Blight - [JJK]

By PrayForTay

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Jungkook never asked to be bound to someone. You only ever wanted a familiar. Suppose it was destiny that mad... More

XI [Final]


781 44 5
By PrayForTay

Jungkook stood in his room at his bedside watching as you snoozed in the center of his bed. Curled up in his blankets, tucked to your chin in comfort. He chuckled as he ran his fingers through your messy bangs and hair.

"Precious," he whispered solely to himself. Back to normal, but with every single memory, you were told he'd forget. Though, he decided to not tell you that he didn't forget. He would act as though he was clueless of the life he was supposed to have forgotten about. Pretend to not remember the moments between the two of you.

Keeping the truth and this new- burning- emotion in his chest to himself.


You stirred awake in the morning due to the uncomfortable amount of sunlight hitting your face from the window. Groaning, you turned your back to the light and pulled your knees up, curling more into the blanket to get a few more minutes of sleep at least. You sighed through your nose at the welcomed warmth when you heard a voice in the kitchen.

"Well, pardon me for being disabled for a week," chanted Jungkook's voice in a hefty amount of sarcasm. Your eyes shot open as you gasped. You sat up, sitting for a moment before you heard him again. "We have a break coming up, so I'll be coming to visit." You kicked off the blankets wrapped between your legs and around your body like some cocoon. Half rolling and half falling out of bed, you ran out of the bedroom.

Going down the small hall to the kitchen, you saw Jungkook standing in front of the stove, his cell pressed to his cheek with his shoulder. The sizzling of the pan in front of him was almost as satisfying as the scent of the bacon he was frying in it. Stood in sweats and a white tee, his back to you as you watched his shoulders move and his shoulder blades narrowed before widening again as he moved the pan in front of him.

"Listen, if you weren't such a pushover, she'd listen to you better. She behaves just fine when I'm there," he griped at whoever was on the phone with him. You just stood silently in the doorway to the kitchen. He was talking normally, with the spite that he used to use in every conversation he had. He moved comfortably in his home to where he was making food and wasn't clinging to your side.

He just sighed and clicked his tongue at the person on the line when he shifted his footing and moved to stand in front of a cabinet, swinging it open and grabbing a plate. Setting it on the counter with a slight clunk, he turned the heat of the stove down to simmer as he pushed the bacon across the sizzling pan with his tongs once more.

"Whatever, I'm hanging up." He took the phone in his hand, ended the call and shoved the phone into the pocket of his sweats before he started picking the bacon strips up one by one, dripping any access grease off before setting it on the plate.

You panicked when he turned around, seeing you standing in the doorway. You opened your mouth, no words forming. Only your breath hitching like a criminal caught in the act. He just smiled as he waved you over.

"Hey, I was going to go wake you up," he told you. He grabbed the plate of bacon and moved to the beeping rice cooker that you didn't even realize was on. Grabbed the two bowls stacked beside it he loaded them up and offered you to come over. "If you don't take this bowl from me and eat something I'm going to be really upset," he teased.

"Oh!" You jumped as you walked to him, graciously taking the hefty bowl of rice from him. He walked by you out of the small kitchen to the living room where he set everything down. Rushing back into the kitchen and pulling two spoons from his drawer, he was soon pushing on your back to get you to move into the living room with him. "Jungkook?" You asked as he pushed down on your shoulders to sit you down on the ground.

"Hm?" He hummed as he stepped around you and sat beside you, digging his spoon into his rice and taking a loaded spoonful of food.

"What's all this for?" He looked at you, spoon hanging in his mouth as he slowly chews. "You don't normally cook, said you don't like to." He nodded.

"True," he said. "I don't like cooking,' he continued, "but I thought you deserved a reward." He picked up a piece of bacon, taking a nice crunchy bite out of it. A murmured 'ooh, crunchy' under his breath as he ate. "I heard from Parrish that I was a giant baby the past week."

You smiled, finally starting to eat. As you filled your cheeks with rice or took bites of bacon strips cooked to the crunchiest of perfections, Jungkook watched you occasionally. He danced a little beside you as he ate happily, glad to see you eating joyously.

"So," Jungkook started, "when the break starts, I'm planning on going home for it to visit my family. My dad is apparently having trouble reigning in my sister," he laughed. You nodded at him. It would be good for him to get a break and visit with his family. "With that in mind, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?" You choked on a piece of bacon as he set his bowl down in a panic and rubbed your back.

