A Shelby Mistress

By PeakyGirl

1.3M 34.9K 7.9K

It's 1921, Tommy is left heartbroken over Grace's betrayal and having decided not to follow her to New York h... More

Aurora Hayes
The Shelby's
The Meeting
Prying Stranger
White Tulips
Lee Fire
His Mouse
Aunt Polly
Whiskey Courage
Coin Toss
Torn Apart
Domestic Bliss
Old Friend
Watery Lane
Moving Up
Three Words
Opening Night
Past Meeting
Birthdays and Witches
Family Meeting
Camden Town
White Mare
Boat Trip
May Carleton
Past Love
Derby Day
Broken Soul
Resting Place
Christmas One Shot
Sisterly Love
Birthday Kiss
Field Of Snow
Arrow House
Helen McCrory
Afternoon Tea
Charles Shelby
The Wedding
Wedding Party
Foundation Dinner
First Kiss
Father Hughes
Night Terrors
Alfie Solomons
Soft Moans
Billy Shelby
When Snow Falls
Mrs Shelby
The King
A Baby
Unexpected Visitor
Old Friend

Small Heath

19.7K 481 27
By PeakyGirl

"Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home
A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there
Which seek thro' the world, is ne'er met elsewhere
Home! Home!
Sweet, sweet home!
There's no place like home
There's no place like home!"

Aurora sang to herself, flipping the egg in the pan while reaching for her toast to munch on. Today was a good day, she felt happy and at peace with herself. It was one of the few occasions that Aurora didn't wake up and reach for a hard drink, instead she wanted food and lots of it. Ever since the argument at the stables, she had avoided her Mam and gave her Dad pathetic reasons on why she hadn't been answering her phone but it was a sunny Saturday, Aurora had calmed down and was ready to face her mam with a smile, she just hoped she had calmed down too. Her Mams concern was appreciated yet Aurora continued to believe she wasn't making a mistake in getting to know Tommy, his advice had helped her more than anyone even more than the bottle. For once Aurora felt in control.

The tulips had all unfortunately died and Aurora found herself missing them deeply. They made her house feel homely and fresh. It also reminded her that Tommy wasn't the cold hearted man people made him out to be and that there was something in him she liked so finishing work early yesterday afternoon, Aurora had went to the nearest florist and bought an array of tulips. She had placed a bouquet in every room and now that homely feeling was back.

A while later Aurora had pushed her plate to the side and was now resting with her feet up on the chair, drinking a cup of tea, still humming to herself. Before visiting her parents Aurora was going to visit Bill's grave, pick up some things from the shop and then have dinner with Mrs Finley next door. Moments passed nicely until the sound of Aurora's front door opening followed by hushed angry voices so rudely interrupted her morning tea.
"Will! I've spoke to her about this!"
"It's not your place to make decisions Anne, she's a grown woman!"
"A grown woman with no experience, this is a bad idea Will! You're only going to quicken her heartbreak"
"You know it's not like that Anne! It's work! She's going for work!"
"It's not just work anymore Will! You've seen the two of them! The secret glances, the moments alone!"
It looked like Aurora wouldn't have to travel to her parents today, they were already here and arguing in her hall. She guessed it was about her, actually it was quite obvious which annoyed Aurora greatly.
Why couldn't her Mam leave it alone?

"Morning! Mam, Dad, I'm in the kitchen" Aurora called out huffing slightly which caused their argument to go immediately silent.
"Good morning darling!"
Her Dad entered the room first, a cheery smile on his face as he greeted Aurora with a kiss on the forehead. Then her Mam entered, face like thunder and mouth twisted into a scowl. Aurora had to refrain from laughing watching the pair glare at her.
"Good morning bairn, your Dad has some news" Anne bit out trying her best to greet her child nicely but she just couldn't bring herself to feel happy about the current situation.
Seeing her Mams face Aurora started to think the worse and all humour she had felt before slipped from her body and in true Aurora style, she panicked.
"Bad news Dad? Is it the business?!"

