Marcus' Prey

EpsilonAngel द्वारा

200K 9.3K 5.2K

*Book two in the Hell's Company series* He was a disgrace, fallen from a once lofty peak to the depths of the... अधिक

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen: Part One
Chapter Thirteen: Part Two
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Ten

9.8K 481 372
EpsilonAngel द्वारा

          Hello precious children!

I am back! So far, I'm somehow managing not to fall too behind in classes, accomplish basic human tasks, AND get writing done?? I'm confused, not sure how I'm doing it, and terrified because who the fuck knows how long that's going to last.

But anyways, I'm working hard, I promise! There's a lot of moving parts in my life, and I'm trying to keep things working. I swear if I disappear I'll be back. Pretty sure y'all can trust me by now...I always come back!

But anyway, this chapter is a whole-ass roller coaster, so I hope you're ready ;)


E <3



"Thank fuck," Ammi groaned once Meg had successfully teleported us out of the Hell dimension. "Our mates are so over-protective it's ridiculous, and Kai-Kai needs to tell us everything."

My lips quirked slightly, despite myself. But still, I couldn't resist asking, "You were so eager to leave...but, with my father around, are you not...scared? Like, at all?"

Ammi's eyes darkened, and she laughed humorlessly, "Oh, make no mistake, I'm fucking terrified. Michael made my life a living nightmare for years, Meg's for decades, and tormented my angel. I may be a blustering idiot sometimes, but even I get scared." She shook her head quickly, "But being around Luce right now...I need space, and the only way I can get that for the moment is to pretend to be Teflon. But once I've come to terms with this massive pile of shit, I'll go screaming into his absolutely giant, perfectly muscular, ridiculously possessive chest and not come up for air for days."

I definitely agreed with the last part of the plan, because though Marcus hadn't exactly reacted in a flattering manner to the news, he was still my Champion. Would I expect an apology from him for snapping at me? Well, it would only be polite of him. Would I forgive him instantly because, for the most part, I was utterly incapable of holding a grudge? Most definitely.

I'd done my best to harden my heart against everyone, to remain suspicious and guarded, especially against my Champion. But I'd always been weak, soft-hearted, and foolish. I couldn't control how I felt, and whether I'd intended it or not, they'd all crashed through my marshmallow defenses, with Marcus and Amirykal leading the charge.

Fighting their friendship now was useless. As for everything...erm...else Marcus offered...that remained to be seen.

Meg, grinned in a forced manner, before chuckling, "Sounds like a plan to me, my Queen. I'll be doing much the same with my Raphie, once I make him grovel for being so rude to our new friend. Let me be the first to apologize, Kaiah, for his barnyard manners. I'll straighten him out. And thank you again, for letting me off the hook for the whole...'assisting in your kidnapping thing'."

I shrugged, genuinely not upset. It wasn't her fault, really, she couldn't control her angel. Or, I didn't think she could. And where I was now...I wasn't so sure the kidnapping was a bad thing. Marcus...Marcus was in my life now, for better or for worse. And I was pretty sure it was for the better.

"I've never gotten a pedicure before," I confessed, changing the subject and wringing my hands slightly. "Is"

Ammi took my hand, smiling encouragingly. "Damn right it is! You get to pick out your color, get a massage, the whole nine! And, as is ritual, we will gossip like crazy."

"Then afterward," Meg chimed in, "because Ammi can't go an hour without eating, we'll go to the food court and eat our weight in shitty Chinese food and greasy pizza."


"What color are y'all getting?" Ammi prodded, her eyes alight. "Ya girl is getting firetruck red!"

Meg snorted, "Dark purple for me, obviously. Color of magic and royalty, ladies."

I bit my lip, "I...think I'd like pink. Not like hot pink, but...pretty pink, you know?"

"Hell yeah I know!" Ammi replied, leading us all through the mall towards the nail salon. "We're gonna find the perfect color."

As usual, Ammi followed through with her sweeping declaration. She and Meg were unerringly patient as I spent an inordinate amount of time deciding on the precise color I wanted. And then there was gel versus paint! When it came to split-second, life or death decisions, I would act in a heartbeat, as I'd been trained to do. But for something so, (frivolous wasn't precisely the right word, maybe light?) choices, it was almost impossible to pick. But, when I was finally satisfied with my selection, I began to feel some excitement, to the point that I was beginning to bounce off the walls. I felt giddy, happy, almost childlike. The only thing missing was my...

...was my Champion.

But no. I was determined to enjoy my time with the girls.

The whole manicure thing was definitely a new experience, especially when they were touching the bottoms of my feet. I was ticklish, and I couldn't resist the giggles I let slip. But, when I saw the gel polish swiped on my toes, I was absolutely in love with how it looked. It me.

