Chapter 20.- "In that place"

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Upside Down.- Unknown time


The device that the soldiers threw to immobilize the guys worked for a couple more minutes, enough to keep them on the ground and unable to rescue their friends, when the horrible sound disappeared everyone immediately stood up running towards the direction that they had taken, but there was nothing, there was no trace of Mike and Eleven.

"It's impossible, they couldn't disappear without a trace". Max was screaming desperate.

"This place is full of portals and roads that connect to others, we made the mistake of believing that we would be the only people here, it seems that they have time studying this place, they have an advantage over us". Will sat on the floor while pressing his head hard, still looking somewhat dizzy.

"That does not matter now". Khali interrupted the guys. "We can't waste time we have to find that cop, now it's not just his life that is at risk, we have to look for Mike and Jane, I have no idea what's going on but it can't be good... Dustin, you can guide us,rigth?".

"Sure, Lucas and I know the way to the cabin perfectly ... it's to the north, follow me, there's not much left". Dustin and Lucas shared a look as they placed themselves in front of the group, they knew they were against the time.


Hawkins Cinema 8:00 PM


"I'm just saying you'll never like romantic movies if you don't give them a chance". Nancy pressed a kiss on Jonathan's cheek, loved being able to be with him every second of the day, had spent a lot of time apart and was not going to waste this time, Maybe she was selfish and had forgotten her own family, hell she hadn't even crossed words with Mike in the last few days, a shadow of guilt pierced her face.

"Hey, we'll see the movie you want, take away that sad face". Jonathan stopped to see how Nancy's mood changed dramatically.

"No, it's not the movie, it's just that... I don't know, I was thinking about my brother, I've been a little away the last few days, after what happened I feel I should be more alert, this morning I saw him somewhat quiet and that didn't It's normal in him, maybe it's my imagination, I'm just worried that something bad will happen again, I still don't forgive myself for not being able to help him all these months and that almost kills him". Nancy felt Jonathan brush her chin so that she looked at him.

"Listen, that was not your fault, we all do the best we can, listen I have not seen Will much these last days but the guys are all together, they take care of each other, they have been through many difficulties, surely they are only Hanging out and having fun, trust them, I think... ". Jonathan couldn't finish his sentence because familiar voices caught his attention.

"I'd rather die than let you choose the movie Dingus, your taste in movies is even worse than your stupid hair".

"Wow, wow, wow. Don't you dare to make jokes of my hair!!" . Steve seemed offended at Robbin's words.

"We had a deal, you don't touch my hair and I don't talk about your bad taste for girls and... Jonathan! Nance !! ". The four friends were glad to see each other, they really did not expect to meet in that place but the coincidence was pleasant for everyone.

"You two have not been seen much here, but I understand that you want to spend romantic time as a couple and that shit,in fact I envy you, it is nice to be able to spend time with someone you like but it is not my case, I have to spend most of the time with this...". Steve pointed at Robbin, causing her to show him the middle finger, while everyone laughed.

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