"No, no Aurora don't worry! I have a meeting with the Shelby's at twelve noon and instead of them coming here, I'm going to them. Now since you are my second in command at the office I need you to come and take notes" William explained watching Aurora's eyes light up with something he had never seen from her before.
"Take notes, right!" Anne silently muttered, voice full of sarcasm as she also noticed the way her daughter lit up.
"Anne!" William was close to losing his temper yet his wife didn't care, she herself was heading directly onto the war path.
"I'd love to come Dad! How long are we staying? Will I need anything?" Aurora questioned jumping up from her seat with a wide grin.
She was going to Tommys home!
She was going to Small Heath!

"We will be back later tonight, all you need is yourself but we must leave now if we are to make it on time" William urged gesturing Aurora to get a move on, mostly so he could escape his Annes death stare.
"Mam I need you to please go tell Mrs Finley I won't be able to come for lunch, tell her I'm sorry and that I will see her tomorrow"
"Of course I'll lock up behind you" Anne nodded before reaching out quickly and taking her daughters arm "please be careful bairn"
Smiling softly Aurora pulled her Mam into a hug and kissed her head almost as if she was a mother reassuring her child.
"Don't worry I will be Mam"
"If he hurts you, take his cap and blind him"
Anne's growl caused Aurora to break out in laughter, she knew she was being serious but Aurora imagined there was no way possible way to be able to overpower Tommy plus she couldn't bring herself to hurt him. Aurora couldn't bring herself to hurt anyone, she was too softhearted.

"It's time to go Aurora" William called out already heading towards the exit.
"I'll talk to Dad for you Mam, why don't you stay here for the night and when I come home we can go out?" Aurora sighed quietly hating the way her mams eyes sadden as she watched her husband leave without so much as a goodbye.
"Me and your Dad will work things out we always do, thank you darling but I have housework to be doing. I'll drive your car home and we can talk when you come for it. You enjoy Birmingham" Anne tried smiling, petting Aurora's cheek lovingly, her eyes filled with unshed tears.
"Goodbye Mam"
Turning around Aurora rushed towards her open door, she could hear her Dads car starting up and knew if she didn't make a move soon he'd leave her at home.

Waiting until the door had shut behind her, Anne broken down in tears and moved to sit down. It was becoming more and more difficult to deal with her husbands moods. She didn't want to fight anymore, they had been fighting since Henry's death. Anne was tired and she could see her overprotectiveness was starting to affect her children but how did she stop after losing one?

The drive to Birmingham was to take just over three hours. Aurora and her Dad had already spent two in absolute silence. She could feel the waves of anger coming from him as he held the wheel in a death grip and Aurora didn't want to talk to him while he was in such a foul mood yet she couldn't keep her mouth shut, she had to say something.
"Dad?" Her voice was small, Aurora was testing the waters before she jumped in.
His tone was sharp and warning but it was too late, she had jumped head first.
"You're being too hard on Mam, it hasn't been easy she's still mourning for Henry"
It was then Aurora wished she had opened the car door and rolled out, risking her life rather then sit and receive the glare her Dad was now giving her.
"You think I'm not mourning Aurora! You think I'm not mourning Henry! I LOST MY SON! I WATCHED THEM SNATCH MY BABYS LIMP BODY AWAY BEFORE I EVEN HAD A CHANCE TO REACH HIM! I'm mourning too......we all are"
Aurora had never seen her Dad cry but the tears in his eyes and the devastation on his face made Aurora believe he was about to.

He held on, Aurora had been the one to start crying.
"I'm sorry Dad"
Taking one hand off the wheel, William reached over and took Aurora's hand, giving her a teary smile.
"From now on we mourn together as a family and we move on as a family" he choked out trying to focus on the road so he too didn't weep like baby and nodding in agreement, Aurora squeezed her Dads hand before letting go.

