Undercover -A Camren Fanfic-

By WeAreThe-Foxes

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Camila Cabello is married to one of the greatest drug dealers of all times, Armando Perez. 24 year old agent... More

1 - Agent Jauregui
2 - The Villa
3 - Meeting The Neighbours
4 - Do You Ever Get Lonely?
5 - I Think You Know What I Mean
6 - Escape
7 - Lay With Me
8 - Kids These Days
9 - Lies And Reality
10 - White Dress
12 - The Unknown

11 - Drop The Gun

589 24 15
By WeAreThe-Foxes

Lauren's eyes widened and she hurried over to the brunette, who was holding her very own handgun in her hands. "Wh-what w-were you doing?" Lauren asked, panicked as she took the gun from Camila, who looked at her in a confused stare.

"I- I was looking for the wh-whiske- I- I saw you grab it from your bag earlier and I-" She stuttered, never really finishing her sentence. Her eyes were on the gun in Lauren's hand. "Lauren, that's a Glock 19. Why do you have a Glock 19? How'd you get that? What do you have that for?" A manic laugh flew out of her mouth. "On your wedding day?" 

The questions rang in Lauren's head while she ducked down to push the gun back into her backpack. Fuck. How could she have been so careless with it? She'd brought the gun with her for protection, not for Camila to find out what this day was all about. "I- I- w-why do you know so much about g-guns?"

"Don't turn the questions around. Please don't change the fucking subject again Lauren. You always do that when you don't know how to answer a question." Camila said, running her hands through her hair nervously before shaking her head and putting them behind her, leaning on the counter. "Why the fuck do you have that Glock in your damn bag, Lo?" She asked her, real stress evident in her voice now. "I know what kinda gun that is." She added, her voice shaking. "That's a policemen's gun."

Lauren's eyebrows did an involuntary raise and she stepped backwards, looking down at the floor. She laid the gun down on the kitchen counter and stepped away from it. "I- I have it for protection. It's not- I mean I- it isn't mine. I swear it's-"

"So It's Zayn's?" Camila asked. "Is he the policeman? Or are you?" Her hands ran through her hair as she looked at Lauren, who just stood there, stunned. "You both are. Oh my god. You are both- this was- Is that what this whole thing was about the whole time? You asking me about the drugs?" Camila's hands were running through her hair again. She now passed by Lauren and started pacing around the room. "Fuck." She mumbled. Lauren couldn't do anything but look at her from her place in the cabin, she was nailed to the ground. Her feet felt like they couldn't move an inch and so she was stuck, forced to stare at an exploding Camila Cabello with her eyes wide open. "Fuck!" Camila shouted, waving her arms around violently. "No fucking way!"

"Camz, calm down. It's-" Lauren tried coming up with yet another lie but the brunette interrupted her.

"No you- you shut the fuck up!" She shouted loudly, pointing a finger in Lauren's direction.  "I'm right aren't I?!"

Lauren wanted to tell her she was being ridiculous. That she was saying things that couldn't be true. She couldn't lie anymore though, not now. Camila knew and she had to fix it. She had to fix it. "Camila, please-"

Camila's hands are running through her hair frantically while her big brown eyes stared down at Lauren. "You tried to get close to me- fuck you tried getting close to be to- to get fucking information.." She said loudly. "I should have seen- fuck I should have seen the fucking signs. You fucking asked me about the drugs so many times!" Her hands were pulling at her hair. "Is that what this was?" She asked then, stepping closer to Lauren and grabbing ahold her dress to pull her closer. 

"Camila.. please-" Lauren tried, but it had no use.

"Is that what this was?!" She shouted, pointing at Lauren and then at herself. "Undercover agents." Camila sighed, pushing Lauren back slightly before turning around and burying her face in her hands. "I should've known. You and your fucking gorgeous face and your fucking 'easy going' vibe." She help up a peace sign before laughing out loud and balling her fists next to her body. "and your fucking suspicious last name." She turned around and and looked up at Lauren, a wicked smile on her face this time. "Jesus Christ." She chuckled. "Couldn't you have come up with something more difficult? Lauren Green."

"Camila.." Lauren sighed. Still standing at that very same spot.

Camila looked down at her feet. "Oh I fucking bet Lauren isn't even your real-" She looked up at Lauren's face as the information hit her. "Fuck.." She chocked out. "Fuck, Lauren isn't your real name is it?"