Jumping up to get some water, he came back and you took easy sips as he rubbed between your shoulders and rubbed the back of your neck. Setting your- now empty- glass on the table you looked at him inquisitively.

"Why would you want me to go with you? Wouldn't the trip be to get away from the whole Master, Familiar thing? To get away from me?"

"No!" He defied. "I mean, you're not just my Master. You're my friend too. Besides, I want you to meet my family. I think they'd really like you," he spoke softly. He knew that you could just go to Yoongi and Parrish if you were alone on the break, but he knew also that you couldn't- or rather- wouldn't go to your home. He wanted you to be surrounded by a new family, his family. He doubts he could actually voice that to you though.

You sat with him, picking at your food as Jungkook ate slowly in nerves. You didn't want to impose on him anymore, but he looks like he might feel dejected if you said no. You shoveled a spoonful of rice in your mouth as you ate in a silence that wasn't uncomfortable but also was a bit stifling.

"If you finish your rice in one minute, I'll go with you," you nonchalantly told him. Looking at you, he blinked in confusion. You bit a piece of bacon off as you looked back. "Tick tock, flame breath." Never in your life have you seen a grown student shove his face with rice like a forest animal. He was going to be the one to find a way to choke on rice and you would be sat beside him laughing the entire time.


"You're going to Jungkook's house for the break?" You nodded as Yoongi sat next to you in your shared dorm after what feels like forever. Sitting on the couch as you both snacked on whatever you had and watched some show in the background. He hummed. "He must really want to go on a trip with you."

"I wouldn't say that. We're just going to visit his family. It's not like we're taking some vacation as a pair. Besides, it's as Master and Familiar." You nonchalantly waved off the obvious undertone of Yoongi's teasing. Reaching for a stick of peppermint candy that sat in a bowl on the coffee table, you scowled.

"What's with the face?"

"Nothing," you told him as you bit into the candy. Yoongi just rolled his eyes in a yielding action. You were too much of an open book for Yoongi to read. Keeping secrets or trying to hide anything from him was nearly impossible. He wouldn't poke at you anymore right at the moment. Your flushed face was louder than whatever sentence you could construct anyways. Even silent, you found a way to be loud.

The next two weeks were full of study sheets, practice exams, more study sheets, and actual exams. Topped off with Jungkook planning the trip back to his home. He seemed almost excited about going back. You were shocked to learn that both his sister and father were ordinary humans. He inherited all his dragon traits from his late mother.

You were even more shocked to learn that his sister was absolutely infatuated with magic. She often idolized Spellcasters- so says Jungkook. He could see her now, trailing after you like a duck, going on and on with quick-fire questions about the magic she didn't possess. And if he thought about it too much, he grimaced. If she were to hang around, he'd have no personal time with you at all.

Thus he began devising plans to avoid her possible constant clinging at all costs.

When the final bell of the last school day rang, Jungkook was up and out of the room faster than usual. Jimin looking at his friend's back as he rushed down the halls; weaving between students and around the corner to fly down the stairs. Jungkook was standing at the doorway of your class before you even left. Standing and talking with your teacher as some random Spellcaster boy laughed at Jungkook's instant presence and looked back into the room.

"Y/n! You're Familiar is here!"

Jungkook almost let himself snarl at the boy's sarcastic, teasing manner of voice. Instead, just choosing to glare at him instead. You dismissed your conversation momentarily to look over your shoulder at Jungkook in the doorway. He took his eyes off the back of your classmate's head before he waved at you. You waved back, talking to your teacher a moment longer before coming towards him.

Jungkook smiled down at you when you stood before him. His smile reached his ears. You rose your brow at him as he wanted to dance on his toes like a toddler.

"Hey there, Smiles. What's with you?" You chuckled at him as you started down the hall.

"I'm just glad school's done for a while. Now I can go home," he chirped.

"You must really be raring to go see your family, huh?" He nodded. It was true, he was pretty stoked to see his sister and dad again. Though, the idea of just taking a trip with you was exciting enough. So long as Yoongi doesn't hide in yours or his shadows (he shouldn't because Jungkook cornered him and made him promise not to). "What's Jimin doing with his break?"

