A Growing Affection

By Shi_Kira

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After a misunderstanding reveals hidden emotions, Naruto and Hinata begin training together, getting to know... More

Chapter 1: Revelation
Chapter 2: Training: Rasengan vs. Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin
Chapter 3: His Greatest Treasure
Chapter 4: Training II, The Hokage's Strength
Chapter 5: Mother of a Shinobi
Chapter 6: Training III: Power of the Five Points Rasengan
Chapter 7: A Father's Prerogative
Chapter 8: Challenge: Which is the Strongest Dojutsu?
Chapter 9: Trapped: Cavern of Treachery
Chapter 10: Internal Struggle
Chapter 11: Dancing With a Demon
Chapter 12: The Value of a Life
Chapter 13: The Secret
Chapter 14: Undercover or Vacation? The Oceanside Mission Begins
Chapter 15: The Damiyo's Daughter
Chapter 16: From the Mist: Ally or Enemy?
I don't remember the title. Sorry!
Chapter 18: Skinning a Snake
Chapter 19: C-Rank Mission, S-Rank Enemy
Chapter 20: Naruto's Weapon
Chapter 21: Round 2: Naruto Vs. the Reaper
Chapter 22: The Ninja Cram School (Part I)
Chapter 23: The Ninja Cram School Part II
Chapter 24: The Brothers' War Part I
Chapter 25: The Brothers' War Part II
Chapter 26: The Night Out
Chapter 27: The Truth in Silence
Chapter 28: Bearing the Noise
Chapter 29: Deafening
Chapter 30: Muted Time
Untitled Part 32
Chapter 32: Singing Blades
Chapter 33: The Ringing Palm
Chapter 34: Hissing Anger
Chapter 35: Funeral Dirge
Chapter 36: Broken Song
Chapter 37: A Small Freedom
Chapter 38: The Trial of Naruto Uzumaki
Chapter 39: The Best Laid Plans
Chapter 40: Coming of Age
Chapter 41: A Home Never Known
Chapter 42: Yuletide Mission
Chapter 43: Play Fighting
Chapter 44: Playtime is Over: The Puppets of Nicholas
Chapter 45: Return to the Hidden Waterfall
Chapter 46: The Reformation
Chapter 47: Protecting the Twice Princess
Chapter 48: Behind the Scenes
Chapter 49: AAAnnnddd CUT!
Chapter 50: The Regenerated Snake
Chapter 51: The Fallen Clan
Chapter 52: The Last Son of the Uchiha
Chapter 53: Kunoichi Sleepover
Chapter 54: Lead By Following
Chapter 55: March 11th
Chapter 56: Alliances under Attack
Chapter 57: The Birds and the Beans
Chapter 58: Grass vs. Leaf
Chapter 59: To the Highest Level
Chapter 60: Red as Blood
Chapter 61: Hidden in the Dark
Chapter 62: Jonin Trials, Day 1
Chapter 63: Jonin Trials, Day 2
Chapter 64: A Hero's Legacy
Chapter 65: Jonin Trials, Day 3
Chapter 66: Jonin Trials, Day 4
Chapter 67: Jonin Trials, Day 5
Chapter 68: Deliberations
Chapter 69: April 20th
Chapter 70: Gathering the Troops
Chapter 71: Where You Are
Chapter 72: The Canyon of Dawn
Chapter 73: The Power of the Tailed Beasts
Chapter 74: A Jinchuriki's Fate
Chapter 75: Sharingan Vs. Sharingan: For Eternal Life
Chapter 76: A Kekkei Genkai is Born: Kitsune No Chishio
Chapter 77: The First and the Last
Chapter 78: A Bijuu's Pain
Chapter 79: The Infinite Abyss
Chapter 80: Second Encounters
Chapter 81: The Blood's True Form
Chapter 82: Escaping Daybreak
Chapter 83: The Next Three?
Chapter 84: Returning Home
Chapter 85: Hinata's Fiancé
Chapter 86: War Preparations
Chapter 87: Love and Honor
Chapter 89: Who Shall Inherit?
Chapter 90: The Hyuga Clan's Justice
Chapter 91: The Gravest Matters
Chapter 92: Invading Death
Chapter 93: Sakura's Chance
Chapter 94: Hinata's Worry
Chapter 95: The Legacy of Death
Chapter 96: Useless No More
Chapter 97: Toad and Snake