Lauren stared at her face, lost for words. Camila turned around abruptly, going for the vase on the windowsill. It was smashed into a thousands pieces before she knew it. The brunette was breathing heavily while pacing around the room with big steps, her heels slammed against the floor, glass being pressed into the wood with loud cracks. "You were behind the big deal. The million pills. It's a trap." She said, swinging around her arms wildly, her arms shaking. "A fucking wedding, really?" She breathed out. "Fuck you!"

Suddenly Camila was standing right in front of her face and she was trying to push her away. "Fucking liar!" She screamed at her before turning around abruptly and walking towards the other side of the room again. "They're all agents huh? The family and friends? Except for Armando, his friends and I, who you will arrest after the deal-"

"I'm not- I-" Lauren choked out. "We're not arresting you." 

Camila's wild gaze was now pointed directly into her eyes. Lauren stared into the brown eyes she'd grown so familiar with over the past months. There was so much anger in them now. This was the worst case scenario she'd had nightmares about. This was the end.

"Not arresting me?" Camila scoffed. "And what the fuck do I owe that privilege for?"

"You told me you don't want anything to do with- with the drugs." Lauren explained, stepping forward slightly just for Camila to put her hand up.

"Stay right there!" She shouted at her, her shaky finger once again pointed at her. "Stay.. stay right fucking there. If you think this is some kind of fucked up romantic love story you're fucking wrong."

"Camila listen. You gotta listen to me.." Lauren said, her voice sounding weird to her own ears. She could feel her heartbeat pounding against her chest. "Please hear me out." She pleaded, tears in her eyes as she stared at the brunette, who'm she barely recognised in her furious, frantic state.

"You've been lying to me since the minute I met you." Camila said before a laugh escaped her mouth. "I bet you hate Mojito's huh? And volleyball, and The 1975, running, muffins, swimming, talking- Ha! God I bet you hate me. You must hate me so much. I- wow, I- How could I be this-"

A sob escaped Lauren's mouth and she shook her head in terror. "I don't hate you. Camz I- I- fuck I don't hate you. I couldn't hate you." She stuttered. "I- I like you. I like you way too much. I've li-"

"Shut up!" Camila said, stepping closer to Lauren again and shoving her backwards. "You can't say shit like that anymore Lauren. Stop lying!"

"I'm not!" Lauren shouted, putting up her hands in the air. At this point she didn't care if people outside of the cabin could hear them screaming. "I'm not lying Camila! I've never lied about anything I felt- I- I feel for you."

Another loud laugh escaped Camila's lips and she shoved Lauren back once again. Lauren didn't do anything but just stand there, breathing fast while she stared at the brunette. "Well that's fucked up!" Camila shouted, running her hands through her hair. "You're fucked up!"

Lauren's knees buckled under the stress and she sat down on the floor, hands covering her face. She tried to calm her breathing down but found herself hyperventilating anyway. "I'm- I'm so- Camila- I am so sorry, you have no idea how hard this has been for me. I never meant to-"

"Hard!?" The brunette scoffed. "For you!?" She was full on screaming at the green eyed woman. "What about me!? Are you fucking insane!?" She groaned loudly and shook her head. "This is crazy. Fucking crazy. My fucking life is- it's over."

Several tears streamed down Lauren's face. She shook her head violently. "They won't arrest you Camila. I made sure-"

"Don't you get it?" Camila breathed out, shaking her head as well. "I trusted you."

Lauren had already felt like she had literally been torn apart, but she really broke then. She let out a sob. "I- I'm-"

"They will arrest my husband and everyone I know, don't- don't you understand!?" She pointed at Lauren with wide eyes. "I have no one else!"

"They're criminals, Camila."

The brunette scoffed. "Criminals.." She repeated. "What if I told you I do the same shit, does that make a difference, huh?!"

Lauren looked up from her place on the floor and shook her head. "You don't." She stated. "You don't do that."

A dark chuckle escaped Camila's lips as she looked into Lauren's eyes. "And how are you so sure of that?"

"I know." Lauren said, getting up from the floor again and holding herself up against the wall. "I- I know you."

Camila laughed out loud. "You just know what you want to know, Lauren." She said. "Turns out no one knows anyone after all." Her eyes moved over to the clock before she walked over to the couch to rummage through her purse.

"What are you doing?"

"Texting my husband that he should cancel the deal."

Lauren's eyes scanned the clock. 1:55 P.M. No. She couldn't let the operation get ruined now. "No." Lauren said, to which Camila looked up.