"He said he wanted to go to some town by the coast. Apparently, there's some cool cave with some supernatural history that he wanted to check out. He's a bit of a nerd," Jungkook told you. Yoongi had decided to just go between his dorm and his home with Parrish for the break. Too lazy and tired to actually go and make plans. You couldn't help but remember when he was talking with Jimin on the phone a couple nights ago and giving in to some idea he was probably being pitched from the boy.

You chuckled when you realized that it was likely that Jimin was going to drag poor little Min Yoongi out of his two main dwellings of his break. Jungkook was quick to snatch your hand and begin dragging you down the halls, stopping by your locker when you needed and shooting a warning glance at Elias who happened to be walking by. Scurrying past at Jungkook's glare, not wanting to start a scene for once.

Jungkook was once again leading you off campus and absentmindedly walking the two of you back to his dorm, his hand still wrapped around your own. He was so busy raving on and on about how he was going to enjoy his trip home, he didn't realize until he stood in front of his dormitory. With you in tow.

"Jungkook," you gestured towards him.


"Can I go home now?"

"Why would you do that?" Jungkook momentarily forgot that he- or at least to you- had forgotten his memories of the time you spent at his dorm. You had already long moved all your stuff out and left his temporary school-home. He panicked before he was concealing his emotions and putting on his front. "Oh, I guess you do need to get your own things, huh?" He played off as he slowly let go of your hand.

"That I do. We agreed to meet at the station tomorrow morning at the station anyway." With some chatter back and forth between the two of you, you soon dismissed yourself back home with Yoongi as Jungkook went to his dorm and packed before going to bed.

The next morning, Jungkook was up early and pretty much flying to the station- hypothetically of course. He'd never really fly to the station. Simple humans would probably have a stroke watching a teenager rip wings from his back and take flight in the middle of a bustling city morning. He stood at the meeting place you both promised and waited an hour- him being way too excited and arriving super early. When he caught wind of your scent, he stood from the bench he parked his butt on and looked around. Seeing you looking around, lugging a suitcase behind you as you searched for him.

He smiled as he ducked into the crowd, hiding behind pillars when you look close to his direction and fled behind signs. He even picked up a sign and walked with it to keep your eyes off him. Moving around to be behind you, he moved to deliver a hot puff of steam on your neck.

Squealing, you whipped around with your palm open- ready to hit whoever just breathed on you. Jungkook ducked to avoid you, your hand whooshing past his hair as he now sat squatting on the ground, snickering up at you. You just lowered your hand with a huff and dramatic eye roll.

"Unbelievable," you told him as he stood back up and waved in your face. You stood cross-armed as Jungkook just shook his head at your attempt at pouting. He finally looked at what you were wearing- a new sundress and sandals with a cardigan. He rose his eyebrows.

"You look nice," he commented without filter, the words slipping off his tongue as he wanted to bite it off from the look you gave him after he said it. You looked down and pulled on the fabric of the dress before you shrugged and patted it back down. It was summer, it was hot and it was vacation time. It seemed appropriate to you- plus you were meeting your Familiar's family. You didn't think a sweatshirt and torn up jeans would really feel right.

The two of you were soon stepping on the train out of the city- pushing your way through the crowd of rush hour morning travels. The train was crowded as Jungkook looked around for you to sit somewhere. You were being jostled from the train's jerks and some random dude behind you was looking at you in a way that made Jungkook irk. He was soon moving you to sit on a free bench seat as he stood and held onto the safety bar in front of you. Anyone who looked at you below the knees had a glare and a puff of smoke blown into their face.

The ride ran two hours and soon you were stretching up from the long sitting trip and stepping off onto the outside train platform of the country. The air was a far stretch from the city air and it was quiet. A small ticket window was sat in a small building attached to the platform but not much was there. A small antique shop and snack shop.

"I didn't know you were a country boy," you jested as you elbowed Jungkook's side. He looked down at you. "You're so cocky, anyone would think you're city born and bred."

Jungkook shook his head as he was soon looking over his shoulder as someone called him. The old man working the ticket window had slid it open and waved to the high schooler. Jungkook smiled in recognition as you just looked back and forth between the two. Jungkook looked at you with a shrug and smile.

"It's a small town. Everyone knows everyone." He guided you over to the old man- a friend of his dad's. You exchanged greetings and just stood and watched as the two talked. The old man talking about Jungkook's father and him replying that he was here to visit. They talked for a few minutes before Jungkook was insisting to leave, having a place to be anyway.

