Fire Emblem: Children of Light

Por D_Whimsi

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Twenty years after Mortabe's defeat at the hands of Arturo, the continent of Sanasa has lived in peaceful spl... Más

Prologue: Girl from the Ocean
Chapter 1: Guests from the North
Chapter 2: The Quiet Knight
Chapter 3: A Dark Encounter
Chapter 4: Song, Sadness, and Impetus
Chapter 5: Beginning of a Journey
Chapter 6: Dying Fire
Chapter 7: Attack at Rexeus
Chapter 8: The Child of Light
Chapter 10: A Talk
Chapter 11: The Return
Chapter 12: The Sage's Story
Chapter 13: A God's Message
Chapter 14: Blizzard
Chapter 15: Arcelia
Chapter 16: An Old Relative
Chapter 17: At the Top of the Tower
Chapter 18: Angelica
Chapter 19: Fire Swallowing Light
Epilogue: End of an Era

Chapter 9: Aftermath

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Por D_Whimsi

  Ian steps into the rickety wooden building and heads down into the infirmary, Callista at his side. He sighs and heads over to the nearest cot, setting her down gently on its stained gray sheets. Ian looks around the room for any sort of quilt or blanket, but much to his dismay, found nothing but near empty medicine bottles. Callista's transformation had let her clothes in tatters, and so Ian wanted to drape her body with something lest she catch a chill or expose her modesty. Figuring it would be his best option, Ian unties his cape and removes it from his shoulders before swaddling Callista in the navy blue silk.

  "What happened to her?" A hoarse voice called out from the other side of the room.
  "Alda?" During the attack Ian had completely forgotten about everyone save for Callista and Aurelio, so to see and hear someone different was a bit of a surprise. "It's nothing, she just exhausted herself..."
  "That right?" Alda says. "Hey, think you could fetch me a pint, I'm itching for some ale. Everyone says that Casey's throwing a party, but I can't go anywhere in my state. Maude normally gets things for me, but I haven't the foggiest as to where she is..."
  "I don't know where Casey keeps his kegs." Ian sighs. "Besides, alcohol is terrible to the body. Perhaps it's best you quit."
  Alda laughs. "The day I quit drinking is the day I'm laid six feet under."

  Ian sighs and looks over as Aurelio storms into the infirmary, rushing down the makeshift stairs with a frenzied speed. A faint grimace of alarm was painted on his face. He anxiously scours the room until his eyes meet Ian's.

  "Where's Callista?" Aurelio exclaims. "Is she-"
  "Calm down Lord Aurelio, she's fine." Ian says coolly. "Please, not so loud, you'll wake her."
  A soft groan could be heard from the cot. Callista opens her eyes and groggily tilts her head upward, looking at Ian and Aurelio. "Ngh... Ian..? A-Aurelio..?"
  "Yeah, it's me." Aurelio says, rushing over to her side. "Are you alright?"
  "I'm fine..." She smiles weakly. "You're... You're not mad are you?"
  "Mad?" Aurelio looks at her confused. "Why would I be mad?"
  "Because, I'm... I'm an animal after all... How could you like me... i-if I'm not really your sister?"
  "Now hush, don't start with that!" Aurelio says. His voice was harsh, there was a cold solemnity to it, and yet Callista could sense the affection behind it. "We've discussed this Callista, I could care less if you're a human or an animal or a dragon or whatever; you're still my sister, nothing will ever change that. You really need to stop worrying about it. You know I could never hate you."
  "Thanks Aurelio..." She sighs. "I... It does makes me wonder though... J-Just who am I..? Where am I from..?"
  "Well from what I saw out there, you're some kinda dragon." Aurelio says bluntly. "And that's really cool if you ask me. Not everyone can say they have a dragon for a sister."
  "I guess..."
  "I'm not really sure how or why it happened, but I suppose we should count ourselves lucky." Ian says with a sigh. "As much as I hate to say it, we would've been eviscerated otherwise. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you two..."
  "Don't worry about it Ian, there wasn't really anything any of us coulda done. That woman was too strong, whoever she was..." Aurelio grumbles. "I hate that I couldn't even fight back..."
  "Wait, hold on." Alda interjects. "Just what happened up there?"
  "There was an attack." Ian says. "Sieghild seemed to have followed us here, or at the very least some of her soldiers did."
  "Damn, now I feel even more useless." Alda gripes. "Just how long do they plan on keeping me on bed rest? I'm gonna get soft..."
  "I understand your restlessness Alda, but you were seriously wounded. You need to take the time to heal." Ian says reassuringly. "We all do if we expect to carry out this mission."
  "Though that said, do you remember what happened on the battlefield Ian? That light that came from Callista's body." Aurelio says gesturing to his lanky frame. "I'd never felt so strong. It's almost like I've got some muscle now."
  "Indeed, it does feel as if I have a bit more vigor in my step."
  "I know this is a lot to ask of you Callista, but do you think you could use that light on Alda?"
  Callista shakes her head. "No, I'm really too tired to be of much use right now... I'm sorry..."
  "Don't be, your transformation took a lot out of you, I understand."
  "We should head back up then. It's vital that you two rest up. Come Lord Aurelio, let's let them sleep." Ian makes his way towards the steps, his cobalt blue armor moving silently, no longer creaking as it once did.