"I'm not going to let him rot in jail, Lauren." She said. "I might not be in love with the guy, but I do care for him. I'm human, I have actual empathy. Might be a weird concept for you. He's all I-"

"I know, Camila.. I know he's all you have right now but he isn't right for you. He's a criminal. He has been dealing dr-"

"And how do you know what's right for me?!" Camila shouted loudly, before finally having found the phone and pressing in her password with frantic movements and furrowed eyebrows.

"Drop the phone. Now." Lauren's shaky voice said calmly, her gun pointed right at the brown eyed brunette. She'd grabbed it when Camila had turned around for a moment.

Camila's eyes widened before she spoke up. "You're- you're gonna shoot me?" She tried to act tough but Lauren could sense a tinge of sadness and fear in one. "You'd really- you'd really do that?" Tears were threatening to fall down her face but Lauren didn't lower the gun. Her trembling arms remained pointed in her direction.

"Camz.." She sighed. "Drop the phone. Please drop the phone and I'll-"

"You'd shoot me?" Camila asked again, her voice softer this time. "This has all really been a lie then." She whispered. Lauren wondered if she'd even realised she'd said the words out loud.

Green locked into brown and brown into green for what felt like forever. 'What am I doing?' Lauren thought to herself before giving in and lowering the gun, placing it on the counter before walking over to Camila, who was still staring at the other woman with her phone in her sweaty palm. Lauren wrapped her arms around the brunette then and closed her eyes. "I would never shoot you."

Camila's arms held onto Lauren for dear life while she broke down crying. Heavy sobs came out of her mouth while hear tears ended up on Lauren's white dress. Lauren cried too, holding the girl steadily while she, yet again, wondered how she'd ended up here. A thud sounded and Lauren realised that Camila had dropped her phone. The sobbing grew worse and Camila's nails dug into her back. "I have no one." She heard Camila whisper. "No one."

She placed her hands on Camila's shoulders and shook her head, reaching one hand up to the girl's face to wipe some of her tears away with the pad of her thumb. "You are an amazing young woman, Camila Cabello. You were caught by nasty situations in life. You deserve so much more than this rich man you're not in love with. You deserve everyting.. and this life you're leading right now. It's not everything.. at all."

More sobs left Camila's mouth then as she threw her arms over Lauren's shoulder again. Lauren instinctively wrapped her arms around the crying girl and kissed the top of her head. "I'm so sorry you have to go through this." Lauren whispered. "I'm so sorry I had to hurt you like this. I meant what I said about you. I always did."

They stood in the middle of the cabin for a while, wrapped up in one another's arms. Lauren kept whispering 'sorry' over and over again. After some time Camila had stepped away from her and sat down on the couch. She seemed to be in a daze. Her phone remained on the floor and Lauren looked how she sat there, legs crossed and mascara stains down her face. She'd gotten her a glass of water and the brunette had drank half of it before placing it on the wooden table on which the whiskey glasses had been earlier. 

"Please tell me your name is Lauren."

Camila's words had come out like the softest whisper and so Lauren looked at her questioningly, wiping the remains of her own tears away with the back of her hand. She had no idea where to go from here. "Hmm?" She asked as Camila's tear stained eyes looked up at her. She sat down on the other side of the couch, keeping a safe distance.

"Please tell me your name is Lauren."

"It is." Lauren replied honestly. Camila looked relieved. Lauren frowned then however. "Well look It's- my- my mom always calls me Michelle cause that's my official first name but- but ever since I left home, I've been Lauren." She explained.

Camila smiled the smallest smile and it made Lauren's heart a little lighter. "Thank God, I-"

The sound of a gunshot made the both of them look in the direction of the door. Another one sounded right after. "Please stay here?" Lauren asked as she jumped off the couch, got her weapon and opened the front door. The chaos she found outside wasn't something she'd expected, as the chaos in her head had been big enough. Several agents were holding Armando's men at gun point or putting them in handcuffs, all while shouting at them loudly. All of them were struggling. This wasn't really what Lauren had expected the organised arrest to look like.

She scanned her surroundings while slowly walking forwards, squinting her eyes in the sudden sunlight. She needed to know where the gunshots had come from and found the cause soon enough. Armando was laying on the grass, right in front of the lake-house. Several agents were shouting at him to drop the gun he was apparently holding. "Y-you!" Armando screamed then, his voice breaking slightly as his eyes were suddenly pointed at Lauren, together with the gun in his hand. He got up from the floor and stood up straight in one smooth motion.

"Drop the gun!" Lauren heard Tom yell loudly at the big man, who seemed to have been shot in the shoulder, since a growing red stain made it's way onto his white shirt. "Armando Perez, drop the gun or we'll shoot!"