You bit back a laugh as Jungkook just sighed from having to keep his conversation brief. Especially when it came to you. Not every human knew of magic and myths. With Jungkook being from a small town like this, only a handful- if that- actually knew he was a dragon. So, trying to explain that you were here to meet his family and spend a vacation with him despite not being in a relationship was tough.

"I'm just gonna tell everyone we're dating," he came to a pouting conclusion. You swatted his arm.

"It's wrong to lie," you told him before he was dragging his feet.

"I'd be the best boyfriend."

"Yes, because top tier means sneezing fire into my face."

"I've never- oh wait. Nevermind," he was about to deny the fact, but the memory of him sniffing some random potion you were brewing making him sneeze came back to him. He then gasped, "that was one time anyways!"

"You still singed my hair!" Both of you bickered back and forth until Jungkook noticed the house just down a small path. Elbowing your side, making you wince and rub on it, he smirked and pointed. Following his finger, you saw a small farmhouse. Well kept for the location being out in the middle of seemingly nowhere. White with dark lining and a patio that rounded the front and left of the home. Just looking at it from afar made you feel a sense of welcome that you hadn't felt before.

Walking on ahead of you, Jungkook took the lead as you were left to catch up to him. The closer you both got to the house, the easier you could see it and it wasn't long before Jungkook caught sight of a little girl running back and forth on the porch. In return, the girl noticed the duo and when you got close enough to her, she shouted in through the front door inside. Then, she turned and started running at you both.

Barreling into Jungkook's gut, her head plowed into his stomach as she latched herself onto his lower half, leaving Jungkook a semi-coughing, semi-laughing mess. She looked so young, so small and it didn't take a genius to know that this was Jungkook's younger sister.

"I missed you," she pouted into Jungkook's shirt. He placed a hand on her head, ruffling her hair that was as dark as his own. "You never come home to visit!" She continued.

"I'm busy at school, you know that, Lil," Jungkook laughed out. Pulling her back to lift her up, he soon held the little girl on his hip as she noticed you and smiled. "Liliana, this is Y/n." He leaned to whisper in her ear, "she's a witch." Liliana gasped as she looked at her brother in shock and awe before looking back at you and giggling- bouncing in her brother's arms.

She leaned to whisper back in Jungkook's ear, away from your hearing. "She's pretty," she complimented. Jungkook chuckled.

"I completely agree," he told her. You stood there, arms crossed as you tapped your finger on your arm. Jungkook soon laughed at, you clearly disliking being left out of the conversation. Jungkook introduced you both properly, sister to master and master to sister. The entire time Lil was more interested in staring starry-eyed at you than holding any sort of coherent conversation a child could carry.

She was soon leading you- more than Jungkook- inside to put your stuff away somewhere. Lil was more than a bit impatient for you to fill her head with all sorts of magic tales and wanting you to show off your magic. The fact that her brother was literally a magic half-dragon didn't seem to really impress her. Perhaps it's because she grew up knowing it.

As Jungkook carried her back up the porch steps and Liliana talked your ears off, she was stopped in her wave of quick-fire questions by the call of her father who just stepped out of another room. A red rag wiping off his wet hands he had just washed. He looked older than he probably was as Jungkook smiled.

"Liliana, let the poor girl rest. You can't just talk over her like that, you know better." Though his words were that of a scolding, his tone was nothing but gentle toward her. She just smiled, nodding to her father as she wiggled free of Jungkook's arms. Running to her father's side and grabbed his hand. "It's lovely to meet you, Y/n." You were unusually shy when faced in front of him. Jungkook told you his father and Liliana were just normal humans, but seeing them and their smiles towards you- someone wicked- it wasn't something you were used to.

Your father never looked at you like that. And that made you unconsciously grip the arm you kept constantly wrapped up in a bandage because of the wound he inflicted.

Jungkook nudged your shoulder, getting your mind back to where it belonged- with him. Leading you behind his back, he dragged you inside his home. He moved you into the living room, sitting you on the couch. He could hear his father and Liliana go into the kitchen, leaving him a moment to talk to you.

"You okay?" He asked, leaning into your line of sight.

You nodded, still adjusting to the warmth you received. Jungkook just smiled as he flopped down on the couch, throwing his chest over your legs. You squealed at his quick actions as he lay on your lap. Looping his arms around your midsection and hummed. You floundered, slapping his head as you started scolding him.