  Aurelio and Ian exit the infirmary, and like that it was deathly quiet again. Callista sighs and lays back on the cot. She wanted to sleep, but now that she was awake hundreds of questions raced through her mind. Who was she? If she was really a dragon, how come she just now awakened to her power? Who were her real parents? She shakes her head and sighs. She'd get no rest if she continued to ponder aimlessly.

  "Who am I... really?" Callista sleepily mumbles to herself before finally dozing off.


  The murky evening sky hung above Aurelio, Ian, Maude, and Galatea as they all sat along a long, dark mahogany table opposite from Casey and Anselm. The table was elegantly crafted, formed of the finest wood and decorated with the most beautiful designs. According to Casey, it was one of the first things he'd ever stolen, and he took great pride in it. The table they sat at was reserved solely for Casey himself and any guest he might have; during feasts, the rest of the other Rexians ate from less extravagant tables, ones they either had to steal or make themselves.

  "Well, whaddya think?" Casey asks with a smile. "I'm sure this pales in comparison to what you all normally eat."
  "On the contrary." Maude sighs. "Until we met Aurelio and his family, we'd been living on apples and flour..."
  "That bad?" Ian asks. "How terrible, did you not have any rations?"
  "No, we weren't able to bring anything with us out of Vibestia..."
  "Then it's a good thing you all will be feasting like kings tonight." Casey smiles. "This is the least I could do to repay you lot, it's just a shame I couldn't provide you all with more."
  "Nonsense Casey, this is more then plenty." Maude says modestly. "We should be thanking you for saving our hides back there in the forest."
  "So, um, not to sound rude or anything, but when do we get to eat? I'm beginning to grow peckish." Aurelio asks sheepishly.
  "We'll eat whenever the kegs come out." Casey replies. He looks around the clearing a bit impatiently. "Where is he..? Anyways, it's a tradition here in Rexeus that no one eats until everyone gets their mug of ale. I'm just hoping my stores didn't get destroyed in the attack..."

  A group of short men in ragged cowls step out of the main building carrying heavy looking barrels on their shoulders. They set the barrels down on a table and open their taps, pouring an expensive looking ale into various goblets and mugs. Soon everyone at the feast had a cup at their table and with that, they begin to dine. Casey takes a hearty swig from his mug and looks over at Aurelio, expecting him to do the same.

  "What's the matter Aurelio, not thirsty?" He asks.
  "No, it's not that." Aurelio says. "I'm a minor Casey, the drinking age in Arqferi is 21; I'm only 17."
  "S-Same with me." Galatea shyly interjects. "Vibestia's drinking age is 18."
  "Well," Casey smirks. "In case you haven't noticed, we're not in Arqferi or Vibestia, we're in Rexeus, were there isn't a drinking age. C'mon, take a sip or two and liven up. You won't be able to have very much fun once we head into Sieghild's territory."
  "I suppose a little bit wouldn't hurt." Aurelio takes a sip from the mug and immediately regrets it, hating the drink's taste. He reluctantly swallows the ale, trying his hardest to hide his grimace in an attempt not to be rude.
  "Heh, it's an acquired taste." Casey laughs.

