My Reflections

By ianth3

62 16 2

Prince Marcel Weiss was supposed to be dead the moment he was born, but due to unexpected events, he was save... More



9 3 0
By ianth3

The wind blowing through my hair as I rode along to the southwest side of the kingdom was a blessing in disguise considering I was off to fight a beast. Theodore rode alongside me as the two of us rushed to the scene in hopes nothing horrible had happened. From the reports of the guards, the beast was very wolf-like but of a much larger size than normal and was eating the livestock of farmers in an almost inhuman manner. I looked to the sword sitting at my hip as the golden handle glistened in the sunlight. 

"We're almost there. Be ready for anything." Theo said as he took the lead. I nodded in understanding and took a deep breath. This was no time to lose my nerve. We reached the outskirts of the kingdom and began noticing the broken fences and homes as well as the blood-stained grass. My horse, Silver, slowed to a trot as I took in the surroundings. It was a disaster everywhere you looked. 

"What could have done this?" I said out loud not expecting an answer. A moment briefly passed before an ear-piercing howl echoed through the air. I felt frozen to the spot as the beastly cries continued before dying off in the distance. Theo rushed over to me on his horse then pointed in the direction where it came from.

"The creature is that way. You ready?" he asked making sure I was alright. I nodded as the two of us rushed in the direction we last heard the beast. The sound of the howl was still ringing in my ears as we crossed the fields to see a large barn not too far from where we were.

We stood a few yards away as the sounds of something rummaging through the building could be heard. I looked to Theodore to see him getting off his horse so I did the same. He drew his sword while coming to stand in front of me. 

"Stay close and be prepared for anything," he whispered and began slowly walking to the large barn doors. I gulped before I drew my blade and followed his movements. This was no time for hesitation. 

I stood beside him with my sword in hand as he gestured to the doors. He wanted to break them down to surprise the beast. I nodded then took a few steps back. Time seemed to slow as I watched Theo lift his leg up and forcefully slam it to swing the barn doors open wide. A bang echoed loudly throughout the building as the doors harshly hit the barn walls. The sounds we heard before stopped while I searched to see where this creature was. 

It was dark throughout the room to where I could only clearly see what was near the entrance. Theo placed a hand out in front of me as if to make sure I was behind him. I pushed it away and stood beside him. There was no way I was letting him do this on his own. 

For a moment, there was nothing as the two of us began to slowly enter the dark barn. My heart was racing as if at any moment it could explode. I looked over to Theodore to find him very calm as if he had done this a million times. He probably has now that I think about it. The Captain of the Guard, Theodore Glass, one of the bravest soldiers to serve the kingdom of Eirlys. A man that's only a year older than I am. 

"Mar. There." Theo whispered causing me to leave my thoughts. I looked to where he was gesturing to and saw nothing.

"I don't see anything," I answered quietly. He shook his head and pointed again at the same spot. I looked once more and tried to see what he was talking about. Then I saw it. Two bright golden orbs stood as if floating in the dark towards the back of the barn. It was the shine of the eyes of the beast as it showed its blood-stained fangs toward us. 

"Marcel, get down!" Theodore shouted then moved to shield me as the beast roared before charging toward us.  The creature passed us as we fell to the ground to avoid its large claws from tearing us apart. I turned to see that it now stood to block the entrance with the sun exposing what it truly looked like.

The beast's appearance was similar to a wolf but was the size of two horses stacked on top of one another. It's black fur covered its whole body like a sheet of smoke while its golden eyes glistened against it. 

"It's a Fenrir," Theodore stated as he stood his ground with a sword in hand. I dusted myself off and did the same.

"A Fenrir? Are you sure?"

"I'm sorry but is there another beast you can think of that looks like a wolf but can eat you whole?"

"That's not what I'm saying!" I whisper-yelled at him just as the creature growled. I turned my attention back to it and tried to fix my grip on my blade. This was a much bigger beast than I was used to fighting. And its teeth could tear me apart in an instant.

"Marcel, I have a plan," Theo whispered. I swear I have never given him such a confused and shocked face in my life before that moment. 

"Please tell me no one is being used as bait in this plan of yours," I stated. He gave me a sidelong glance as if to signal I wouldn't like his answer. 

"Theodore," I said through my teeth. 

"I know. Listen, you have to trust me, alright?" he pleaded. I sighed then nodded my head. He returned it and began to explain his genius plan. 

"I'll be bait. If I move closer, it'll go for me and leave an opening. You have to strike it when it does. Easy, right?" Theo explained. I shook my head. There had to be a better plan where neither of us would possibly get hurt, but I didn't have time to think of one.

Theodore set his plan into motion and began to walk slowly towards the side of the barn. I let out a slow breath in hopes it would ease my nerves. It didn't as I saw the beast was following Theo's every move. 

Theodore suddenly stopped in his tracks and stared down the creature with no fear present in his eyes. Chills ran down my spine seeing the two frozen like that. Within the next moment, I watched as Theo lunged toward the beast. The Fenrir roared then raised its large claws in an attempt to grab Theo. It was met with his sword as he held the creature at bay. This was my chance.

I charged forward ready to strike the beast down. It caught what I was doing through the corner of its eye just as I swung my sword up. As if on instinct, the Fenrir raised its other arm while pressing down on Theo causing him to fall to the ground with a claw striking into his shoulder. 

"Marcel!" he cried. I paused mid-action and moved my sword to block the incoming attack. The beast was stronger than I expected as it caused me to lower down to one knee. 

"Theo, you better do something quickly," I said through gritted teeth. Theodore reached down to his boots and pulled out a small knife then pierced it through the beast's leg. It cried out in pain and released its hold on the two of us then ran out. I watched it leave for a moment before rushing to Theo's side.

"Are you alright?" I asked in a frantic as I helped him stand up. He shook his head.

"No. That thing took my favorite knife," he commented. I punched him in the shoulder.

"Ow, sire, please don't hurt my one good shoulder! I promise I'll find you a bigger beast!" Theo pleaded as if his life depended on it. I glared at him before walking towards the barn doors to see the fading figure of the beast. 

"It's going to come back, isn't it?" I asked. Theo stood beside me and looked at the area where I was staring.

"Who knows. But we'll take precautions if it does," he answered.

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