Chapter 88: Rematch

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By Shi_Kira

When the Hokage's voice, piped into the locker room, announced  Naruto's victory, Hinata's heart soared. Though she would never have  admitted it, she had been worried for her paramour. A small part of her  was still concerned he might have been injured in the fight, but she  pushed the fear aside. She couldn't afford it.

"Besides," the  young woman told the wall, "with Naruto's regeneration, it doesn't  really matter how much he gets beat up, right?"

"Knucklehead, get  out of there so we can reset the arena," Tsunade's voice sprang up  again, "the match between Hinata Hyuga and Neji Hyuga will begin in  twenty minutes."

Hinata's breath caught in her throat, and her hands trembled.

"Neji,"  she whispered. Her cousin was the acknowledged genius, who learned the  clan's primary techniques all by himself. He was one of only two Jonin  in the last three generations of Hyuga shinobi. No matter what she had  learned, or what Naruto said, she was not certain she could defeat him.

And  part of her wasn't sure she wanted to. Neji's father died to save hers,  because she could not stop the Cloud ninja had tried to kidnap her. She  somehow felt she owed him for that. And she felt her cousin would make a  good leader for the clan...

Naruto's face appeared in Hinata's  mind. Not his happy, energetic face, but his kind loving face. She  remembered what she was fighting for; not just for her love life, but  also for how far she had advanced, and for her own freedom. Hinata  resolved herself, unconsciously tightening the top strap on her left  hand kote. She had promised her beloved she would do her best; she had  promised herself she would do her best.

'If Neji wins, I will not begrudge him his victory,' she decided firmly, 'but I will not go down without a fight!'

"Do you think Hinata can beat Neji?" Sakura asked nervously. The  seats beside her had been filled by Ino, with Choji on his lover's other  side; however the space next to Yugao had been empty, so Naruto had  plopped down there. He was still frowning after his match, not pleased  by how he won, yet unable to refute the results. But he raised his head  and grinned at his teammate's question.

"Of course she can," Uzumaki insisted, without a hint of doubt on his face.

"Nothing  against Hinata," Lee shook his head, "for she has come very far. But I  do not believe she can defeat Neji. He is a Jonin, while she is only a  Tokubetsu Jonin. Neji also has the advantage in strength and speed."

"You're kidding me, Bushy-Brow," Naruto shot back, "Hinata knows all the Hyuga clan tricks, and how to counter them. She's got Neji's number. Plus there's no way Neji's faster than Hinata."

"Then I guess we shall see," Rock Lee did not sound convinced, and Kakashi looked unsure as well.

The cousins stepped onto opposite sides of the field, each observing the other. Neji could not help but be surprised by the rigid resolve in Hinata's eyes and in the set of her shoulders. And Hinata could feel Neji's sadness, and also his lack of doubt. Her eyes also studied the polearm he carried; the spetum had a six-foot wooden staff, topped with a two-foot long, five-inch broad shortsword. And where the two met there were two crescent blades, one facing forward the other facing backwards.

"Hinata  Hyuga, Neji Hyuga," the leader of the Leaf shinobi addressed the near  siblings, "The rules of this duel are the same as the previous battle.  The winner will be the first of you to incapacitate your opponent, to  force your opponent out of the arena, or to make your opponent  surrender. Begin!"

Hinata pushed off before Tsunade finished the  second syllable of the command. She opened a channel to Ginmaki,  manifesting the lightning blades. As she took her third step, she  started signing.

"Doton: Stone Claws Jutsu!" she incanted, and a  half dozen hands formed out of the rocks in the earth around Neji. The  Jonin leapt forward, but one of the hands caught his robes. He swung his  weapon down, cutting himself free, and completing the rotation so the  blade was facing Hinata. He hopped forward to meet her, jabbing lightly  towards her stomach. She caught the blade of the spear with her left  bracer, and turned it away from her. She took another step forward,  keeping the pole blade against her forearm guard, and brought the sharp  extension of her other weapon down on the haft.