"You fucking bitch! I knew you and that boy were suspicious little fuckers!" He waved the gun around to his left. Lauren followed his gaze and found out that Zayn was laying on the ground, a big red stain on his white suit. Fuck. "And I thought you were stealing my wife, ha! Trying to win her trust, I see. Well played!" Armando continued, Lauren's eyes were fixed on him again. He grabbed his shoulder, wincing when touching the spot he'd just been shot.

"Drop the gun Armando." Lauren said sternly, putting her own gun up and pointing it in his direction.

"You will pay first, puta!" Armando shouted, loading the gun.

"Mando!" A high pitched voice shouted from over Lauren's shoulder. She hadn't even noticed Camila walking out of the cabin but she was being pushed aside as the brunette took a stand right in front of her. "It's over, Mando.." She said.

"Mila!" Armando shouted. "Get out of the way Mila. I'll learn the traitor a lesson. She needs to learn-"

"Drop the gun." Camila interrupted him, tears brimming her eyes. "You have to drop the gun or they'll k-kill you."

"They're gonna put me in jail for life." Armando stated. "That's worse for me."

"Armando.." Camila pleaded, still standing right in front of Lauren, who had lowered her gun in surprise.

"Mila, step aside." Armando said then. "Now!"

"They'll shoot you! Look around!" Camila shouted, waving her hands frantically. Armando looked around him for a second or two, seeing all the men with ACR's pointed at him before shaking his head, rage in his eyes.

"Step aside!" He screamed at Camila as he took a step forward. Lauren pushed the brunette to the side in a rush. She wasn't going to let anything happen to her. A gunshot rang in her ear but it hadn't come from her gun. She wondered if Armando had fired a shot at her, but when the drug-lord fell down, she realised that Tom had shot him instead.

"Mando!" Camila shouted loudly, running over to his side.

"Not any closer." An agent said, keeping her away from her husband while he was being handcuffed. Lauren could already hear the sirens of the ambulance coming closer and ran towards where she had seen Zayn lay on the ground. He had gotten up in a strange, sitting position in the meantime, much to Lauren's liking. She hadn't known if he had been conscious or not. "Are you alright?"

"He hit my leg." Zayn said, pain evident in his voice. "Too bad the suit's all bloody now. It was a nice suit. I would have liked to maybe use it for our real wedding, you know?"

Lauren couldn't help but grin. "At least you know what it feels like to be shot." She responded drily. Zayn chuckled but Lauren noticed how the bloodstain on his leg was still growing larger and so she went to get a towel from the cabin. She pressed it onto the wound until he was being hoisted into the ambulance. "Hey Lauren." He said right before she was about to step out of the vehicle so they could take off towards the hospital.

She turned around to find him grinning on the stretcher. "We did it."

A smile crept onto her face as well before she chuckled and shook her head. "We did it." She said. "Hang on in there. I'll see you at the hospital later."

He nodded. "Good luck with- well you know."


She climbed out of the ambulance to find the field almost completely empty. A hand was placed on her shoulder then. Tom was grinning at her. "Hey, great shot." Lauren said, glad Tom had managed to place a bullet in Armando's leg instead of one of his more important body parts. Camila didn't need another fatality to anyone she cared about. Tom was a dick but had great aim, apparently.

"Thank you." Tom said. "Great job Lauren. We have him now."

His hand left her shoulder. Lauren was looking at the waterside, where Camila was sitting on a bench. "What's the plan for-"

"She can calm down for a little while." Tom said, wiping some sweat from his forehead. "We'll be bringing her in for questioning later."

Lauren's head whipped around in his direction quickly, her body tensing up.

Tom sighed and shook his head. "Just for questioning about his actions, I promise."

"Hmm." Lauren said, relaxing a little bit.

Tom put a backpack down onto the grass then and Lauren soon realised that it was hers. He must have gotten it from the cabin, since they were cleaning everything out now. "You should go over there. She could probably use a friend." Tom said then, petting her shoulder once more before turning around and walking away from her. She stood there, staring at the back of Camila's head as she was sat on the bench near the water, staring at the calm lake. The sun was still shining, although a few clouds were covering it now. Their reflections could be seen in the still lake.

"A friend.." Lauren said out loud, doubting if even that was a term she would still be able to call herself around Camila. She swung the backpack over her shoulder and made her way over to the 23 year old women she'd called her friend more than once over the course of the past few months. This was going to be a tough talk.


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