Chapter 5.- The Party

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“I remember that you've already dreamed of Hopper before…... Why are you scared? I think this is normal, mom dreamed all the time with Bob. ” Will was trying to reassure Eleven.

“I don't know… it felt different from my other dreams, it was similar to being in the void, it felt real and Hopp looked very different, He was thinner and had blood on his face, he suffered, he suffered a lot. They had him in a dark cell and there were many people I didn't know, soldiers and people in white coats, all obeyed a person's orders, but I couldn't see who he was. ”

Eleven was still very scared, she knew that maybe everything was a dream but she couldn't ignore that the feeling was the same as when she used her powers to enter the void,she had not done it for more than a year but she had not forgotten how she felt, a thousand ideas passed through her head but she felt silly just thinking about them, fortunately Will thought the same thing at that moment.

"Do you think your powers are still there inside you? ... I don't know, it's just a guess but ... maybe everything is real, maybe Hopp is alive and you really saw him". Will noticed that eleven thought the same, since he saw no surprise on her face.

“Will, I have to make my powers come back, I need to look for Hopper, if he really is gone I need to know because I feel stuck, part of me has always felt that he is still there and this dream has only made everything worse, with my powers everything it would be so easy, I could get this idea out of my head or ... I could find it if what I saw in that dream is real. ”Eleven had tears all over her face, Will approached her to hug her.

"Tomorrow we will be in Hawkins with our friends again, we will solve it among all and if your powers are still there, we will discover it among all of us" ...

"We will not be all." Eleven interrupted him, there was pain in her voice. "Mike has no interest in this, he has no interest in you or me, I don't want him to approach me, I don't want him to know anything about this, I don't want to see him." Will took Eleven's hand trying to make her feel safe.

“Eleven listen, I don't want to be near Mike, I will do my best to get him away from you but you have to accept that it is very likely that you can see him, Hawkins is a small place, if that happens we will solve it, now let's try to sleep because tomorrow will be a long day".

Will went to his room and Eleven lay on her bed, the sun came out and neither could sleep, they felt that his return to Hawkins would be full of many surprises ... good and bad surprises.

"You look terrible Frogface." Troy mocked Mike when he saw him arrive with messy hair and coffee in his hand, it was obvious that he had not slept at all. "I hope that with this work we all get an A".

"You will get a B because an A would not be credible, just hand it over and leave the classroom before they are asked any questions or they will discover you"

Mike's voice was very tired as he handed them a folder with the tasks he did all night, Mike was going to the library, he hoped he could sleep at least an hour until Troy's unbearable voice stopped him.

"Perfect ... do not disappear all day Wheeler, at the end of school see you at Arcade"

"What? ... Troy can't, I need to rest, I have days without sleep ..." Troy's laugh interrupted Mike's words. "Do you really think I was asking you idiot? ... it's an order, there's a party tonight and my mother isn't allowed to leave, but she will if she thinks I'll play video games with the harmless Wheeler, so I want you there after school or I'm going to blow your face ... or better yet, the face of one of your stupid friends, after all if my mother treats me like a baby, it's your fault” Mike's blood boiled, but he knew he had no choice.

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