No more words were spoken between them, the car was now filled with a peaceful sadness. Aurora felt guilty for hurting her Dad but also felt a sense of accomplishment. He never spoke about his feelings and she thought keeping them buried would destroy him so while she had hurt him, she had also got him to open up the smallest bit. Closing her eyes Aurora began to fall asleep to the sound of the car engine.

"Do you have a smoke?"
"No Bill"
"Do you have a smoke?"
"Bill I'm not doing this again!"
His eyes were once again peaking over the platform watching her as she sat tiredly on the bench. Aurora's hands went automatically to her pocket and pulling out the cigarette she threw it to the side.
"You want a smoke, come get one"
She wouldn't give in to him, she wouldn't go over there and watch him.
"You know I can't Aurora"
The train was coming, Aurora could hear it, she could see it through the fog.
"Trains early today" Bill laughed, eyes growing dark as he began to step backwards.
"Why Bill?"
"Why what?"

"Rora! Rora wake up!"
Through her hazy state Aurora could hear her Dad calling out to her, ripping Bill from her head as she woke.
"Dad....what is it?" She murmured quietly rubbing her eyes and slowly sitting up in her seat.
William felt his heart cracking deep within, his child looked lost and frightened. A sense of guilt washed over him, he had let her suffer through the nightmare, he had watched her whimper and shake in the seat besides him. William had done it in order to collect more information but just like every other time she called out one name, Bill.

"We're here, we're in Small Heath"
Hearing those words had Aurora standing to attention and wiping the sleep from her eyes she turned to stare out the window taking in the view around her. Surprisingly it looked like home, it was dark, murky and the air seemed to be filled with smoke but unlike home Aurora was excited to be here. She could see men working while women pushed their prams down the street, friends were meeting up and children played in the road, giving cheek to whichever car interrupted them.
"Where do the Shelby's live Dad?" Aurora enquired feeling herself grow more excited each time she spotted that familiar cap, it didn't help that every man appeared to be wearing one.
"Three streets over, you'll know when we get there"
Aurora counted each street
"I'm guessing it's somewhere there" Aurora smiled pointing out to where a group of men stood waiting, slips in hand.
There was a system going, as soon as one man walked into a door another man walked out. Pulling up alongside the men Aurora eagerly jumped out the car before her Dad even had time to stop causing the men to glance at her in surprise but soon went back to minding their own business.

The door next to the men suddenly swung open and out stepped Tommy. He had been waiting by the window expecting William at any moment when he caught sight of a mouse and instead of Arthur, Tommy decided he would be the one to greet them.
Aurora could feel her stomach tingling already as the men lifted their hats to greet Tommy. He was in full control here, in his home. The dominance that oozed from him had everyone captivated, some were scared, some admired. Aurora was on the side that admired Tommy and slipping a grin onto her face she took a step towards him.
"Good morning Tommy" She chirped, inwardly cursing herself at the amount of excitement in her tone yet Tommy didn't smile back.

Heading straight for her, he took a soft grip of her arm and looked deeply into her eyes.
"You've been crying" Tommy noted taking in her bloodshot stare and puffed up cheeks.
"Oh!" Reaching up Aurora touched her face "it's nothing Tommy I swear"
"Ah Thomas, good to see you!" William called out trying to distract the man, Anne had been right, there was something in their stares that went beyond business.

"We'll talk about this later Aurora" Tommy whispered bringing his hand to rest on the small of her back before turning to face William.
"William, if you please go straight through that door John will get you a drink. Tell Finn to get out 'ere" Tommy nodded at him using his free hand to gesture towards the door.
Aurora watched her Dad stand there for a few moments contemplating whether or not to go inside or wait to see what Tommy wanted with her. Under Tommy's un-breaking stare, William sighed and turned to walk into the house.
"Tommy I told you it's nothing me and me Dad just talked" Aurora tried to reassure him trying to meet his eyes, ignoring the way his touch set her alight.

