his face was red with anger, if he wasn't tied he would have killed Troy with his own hands.

"I didn't tell them anything, she doesn't know anything, leave her alone, I never broke our agreement, nobody knows anything ... they…"

"¡MIKE!" Dustin's voice reached Mike's ears, interrupting his words, Mike's heart almost stopped when he saw who accompanied him ... it was she ... Eleven.

Tks... Eli💕

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