Fire Emblem x Reader (Request...

By PikaPikachu3402

55.5K 703 479

I do not own Fire Emblem. Nintendo does. This book is a Fire Emblem x Reader book that is trying to entertain... More

Requests are open!
Jealousy (Roy x Reader)
First Kiss (Alfonse x Reader)
All Part of the Plan (Marth x Reader)
Lies (Ephraim x Reader)
Love at First Sight (Hríd x Reader)
Holidays and MORE Requests
Forever (Ike x Reader)
Never (Dimitri x Claude's Sister)
Hit By An Arrow (Claude x Reader)
Don't Cry... (M!Robin x Neko Reader)
Love Birds (Wolt x Reader)
A Dare (Ignatz x M!Byleth's Sister)
Sick and Scared (Chrom x M!Robin's Sister)
Hate (M!Byleth x Reader)
Corrin's Orders (Azura x F!Reader)
Denied (Ingrid x M!Reader)
Worried Dimitri (Dimitri x F!Byleth)
Love Triangle (Rowan x Wolf!Reader)
This Is Sad For Me But Maybe Not For You
All Mine (Edelgard x M!Reader)
A Fight (Soren x Reader)
Supports (Mercedes x M!Reader)
A Quiet Moment (Felix x Shy!Reader)
Busy (Claude x Reader)
Sorrow and Remembrance (M!Byleth x Edelgard)
A Same Past (F!Byleth x Dimitri)
Smiles (Child!Claude x Child!Reader)
Stay Away (Takumi x Reader) | Pt. 1
Pain (Takumi x Reader) | Pt. 2
Bittersweet (Takumi x Reader) | Pt. 3
Tea (Post!Timeskip!Dimitri x Reader)
Crushes (Kaze x Reader)
Christmas (Chrom x Summoner!Reader)
Expenses and Savings (Ashe x Reader)
M!Robin x Reader | Five Minutes More
How old are you? | Tiki x M!Reader
Dancing in the Night | Leo x Reader
Charm | Ashe x Reader
Sickness | Felix x Sick!Reader
Song of the Nabateans |F!Byleth x Daughter!Reader
Worth | Reader x Marianne
Don't Judge | Tibarn x One Legged!Reader
Bye But Not For Now
Requests are open!!!
Air Bonds | Chrom x Reader
Marriage? | Caspar x Reader
Warm hugs? | Dimitri(PostTimeSkip) x Reader
Legally Happy | Claude x Reader
Requests closed

Smile (M!Byleth x Edelgard)

1.2K 7 7
By PikaPikachu3402

Requested by @dcraus123 


Third P.o.V (Byleth's P.o.V kinda)

