insanity ~ Villian Deku AU ~

By bvnnybaby

76.2K 2K 1.3K

I stopped watching mha about a year ago. I'm never gonna update this, I'll probably make a new story though... More

Hero? *Prologue*
Dont Look Back {1}
You want me? {2}
Im in. {3}
My new quirk {4}
New recruit {5}
New recruit {5.5}
Update status
Welcome, Todoroki! {6}
Mission #1 {7}
Mission #1 {8}
Mission #1 {9}
Story update 🤠
Mission #1 {10}
mission #1 {11}
Caught {12}
Caught 2 {13}
Story update 💓
Nice to meet cha {14}
Story update 💞
All alone {15}
Story update
Mission #1 {16}
Story update
No More Might {17}
Dead Roses {18}
We're Strangers now {19}
New cover/Story update
Pain and Sorrow 1/2 {20}
I love you guys
Fallen Angel {22}
Police Station {23}
Escaping {24}
Memory {25}
Quirkless {26}
Goodbye <3

pain and Sorrow 2/2 {21}

821 27 4
By bvnnybaby

If you see "italic" writing, its the characters thoughts. Half the time at least...
Izuku Midoriya
Age: 15
Quirk: All For One and Reverse.
If you use your quirk on the user, they have the will to pounce it back at you.

Hero or villain? Villain
Shōuto Todoroki
Age: 16
Quirk: Fire and Ice
Hero or Villain: Villain
Katsuki Bakugou
Age: 16
Quirk: explosion
Hero or villain: Hero in the making

Useless. Useless. That word roams through my head as I stood there with my head bowed down, shaking. "I- I-I'm" I choke on my voice not daring to look at his face. I look back at my mother and Almost threw up at the sight of it. 
Fuck! I have to fight him there's no other way I.. I have to! Wait- but not here. There's too many people around and it will cause too much noise. I can't run away. I can't back away from my problems, I just can't.

"Deku." I completely snap out of my thoughts and look up to see Kacchan glaring at me, holding his fists up. "You really think I'd let it go THAT easily?" I put one foot back and shiver, why is his eyes getting teary? "SHE WAS YOUR MOTHER, DEKU!" I ignore the comment and hold my ground.
I proceeded to look at him only for a second do I look down to see his mother staring blankly at the death body laying across my floor.

"Kacchan, we cant fight here. There's too many people." He glares at me and steps towards inches away from my face. "Then let everyone see the lowly bastard you truly are. You fucking murderer."

No, please! Stop making me feel bad! Stop going through my head and pulling out my thoughts. I'm not.. "This is who I'm meant to be! You- you bully me all the time and wanted me to kill myself and you said I could never become a hero! So why?! Why can't I do something I'm finally good at?" Why am I crying? "Kacchan, why..? I just wanted to be by your side and become a hero! But you wouldn't ever accept me."

He looks at me. He sees tears In my eyes and and groans, he's angry. No, wait, is he.. sad? I can't tell. Maybe both. "Shut up, Deku! What do you know about how I feel, huh?! Enough."

I bend my head down and wipe my tears. "Fine. Let's fucking fight." Kacchan throws a fist at me and I dodge it quickly almost losing my balance. As soon as I look back up he's using his explosion quirk and hit me in the shoulder with it. I groan in pain and crouch over. I growl and finally I use my own quirk. But as soon as I was getting ready to use my full power, a voice stopped us.

"KATSUKI! STOP IT NOW!" I stop hovering And turn my head over to Mitsuki. Kacchan stopped dead and his tracks and looked over to his mom, "Huh? What is it?"
She stood up not daring to look me in the eyes. "I've called the police." Sirens. "They will be here in literally a minute." Oh god.. I knew I should've left! Kacchan nodded and hugged his mother who was still quietly sobbing. He let her go, "You're over."

"Hah.. haha.. No! I'm not over, you won't get away with this!" I slightly hover again but as soon as I did that police are pushing Kacchan and his mom out of the way using a stun gun on me. Tears at the corners on my eyes, I pass out. The last thing I see was Kacchan looking over me, also wiping his tears and turning away walking out the door with his mom.

The next day

"Hey, young man. Wake up." I rub my eyes adjusting to the lights around me and groans rubbing my head. "It aches." I look at the man before me and looks like I'm in a cell and that man is a police officer. Great. "So, do you have anyone working with you? Huh? I mean how could a kid like you kill All-might?!" 

I ignored him. "Answer me!" I keep my moth shut. "Fine if you wont answer me, then I'll make you talk." He gets up grabbing the documents of me and walks out the door. I lean back in my seat wondering what I did wrong. How did I let myself get caught?

A few hours later someone finally walks in holding a pair of Keys and shorter handcuffs. They unlock my legs, holding onto me. I shift in my seat, "Get up." I stand up and they take the longer handcuffs on me and replaces them with the shorter ones. The guy shoves me, "Walk, idiot." I try my best not to say anything and does as he said.

When we arrive at the room I mean the first thing I noticed was that it wasn't.. normal. It was like similar to the one we had back at the old villain hide out. What are they planning to do with all of this? I look around and I was shoved into the large black chair. I was strapped to my seat and a number '10' was placed on my forehead. The police officer walks out and as soon as he does, people dressed as medics, six of them walk in. "What..?" One of them pulls out a recorder and starts speaking. "Test subject number ten. The date today is September 25, xxxx. Name of the subject is Midoriya, Izuku. Hero or villain? Villain. Age? 15." The recorder goes off and one of the woman who were among the six approaches me. "Stay still. I need to get your DNA." She takes a needle and shoves it into my arm without any preparation. I howl out in pain and clench my teeth. She smiles as she pulls the needed out inspecting my blood. "Good. We have so much work we have to do, Young Midoriya. You will be a great tool for us to use in the future."

They walk out the room, turning off the lights leaving me tied and to my doom. I scream and shake, "NO!"

Finally gruesome shit but it's with Deku this time but don't be sad it will be "happy" later on. I promise, just wanted to change some stuff up.

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