Sky Under The Sea

By peculiarphilosophy

183 3 0

PTV fanfic story More

Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides
Currents Convulsive
Yeah Boy and Doll Face
The Cheap Bouquet
Falling Asleep on a Stranger
She Sings in the Morning
The Balcony Scene
Diamonds And Why Men Buy Them
Southern Constellations
The Boy Who Could Fly
Fast Times at Clairemont High
The New National Anthem
Bulletproof Love
Stay Away From My Friends
May These Noises Startle You In Your Sleep Tonight
Hell Above
A Match Into Water
King For A Day

I'd Rather Die Than Be Famous

10 0 0
By peculiarphilosophy

It's finally here. Finally after four long years it's graduation day. I'm not gonna lie, I thought of skipping it. After four years of doing school I now have to sit through a ceremony that'll last hours just to get a piece of paper? Kind of pointless to me, but everyone else was excited about my graduation so I decided to go.

Jaime insisted on picking me up for my grad. Something about wanting to be the proudest big brother there, I guess. The entire ride over he told me how proud he was and how excited he was for me to go on tour with him and the guys. 

After the long as hell ceremony, Jaime mentions that theres yet another party being thrown for me. Me and a farewell to the guys before they go on tour.

"I dont know, Jaimes, I'm kinda tired." I say. 

"You're done school now, you have plenty of time to sleep after." he replies.

"I need to go home and get changed first, I'm not dressed right."

"You have a nice dress on from grad. You're fine." he says then looks over at me. "What is it? You're getting sick of me already?"

"No, come on." I reply. "Nothing like that."

We pull into his driveway and there's actually not a lot of other cars here. Even as we make our way in, the noise level isn't raging like it typically is. The guys are all inside, as expected, with a few other people as well. 

"Hey!" Tony yells. "How was graduation?"

"Good!" I reply. "Really long though. But it feels good to be done."

We all sit in the living room and talk, but before long everyone starts heading outside to enjoy the sun while barbecuing.

"I'm gonna stay here for a bit, you guys go ahead." I say to everyone as I settle back on the couch to try and get a little power nap in. 

I lay back and think of all my university memories. So many ups and downs. There's been failed classes, lots of crying, a lot of energy wasted on useless guys, and too many sleepless nights to count. There's also been acing classes, a lot of great friendships, crazy nights I'll never forget, and now a degree. 

In the middle of my reminiscing, Mike comes back inside for drinks. He seems to forget that I'm here, though, because when I say hi to him, he jumps.

"Shit!" he yells. "Row, you scared the hell out of me." 

"I'm sorry." I say. "I thought you knew I was here."

"Nah, completely forgot. Why aren't you outside with everyone?"

I shrug. Or, well, try to. But its hard to shrug when you're lying down.

"I wanted to be on my own before a little. I'm pretty tired from grad also." I say.

"Congrats on that by the way. I could never do that." he says as he makes his way over to the couch and sits beside me. I straighten up a little to give him some room.

"You don't have to. You're already successful." 

"Doesn't mean we'll always be touring, or even a band."  he replies.

"Speaking of, are you excited to leave in a week?" I ask. 

"Yeah it's gonna be great. You're coming with us the whole way?"

I can't tell if he's asking out of curiosity or as a precaution. 

"Yep, thats the plan."

Now that he's so close to me, I can't help but want to kiss him. I know it'd be dumb. We're finally feeling like we're back to normal, but I can't help but want it. We always want the things that are the worst for us, don't we? 

"Definitely gonna be great then." he says and smiles at me.

"You flatter me." I say with a laugh.

"No, I mean it."

He stares at me so intense that I have to kiss him. He kisses me back in a way that makes me feel like he's been wanting to do it for a long time. Within seconds he's moving so that I'm on my back and he's on top of me. I can feel that he's hard right away which turns me on even more. I put my hands on his waist and push him deeper into me, moving against him as I do so. 

"You really wanna do this?" Mike says. I can see him struggling to be calm about it.

I nod my head quickly. "Yeah."

"We're gonna have to be quick."

"That's okay, I think we can do it."

Within seconds we're having sex on my brothers couch. The risk of getting caught makes it that much hotter and makes us both cum quickly. We lasted for a total of five minutes - tops. 

"Shit." Mike says after he cums.

"Right?" I say and we both laugh. "I never saw that coming."

"Why not?" he asks.

"I don't know, I guess I figured you never saw me like that."

"Apparently I see everyone like that." Mike says.


"I know," he says with a laugh. "I was just kidding." he glances behind him to the kitchen. "We really should get out there. Someone's gonna realize that we're both missing."

"Might as well." I say and get up, adjusting my clothes. "That was one hell of a graduation gift, though."

"You can get more gifts like that on tour." he says and winks at me. 

I roll my eyes, but secretly I love it. 

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