"The weapon triangle is a crucial thing you need to know," Byleth spoke in a monotone voice. Dorothea raised her hand
"Yes, Dorothea." 
"What is a weapon triangle?" Dorothea asked
"What is a weapon triangle? What is a weapon triangle?! Are you serious?!" Hubert shouted
"Settle down, guys." Edelgard was stopping Hubert from hurting Dorothea. "Get out of my way Edelgard. I will hurt you and I won't hesitate to do it." Hubert growled. Hubert punched Edelgard in the shoulder then she got hit in the face, which made her go flying across the room. Everyone gasped and they got up in their seats to either help Edelgard, help Dorothea or just watch what was going on. "Stop!" Byleth shouted but no one listened
"STOP IT EVERYONE AND SIT DOWN IN YOUR SEATS RIGHT NOW!" Byleth hollered and everyone scuttled back to their seats. Byleth muttered something under his breath as he walked towards the unconscious Edelgard who was on the ground. Petra, Ferdinand, and other students were crowded around Edelgard. "Get out of my way, students." Byleth sighed and he crouched down next to Edelgard. He stared at her for a moment and spotted some red, thick, liquidy substance which made him gasp quietly. Byleth could feel the students currently staring at his back and standing up. He took Edelgard's hand and checked her pulse and it was still beating so he sighed of relief and held Edelgard's waist by his left hand. He put his hand under her legs and carried her bridal style. "Now, everyone, behave while I am gone to the hospital wing and to Rhea. Bernadetta, Linhart, I'm leaving you in charge." Byleth said, some worry in his tone
"But why us?" Bernadetta asked
"Because you didn't get involved with this. So did you Linhart." Byleth explained
"But why not me?" Ferdinand asked
"Because you were encouraging Hubert's behavior," Byleth spoke and Ferdinand became red in the face like a big tomato. Byleth shook his head and sighed, leaving the classroom at bay. He got worried about future classes. Should he have chosen Golden Deers and Blue Lions? Edelgard wasn't bragging like Dimitri and Claude so Edelgard's people should have been better right? Well, it's too late to change houses. Byleth looked out the windows and saw the castle grounds. It looked like everyone was having a break. Byleth smiled but it quickly dropped when someone shouted his name. "TEACH! WATCH OUT!" Claude shouted and he smashed into Byleth, dropping some weird liquid on Edelgard
"Claude, what was that liquid?" Byleth huffed
"Uh... It was a... uh... um... it was sleeping liquid." Claude mumbled
"Oh, good. Edelgard is already... Unconcious"
"What happened to her?" Claude asked
"Uh... A fight happened in my class." Byleth mumbled
"Oh. Hehe, right. See ya Teach!" Claude wiped up the substance from Edelgard with his sleeve and left. Byleth sighed and kept walking to the hospital wing. Byleth arrived at the hospital wing and he spotted Manuela. "Manuela!" Byleth called and she turned around and gasped dramatically
"Oh, my dear. What happened to this little girl?" Manuela asked as she walked up to Edelgard to move the hair that was covering her face
"Uh... There was a fight in class." Byleth mumbled as he placed Edelgard on the nearest bed
"Oh, fights. You'll get used to them when you're used with your class. You'll get used to them." Manuela told Byleth and she smiled warmly and Byleth returned the smiled. "You know, I never see you smile. You should smile more often. You give me happiness when you smile." Manuela spoke which made Byleth blush deeply. "Do you like this girl?" Manuela asked
"What? N-No..." Byleth stuttered
"You don't? She's very fond of you. Please don't tell her I said that. But it is true. When you just started teaching, she wanted to see your smile. But later in the year, she was talking to me. I found her in the hallways crying. So, I asked her what was wrong and she said she just wanted to see you smile, any emotion actually." Manuela rambled as she took care of Edelgard's head and Byleth blushed. "R-Really?" Byleth asked, surprised and blushing
"Oh, yes. She is very fond of you. You should talk to her." Manuela smiled and Byleth was blushing harder. "Well, I need to go. Back to class." Byleth left the hospital wing and went to go back to class. As he turned a corner, Byleth saw Dimitri and Felix, who were fighting with Sylvain and Mercedes. "Stop it, Sylvain. Just stop it. Stop flirting with girls and just pick one person to date with!" Dimitri growled
"Why can't he stop flirting with girls, Dimitri?" Mercedes asked
"Because what if someone has a boyfriend?" Dimitri fired back. Byleth got some memories flowing through his head. "Get out of my way Edelgard. I will hurt you and I won't hesitate to do it.". Byleth started to fume. Why was this day so bad. "I will be physical, Sylvain, if you stop flirting with girls." Dimitri growled as he pulled back his sleeves. He fired his punch but Byleth was quicker and he got in the way of Dimitri's punch. He held Dimitri's punch. "P-Professor?" Dimitri stuttered
"Please no fighting in Garreg Mach Monastery." Byleth said cooly
"Uh, sorry Professor." Dimitri mumbled and he put his sleeves back to its normal place. "It's just that... that I have this someone I like Professor. And Sylvain likes to flirt with them." Dimitri sighed
"I flirt with them for fun. I could help you." Sylvain insisted
"Okay, sure." Dimitri smiled and he, Sylvain, Felix, and Mercedes left. Byleth stood there, lost in thought. He stared into blank space that used to be Dimitri's fist but all he saw was white clouds and a blue sky. He stood there for about a moment until Bernadetta tapped on his shoulder. "Professor? Edelgard wants to see you." Bernadetta mumbled
"Oh, thank you, Bernadetta. How are you and Linhart going? Going fine? Okay?" Byleth asked
"Perfect! I really like teaching them. It's fun. I gave them their test for today and they got really good marks and... Oops." Bernadetta stopped as she saw Byleth's face
"You... Taught them?" Byleth asked
"Yeah." Bernadetta squeaked. And for the first time in his life, he smiled casually at Bernadetta
"Well done. Now you can go back to class. I'll see you there." Byleth left and turned back to the hospital wing. When he arrived, he saw Edelgard with bandages on her head and a cast on her right arm. "Hello, Professor." Edelgard smiled weakly
"Hello, Edelgard. How are you feeling?" Byleth asked
"I-I feel fine." Edelgard mumbled and Byleth saw tears swimming in her eyes
"Wh-What's wrong Edelgard?" Byleth asked, worried shown in his facial expressions
"N-Nothing." Edelgard sniffed and Byleth saw a tear streaming down her face
"I-I j-just want t-to s-see y-you smile." Edelgard croaked and she tried to smile. She smiled but it was weak. "Y-You want to see me smile?" Byleth asked
"Y-Yeah." Edelgard looked at him with watery eyes. Byleth started to blush. What was this feeling? He felt like butterflies were infesting his stomach. Byleth sighed and then he smiled. Edelgard smiled back. "Y-You know... I-I like you, Edelgard. I know I'm your Professor and it's weird but I really do like you." Byleth inhaled then exhaled then felt a pair of warm lips on his. "I like you too, Professor.".

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