  And so, the group spends the rest of the night revelling, taking solace in their brief respite. The stars hung hig in the hazy night sky, their dim white light poking through the tree canopy, shining down on Casey like spotlights as he regaled them with tales of his exotic exploits, of how he robbed from kings and queens alike across hundreds of continents. Ian and Maude took his words with a grain of salt but Aurelio and Galatea were completely enamored by Casey's extravagant stories of romance and piracy. He was wild, charismatic, wily, and slick. Nothing could catch Casey, no soldier could detain him, no warden could imprison him; it seemed that not even Death itself could catch Casey, for, according to him, he had avoided the hangman's noose on numerous occasions.

  As the night when on the people of Rexeus began to gather up the tables and the silverware, the chairs and the goblets, the kegs and the plates, everything returned to their respective buildings. The moon hung high in the sultry night sky and so many of the people were returning to their homes. Even dashing thieves and cold assassins had to sleep sometime. Ian advised Aurelio to return to the main building's guest quarters with the others but Aurelio just couldn't do it. He was feeling restless and decided it would be best to take a short walk in an attempt to clear his head.

  Aurelio walked around the edge of the clearing for a few moments before looking out towards the thick forest that surrounded him. The trees stretched into the heavens and were compacted closely together, their thick trunks and broad canopy provided excellent cover for the Rexians to hide in. Aurelio steps over the threshold of slim ferns and sticking brambles into the forest and is immediately consumed in darkness. He stumbles about for a few moments before reaching for his tome. Aurelio creates a small wisp of flame and lets it dance about his feet, illuminating the path before him. Looking around, Aurelio noticed that the trunks of the trees were twisted and gnarled, their bark contorted into eerie faces by the shadow of his flame. An ooze was plastered across each and every tree, rust-colored and coagulated, and Aurelio was beginning to wonder if it was sap or blood. Strange marks were scratched into the bark, marks that Aurelio recognized as the writing used by the Manaketes of Sanasa. Draconic diction wasn't something he was very proficient in, but Aurelio knew enough to know that the stained scratches spelt out "help." The creeping dread that was looming within him since he'd entered the forest intensified at the sight and for the first time in a long time, Aurelio felt genuinely afraid. Just where was he?

  Then, not paying attention to his footing, Aurelio trips over a low-lying root and stumbles backward down a long, steep slope. He continues falling, falling through thorny bushes and sharp limbs until he finally crashes onto a clear patch of grainy ground. Sand. Aurelio stands and brushes the brambles and briars off of his clothes and looks around. He was standing in a large clearing, one with a large lake in its center. The lake was a beautiful crystalline blue, Aurelio had never before seen such clear, pure water. Unlike the rest of the forest, the clearing was filled with a strange blue light, allowing him to fully see. The light was brought about by a mass of dancing blue wisps--wisps that Aurelio believed to be fireflies, upon closer inspection were actual balls of ghostly fire--whose reflections glimmered perfectly on the lake's surface. In the lake's center was a towering statue of an unrecognizable figure, a statue degraded by time and swallowed up by obscurity. The whole place had an eerie feel, yet a feel of security, of safety. Dread still hung in Aurelio's heart but it began to soften. Something about this place made him feel at home.

  "It's beautiful, isn't it?" A voice calls out, causing Aurelio to nearly jump out of his skin. It was Galatea.
  "G-Galatea? What are you doing here?" Aurelio asks. While initially frightened, it was a relief to see a familiar face.
  "I think I had a bit to much a drink." She says with a quiet, embarrassed chuckle, her face flushed pink. "I figured a walk would help ease my stupor."
  "You seem fine to me," Aurelio smiles. "Though you'd either have to be drunk or crazy to wander about a place like this."
  "Which are you?"
  "I'd like to say crazy, but it may be a bit of the prior."

  He chuckles and sits down next to her. Galatea's dainty white feet were dipped into the cool, still water of the lake. Aurelio looks at her face; the twinkling wisps brought a romantic glow to her eyes that began to make Aurelio blush. He'd never seen anyone as pretty as her.

