The Spawns

By DarknessAndLight

5M 178K 204K

The Spawns are back in town. With Cole and Jayden freshly out of their first year of University, Lilibeth in... More

The Spawns | Preface
The Spawns | Chapter I -- The Correct Term Is Hangover
The Spawns | Chapter II -- You Hug Me, I Punch You
The Spawns | Chapter III -- The Prodigal Son Is Back
The Spawns | Chapter IV -- Screaming Rape Would be Inappropriate
The Spawns | Chapter V -- Let's Talk About My Unrequited Love
The Spawns | Chapter VI -- The Concept of Prince Charming
The Spawns | Chapter VII -- Stop Humping the Lamp Pole
The Spawns | Chapter VIII -- Rainbows Flying Out of Our Asses
The Spawns | Chapter IX -- My Will Power Crumbles
The Spawns | Chapter X -- What Do They Teach You at Nun School?
The Spawns | Chapter XI -- The Question Sort of Answered Itself
The Spawns | Chapter XII -- One Simple Kiss
The Spawns | Chapter XIII -- Stop Flirting With My Cousin
The Spawns | Chapter XIV -- They Don't Condemn Skinny Dipping
The Spawns | Chapter XV -- All Kinds of Mixed Up
The Spawns | Chapter XVI - A Love Story Worth Writing About
The Spawns | Chapter XVII -- My Heart to Break
The Spawns | Chapter XVIII -- In Love With You
The Spawns | Chapter XIX -- You'll Be Old and Pudgy
The Spawns | Chapter XX -- They Hurt You, Those Eatons
The Spawns | Chapter XXI -- The Responsible for all the Breaking
The Spawns | Chapter XXII -- I'm Not the Third Wheel
The Spawns | Chapter XXIII -- A Threesome With an Asian
The Spawns | Chapter XXIV -- Like a Hawk
The Spawns | Chapter XXV -- I Promise I'll Be Gentle
Wattpad Block Party Entry. Winter Edition
The Spawns | Extra Chapter: Maika's POV -- His Balls Will be Mine
The Spawns | Chapter XXVI -- The Two of Us
The Spawns | Chapter XXVII -- The Little Moments
The Spawns | Chapter XXVIII -- Not With You
The Spawns | Chapter XXIX -- Whoring Yourself like France
The Spawns | Chapter XXX -- A Nice Canvas for You
The Spawns | Chapter XXXI -- Running on Fumes
The Spawns | Chapter XXXII -- Angry Dragon Spirit
The Spawns | Chapter XXXIII -- Postponing the Inevitable
The Spawns | Chapter XXXIV -- Know My Blood Cycle
The Spawns | Chapter XXXV -- By Not Being With You
The Spawns | Chapter XXXVI -- Excitement and Wonder
The Spawns | Chapter XXXVII -- Strip Battleship
The Spawns | Chapter XXXVIII -- Spray Them With Holy Water
The Spawns | Chapter XXXIX -- Together in Berlin
The Spawns | Chapter XL -- The Limits of Clothing
The Spawns | Chapter XLI -- A Milestone to Something Better
The Spawns | Chapter XLII -- This Simple Realization
The Spawns | Chapter XLIII -- Go Beat Your Clay
The Spawns | Chapter XLIV -- A Major Eaton Kink
The Spawns | Chapter XLV -- That Torres Boy
The Spawns | Epilogue -- Dusk Was Smiling Down
Together in Berlin - The Spawns Companion Novella

The Spawns | Chapter XLVI -- A Cacophony of What and Hey

19.8K 1.1K 1.4K
By DarknessAndLight


A Cacophony of What and Hey

Chapter XLVI—Jayden

Our first stop that night had been at our old elementary school. We played hide and seek and Cole got stuck in on of the closed round kiddy slides. It'd been quite hilarious and disastrous for a minute there. With all the sound we'd been making though, a security guard had started to roam around, so we had decided to skedaddle quickly.

That's how we had ended up at the old the outside theatre waiting for the sun to rise.

Belly had coaxed Cole into doing her dancing routine for us and we'd whooped and cheered them on. If the human rights lawyer spiel didn't work for Cole, he could always turn to contemporary dance.

Now Maika was trying to up and down the stairs on her hands. She'd fallen on her face a couple of times.

"This is fun," I stated, smiling at the sky. I was happy to have the gang together, with everything in the open, just hanging out together, being our normal goofy selves.

"No, this is torture. I need a naaaaaaaaaaaap," Cole whined. He was lying down on the stone seat where we'd all gathered. When you stood at the top seats and looked back, the sunrises and sunsets were always beautiful, that was why we were all sitting around here now, waiting for the sun to show its face.

