The Feather Prince (TodoDeku)

By KinziFace

39.4K 1.6K 619

Only a select few are born with the curse of wings. If you are born with them, you have no chance of survivin... More

Izuku Midoriya
Shoto Todoroki
Under Wraps
Does He Love Me?
Morning Apologies
The Paint Room
Dinner Difficulties
Two Days
Sweet Suprises
A Talk With Mom
Moonlight Kisses
Horses and Hawks
Fake Love

I Didn't Get To Say Goodbye

2.2K 118 166
By KinziFace

Midoriya's P.O.V

Kirishima walked in my room with a plate for me. I'm guessing this was some kind of lunch because I didn't feel like leaving my room. I didn't understand why he said I was his friend. Was he dating me out of pity? Did he even care about me? "Hey, are you okay?" Kirishima said. "Y-yeah I'm good." I said, trying to put on a smile. "I know you're really sad right now. And you have all the reason to be upset. You don't have to smile." he said, sitting down on my bed, the plate sat on my bed side desk.

He pulled my into a small hug, letting me cry into his shoulder. I'm glad we were friends because I don't know what else I would be doing right now. Pulling away from his loose grip he speaks again. "You need to eat okay?" He took the plate and handed it to me, watching me at least take a bite of food before walking to the door. Before he left he looked at me and quietly said "Just hear him out." before closing the door behind him.

Continuing to eat and wonder what he said, I see a piece of paper on the tray. Picking it up and unfolding it I read the words scribbled in Shotos' handwriting.

Dear Izuku,

I am so sorry for what I said earlier today. I never explained why I did what I did and you deserve an apology. My father isn't exactly the kindest person when it comes to love. I called you my friend because I knew that he would be completely outraged if I told him I was your boyfriend. I see you as my boyfriend and hope you see me the same way. I really do love you Izuku. So hopefully, when Kirishima comes back to your room he can explain my plans.

xoxo, Shoto

Right as I finished reading the note, Kirishima came through the wooden door and sat on my bed, a small smile playing on his lips. "So, I'm guessing you read the note. What do you say, are you in?" He questions, his eyes glistening with hope and joy. "I am okay with meeting up with him. I get where he is coming from." I say, smiling for the first time for a few hours. "Good. We planned on having it on your room. At eight, I will watch the guards by the stairs while Todoroki sneaks out of his room and into your. Leave your door unlocked so he can get in easily. He will bring the food for dinner so all you have to do is get ready Okay? I will have to get out of here before the others get suspicious. He will see you at eight." he says, standing up and running to the door, before opening and closing it right back.

Standing up from the bed, I decide that I need a shower. Going to my dresser, I pick out a pair of black pants, a white shirt and a green bunny hoodie. Walking into the bathroom, I turn the water to a warm temperature before stripping my clothes and bandages before jumping in. I spend about thirty minutes in the shower, my hair, body, and wings all in need of a good wash. Jumping out of the shower, I dry myself with the fluffy towel, traces of dark red blood soaking it. Grabbing another towel, I shake it on my head, the water droplets sliding down the locks of my hair on the ground. Pulling on my clothes, I go back to my room, grabbing the note from earlier and my phone. Setting them both on the granite counter, I turn on some music.

Reading over the note again, I can't help think about him. He sacrificed his everything for me. I was probably his first everything. We had the most special moments together. And to think that I ruined that with a simple misunderstanding. Letting a single tear fall, along with a single feather, a sharp pain shoots through my back, the clock reading 7:53 as I collapse to the floor.

Todoroki's P.O.V

Kirishima came in only a few minutes after our previous talk with a smile plastered all over his face. "He said he wants to see you at eight!" he squeals in delight, more excited at the news than I was. And believe me, I was excited. "That's amazing! I need ideas for food. What do you think?" I question, really needing advice, the time already 6:57. I have about an hour to get ready and be in his room. "Don't worry about the food. I will have the halls cleared by 7:55 giving you a clear path to his door without getting suspicious. He is expecting eight. Don't arrive early, be on time, that way you have a definite clear path. I will have a basket of food outside of your room. Don't stress about this too much. He seems really happy to talk to you." he said walking towards the door. "Now get ready! It's already 7:03." he said exiting the room and closing the door behind him. Going to my closet to look for clothing options, I spot the old painting from a few days ago. Wow. He looked so peaceful. Moving it aside, I grab a dull blue button up and some dark jeans.

Walking into the bathroom, I adjust the knobs on the shower to a good temperature before stripping my clothes and getting in. Washing my hair and body, I spend 30 minutes in before grabbing a towel and drying myself off. Shaking the towel on my head to dry it slightly, I brush out my smooth hair in its' regular style before pulling on my clothes and shoes and check the time. 7:53. Perfect, I still have about 7 minutes before the coast is confirmed clear. Sitting down on the bed, I think about all the memories we had shared together. It made me tear up knowing his fate. It made me sick just thinking about it. My stomach had dropped and I felt really sick all of the sudden. Pushing the thought out of my mind, I think of the amazing night awaiting us.

I heard a small knock on my door, probably Kiri dropping off the food, the footsteps loud and clear, a signal to leave my room. Checking the clock again it read 7:59. I walk down the strangely quiet halls, something not feeling right. What is happening? Opening Izuku's door, he isn't sitting on the bed. In fact, he didn't seem to be here. "Izuku. Where are you?" I whisper, almost more to myself than anyone else. Opening the bathroom door I'm met with the worst scene ever.