"What are you doing?! Get off me!" Jungkook chuckled before he started laughing, outright rejecting your demands. Your flustered outbursts weren't backed up enough with legitimate demands to trigger any sort of subjugation, so Jungkook stayed exactly where he wanted.

The chaos was added when Liliana heard the ruckus and ran into the living room, seeing her brother thrown over your lap. She gasped before she tugged on her brother's shirt collar, trying to free you. Jungkook only laughed at her lack of strength as he clung to you. His teasing towards Liliana only made your own head spin more.

His father rounded the corner, hearing all the noise and just laughed to himself at the scene. He smiled at the sight of his son laughing so openly. He just let the children be as he retreated back into the kitchen. He didn't even go back into the living room when his daughter started screaming at her brother to 'put his wings away and bring Y/n back down'. Missing out on the sight of Jungkook unfairly flying up in the corner of his living room ceiling, you in his arms as he teased his sister far out of her reach and you stuck in his arms.


On the first night of the trip to Jungkook's home, you finally seemed to catch your breath. With Liliana at your side constantly until she was called away by her father, and also being pulled into a mental- sometimes physical- tug of war between her and Jungkook, you finally had a moment of peace. Liliana had gone to bed, Jungkook taking her because, despite her attachment to you, she did, in fact, miss her brother and practically demanded he takes her to bed and tells her of his classes.

You sat outside on the wrap-around porch of the house, the sky a rainbow of blurry colors as the sun burned brightly before it would disappear for the night. You were exhausted if you were being honest. Being around Yoongi and in your shared dorm wasn't nearly as exciting and busy as this small farmhouse with Jungkook's family.

Hearing the door open behind you, you turned to see Jungkook's father step outside. Holding a small mug in his hand, he moved to sit beside you and offered it. Taking it with thanks, you smiled slightly at the hot chocolate sitting fresh in the mug.

Jungkook's father groaned dramatically like any older gentleman as he sat next to you.

"I sure hope Liliana didn't wear you out too much," he joked. "She's a little spitfire, but she does mean well."

You nodded. "I know that. I can tell she's a fan of anything supernatural. She kept asking me to do all sorts of magic for her," you laughed. Remembering how she would get excited every time you did anything even remotely minor. You were actually kind of glad to summon a bird for the umpteenth time just to see how excited she became after you did.

"I'm glad to see Jungkook is doing well too," his father said. He pulled a small pack of cigarettes from his pocket, lighting one. Jungkook told you he smoked, but he was doing better than before, not smoking as much and trying to quit. It was a habit it took to when his mother died, and well he's trying to stop. "I was always worried about him after his mother passed. He was always on edge. He had such a chip on his shoulder and rejected so much around him."

You nodded. You remembered the conversation you and he had in the mountain cave about his past after his mother died. Going on a violent spree and turning on everyone and doing nothing good for himself or for others around him.

"Jungkook actually told me about his mother," you told him. His father was shocked at that, knowing his son generally refuses to talk about his mother at all. "He told me about the stupid things he did and all the crap he got himself into. I guess he told me because at first we really didn't like each other." You snickered. "I guess it wouldn't be wrong to say we actually hated each other. We couldn't be around each other without arguing or shooting our mouths off. So, it's not hard to imagine when everything happened in regards to me, he got pretty mad." You picked at your finger, slightly regretting how repulsing you two were towards each other.

"I wouldn't guess that at all. He seems rather attracted to you," his father laughed. "It's been a while since I've seen him so carefree and teasing. He's acting like he used to when his mother was alive. It makes me feel better about him being away from home."

"You think so?" You asked as you took a sip of your warm- cooling- beverage. "I guess we get along way better now. It's hard to keep track of how much we've progressed as a pair when it comes to our past." You announced. You smiled as you looked at your feet. "Honestly, I was scared to come here."

"Oh?" His father inquired.

"My relationship with my dad is... poor. My mother died giving birth to me, and honestly, my dad couldn't care less about me, where I go or what I do. So, when Jungkook asked me to come with him here, I was scared. I've never been around a family that didn't reject me before- other than Yoongi and Parrish."

"I've heard that women who birth a baby of magic lose their lives in the process. It must be hard, not knowing your mother."

"I feel like if I knew her and then lost her, it'd be harder than it is now. That's why I felt a connection with Jungkook when he told me. We finally had something in common. We don't have moms anymore." You tapped at your mug as you got lost in your mind. Wondering what your mother was like as you often did when she came up in conversation.