"Suiton: Shield of  Storms," Neji proclaimed, and a layer of thick mist sprang up around  the wooden pole, preventing her from cutting through it. He spun the  spetum away, jabbing the back end into Hinata's ribs. The Tokujo tried  to dodge, but she was too close, and part of her breath was driven from  her lungs. She placed her forearm against the reverse end of the spear,  and slid closer to Neji, stabbing towards his upper back. He dropped  away, swinging his foot up towards her stomach. Hinata countered with a  crescent kick, tagging his thigh, forcing his leg away, and trying to  put him off balance. The Jonin drove his polearm into the earth, and  used the new point of stability to launch his other foot up, catching  her right elbow. His momentum carried him around the spear, and when he  landed, he quickly freed the weapon and pointed it at his cousin. She  took a defensive stance, watching him carefully.

His technique was  still rough, she could tell that much. But the spetum gave him a great  advantage in reach, and with his superior strength, he could guide her  around the battlefield. Her kote style did not have a method of dealing  with polearms beyond 'break them or disarm them'. His jutsu had  prevented the former, and she was not sure if she could achieve the  latter.

'On the other hand,' she thought, 'Ginmaki might not be  able to cut through that defense, but that doesn't mean there isn't  another way.'

Neji moved again while she was considering her  options. He charged in, sliding his hands further back on the spetum's  shaft, increasing the range at the cost of being slightly off balance.  Hinata started to sidestep again, but Neji stopped before he passed her,  and rotated.

"Eight Trigrams: Celestial Roar," he announced,  channeling his chakra into the spear as he spun. The speed of his  technique caused the heft of the weapon to hum loudly. Hinata braced her  arms in front of her, catching the spinning sword blade on both  bracers. The strength of his technique threw her to the side, and she  tumbled to the ground. He jumped forward preparing to pin her down.

Hinata placed her hands to the dirt, and swung her feet out, channeling her chakra out through them.

"Eight  Trigrams Soles: Heavenly Spin," she stated as the unexpected sphere  knocked the airborne Neji back. She shifted her weight backwards from  her handstand, somersaulting back to an upright position. He was already  attacking again, stabbing out with seemingly reckless abandon. But as  she slid to the side, he quickly reversed his weapon, pulling it back  towards his real target.

"How much do you know about Ginmaki?" Tenten asked slowly, as Neji leaned on the practice spetum, panting heavily.

"I  know that Naruto forged the kote for my cousin," he answered, "and they  are her primary weapon. Beyond that I know little; I have not had much  chance to see them in action, nor have I had reason to ask Hinata about  them."

The weapons mistress nodded, it was redundant to  send two Hyugas on most missions, so Hinata, Neji, and Hanabi did not  work together often.

"Why?" he prompted, doubting his  lover turned trainer had mentioned his opponent's bracers idly. Tenten  mulled over the question, torn once again between her currently  conflicted loyalties and responsibilities.

"If you can't tell me, I won't pressure you," Neji told her, trying to sound reassuring.

"I  can't tell you about the Jutsus Naruto placed in Ginmaki," she finally  said, "But about kote in general, you should remember that they are  designed for defense. On the other hand, don't underestimate them  because of it. And I can't tell you about how Ginmaki is secured. But if  you could find some way to remove the bracers it would hurt Hinata's  offense and her defense at the same time."

Neji had caught notice of the three leather straps on the underside  of the kote early on, and he made his move. As he drew his polearm back,  he aimed the rear-facing crescent at Hinata's right arm. He slipped the  blade between Ginmaki's support bar and Hinata's wrist, and yanked  back, sending some extra chakra to his muscles. With a dull whine of  scraping metal, the spetum cut through the straps. As the bracer dropped  away, Neji noticed first the series of cuts on his cousins arm, and  second that the head of the spetum was chipped and dull where it had  scraped against the kote, while Ginmaki remained unmarked.

