Spiritmal, By The Light Of A...

By fluff_writer_

459 63 21

Book 1 in the Spiritmal series Emily is a young girl who has always dreamed to become a racer and own her ve... More

1. A day to remember
2. Journey's beginning!
3. Across the water
4. The lonely spiritmal
5. A painful recovery
6. A race to remember
7. First f-light
8. A whole new world!!!!!
9. Village of the beasts
10. Race number 2
11. Working life
12. A new job
14. Forest Ranger
15. Showdown in Town!
16. One day rivalry
17. Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
18. A confused trainer
19. Control and Order
20. Impulsive much?
21. Bonds are deeper than worry
22. A mysterious connection
23. Mission Windsteed begins
24. Battling with kitty cats
25. The old lady
26. Picking up the pace
27. Too late
28. Dawn of the Phoenixight
29. Strong Aura
30. Saying goodbye
31. A new beginning
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Sequel information

13. Chilly Winds

12 2 0
By fluff_writer_

"Winter, use ice beam on that human!" The one and only female Team Alchama member in the current squad called out.

I gulped, knowing that I wouldn't stand a chance of escaping if I got hit by that attack. Instinctively, I dodged to my right, the blast of power barely missing me by a centimeter. I shivered a little, feeling the chill from the attack I barely missed. In the midst of the action, I tightened my grip on Star. Trying my best to warm her up.

"If you're going to be stubborn then it looks like we have no choice." The female smirked, her purple hair flying behind her as she continued running after me, the winterwhite wolfabeast by her side.

"Winter, use chill."

Panic rushed through me as the Team Alchama member called out the attack. According to what I've seen with Star, that attack looked like one of those that could never miss. However, I didn't have much time to think about getting hit. The very next moment, I could already feel the first few chills creeping up my body.

Inhaling deeply, I tried my best to fight against the cold. It was freezing. Chill after chill rushed up my body as I pushed myself to continue running, feeling myself slow down.

Drowsiness washed over me as my sight threatened to black out. Slipping into unconsciousness seemed so welcoming, especially since I would be able to escape the cold that way.

No... don't black out... do this for Star. Come on, you're only a few feet from the healing center.

I rushed into the building without a second thought, hearing murmurs around me before the gathering darkness managed to spread over my entire vision.

I heard an angry chirping from my left, wondering what it was all about. My head felt as though it could split into two as I vaguely wondered if I had been caught by Team Alchama. Not wanting to know if that had really happened, I kept my eyes shut, willing myself to go back to sleep.

However, that was quite impossible to do when there were screeching noises coming from your left.

"Let me through, please?" I heard a pleading female voice, vaguely wondering who that was.

"Please? I have to check on your trainer and make sure that her condition isn't worsening." The pleading continued, being countered back by the loud chirps, or screeching noises, once more.

"You must have said that a million times by now! I'm not letting you in! Especially since you are an idiotic healer that hasn't been able to wake my trainer since two days ago!"

The screeching sounded somewhat familiar, comforting even. However, it was certainly not the best thing for a headache.

"Ok, I can't read your head or speak spiritmal but you have to let me in! Please, I don't know what kind of spiritmal you are but you really should let me check on your trainer."

"Pffftt like it'll make much of a difference." The chirping sounded once more. It was then when I realized who the chirping belonged too.


Finally blinking my eyes open, I shut them tightly once more as soon as the light came crashing down on them, somewhat overloading my senses. Letting a groan escape my throat, I moved a little, only then realizing that I was in a bed of some sort.

"She's waking up!" The chirping sounded once more, this time accompanied by the sound of flapping wings.

"Thank goodness..." I heard the female once more, hearing the sound of footsteps and slight squawking the next moment.

Forcing my eyes open once more, I blinked them a few times to clear my vision.

"Emily! You're awake! Thank goodness..."

Star was perched on a bird stand near the bed I was in, a healer behind her.

She had to be the person that Star was having a conversation with.

I watched as the healer approached us, a wary look in her eyes.

After all the screeching that Star did, I wasn't too surprised.

"What happened?" I asked, surprised that my voice was a little hoarse.

"Well, cutting the long story short, you rushed into the healing center and blacked out. The next moment, Team Alchama seemed to bang into the center and all. However, all the trainers that happened to be in the center managed to beat them down and even free someone's Scalemental while doing so. Anyway, since then you've been left in the dark, literally. In fact, you've blacked out for roughly two days already. As for your spiritmal here, she's fine. She recovered, from what I assumed was chill attack, within three hours. Some spiritmals could take up to two days! She's a mighty tough bird if you ask me." The healer quickly explained.

I smiled slightly, petting Star's feathers while doing so. Tired of lying down all the time, I pulled myself up into a sitting position, feeling slightly dizzy for a moment.

"Take it easy now." The healer warned. "Your spiritmal may have fully recovered from the chill attack. However, you seemed to have caught yourself a fever."

A fever? Just my luck.

"Did I catch a cold or something?"

"No. You didn't catch a cold. A cold is caused by a viral infection, not by cold weather. However, the chill attack did weaken your immune system. Causing you to get a slight fever. Not that it is anything too serious."

I sighed. Well, at least it wasn't that bad...

"So, how are you feeling?" Star asked as she jumped into my lap, looking up at me with her dark blue eyes. She had clearly been worried for my well being, seeing the way her feathers were ruffled and how her eyes seemed to have concern hidden within their depths.

"I'm well enough." I answered her.

It was the truth, especially since I could have been caught by Team Alchama by now.

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