The Hybrid Mate

By whitewolfalpha1223

430K 10.3K 351

I smell the scent again and look around and my eyes met his bright green ones my biggest bully the soon to be... More

Its My Birthday
Bye Baby
Fresh Start
New Me
Its Me
My Mates Back
The First Day Trouble
Im Sorry
Drunken Mistakes
Guilt Trap
Tell Them
Shopping Trip!
What could possibly happen!
Thats what could happen
The Date
One Month of Bliss
The Party
Fully Mated
No us Without u
Back From the Dead
A Thousand More
Marry Me?
Baby Talk!
The End

The Battle Not The War

6.7K 193 4
By whitewolfalpha1223

Violet POV
"Stay inside!" Lucifer says rushing over to me. I shake my head dropping everything I was doing. 'Can we fight?' I ask my vampire Desdemona I've had those powers for the longest so they are the strongest. 'Hell yeah I'll take half control' she says. One of my eyes turn bright red while the other stays purple. "I'm fighting with you" I say using my magic to change my outfit. I really need to train in my other forms so I can be stronger. "Violet listen to me it's an army of rouges out there I don't want you to get hurt" Lucifer says throwing me over his shoulder and running to a room filled with all the pack women. "I'm sorry" say before putting me into the room and locking the door behind him. What the hell! I bang on the door trying to open it, it's silver though. I look around and see these are mostly women I trained before. "This isn't fair! We can fight just as good as the men!" One lady says and everyone says yeah in agreement. "If not better!" I scoff and they all yell yeah. "I say we show them who's better!" Another lady says. At the point everyone is relied up. 'How strong are we?' I ask my Witch Raven. 'Strong very VERY strong' Raven says and Desdemona scoffs. 'You guys are no fun' Desdemona says and I let Raven take half control id like to kick ass too. I blast the door down with my power. Hopefully we are strong enough to fight in this battle. "Aria can you watch the kids?" I asks her and she nods. She knows I'm not letting her fight pregnant. All the ladies grab a bunch of weapons we also have a total outfit change and we strut outside looking badass. Everyone turns to us and there jaws drop. The Rouge king looks at me blankly he looks familiar. "Well don't let us disturb the party!" Becca says and all the females charge into battle while I stand there keeping eye contact with the Rouge King. I walk through the battle field looking cool as fuck. I shield myself and the whole pack but I don't know how long I can hold this up. I take out my sword and being beheading ever rouge in sight blood splattering everywhere. Never says this was a clean process. 'There's calls from packs all over the world saying they are under attack!' Aria says to me in the link. 'Your time has come my child' the moon goddess says and I shake my head. 'I'm not ready!' I say back and she laughs softly. 'We are!' All my forms say and I nod. 'Angelina, Des, Raven you guys ready for this it's your time to shine' I say staving one in the heart. 'Always!' They says and I save a important person for last. 'I love you Winter' I say to my wolf and she cries well whines. 'I love you too now let's kick ass!' She says and I hum. I shift into my phoenix my hair catching fire and wings forming out of my back my black bodysuit changing into a tight white gown. I flap them jumping off the ground and flying over everyone. Some of our own died and they'll be remembered but right now it's time to kick ass. I raise my hands up raising fire and burning all the rouges to a crisp. I notice the rouge king is gone. 'Oh no you don't' Raven says taking over and my white gown goes black and puffy. "Locatise la lycanthac!" Raven says and I see the rouge king in wolf form running fast. "Freeze!" Raven says and the rouge king freezes and so dose everyone around. We teleport to where the rouge king is frozen at. His eyes are still moving but not his body. "No why would you mess with me I can easily kill you" Raven taunts watching in a circle around him. "Reversa la mede" Raven says and his muscles and organs are outside his body leaving his skin and bones. "This...isn't end only begin the battle not the war" the rouge king says before dying what bone chilling last words. I teleport back to the pack house and resume time. "Rouge la bodaes " I say and all the rouges are unable to hurt anyone because they are now only voodoo heads. I can't lie it's creepy but hey might as well to get information. We can promise there bodies back and never actually give them back but instead kill them. 'Your dark' Raven says and I shrug. Oh yeah the other packs! I teleport to the pack next to us and fight the rouges off. This is gonna take forever to get all around the fucking world! I wish I could multiply myself or something so that I can be in more places then just one. 'Maybe we can just make one massive spell' Raven says and I hum. I sit on the ground legs crossed and close my eyes. "Heck meh lome aha kara!" I say and a bright light admits from me straight up into the sky. 'We can't hold this for long!' Raven says and I scream. 'We have to hold on just a little bit longer!' I day back to all of them. 'Transfer your energy to her!' Winter says and they all do. Four more rays appear one red one purple one black and one yellow. 'I don't think we will survive this!' Des says weakly. 'I love you' I mindlink Lucifer before screaming again and the light blast out everywhere. Everything goes bright and I see the moon goddess. "Look down child" the goddess says smiling and I look down. The light reached all the packs whipping out all the rouges and cleaning everything. I notice the light is literally me it's the light form of me. I watch the light reach everywhere and shake hands with alphas. The light reaches my pack and I see me laying on the ground hopefully unconscious and not dead. Lucifer looks at the light form of me which fixes and cleans everything. "Violet" He says reaching out to my light form but it fades away. "You're mission isn't over but you have a choice leave here and fight for all the supernaturals or stay here and live peacefully in the afterlife taking over as the moon goddess" she says and I gasp. 'Everyone Okay' I say and they all hum weakly. 'We can't talk we are to weak' Raven says her voice fading with every word. They are are weak but they are okay that's all that matters. "I want to stay"

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