'It  seems I have underestimated Naruto's skills as a crafter,' the Hyuga  Jonin decided silently, 'If he is still speaking to me after today, I  should ask for his assistance in forging Tenten's wedding present.'

Hinata  dove for the fallen bracer, but before she could reach it, Neji caught  it in the guard of the spetum, and launched it into the crowd, straight  for Naruto. Hinata's paramour caught the armor piece with a grimace; by  moving it into the audience, Neji had made it impossible for his cousin  to physically recover the weapon. She could have summoned it back, but  that would have taken precious moments and chakra, and that was not  counting the time to find a way to secure it.

The Jonin took a few  steps back, signing. His opponent regained her feet, and started to  close the distance, but he completed his jutsu first.

"Suiton:  Polar Globes Jutsu," he called out quietly, and five one-foot diameter  spheres shot at Hinata. She cut through the first with the electric  extension of her remaining bracer, but the second struck her right  shoulder with a power of a moderate punch, and remained there. As the  third hit the right side of her abdomen, the second sphere had started  to freeze, and was spreading over her chest and down her arm. She was  already shivering as she knocked away the fourth sphere with the main  body of Ginmaki. But the ice from the second and third orbs had merged  as the final ball of water struck her right hip. Most of the right side  of her body was trapped, the frost spread down to her knee and elbow,  and even partly encasing her neck. She manage bring her hands together  as Neji reclaimed his spear and started to move forward.

"Mi,  Hitsuji, Saru, I, Uma, Tora, Fireball Jutsu," Hinata brought her left  hand to her mouth, and exhaled a weak cloud of flame. Sakura and Naruto  exchanged confused glances; Hinata's mastery of the technique had been  much stronger in their last team practice. Her intent became clear as  she turned the fire on her frozen side. The ice melted under the  assault, while her skin reddened and her flame retardant uniform charred  slightly. She broke free just in time to block Neji's shallow slash at  her stomach.

Hinata grabbed hold of the staff with her right hand  as she absorbed the blow with Ginmaki, but Neji turned over the weapon,  tearing it from her grasp before she could capitalize. He jabbed again,  and Hinata swayed out of the way, blocking his reversal blow with both  of her palms. The Jonin grimaced slightly as his next four attacks were  easily avoided or deflected even while she shivered occasionally. He  recognized the Whipping Willows style, and shifted his attacks. He swung  at her eyes, and then aimed a kick at her still stiff right shoulder.  She ducked under the spetum's blade, and pushed aside his leg at the  thigh, sending out a small amount of chakra to damage the muscle. He  took the minor blow without complaint, and spun his polearm around so  she had to lean back to prevent both sides from hitting her neck in  succession.

This was what Neji had been waiting for. He continued  to pivot the spetum, but changed its angle. Off balance, and lacking a  clear view with her Byakugan inactive, Hinata could not do anything as  the back end of the spear struck her knees. She tumbled to the ground,  landing facing him.

"I am sorry, Hinata," Neji whispered as he  stabbed the blunt end of the polearm fiercely at her forehead. But his  apology was premature; Hinata brought her hand together as the staff  approached her face. Time seemed to slow down, and the Jonin recognized  her movement was in vain; the bludgeon would hit her before she could  stop it. And for the second time in two heartbeats, he realized he had  underestimated Hinata, as the clouds of chakra in each of her palms  coalesced and merged.

"Rasengan," she said victoriously, as the  sphere shredded the wooden haft of the weapon. The short portion of the  staff, on the near side of the Rasengan no longer had support, and was  thrown upwards by the spiraling orb. She released the sphere with her  right hand, while at the same time expanding it. As the Fourth Hokage's  Jutsu chewed away at the oak haft of the spetum, Hinata also sent chakra  to her eyes, activating her Suigin Byakugan, determined not the be  caught off guard again.

