Severus and the Thunderbird

By AliceJean89

10.7K 498 139

Severus Snape is the man in the plan. He doesn't know the whole plan. Yet he orchestrates it. Alone and livin... More

The Deal
The Overnight
The Watch
Summer Flight
Seren's Summer
Better Than the Yule Ball
The Triwizard Fallout
Vows and Venom
Goodbye, Half Blood Prince
Remorse and Reformation
The New Plan
The Battle Is Won
All Good Things

The Set Up

1.4K 46 22
By AliceJean89

Set in year three. Sirius Black is still on the loose. Tensions are high. Severus doesn't trust Remus yet he must continue to care for him. Not to mention keeping Harry from the Dementors. The memories of his school days continue to haunt him; suffering in silence. He needs a night away to relax. But, nothing is ever that easy.

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He needed a drink. He needed a break. To be away from the castle and all his responsibilities. He needed to be where no one knew him and no one demanded something from him. He was tired of covering for Lupin, but at the same time knowing that he couldn't help what happened to him. The continual giving depleting his soul bit by bit.

He didn't want to have any compassion for Remus, after all the years he spent ignoring his friends assaults. Everyday having to see his face as he became the student's favorite. Remembering how he and his friends made his own life a living hell. For fun. Remus couldn't get a pass for that simply because he was afflicted. It wasn't fair.

He took a deep breath. Most of life wasn't fair.

He walked into a small grungy pub near his family home in Cokesworth. He drew in a heavy breath at the nostalgia that ran through his body at being so close to home. So close to the old trauma. Always surrounded by memories no matter where he went. However, no one knew him there anymore, which was exactly what he wanted. No expectations.

The lighting glowed hazy, the tables all filled with arrogant, twenty something footballers, one seat available at the shiny mahogany bar; the other stool in the corner occupied by a woman with stomach length deep burgundy curls and a long plum hooded cloak.

He sat down on the stool beside her, looking straight ahead at the wall full of various bottles varying in size and color. His penchant for a quick shot of whiskey made all the choices void.

"What'll you have mate?" asked the bartender, his tee shirt emblazoned with the Weird Sisters faces.

It was refreshing to have no one here refer to him as Professor or assume they knew anything about him. Here, he was just a face.

"Fire whiskey. On the rocks please" he told him, pulling out a book to read as well 

He knew this bar was safe for wizards because his father had never been aware of its existence. He commented on the decay of the building often but Severus always saw a bustling crowd.

He watched as the woman's pen rolled to the floor but she didn't notice. He flicked it up onto the counter without making any eye contact. It was obvious that she didn't want bothered and frankly, neither did he.

As the hour passed on the footballers grew increasingly inebriated, jeering each other on, obscenities and brawling flowing freely. He rolled his eyes. Those types of men were on the bottom of his list of acceptable humans.

No brain cells, all brawn; and what little brain they did have was consumed with how lucky they thought everyone else was to have them. Taking up as much space as they wanted without a care to anyone else. Pathetic.

He surreptitiously slid his eyes down the bar to sneak a peek at the woman in the corner. Holding her head in her palm, she read a book, taking notes on a small pad as her eyes flew across the pages. She appeared to be his age or a bit younger, skin just as pale as his, full lips stained blood red. He looked back down at his work, not wanting to interrupt her.

"Hey miss, drink from the table" the bartender told her, about to pour her a shot

"No thanks" she told him in a flat American accent, not bothering to look up, waving it away with her hand

What was she doing all the way in England?

The bartender put the bottle down and shrugged at the table of meat heads. Severus stifled a smile. It was good to know that the mask was obvious to other people and not just him. That she had respect for herself enough to ignore their advances.

"What are you reading?" she asked him curiously, still not looking up

"Chemical compounds in complex potions. You?" he answered slowly, not used to anyone asking him questions

Her voice was warm, like honey in tea.

"So just a little light reading? The complete works of Iranius Combs. Old poetry" she told him, her voice light with a tiny smile, flipping the page

Iranius Combs? The fifteenth century poet? Those books had been out of circulation for hundreds of years. How did she have a copy? He had been trying to find a copy for years for his own collection.

"How did you get it? They've been out of circulation" he asked before he could police himself

She smiled, looking up to meet his eyes. Moss green glinting mischievously with long dark lashes and eyebrows

"I stole it."

He raised his eyebrow at her cheek, as she laughed at him

"I find rare books for a living. This is my latest acquisition. Are you planning on poisoning someone? Or is it better if I don't know"

A book finder. Interesting. He stared down at his book. How much should he divulge about his life? Did she actually care or was she just being polite? She was American, but she had to know about Hogwarts. Perhaps he should be vague?

"I'm a Potions Master, so while I suppose I could poison people, that isn't my goal...for now" he answered back sarcastically

Did he just joke with someone? Was he truly on the verge of laughing? Did he just make her laugh? When was the last time he made someone laugh?