Meg and Ammi chatted the whole time, going out of their way to include me, which I appreciated. At first, I was sad, realizing I didn't exactly have much to bond with them over. Though from the small comments they made here and there, neither of them had had an easy time of it in the past. But they hadn't been so disconnected from the world as I had. They'd had a childhood, no matter how traumatic.

I didn't resent them for it, though I listened to their stories wistfully. Yet, when they noticed my silence, they began to focus the conversation more on topics I could understand. It filled my heart with warmth and melted it down into goo.

"So," Meg sighed, looking down in satisfaction at her one painted foot, "spill the cauldron, Kai-Kai. What's up with you and the cranky daemon?"

Not a daemon.

I clamped my mouth shut before I could spill that little fact. Not that I'd have anything to follow it up with, mind you. I knew what he wasn't, but that didn't mean I knew what he was, as much as it may frustrate me.

"Well, I don't know..." I blushed furiously.

Ammi clapped her hands together in excitement, "Oh man, did you two fuck like bunnies?"

"No!" I gasped, appalled at her, glancing down in horror at the woman carefully painting my nails. "We did know..." I blushed even harder.

Meg, mercifully, let me off the hook.

"Well, then, what's actually happened?" She smirked slightly, "care to enlighten us?"

I wrung my hands together, "Well, he's been very clear that, erm-"

"That he wants you," Ammi finished. Meg punched her lightly on the shoulder and she went on the defensive. "What? Anyone with half a brain can see that. Plus, you're his mate."

"He'd have to be an even bigger idiot than he seems to ignore the mating call," Meg agreed.

"He's not an idiot," I protested without thinking. I chose to ignore the way their grins widened at my automatic defense of him. "Well, okay, so I got scared last night, and he slept on my floor."

"Ooh la la!" Ammi teased, "did you hold hands and everything?"

"Don't make fun of me!" I yelped, narrowing my eyes at her.

She waved me off, "Oh, trust me, I'm not. I'm just giving you shit. I think you two are absolutely adorable, and if you want to take it slow then he can damn well wait."

Sometimes I wish he wouldn't be so patient, I thought, before mentally shaking myself by the shoulders. I've known him for a day and a half! What part of that was slow?

"The real question here," Meg drawled, eyeing me speculatively, "is how you feel about him, excluding his juvenile behavior this morning, of course."

After a moment of pressing silence, I crossed my arms in a huff, muttering, "Okay, fine, so I like him, alright?"

"But do you like him, like him, or just like him?" Ammi pressed in the single most confusing sentence I'd ever heard.

I paused, before replying, "...Like him, like him, I suppose. But neither of us have time to focus on...whatever this is. With my father out for blood, it seems foolish."

"Take this from me, Kai-Kai," Ammi warned, suddenly becoming serious, "If you have a problem, or you want to go further, don't wait for the catastrophe to be over. It doesn't do anything but damage."

"Being apart from your mate, physically, emotionally, doesn't matter," Meg agreed solemnly. "Whatever is keeping you apart, it's never worth it. Never."

My eyes bounced between the two of them for a moment, taking in their grave expressions with no small trace of foreboding.

"Is no mate story a happy one?" I asked, feeling my stomach drop, fearing the answer like none before.

"Oh, they're happy," Ammi rushed to say, "the only difference is how long it will take you to get there."

With that, we fell into a pensive silence for a long, long while. Only the sound of the soft, soothing music and the gentle whispers of the other women disturbed it. It wasn't an uncomfortable thing, though. The sweet smell of the essential oils that perfumed the salon and the relaxing ambiance didn't allow it, though there was no doubt we were all doing our best to get lost in our worries.

It wasn't until we were almost finished that Amirykal dropped the bomb that shattered the moment like a glass window.

"I'm pregnant."

For a moment, it didn't register. I stared in absolute shock, my mouth hanging open. Meg, on the other hand, just rolled her eyes and waved her hand flippantly.

"Duh, girl. Chief has been trying to knock you up for ages. He always gets his way." She paused for a beat, then, likely remembering her manners, she added, "Congratulations, by the way."

"Congratulations? Are you fucking serious?" Ammi growled, her eyes narrowing on her friend. "First off, I still have another year on my degree, and I have come too damn far and written too many essays to give up on that now. Secondly, have you seen how fucking giant Wings is? I am not shoving a twenty-pound watermelon out of my vagina!"

At that, the women painting our nails, though undoubtedly used to hearing some odd things, broke and snickered.

"I tried to be responsible, I swear, but the pig-headed idiot kept stealing my birth control pills. 'You won't be taking that poison, Kitten. My father will decide when it's our time'. How fucking creepy is that? No, bitch, your daddy ain't deciding shit, it's your goddamn super-sperm and my egg doing a bump-and-grind!"

The salon woman had to stop painting Ammi's nails because her shoulders were shaking with laughter.

