I'm An Assassin, Not Your Mat...

By lassicot

574K 19K 1.8K

I'm usually sent to kill someone, but now I'm being sent to protect someone instead. Not just anyone, my mate... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

chapter 31

11.4K 420 18
By lassicot

Standing in the kitchen staring at her, I thought I knew what Stacey stressed out looked like, but I was wrong. Planning the wedding was making her crazy. It was a year away and she claimed there were hundreds of things to do and because she made me her made of honor I was obligated to help with those things. 

Even more important to her than finding her dress, which was at the top, was the security. She didn't want a repeat of her birthday. Neither did I.

"How do I know it won't happen again?" She asked me desperately shaking my shoulders.

"It won't. Someone very..special is coming." I told her removing her hands from my shoulders.

"Who?" She sat on top of the counter and swung her legs curiously. Well I guess it's better than her being crazy, I thought. 

"Her name is Ayla." I said standing across from her.

"I've never heard of her." She looked puzzled.

"I'm not surprised. She's not from this realm." I explained and then winced 'oops'.

"What?" Jace chimed walking into the kitchen with Tristan following, his eyes on me.

"Do share love." He said coming over and wrapping an arm around my waist.

I paused for a moment. It wasn't well known and sharing could be dangerous. But a powerful stranger was attending their wedding so I guess it was fair.

"You know the fae have their own realm." I stated, "Well..so do the supernatural." Everyone looked baffled at that.

"I don't understand." Stacey said shaking her head.

"It's not common knowledge. The supernatural in this realm are meant to be in this realm, not live in another. But there is a realm for the supernatural, and those few humans who are mated a supernatural being." I said and their eyes almost bugged out of their heads.

"For real?! Another realm of just supernaturals?" Jace asked very excitedly.

"Yes. Only the rare few are aware of the other realms." I said in a tone that made it obvious they were not to share this information.

"Could we go sometime?" Stacey exclaimed like a small child.

"Absolutely not." I shut that idea down immediately and she lowered her eyes instinctively. Jace glared at me for upsetting his mate but said nothing else.

"Why not?" Tristan asked. I looked up at him and gave a grim smile.

"It's dangerous. There isn't a hierarchy like ours. There are the royals of each breed of supernatural and then a..government of sorts that keeps them under their thumb thus keeping everyone under control, but so many beings in one realm..things can get out of hand quickly." I needed them to be aware that trying to go to this realm was off limits.

"But they can come here?" He asked somewhat offended that they could travel here and him not there.

"Like I said, the rare few who know about the other realms may travel, but it is because they are..special, and only may travel for a reason." I explained.

"You know of the realm, and so does the 'special' guest coming to our wedding." Stacey pointed out.

"I am very good at my job. It's extended to other realms as well. And as for your guest, she's very special indeed." They raised an eyebrow so it must have shown just how intrigued I was by her.

"How so?" Jace questioned. "What type of supernatural is she?"

"That is not known." They looked stunned and I spoke before they could ask questions.

"She's very powerful, the most powerful being I've ever met. I'm not afraid of anyone, but I am cautious of her. That is how dangerous she can be if she feels threatened. No one knows what type of being she is, I don't think she does either. I'd say she's part witch, but she can control other things as well."

"Like what?" Stacey looked very intrigued.

"As a witch she can cast spells and use them to control the elements, but she can control mana."

"Mana?" Tristan didn't sound impressed.

"It's energy. She can pull it out of nowhere and at any time. She can manipulate it to do whatever she wants. Fire energy shots, create barriers, and walk on air. It's quite incredible to see." Now they looked impressed.

"I've never heard of a being who can do that." Jace pondered.

"No one has. That's why no one's sure of what she is, and why she is feared throughout the realm."

"Of course you're friends with someone like that." Stacey joked.

"We're not friends exactly." I said and she jerked her head in my direction.

"What?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Not in the way me and Daina are. We..understand one another and help each other out occasionally." I said.

"You invited a powerful unknown supernatural to my wedding and you aren't even friends?" She asked incredulously.

"She'll be here to make sure it's safe. I did her a favor last time, so it's her turn to pay up." I grinned at the memory.

"Do I wanna know what this favor you did for her was?" She asked nervously.

"Probably not." I laughed.

"Right." She nodded and let it go. "Well okay, if she's coming to help then the more the merrier!" She hopped off the counter and dragged Jace from the room. Just when I thought they were gone she popped back in "Oh and dress shopping next weekend." She smiled and left before I could protest.

"I don't know if I like the idea of a dangerous stranger coming to the wedding." Tristan said.

"She's coming as protection. I won't have you all in danger anymore and I won't let anything ruin Stacey's wedding. I'd never hear the end of it." I crossed my arms defiantly. Ayla was coming no matter what he said.

"She could hurt someone." He argued.

"I could hurt someone." I shot back.

"You wouldn't hurt someone randomly." He scoffed.

"Neither would she." I defended.

He sighed, "Fine tell me more about her."

I'm not gonna lie, a small part of me was jealous he was taking an interest in someone else but the logical part of me knew it wasn't because he liked her but because she could cause problems.

"She's feared, not just by the people she's around. The government fears her. They want to control her and use her as a weapon. They tried to make her submit willingly but she refused. She won't be a prisoner to anyone and won't be used as a weapon. So they hunt her. They'll have her. Willing or not." I empathize with her. Being someone's weapon isn't for everyone. It's hard and lonely.

"How did you meet?" He asked curious.

"I was on a job. I drove past an ally and saw her being corned by three men. I saw her throw a shot of energy that knocked them all flat in a second. She sprinted down the street and six vans flew past me. I pulled over and made my way to the roof, following her.  She dashed into another ally and I dropped in behind her. Her hand rose ready to fire, my was finger already on the trigger. When she realized I wasn't shooting at her she asked who I was. I told her if we lived through this I'd tell her. I got her out and took her back to the shabbiest motel I've ever been in. The director was pissed I got sidetracked and had someone else come in and take over my assignment. Anyway we were in the motel and my heat sensor went off. They fired a freaking missile at the motel. I thought we were dead but she said something in an ancient language, it was like "asmotos dienva" and a purpleish shield appeared around us and while the motel blew to pieces we were fine. I got her out of the city and that's how our favors started."

"So you're not friends but help each other out?" He asked trying to figure out our strange relationship.

"Pretty much." I shrugged.

He stared at me for a long moment. I started fidgeting when he didn't look away. He stepped closer and pulled me in for a kiss. He pulled away smiling.

"Go away with me. Just us this time I promise. One weekend. You and me." He said keeping his arms wrapped around me.

"Random but okay." I laughed.

"It's not random. Stacey's getting married and it's just putting things into perspective and I want a weekend with just you." He said and I tried to pull away but he held on tighter.

"I'm not getting ready to propose to you on a getaway trip." He laughed. "I know you're not ready for that yet but I want time with you. Just you."

And standing their looking into his eyes, if he were to propose, it would scare the hell out of me, but I knew in my heart, I would say yes.  

"Okay a weekend away sounds perfect." I smiled.

"Great." He kissed me quickly and pulled away again and whispered, "But don't tell Stacey." He grinned.

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