Sky Under The Sea

By peculiarphilosophy

177 3 0

PTV fanfic story More

Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides
Currents Convulsive
Yeah Boy and Doll Face
I'd Rather Die Than Be Famous
The Cheap Bouquet
She Sings in the Morning
The Balcony Scene
Diamonds And Why Men Buy Them
Southern Constellations
The Boy Who Could Fly
Fast Times at Clairemont High
The New National Anthem
Bulletproof Love
Stay Away From My Friends
May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight
Hell Above
A Match Into Water
King For A Day

Falling Asleep on a Stranger

8 0 0
By peculiarphilosophy

We arrived at our first venue the next afternoon. Even though I've been on tour before, I forgot how fast the travel seems. One minute we're getting ready, the next minute we're in a whole different place. Most of the journey consisted of the guys joking around and then doing tour stuff. Vic spent most of the time with his earphones on, occasionally taunting me for my thing with Mike. Jaime and I got a lot of time to just hangout and joke around.

As soon as the bus stopped, the guys pretty much jumped over one another to get out and be on ground again.

"God, I hate the driving." Tony says, stretching as we hangout beside the bus.

"Same here." Mike says. "Food?"

Everyone agrees so we end up going out to get something to eat. On our way back to the bus, a few people notice the guys and ask for photos with them, and of course they oblige.

"So famous." I say to Jaime as I bump his arm playfully with mine.

He smiles back at me. "Just a little bit. Vic's the real star though."

Vic looks back at us. "Come on, we all know you take all the attention."

"Thats true." Tony says.

"I have to agree with them, Jaimes." I say.

He pretends to look offended. "I'm so shocked! I don't even like attention!"

We all collectively roll our eyes at him as we head to the venue where they'll be playing tonight. They have a soundcheck to do and I'm honestly just here to watch.

It takes them awhile to get set up but its interesting to see so I don't mind. Plus I like seeing my brother in his natural element. And Vic's voice live is something to die for.

"So you enjoying it so far?" someone asks from in back of me.

Its one of the guys in the crew whos come to sit in the aisle behind me.

"Yeah, I love it." I reply. "It's gonna be a great time."

He nods. "It always is." He holds out his hand to me. "I'm Dan by the way."

"I'm Rowan. Nice to officially meet you." I say as I shake his hand.

For the rest of the soundcheck we talk about the band, ourselves, music, everything really. Before I even know it, we're ready to head out. Dan stays behind with the rest of the crew to fix a few things and put some stuff in place before the concert tonight.

We get back to the bus and everyone is exhausted, myself included. While everyone goes to their bunks, I decide to drag a blanket to the back of the bus in the little lounge area and hangout there. Minutes later Mike is joining me.

"So did you enjoy soundcheck?" he asks as he settles in next to me, lifting the blanket to cover himself as well.

"Yeah it was cool." I reply, not really looking up from my phone.

"I noticed that you met Dan." he says. 

I glance at him. "I did. He seems nice."

"Oh yeah, he is"

"Why're you saying it like that?" I say as I put my phone down next to me.

"I'm not saying it in any type of way. I was just saying, he's nice."

"Its gonna be nice to have someone to hangout with when you guys are busy."

"You can hangout with me whenever."

"What about when youre on stage?" I ask.

"Even then."

I roll my eyes at him. "Wanna watch a movie?" I say, changing the subject.

We settle on some classic 90's movie. Ten minutes into it I decide to snuggle up to Mike. I can feel him tense up at first, probably not being used to touching someone without it being sexual, but after a couple seconds he relaxes into it and even puts his arm around me.

At a certain point I end up falling asleep on him. I couldnt help it, I was just so comfortable on him.

A loud noise pulls me out of my sleep, though.

"I don't give a fuck." Jaime yells.

I open my eyes, annoyed about being woken up. Jaime is standing right in front of us, looking pissed off.

"Don't fucking touch my sister!" he yells even louder.

God, here we go again.

"Jaime, I fell asleep on him. We were watching a movie, I was using him as a pillow. Its not a big deal." I say.

"You can't just go around fucking everyone on this tour." Jaime yells at me.

I'm shocked. Jaime's never really yelled at me before, not like this. And accusing me of "fucking everyone on this tour" is a bit much, even for him.

"Hey, man, calm down." Mike says. "Its honestly nothing. We were just watching a movie. She fell asleep and I didnt wanna wake her up. You know its nothing else."

But it is something else and we both know it. And now we're lying to my brother about it.

"Mike, you fuck everything that moves" Jaime says. "You really wanna tell me that you're not trying to sleep with my sister?"

"I was just trying to watch a movie." he replies, deliberately avoiding Jaime's real question.

Jaime looks at me. "Is this why you wanted to come on tour?"


"No, Jaime. I wanted to because you asked me to." I say. "I love you but you gotta step back and realize that you're taking this situation to a place where it doesn't need to be." I say, careful not to use the word overreacting knowing that if I did it would just make him angrier.

At this, Jaime visibly calms down.

"Yeah, I think youre right." he says. "Its just-"

"I know." I say. "I get it and I appreciate it."

Jaime apologizes and eventually leaves, letting us sit in peace again.

"Man, he gets really pissed off when someone touches you." Mike says

I shrug. "Protective older brother." I explain.

"A bit much, maybe."

"Everything Jaime does is a bit much"

"Just as long as he doesnt get the in the way of us hooking up." Mike says.

"He wont." I say.

I snuggle back into Mike, loving the feel of his hand on my ass.

Even with Jaime being overprotective, I can't see a single thing that would get in the way of Mike and I "hooking up."

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