"So," his father started, "who are Yoongi and Parrish?" You turned to him with a smile as you drew your knees up, almost excited to talk about them.

"They're my family!" You beamed. "Well, kind of. Parrish took me in as a kid when my dad... well, that's not important. But Parrish and Yoongi basically let me live with them and Yoongi is like my brother. All he does is tease and push me around though," you sighed. "He gets in my den all the time, steals my candles and makes me his scapegoat when he's late for class!" For all you knew, he could be in your shadow hearing you bad mouth him and is making tally lists for how many chores you need to do as payback. "Parrish is way nicer than his son," you pouted.

Jungkook's father laughed as you complained, yet still endearingly spoke of your little unofficial family. You continued talking to him and the more you did, the more he could understand just how you and Jungkook could hate each other, in a weird sort of way. You two were very much alike in more ways than one. So, the fact that you two found common ground and grew because of that put him at ease.

When it got darker out, his father ushered you inside to avoid getting a chill. Heading in, you found Jungkook wandering around as he sighed at seeing you. Saying he was looking around for you; you just rolled your eyes as his father explained that the two of you were talking outside. It had been a while since he had a good conversation with someone other than his young daughter.

You were to be staying in a spare room they keep in the house usually used for storage, but had been cleaned out due to your arrival. A small bed, a dresser, and vanity with a closet that wasn't much bigger than your own back at the dorms. Though the small room had a homey feel to it and you openly accept the family's graciousness- as you were half expecting it either book it on the couch or in Jungkook's room on a blanket pallet on the floor.

It was nearly midnight and you couldn't sleep. The small lamp on your dresser lit your room dimly as you sat on the bed, suitcase only half unpacked. You only pulled your pajamas from it, a pair of shorts and a t-shirt (honestly one of Yoongi's you stole). You didn't know what to do with a lot of your stuff, feeling out of it from the new surroundings. It was a nice place, but so different. You were restless.

Jungkook could feel it. He sat in his room, uneasy as he could feel all of your out of place emotions. It itched under his skin and he couldn't sit still- much less sleep because of it. He brought you here to let you breathe, but it was going to be some work to get you to relax. He sighed as he got out of bed, leaving a shirt behind as he walked out of his room with only his sweats on.

Heading down the hall, he knocked on your door before entering even before you granted him access. Walking in, he was greeted with you crossing your arms on your bed in the dim room. More or less what he expected.

"You can't wait for anyone, can you? I didn't say you could come in."

"It's my house. Suck it up, honey." He chided as you just rolled your eyes at him. He shut the door behind him, walking to you and plopping himself down at the foot of your temporary bed. "Why are you restless?"

"You can tell?" You anxiously asked.

"Yeah, I think your emotions are rubbing off on me."

"Sorry," you told him, tinkering around with your fingers. Guilt in your mind he could feel in his gut. "I'm just not used to this," you waved your hands around.

"Do you not like it here?"

"No!" You rejected. "I do, but it's just too peaceful, you know? I'm used to the busy dorms with people going in and out and banging on walls to shut people up. Or, going home and being in the uncomfortable area of my father. I've never been to somewhere I'm able to relax before." You lay backward, flopping onto the bed. "It's hard to relax when you never have before, you know?"

Jungkook smiled at you. He reached out and pinched your leg- exposed by your sleep shorts. You squeaked, kicking him in reflex as he laughed lightly. He turned to crawl towards the window by the bed, unlocking it and opening it. Sliding a leg out, he was soon slipping out the window. He looked at you when he was outside, pulling his wings out of his back as he leaned back in the window, looking at you.

"Come out here. We can go explore!" He smiled.

"Explore? At midnight?" You asked as he only nodded.

"I want to show you something."

You side-eyed him. "What if you're pulling me out of your house to 'explore' only to murder me because you secretly still hate me." He rolled his eyes as he reached in and grabbed your arms, pulling you across the bed and soon pulling you out the window. Panicking that you'd ungracefully fall out the window, you clung to the dragon dragging you outside.

Moving you around, Jungkook soon had you sitting on his chest as you glared at his dragonesque form, your eyes speaking words for you as he just mocked you. Now held hostage in the air, Jungkook was soon flying off away from the house, not knowing his father was watching from his own window as the two of you flew off- laughing at himself.