Neji hopped backwards to avoid losing any  more of his weapon. In the end, between the broken part that had just  crested and was starting to fall, and sawdust littering the floor, he  had lost over three feet of the staff of the weapon. His spetum had been  reduced to a shortsword with an odd crosspiece and an extra long  handle. Hinata kipped up, and caught the falling stick in her right  hand, taking a new fighting stance, holding her trophy like a club and  with the Rasengan in her left hand.

Neji examined her. Hinata had  taken more, harder hits than she had given, but she was not showing it.  Her shivers were gone, and though her knees must have hurt, she held her  stance evenly. Though he had come to care for his near sister, this was  the first time he felt he could follow her as leader of the clan.

"But it's too late for that now," he told her, drawing a look of confusion, "I won't lose."

He  threw the spetum at her like a javelin, and while she ruined the weapon  with the Rasengan, he withdrew his tonfas from under his robe. Though  the wooden and metal bars were not of the quality of Ginmaki, they were  imbued with a few tricks and were sturdier than the spetum had been.  Neji darted forward, swinging with his right arm. His confidence was  rewarded when Hinata moved her Rasengan to intercept and the tonfa was  deflected but not damaged. He swung his second weapon at her, and she  raised the broken haft of the spetum to block. Neji sent a stream of  chakra into the tonfa, and the simple wooden rod splintered and  shattered from the increased impact. Hinata fell back, divesting herself  of both the broken stick and the Rasengan. Her hands moved with  incredible speed, and she was signing her second jutsu even as her first  left her fingertips.

"Spark Darts," she incanted, following it with, "Doton: Fault Line Jutsu."

Seven  barbs of electricity flew towards Neji, and before he could dodge, the  ground started to buck and shake under him. He drove his left tonfa to  the ground to steady himself, and spun his right hand bar to absorb the  lightning jutsu. As soon as he was stable, the Hyuga Jonin darted  forward. He scissored his tonfa, and aimed for her neck. She caught the  attack on her remaining kote, but was forced back and left open for a  quick kick to the ribs. She blocked it with her right forearm, but her  cousin was still at the advantage in both strength and leverage, and  pain shot up her arm. She took small comfort in knowing that it would  have been worse to get hit in the torso. Hinata pushed away as hard as  she could, signing again.

"Doton: Earth Skippers Jutsu," Hinata  cradled her injured arm slightly as two flat stones wrenched themselves  from the dirt, and bounced towards Neji. He smashed them with his  weapons, and in that instant, she slid back in and stabbed her glowing  fingertip into his elbow. His grip on his right hand bludgeon loosened.  He swung his left hand weapon at her head, nearly clipping her chin, and  then tucked both tonfas under his stunned arm. He hit the same pressure  point she had, restoring his nerves and chakra flow. The Jonin jabbed  at her with his newly restored arm, so she could not land another blow  and so he could recover the weapons trapped in his between his bicep and  his rib.

Hinata was already moving through a new set of hand  seals, but Neji was not about to let her use another jutsu. He aimed his  attacks at her wrists. She was able to shift without stopping, causing  him to miss her right arm and hit Ginmaki on her left. She also was able  to spare a thread of chakra for her kote, sending a reverberation back  through his tonfa. He dropped the weapon.

"Suiton: Water Spout  Jutsu," she finished, launching a sphere of water at Neji. He struck it  with his remaining bar, and it exploded, pushing him to his knees and  soaking him.

"Ranshinsho," Hinata whispered, diving towards him.  The purple lightning around her hands arced lightly to Neji's soaked  clothes. But before she reached him, he dropped his other tonfa and drew  his hands in to his chest, before thrusting them out at her.

"Eight  Trigrams Mountain Crusher!" Neji shouted, even though he purposely held  back the full power of his jutsu. He cut the strength by a third, and  softened the impact slightly, so as not to seriously injure his cousin.  Instead, his intent became clear as Hinata was launched into the air  towards the audience. Once she landed outside the arena, Neji would be  the victor. The young woman tumbled through the air, her eyes fluttering  in semi-consciousness. She reached the apex of her flight above the  wall of the battlefield, and began to drop towards Tenten, as if she had  been directed there.

"HINATA!" Naruto roared angrily.

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