Ammi was oblivious, continuing her rant, "And another thing; who's the sucker who has to give birth? Is it him? No. Who's winning in this situation?"

I frowned, "Well, it's not really about winning-"

"At first glance he's definitely winning," Meg interrupted me, tapping her chin thoughtfully, "but, remember, you're going to be a hormonal whale. You can make his life absolutely miserable and have a justifiable reason for it."

Ammi's eyes lit up like stars at the mage's suggestion, murmuring, "I'm going to be the bitchiest whale in existence."

They fist-bumped.

Definitely a healthy approach to a relationship.

The women finished, and we were left alone to put on our shoes.

After a moment, Ammi whispered, "I was so happy...but now I can't help it. I'm almost regretting it." She looked up, and I froze when I saw her eyes shining with tears. She sniffled, "that makes me just absolutely awful, doesn't it?"

I didn't know what to say to that. Judging by the silence, Meg didn't either.

She continued in a broken voice, "He doesn't know. Michael is alive, and my mate doesn't know that I'm even more vulnerable now than before. This couldn't have happened at a worse time. And, I know he wanted this, but what if he hates the timing too? What if he'll upset?" She shook her head, looking up at the ceiling, "Fuck, I'm being so whiny."

Meg looked at her, helpless and unsure. Seeing she wouldn't react, I stepped forward on my new pink toes and wrapped my arms around her. I didn't say anything. Ammi didn't want verbal encouragement or empty promises. She could figure all that out on her own. She just needed a shoulder to cry on for the moment, and I had one to spare.

She melted into me, her tears wetting the fabric of my sweater.

Lucifer would be thrilled, and deep down, she knew that. Would he be worried and even more protective? From what I'd seen, yes, but I had no doubt that she could handle him. Even if he scared the living crud out of me, she never seemed afraid.

It would all be okay. I had to believe that. So did Ammi.

After she'd thoroughly cried herself out, I released her, and she stood back up to her full height. Her fair skin was pink and puffy, leaving no doubt as to what had happened. If Lucifer saw her like word, that would be a scary sight. But still, I had to ask.

"Do you want to call Luci...I mean, him? Or should we visit the food court?" I asked gently, but without putting any pity in my voice or on my face. That was the last thing a woman like Amirykal would want.

Ammi grinned around the remnants of her tears, "I want shitty lo mein like I want oxygen."

"As my Queen declares: Food court or bust!" Meg crowed, and instantly the mood lightened, like a dark curtain being lifted.

As we were making our way to the food court, the call of nature made itself known. Biting my lip, I glanced around for the bathroom. Upon seeing it, I tapped the girls on their shoulders.

Indicating the sign, I said, "I'll catch up to you. I have to use the restroom."

Meg nodded, "We'll be eating at the greasiest place in the food court."

"Have fun!" Ammi teased on a wink.

Giggling at their antics, I made my way to the bathroom, retreating into a stall and sighing when the pressure in my bladder finally abated.

Best. Feeling. Ever.

It wasn't until I was washing my hands in the sink that I felt something odd overtake me. I felt woozy and disoriented, not unlike how I felt when I overused my powers and exhausted myself. I stumbled, supporting myself against the wall, when I felt something cold and unyielding wrap its way around my bare ankle.

I glanced down, shocked and horrified to see a boney, gray, spindle-fingered hand grasping me firmly.

I tried to scream, but my voice was reduced to a thin, weak cry. Frantically, I called forward a surge of power, solidifying rock around the skeletal hand. It worked and I freed myself, my whole body quivering and shaking, but as soon as I stepped free, two more hands secured my calves. I opened my mouth to scream again as a chasm began to open up right in front of my shoes. I tried frantically to add rock and dirt to the gap, but it crumbled as easily as sand in front of me. I jerked against their hold, but even if I could've freed myself, what seemed like dozens more hands secured me and began to pull.

I was jerked toward the edge, scrabbling with my hands, my nails desperately searching for purchase on the cheap tiled floor. I found none, the strength of the emaciated hands making steady progress as they dragged me closer to the unknown and horrifying crack in the Earth.

When my body hung into the deep from the waist down, I took a risk, unsheathing a dagger with one hand to hack and slash at my faceless tormentors, but the bones did not crumble, the skin did not tear. Their progress was only made swifter as I held on with only one hand.

With most of my body in the chasm, I desperately gripped the edge, driving into it with my blade as a makeshift piton. But the rock crumbled unnaturally beneath me, and I began to finally fall, exhausted from the slow descent and the fight that had accompanied it.

The last thing I registered was the slow encroachment of the rock over my head, blocking out all light and extinguishing all hope. 



So...yeah...I freely admit I'm a tiny bit evil.

But you love it!

Any thoughts thus far? Things you want to yell at me, be it pertaining to the book or not?

Who could be behind this??


Okay, I'm done yelling.

Until next time!

Epsilon <3

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