  "What is it?" Galatea asks.
  "Mm? I-It's nothing." Aurelio stammers in embarrassment, not realizing that he was staring.
  "It feels like we've been through a lot huh? And to think we're no where near finished with this quest." Galatea says with a sigh. She looked forlorn. "You know, I've never really wanted to be a knight."
  "Really? Then why do you do it?"
  "I was roped into it. When the Vibestian colonies formed together into one kingdom, all of those who were able were expected to serve the queen. Sadly singing wasn't the only thing I was gifted with." Galatea gestures to her thick arms and wide frame. Aurelio had never really noticed it before, but now that he saw it, it made since. She had to carry around that heavy suit of armor somehow.
  "I feel that." Aurelio sighs. "As a prince it's expected of me to be a strong leader. I'm expected to be a leader, one who can fill my father's shoes. I'm next in line for the throne, but I don't want that..."
  "Then what do you want Aurelio? Why do you fight?"
  Aurelio sits quietly for a moment, trying to think up an answer. Why did he fight? "I guess it's to get stronger. I may not want to be a leader, but sometimes you've just gotta do things you don't want to. I've gotta have some authority. Look at me, I'm all skin and bones, a swift gust is often enough to blow me away. No, that's not it... Yes, I want to get stronger, but it's not so I can fill my father's massive shoes. To hell with that. I'm fighting so I can protect the ones I care about. When my friends need a shoulder to lean on, a leg to stand on, I need to be there for them. Everyone relies on me, they look up to me, I don't want to disappoint them..."

  Aurelio chuckles a bit and lays back in the sand. He sighs and looks up at the dancing wisps, watching the little lights flutter about. All the fear in his heart had melted away and was now replaced with something different, something he'd never felt before. It made him a bit nervous, but at the same time he took a strange solace in this enigmatic euphoria.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to dump all that on you." He says. "It's weird, I normally bottle everything up. Heh, I bet it's that damned ale."
  Galatea laughs and lays back next to Aurelio. "It's fine, you should be able to speak your mind with people Aurelio, it's not healthy to keep things holed up inside you."

  The two lay next to each other for a few quiet moments before Galatea rolls onto her side and looks at Aurelio. There was a strange glint of emotion in her soft eyes that he couldn't describe.

  "Do you remember when I first came to the castle Aurelio? When you bumped into me on that balcony?" She asks.
  "Of course." Aurelio replies.
  "You asked me why I fought, and I told you I did it because it's my job. I see now that that isn't it at all. I fight to protect the people I care about. And well..." The two were close now, their eyes locked. There was an emotional tension between them thick enough to be cut with a blade. "You're the one I care about Aurelio. I-I mean, there's other people I care for, b-but I care for you the most. ... Y-You get what I'm saying, r-right?"
  Both of their faces were beet red. Aurelio chuckles awkwardly. "Me? Hehe, a-are you sure you're not still in a stupor?"
  "I'm certain. Aurelio, I-I don't know what it is but my heart's been ablaze ever since I first met you. I've always secluded myself, I lived in a sort of meek fear, but I feel so comfortable when I'm with you. Because of you I've come out of my shell. A-Aurelio, I... I love you, and I'd love to spend all my waking moments with you. I-I know it's selfish of me to ask for the hand of a prince, but I-I-"

  Aurelio pulls Galatea close and locks his lips with hers in a long, loving kiss. Galatea is surprised at first but accepts it and kisses Aurelio back just as hard. The two roll around in the sand, glued to each other, until Aurelio is sprawled out in the sand on his back. Galatea sat above him and kept him pinned in place. Aurelio looks up at her with a smirk.

  "I've felt the same way about you Galatea." He says. "Your song, your body, your personality. You. I've been so enamored by you. Everything about you makes me wild. I'm the kinda man who wants to know everything about everything, and admittedly girls are something I'm not very proficient in. I'm so glad you took the initiative, I'm way too shy to just put myself out there-"
  She presses a finger to his lips. "Shh."

  Galatea reaches back and begins to slide her heavy armor suit off. Piece by piece Galatea's armor slid into the sand, revealing her pale white skin. Her body was worked lean from all of her knightly training; she had hard abs, which Aurelio could see clearly through her thin beige shirt. Her soft, round, snow-white breasts hung down above Aurelio like ripe fruits weighing down a limb. Beads of perspiration stuck to both of them, glistening dimly in the pale blue light.

  "If you're curious about my body, I guess I could show it to you..." She smiles sultrily. A drunken lustiness was beginning to take over both of them.
  "W-What?! You're not suggesting that we-"
  "I-I'd love to, but what about the consequences? What of-"
  "It's only us here Aurelio, no one but us will know. Besides, isn't it time we have some fun now that the two of us have broken free of our shyness? We may not get another chance like this..."

  Galatea looks down at Aurelio, her supple lip quivering. Aurelio inhales sharply and for the first time in his life, he tossed aside his cool reserve and let himself be consumed by the heat of the moment. The two lock lips once again and begin to slide off each others clothes...

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