"Ah Finn!"
"What Tom?"
Aurora spotted the young teenager she had briefly met at the Lee fire coming over to them, a cheeky smile plastered on his face as he noticed her.
"I want you to take Miss Hayes to the Garrison, put her in the nook and tell Harry to give her a drink on the house" Tommy ordered his youngest sibling giving Aurora a little push.
"The Garrison?" Aurora enquired giving Tommy a small frown.
Why wasn't she going to be in the meeting?
"Not to worry, you'll be safe there. I'll come find you after I'm done here" Tommy stated, giving her no room to refuse his request.
"Ok Tom, come on Miss" Finn grinned holding his arm out like a gentleman.
Giggling Aurora walked forwards and accepted it, not before giving Tommy one last glance only to see him already heading back inside.

"You Tommys new woman?"
Looking at the Finn, Aurora couldn't help but feel incredibly amused by him.
"No Finn I'm not"
This kid was more inquisitive than the police, at least this time he wasn't wondering if they were fucking. He probably was yet kept his mouth clean and innocent. Aurora could see Tommy in Finn, they had the same features, the same smirk that could melt and break the heart of any woman.
Not sure on how to answer Finns question Aurora shrugged and looked down at her boots which were now pitted in mud.
Aurora like Tommy and admired him greatly but he needed a strong, intelligent, fighting woman by his side and she knew that wasn't her. Aurora found herself wishing it was, wishing she could be the one to make Tommy smile.

Stepping through the Garrison Aurora felt alive as she took in the drunk men happily singing, their drinks spilling along the floor. The place had a certain charm to it or maybe it was just the people. Aurora imagined you could spend hours on end in here, singing and laughing until the alcohol intake became too much, sending people to stumble home happier than they've ever been.
"Harry, this is Miss Hayes! Tom said you 'ave to give her whatever she wants, on the 'ouse!" Finn announced causing everyone to stop as soon as Tommy was mentioned.
"Please just Aurora will do" she grinned stepping forwards to greet the barman who stared at her in wonder.
"What...can I get for you Miss Aurora?"
"A beer please Harry if it isn't too much trouble"
She was a breath of fresh air thought Harry, a happy pleasant girl. He wondered where Tommy had found this one. Aurora was the complete opposite to Grace yet still held the same light but Aurora's smile appeared more innocent and truthful whereas Graces had been a lie at first.
"Go into the room, I'll pass your drink through" Harry nodded to his left as he began to clean a glass for her.
"Thank you Harry and thank you Finn for bringing me here"
Giving everyone one last shy smile, Aurora slipped into the side room and sat down, unconsciously bringing her thumb up to bite her nail.

It was lonely in here.
Sipping on her beer Aurora sighed. No one bothered her and while she normally liked this, Aurora was in a new place and needed some form of interaction otherwise she would grow more and more on edge. Hopefully Tommy would be done soon. Aurora had decided she wasn't giving him any choices, he would show her around the city whether he wanted to or not. She wanted to see his kingdom and the people who lived in it.

"Finn! Where the fuck have you been? Dinners ready!" Polly demanded marching over to her youngest nephew who was kicking up stones near the Garrison.
"Tom sent me to bring his woman to the Garrison aunt Poll" Finn shrugged, shrinking under his aunts glare.
"What bloody woman?!"
"Dunno aunt Pol, she's pretty"
"I'll see that for myself, get home Finn"
Waiting until Finn ran off, Polly reached up and pulled a pin from her hair feeling rage bubbling up inside her.
Tommys woman!
Polly had warned that traitorous bitch she would kill her yet she was here, back in Small Heath, no doubt ready to pour out her love until her nephews cock grew excited and accepted her back. This wasn't going to happen, not while Polly was still breathing. Polly would stay true to her word, she was going to kill her.

Storming into the Garrison, Polly wasted no time in throwing the snug room door open, stopping in surprise as she laid eyes upon a brunette girl who had stopped drinking and was now staring at Polly in horror.
This wasn't Grace.
"Who the fuck are you?!"

Nook- a corner or recess, especially one offering seclusion or security.

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