"Poor sweet Cole. Someone, bring our sweet baby his blankie and his teddy bear so he can go for a nap," Maika crooned, trying to pinch his cheeks. He kept hiding his face in the crook of his arm.

"Hey, look okay, I'm not the weird one here. It's like four in the morning. I've been up since five something. I need my beauty sleep," he whined.

I laughed, smiling at my best friends.

When the sun finally started to peek through the horizon, Maika and I stood side by side, arms pressed together. She slipped her hand though mine, and smiled at me, before leaning her head on my shoulder.

Belly was sitting beside a half-awake Cole behind us. She was looking more at him than the sunset to be honest. I didn't understand how these two ever believed that they could hide how they felt about each other to anyone, present party included.

"When I think about happiness, I think this is as close as it gets," Maika whispered to me, bringing me back to the present.

I grinned at her. "Ah, look at you, you big softie."

She nudged my side. "Shut it Eaton."

I didn't drop it. "You're a big ol' sentimental."

"Say that any louder and you won't be able to continue the Eaton bloodline," she threatened.

"Soooo violent," I teased her and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. I felt the thrill of it, of being able to do this normally, through my whole body.

Finally, when the sun was high enough, I turned back, keeping Maika's hand in my own.

"Alright Cole, get up, we're going home."

Cole was up on his feet in second and sprinting towards the car while screeching, "my beeeeeeeeeeeed."

What a weirdo.

We all followed him.

He was already sitting shot gun, so I went to the driver's side and the girls went to sit in the back.

And off we were, yet again. I started up Sugar Pie Honey Bunch on stereo. We all sang to it out of key.

Cole kept trying to shove his foot in my mouth, which was like, ew, gross get that shit away from me.

"Why is Cole sitting in the front with me? Seriously, why?" I whined, pushing Cole's leg away from me for the hundredth time.

"Because Maika's not above playing catch the snake under the tarp while you're driving," Cole answered automatically, his voice a lot more awake that I had anticipated.

"Can I remind you all that I'm in the car, I'm his sister and you're all gross," Belly whined from the back.

"And I don't know why you complain about having me sitting beside you," Cole added, squeezing my cheeks between his hand. I slapped his hand away while he giggled like a lunatic.

"Screw this," I groaned, getting the car to a halt on the side of the empty road.

A cacophony of what and hey followed in protest.

"Cole, you're driving, Belly sit beside him."

Cole locked his door, shielding it with his entire body like he didn't want anyone to open it and drag him out. "Oh! Oooooh! You guys are not getting it on in the back."

"Then you drive."

Cole snorted. "I'm not driving, I'm waaaaay too tired."

Belly let out an exasperate sigh at that moment and grabbed Cole by the collar dragging him in the back. He was waaay to confused to protest. After she was done, she crawled up at the front with me.

"There, start driving now," she commanded.

Everyone was kind of silently shocked.

And then we all kind of giggled as I started ti drive again.

"I seriously don't understand how you two can ever be in the same car together. You're always fighting and bickering," Belly said.

"He's gotta be driving or passed out, otherwise it doesn't work," I admitted.

Case in point, now Cole wasn't exactly sitting in the back, he was lying face pressed against the seat and ass in the air.

Maika slapped his butt. "Cole, will you sit down properly for once."

"No. It's all your fault. You guys wanted to keep me up all night long. I need my beauty sleep."

"He's gonna be a handful when you do start dating," I told my sister teasingly.

Belly rolled her eyes, ignoring my quip. "Give him some credit, we have been keeping him up for a while now, and you know he needs a lot more sleep than we do."

"Maika doesn't need that much sleep either," Cole said, his voice half muffled by the car seat his face was pressed against.

"Maika is not a human, I thought that had been stated before," Belly joked.

Maika grinned. "Exactly, I'm an immortal goddess."

Cole flailed his hand around trying to slap her but was miserably failing. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now can you let me sleep? Wake me up when we get home. And for the love of god, let me sleep tomorrow, or well today. Just give me a stupid day to rest. I'M A WEAK BOY!"

"As I said, a handful," I repeated, chuckling.

"Worry about your own girlfriend, will you," she told me while I could see Maika grabbing Cole face with her legs in a headlock to keep him seated properly.

"Guys, stop it, you're going to hurt yourselves," I said looking at them through the rear mirror.

I just had time to hear Lilibeth screaming, "JAY WATCH OUT!" before I felt the collision.


Oh yeah, you read that right. Only nonthreatening, pathetic death treats will be accepted (ex: I hope you die chocking on a ball of cat hair) and I'll post the epilogue soon.






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