The Deal

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The poetry in italics later in this chapter is actually by 13th century poet Hafiz if anyone is interested.


"So where are we now?" she asked him calmly, large floppy hood obscuring her face

The city was brightly backlit against the night sky, the river glittering like swirling diamonds.

"Downtown London. There is a place I think you will enjoy. Shall I tell you or do you prefer the surprise?" he questioned, giving her the choice

"Surprise me" she answered with a big smile, folding down the hood, curls framing in her face, showing a disturbing  lack of concern for her own safety

"I'm beginning to think that you have a bit of a death wish" he commented wearily, walking with her on the bridge beside the river.

Why did he always find himself amongst those who needed saving? Or who had such a reckless view of life.

"Why is that?" she questioned, her elbow bouncing against his

"We just met at the pub. And I apparated us without you not knowing where we were going..." he ticked off the reasons why each of the things she had done that night was unnecessarily dangerous.

"You wouldn't have apparated us somewhere dangerous or else you would be in trouble too. Or you could have a death wish. You just saw me take out a dozen full grown men with magic. Easily. Yet you still came with me. What does that say about you?" she countered, stepping in front of him, her head tilted all the way back to look up at him

He stopped. She had a point. Why didn't he feel afraid? She had just cursed a team of full grown men without so much as a flinch. Dare he say, she had even enjoyed it a bit. He wouldn't hurt her, but she didn't know that. She didn't have any reason to fear...she could take care of any threat. He understood that feeling. Knowing your own might and owning it. He hadn't even taken into consideration that she may be a danger to him.

"That I understand that you have nothing to fear because you know how to handle yourself. I would say the same about myself" he told her smoothly

She stepped back and winked at him. Winked. 

"Good answer"

"Just follow me then" he rolled his eyes as he breathed in the scent of the murky river water

Minutes passed in comfortable silence as they walked up to a nearly hidden door, painted green and tucked away in the corner of an old building.

"Feeling less sure about that surprise now..." she said with a laugh, walking ahead of him, her hand on her wand pocket

He watched as she opened the door, plum cloak hugging her hourglass figure. He couldn't focus on that right now...But why not? He wasn't protecting anyone right now, he didn't need to abide by any rules tonight.

"Oh my god" she exclaimed, looking around at the open mezzanine full of three floors of books, large granite staircases softly arching to each new floor.

"Have you ever been here?" he questioned hopefully

He wanted to impress her. Something in him wanted to surprise her. To get a reaction.

"No....This is amazing...How did you find this place?!" she turned to him, her face shining with wonder and delight

He was a lonely teenager. An adult who couldn't make close friends because of the mission he was assigned. No relationships. Not that anyone tried. Books were his best friends. He stumbled upon this shop two years ago when recovering from the first year of watching over Potter. He spent nearly every day that summer buried amongst literature.

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