The Payne Life (One direction...

By lolharrys

161K 2.7K 288

Kacey, 17 years old and living in the shadow of her brother Liam Payne, before X-Factor they were the closest... More

The Payne Life (One direction fan fic)
Love at First Sight
Nemo, Twitter, and Harry
How to fix a Broken Heart
Had a Bad Day
Just to Make Her Smile
Plus One
Forbidden Love
Starry Starry Night
Start to a Big Day
Mr. Bieber
Morning with Harry
Mr. Styles
Caught Red Handed
Surprises and Secrets
Roof Caves in and The Truth Came Out
You Can Run but You Can't Hide
Safe and Sound For Now
A New York Love
Red Carpet Affair
Going to Hell See You There
Blacked Out Blurp
What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas
A Messy Little Thing Called Love
Déjà vu Nightmare
Save Our Souls
Welcome Home
Authors Note

The Talk

5K 88 4
By lolharrys

We all made it inside the bus and I walked straight into my room to get changed.

But before I did that I decided I needed a shower. Everything that's happened to me has seriously sent me crazy.

I scrubbed every inch of my body with the coconut scent body wash finally getting to my hair and I was ready to go. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around me leaving my hair down. I walked out of the shower and went into my room.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed.

"What the hell?! Why are you in my room!!?" I yelled at them yes them all the boys were piled on my bed. While I was still in the towel. Thanks boys...

I glared at every single one of them getting more pissed off by each second.

All their faces were blushing yet still staring at me and I knew my cheeks were heating up.

"Um hello? Get out!" I yelled they all scurried out but Harry was the last one out and he winked at me ugh boys

I quickly threw on some sweat pants and a loose tee and went outside.

"Care to explain why you were in there?' I said crossing My arms looking at Liam

"We wanted to talk" he said calmly

"Okay I'm here talk" I said sitting down on the couch. Im probably going to get yelled at

"Kacey," Harry started "why didn't you tell me I mean us that you wrote and sang?!"Liam butted in. Just what I thought... I'm busted

"you never asked' I said standing up to her water sercretly hoping this will end soon.

"Kacey not what we meant. You were really-" I cut Niall off "what? Really bad? Yeah I know thanks guys' I said getting mean. I didn't want to talk about this not now not ever

"no no! Kacey! Not what he was gonna say you're really good!" Harry spoke earning nods from Lou and Zayn

"ha ha guys funny story look I don't really want to talk about this guys" I said biting my lip.

"I didn't want you guys to think I'm using you or anything. Or I figured what that you wouldn't like it." I said looking down

"Kacey listen I would never think you would Were using me Or us" Liam said grabbing my hand "And besides Kac. You were truly amazing we all loved it. You have a talent" Harry spoke standing next to me smiling

" you guys are amazing " I said with a small smile. " Group hug guys?" Lou said and for the second time that night we hugged

"guys can I go? Please I'm kinda tired and I should text Justin make sure be got back to his hotel safely" I said smiling he was a sweet guy I really should text him

"Um yeah" Harry said letting go of me followed by the rest of the boys

"Im going to my bunk" Harry announced looking down he had almost hurt in his eyes. I was tempted just to walk over and hug him nice and tight to make him smile

He turned on a heel and I watched him walk all the way to the back and climbed up to his top bunk and shut the curtain making us unable to see him I sighed and said my goodnights

"See you all tomorrow big day right? " I said trying to lighten the mood

"Yes of course rehearsal, concert and one interview you in? " Zayn asked smiling

"Hell yeah!!" I laughed a bit "language" Liam mumbled as he was drinking something water I hope

"Okay dad. Night boys" I waved and walked off. I passed harry's bunk and heard a weird noise almost a sniffle. I decided to be nosy so when the boys weren't looking I rammed his curtain open

He jumped back startled he looked as of he had little tears in his eyes. I pretended to ignore it and gave him a sweet smile. 'Hey haz" I smiled and he perked up a bit too.

"Hey Kacey everything okay?" He asked looking at me funny look now.

I bit my lip "you okay? You seem... Sad" I said slowly. "Of course I am just uh miss home" he's lying but I won't push him

"Im sorry you'll be able to see them soon I promise"I smiled sweetly "thanks" he muttered.

"Of course haz. sweet dreams" he nodded.

"Wait Kacey" he whispered loud enough for me to hear I turned around and instantly I felt a pair of warm soft lips on my cheek they lingered away as he backed up. I felt my cheeks turn red and my stomach go nuts. Why's this happening to me?

"Good night Kacey' he smiled with both dimples showing

I turned away and let a smile envelope my whole face his kissed my cheek. Not the lips but yet it drove me wild did I fancy harry? Like that? I don't know I truly don't.

Niall's POV

Harry walked out of his bunk beaming he was pink too what on earth?

"Hey lad what's the matter? " I questioned.

"I uh nothing' he said trying to hide a smile.

"HE KISSED KACEY! well on the cheek" I heard louis yell from the bathroom

I thought Li was gonna blow by his looks "YOU WHAT?!" he yelled right in his face "hey hey calm down" I stood between them

Harry then looked at me

"Nialler I'm so sorry I know you fancy her too I mean I just-- " I stopped him and smiled

"I have some news for you lad. I 'figured out my feelings'' I Stopped to chuckle "and I've decided as of now I only see her as a sister. maybe one day I might get more feelings but you see I was talking to Liam about there past earlier and he showed me a old photo oh him Kacey and a blonde girl she happens to be kacey's best friend Courtney. Well while you were out searching for Kacey after she left I got ahold of Courtney's number and I called her... and we talked... and talked... and we're going on a date tomorrow" I said scratching my head

All the boys looked at me like I was completely crazy. But truth is Courtney was incredible and so sweet and I couldn't help myself to not ask her out.

"Wow, so you don't fancy Kacey?" He asked still stunned

I shook my head as far as I'm concerned I didn't

He sighed. Probably relived.

"Back to the main issue, YOU KISSED MY SISTER?! HARRY!" Liam boiled up again.

He pushed Liam back against the walls and stood inches away.

"Liam Liam calm down mate please before things are out of control. " Zayn cooed calming him

Louis wrapped his hands around his waist while harry was almost in panic mode and probably scared to death

"HARRY SHE'S MY SISTER HOW COULD YOU?!" he's mad. No pissed off.

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