Izuku was laying there on the ground, his pale body and face in a pool of his own thick red blood. "Izuku!" I scream, not caring who hears me. Though I don't think anyone will. Picking up his limp body, I pull him in my lap, tears freely flowing down my face. How did this happen? This wasn't supposed to happen. Not yet. "Why?" I sob into his chest, pulling him impossibly closer to me. Pressing my lips to his, I just hope for him to kiss me back, to wrap his arms around me and tell me that he loves me, just one final time.

A collection of all our memories flood my mind just making me sob more.


"I never got your name."

"Izuku Midoriya"

"How old are you actually? You seem really short." I tease, causing a small blush to spread across his cheeks.

"I'm 15. And I was always a bit short for my age."

"I can tell." I continute to tease as I notice his cloak.

*End of flashback*

Our first conversation was a playful one, teasing him about how short he was when in reality he was only a few inches shorter than me. Pulling him into my lap, I rest my chin on his fluffy green hair more memoried coming back.


"What is this scar from?" He askes in the smallest voice I've ever heard anyone use. He sounded worried and scared for my answer. Closing my eyes, I begin to explain what happened.

"It's from my mother. My dad and her didn't get along and would fight often. They had different ideas when it came to specific human rights. He would try to talk me into being on his side, even though my mom had already convinced me that she knew more about this topic than he did. One night, she was talking to her mother on the phone in the kitchen boiling water for tea. She was talking about leaving my father. When I heard what she was saying I called her name. Only for her to pour the boiling water over my left eye. I believe I was around 7 when this happened. My mom was then sent away to a mental hospital. I still haven't forgiven my dad. I don't think I ever will."

Slowly opening my eyes to see Midoriya's reaction, I felt a pang in my heart when I saw the tears in his eyes. He looks at me, pity in his eyes as he wipes his tears.

"Why haven't you told anyone about this?" he asks as if he is shocked about how long I've had this hideous burn. "Think about it," I said. "Who would believe me over the person who rules over thousands."

"I believe you."

*End of flashback*

Those simple word are when I know he was a true friend of mine. I remember thinking he was immediately trustworthy and kind hearted. Something I've alwasy admired about him.


I start my chase again as I pin him to the wall. Taking a small brush with a pinkish red, I brush it against his cheeks. "Now you look like you're always blushing!" I exclaim, taking another brush I used for the gold cuff and start to connect the dots of freckles. He looks up at me with innocent eyes. "What are you doing? It tickles!" he giggles slightly. Smiling, I reply. "I'm connecting your freckles. They look like small constellations."

*End of Flashback*

The first time I ever complemented him. He was a blushing mess the whole time, making him even greater to love. I can't think of a better way to spend my time than to look at his freckles and green eyes.


"I love you"

*End of Flashback*

Letting him go, I can only do what I know to do best. What I've had on my mind ever since I knew and accepted his fate. Pulling out the note from my pocket, I sat it on the ground, being bloody from my hands. Covered in Izukus' blood.

Kirishima's P.O.V

Standing by the staircase, I get this strange pit in my stomach. Shaking it off, I wait for 9 o clock to come around. We settled on nine to bring him back to his room, ten being too late and suspicious. Looking at the clock I read the time on the wall. 8:12. This is taking way too long. I figured this hour would go by fast but it is going by slow as ever. Pulling my phone from by back pocket, I text Katsuki hoping the time will past faster if I talk to him.

Kiri: I'm bored

So you resort to me for entertainment? :Katsuki

Kiri: You are pretty entertaining!

I take that as a compliment. What is so boring you :Katsuki
to resort to me as entertainment?

Kiri: You know how we set up that picnic the other day for my friends? Well, they are having a secret date that I helped set up but I can't shake the thought that I should check on them...

Then go check on them! :Katsuki

Taking his advice, I turn off my phone and stick it in my back pocket. The time read 8:34 the time suddenly ten times faster than before. Walking up the steps, I watch the halls, creepily quiet. Opening Midoriya's door, I see the food basket by the door, untouched. Walking deeper into the room, it looks like neither of them have even been in the bedroom at all. Looking at the creaked open bathroom door, I decide to walk in. "Todoroki? Midoriya?"

Both of them were lying on the floor, a pool of blood beneath them both. Runnning over to both of the pale bodies, I notice how Midoriyas' blood was coming from his back wings, while Todoroki had blood seeping from his wrists, knowing what he did. I see a piece of folded paper on the floor. At first I thought it was the note from earlier, but how did it get in here? Opening it up I realise it's something far different.

To whom it may concern,

I can't think clearly. I've been up all night thinking about Izuku. The beautiful boy I fell in love with over the span of a few days. It may sound crazy, but I would do anything for him which is why this is so hard. I fell in love with someone with a desiese. A desiese he can't control called praepes. By simply loving him, I'm killing him slowly. I don't want him to die so quickly but he doesn't have a choice. So if you are reading this, I have gone through with what I've planned on doing since the beggining. I'm sorry to the pain I've caused you, my family and friends. Kirishima, thank you for always being there and talking to me. You were the best friend I could have ever asked for and I hope you and Katsuki are well. To my mother who I have not seen, thank you for teaching me what real love is, no matter who it is that I love. To Mrs. Midoriya, I am sorry you have to go through the pain of losing someone so close to you. Please do not forget that we all fight our own demons and that things will get better for you. And for you Izuku, I know you won't read this note but thank you. For being my first love. For being someone I could wake up to every day. To being with me on the best adventures and bringing out the best in me. I love you forever, my feather prince.

The End

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