The bartender came back with another drink a few minutes later and set it in front of her with an apology.

She sighed deeply, picking up the amber liquid in a mini cyclone and sending it back into the bottle with a flick of her wand. Severus felt a twinge of curiosity kindle. Her magic was flawless and detailed.

He heard a chair scrape from behind him and the heavy footsteps walk across the room. He stifled a groan.

"Hey, let me buy you a drink" a man with a blonde crewcut and sculpted muscles called halfway across the room to her, being cheered on by his table of cronies.

"No thanks" she called back, still focusing on her book

Severus shifted in his seat, annoyed. He had a sudden flashback of his friend Lily being bothered by James Potter when they were young. It was great to see these men hadn't outgrown their adolescent streak. But unlike Lily, this woman didn't think it was funny; she saw through the disguise.

"Come on. It won't hurt" he laughed, walking a little closer

"I said no. I just want to read my book"

"I'm a nice lad. Give me a chance" he pushed, walking closer still

"Nice lads should listen when nice women say no" she answered in a singsong voice, rolling her eyes heavily

He kept walking closer, right in Severus' peripheral vision. The hairs raised on the back of his neck, casually placing his hand on his wand pocket.

"If you come any closer I will hex you" she told him, sliding her wand out from her sleeve, sensing the same apprehension as he did

"What's wrong with you? It's just a drink. Just a little fun" he was close enough to touch her now

The bartender rolled his eyes and went in the back, wanting no part of what was about to happen.

"I'm going to count to five. If you don't leave me alone, I will hex you. One...Two...Three..." she pointed her wand at him, tip to his chest, finally looking up from her book.

At the count of three he turned around to go back to his table but muttered loud enough for her to hear

"Bitch. You're too old anyway"

Severus watched in amusement as a devilish smirk upturned her mouth and a small flash of light emitted from her wand. The footballer  immediately grew a pig tail, eliciting uproarious laughter from his table.

He whirled around, embarrassment obviously his kryptonite, stomping back to her, screaming as his skin flushed strawberry red

"What the hell is wrong with you!"

She remained seated, not flustered in the slightest. Impressive. A contented smile on her face.

"I figure if you're gonna act like a pig, might as well look like one. Wouldn't take much" she replied snarkily, the smirk growing

Several of the guys from his table walked over, the four of them wands drawn with one collective mind between them. The alcohol didn't help matters. Severus took a deep breath. He wanted to jump in, but something told him that she could handle this on her own.

"Don't make me do this guys" she spoke to them in a tired voice, as if she was a mother exhausted from her children's quarreling

"You talk a big game. Duel up" the lead crony boasted, meaty hands gripping his tiny wand

She rolled her eyes, sliding her book in her backpack which she put on. She stood, five or so feet tall, her purple cloak enveloping her body.

"Alright then. You go first. I'll give you a head start" she told them kindly, way too kindly.

Severus looked back and forth between them, uncertain as to what he was about to witness. It had to be a trick. But he knew that pose. She was experienced in wand fighting. She held her shoulders back, wand held in her hand easily as if she didn't expect much fight.

All four threw a spell at the same time and she easily deflected them without moving a muscle. This frustrated the children masquerading as men, causing them to get distracted and incant ineffective spells. With a sure flick and wordless magic, a bright white flash blew through the room, throwing all of the footballers against the far wall.

Severus whipped his head around: twelve grown men, unconscious against the wall with their beer bottles shattered around them.

He turned to face her, the smirk still there. Proud. She began laughing. He saw a bit of himself in her expression. A little vindictive but mostly seeking justice.

"Do you want to get out of here? Maybe we could get a drink somewhere quiet?" she asked him, holding out her arm.

He stared at her dumbfounded. No one ever invited him places. In fact, people went out of their way to ignore his existence let alone get near enough to touch him. Dubious at her intentions he didn't answer.

She continued to hold out her arm, raising an eyebrow in jest and teased

"I won't hex you. I promise"

He laughed, a bit stupified by her candor and charm. He gave into the witch's request. He certainly didn't want to be around for the drunken aftermath of the footballers and their wounded egos.

They quickly strode down the darkening street but upon hearing a clamor in the distance behind them, she pushed him into an alcove. His back thudded against the wall, her strong body pressed against him as she held her finger to her lips. Where should he put his hands? On her hips? By his side?

Who was he that he was taking orders from a complete stranger? Isn't this what he wanted to escape from for the night?

The entire football team ran down the street, disheveled, drunk and mad. Once she was certain they were gone, she leaned back and asked him kindly

"So, what's your name?"

"Severus. What's yours?" he answered shortly, she didn't need excess information

"Nice to meet you Severus. I'm Seren. Where would you like to go" she asked him curiously

"I know just the place" he told her before apparating them into the early night.

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