You had nearly fallen asleep as Jungkook moved through the night air. Being cool enough to make you shiver, Jungkook's body was like a furnace that kept you warm. Clinging to his chest, you nearly dozed off a handful of times, only woken up at Jungkook pushing on your back as he held you. It wasn't long before he finally stopped his flight and settled you both in the middle of a forested area. You sent him another weary look.

"You aren't actually going to kill me in cold blood, are you?" He just smiled at you as he sat on a rock, sitting you on his legs. Not letting you move, he made sure his arms were around your stomach, interlocking his fingers as he sat his chin on your shoulder. "You're awfully clingy."

"It's cold," he said nonchalantly.

"You don't get cold, you fire-eater."

"Then, you're cold so I'll keep you warm." He said, too proud to actually tell you that he just wanted you close to him. He sat with his chin on your shoulder in silence as you finally seemed to relax. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flicker before he lifted his chin. He nudged you, who started to doze again. "Hey, don't sleep yet."

Waking lightly up, you gasped when something glowing a warm yellow hovered above your nose. Thought to be a firefly, you rubbed your eyes when it wasn't a firefly at all. It was a dragonfly, glowing bright and warm in the dead of night. Soon, dozens of dragonflies were buzzing around the forest in a warm, yellow glow. Lighting the forest like the dawn.

"They're a magically developed crossbreed of a dragonfly. Green tail dragonflies properties mimick that of a firefly. This is where they live. They stay away from heavily populated areas and prefer clustered forests where they can fly freely." Jungkook told you, more than familiar with the insects hovering around.

"They're beautiful."

"Do you feel better now?"

"What? Did you bring me all the way out here just to lift my spirits?" You teased with a small smile. Jungkook just plopped his chin back onto your shoulder, smiling at you.

"Yes, I did."

You weren't expecting him to be quite so blunt; but instead, battle you with sarcasm and teasing of his own. Turning away from him, you were glad it was dark out because he would waste no time in teasing about your red face- you'd just blame it on the chill outside.

"I wonder what you were talking to dad about earlier," he told you. "I hope he didn't pry into your life too much. He has a bad habit of getting a bit nosy."

"Just like his son, huh?" He scoffed. "We just talked a bit about family, nothing much. He said he was shocked you told me about your mom. Said you didn't like to talk about what happened."

He only nodded, agreeing with his father. He didn't, but oddly enough he was glad he did for once. The conversation and admission of his mother's death are what bridged a common ground with you. It's what brought you both to start agreeing and communication in something other than curses. That tragic happenstance is ironically enough what made him happier in the situation he found himself in right this instant. Bound to you.

"I regret hating you," he admitted. Pushing his forehead into your shoulder now, hiding his face behind your back. "I regret being so awful towards you because of who you are, and I think I'll feel that way for the rest of my life."

"I've told you before that it's okay." It was the same words he told you back then- back in the cave. He shook his head.

He moved his hand to hold your arm, your infected blight that he wanted so badly to ignore. The blight that he may have been able to stop and maybe even avoid if he wasn't so stubborn back then. If he didn't hate you back when it happened, maybe he could've spared you the pain of it somehow and helped with the entire Zaros situation. Even now, even when the magic is settled dim in your skin- it still ate away at you and hurt you any time you tried to use your trade.

"It's not okay," he whispered guiltily. Tightening his hold on you. "Even though it's not okay, I'm almost glad I hated you. I'm glad I took you to the cave and told you about mom. If this is how I feel about you now, then hating you was worth it."

"Feel about me now?" You questioned but he only remained silent, not giving you the satisfaction of any answers. You half thought he fell asleep as you just turned to watch the dragonflies again. Jungkook remained awake, warming your cold skin before you eventually gave in to your exhaustion and slept against his chest.

"If this is how I feel about you now," he said again, in a whisper to not disturb you. "If this is it, I'm so glad I hated you." He chuckled as he slowly moved you to carry you, standing and disturbing the dragonflies around as he prepared to go back to his home. "I don't think I could hate you again if I tried. I'm starting to like you way too much."

The next morning, when his father went to wake his son up, he wasn't in his room. Instead, he found Jungkook sleeping beside you in your bed, still half-dragon. Wings folded on his back against the wall and scales adorning his cheeks. Holding you the same way his father used to hold his mother. With complete care and ease.


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