
By Rachelskartensboobs

23.6K 1.1K 649

Every man, woman and child knew the Cabello's, they were a household name in the wizarding world after all, b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Part 1
Chapter 14 - Part 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 10

1K 55 12
By Rachelskartensboobs

Nothing screams more 'Im gay and trying to escape heterosexuality' then Camilas "Liar" MV -me!

Camila released a shaky breath. She had no explanation as to why she was currently standing behind Lauren with her front pressed against the girls back, or why her hand was resting on the raven haired girls hip. 

The Gryffindor had seemed agitated and angry at herself for not being able to execute the spell and Camila could tell that this time she really was struggling. The moment she had stepped forward and closed the distance between them, she had thought she had made a great mistake. She had expected Lauren to whirl around and push her away, but instead the Gryffindor had seemed to calm down at her touch.

To the brunettes surprise, Laurens stance relaxed and her body stopped shaking. Camila shook her head in an attempt to clear her mind as she opted to ignore the strange warm feeling inside her chest. Trying to focus on the task at hand, she tightening her grip on the raven haired girls wrist, moving the girls hand in the motion of the charm. She hated that she noticed how smooth and warm the Gryffindors skin felt under her touch. 

All of the sudden Lauren began leaning into her. Her back pressed against Camila's front, as her dark hair tickled the side of her face, causing the brunette to drew in a shocked breath. Camila was not sure if Lauren was aware of what she was doing, or the effect she had on Camila, but she decided to ignore it. She shook her head, focusing back on the movement of her hand, explaining to the girl in her embrace how to best flick her wrist. 

Halfway through her explanation, she noticed that Lauren wasn't paying attention. Already regretting ever agreeing to tutor the girl again, her eyes flickered towards Lauren who was already looking back at her. Her piercing green eyes were fixed on Camila's lips.  

"Lauren?" Camila manged to breath out, as she felt her lungs constrict. 

The questioned seemed to pull Lauren out of her reverie. Camila didn't dare move, her eyes stuck on Laurens who finally looked up meeting the brunettes dark brown ones. Unlike the piercing green they usually held, golden specs began stretching along the green of her iris. 

Camila narrowed her eyes, watching a familiar amber take over the green in the girls eyes. Both girls left in a moment of suspended animation. Camila's heart was pumping at an alarming rate and a form of nervousness was overwhelming her and making her feel slightly nauseas. She watched as a dark strand of hair fell into Laurens face. Camila was about to brush it away, when the girl abruptly took a step back, shaking her head. 

In seconds Laurens face went completely pale, her body was shaking again and her eyes were full on glowing now. She could tell that Lauren had something important on her mind, something swirling behind the sudden affection in her eyes and she wished she could read it. The amber that was looking back at her felt familiar, too familiar, but before she was able to draw any conclusions she watched as Laurens eyes rolled to the back of her head, but not before before the girl was able to breath out. "I.. I.. have to.. goo.. ."

Camila watched wide eyed, as the girl tripped and fell limply to the ground. Without thinking she quickly closed the distance between them in an attempt to catch the girl. Unexpectedly she had made it in time, but Lauren was to heavy for her to lift and she crashed down to the ground along with the girl, landing hard on the stone floor of the classroom, painfully bruising her elbow. She was glad that she was at least able to prevent Lauren from hitting her head. She pulled her up again, pressing her tightly against her body.

"Lauren!" Camila yelled, moving the girls body so she was able to hold her in a half embrace. The Gryffindors head rolled limply to the side at her touch, causing the brunette even more distress. She pulled the girl up again shaking her by her shoulders.

"Lauren?" Camila tried again, frantically looking around, trying to call out for help, when all of the sudden Laurens body jerked upwards. Camila tightened her grip on the girl, watching as Laurens eyes opened wide, she stared up at the ceiling, unmoving. Lauren looked terrified, her whole body was shaking as she began mumbling incoherent things. 

Camila felt horrified, her hands sweaty and shaking, as she wiped away the already drenched dark strand of hair from Lauren face. She was unsure of what she was supposed to do or say. "Lauren... hey-- Shit! What do I do...? Lauren come on... pleas... ."

Suddenly Laurens eyes glazed over and all Camila was able to do was watch as the amber slowly vanished, replaced by the familiar green. Lauren took in a deep breath as a unexpected sob racked through her whole body. 

Camila held her closer trying to calm her down, when she felt the girls nails painfully digging into her arm, before she was roughly pushed away. Lauren was frantically looking around, as she bolted upright and away from Camila. She got up on shaking feet, gasping to get air back into her lungs. 

Her breathing was uncontrolled and she was looking around the room with pure fear inside her eyes, as tears kept rolling down her checks. 

"Hey... its... ."

"Get away from me! I'm not... You cant control me... I won't do it. I'm not yours to...! You wont.. ." Lauren screamed at Camila, who was still sitting on the floor watching her with wide confused eyes.

All the Slytherin girl was able to do, was watch silently as the angry girls eyes glazed over yet again. The amber seemed to be making its way across her iris again, as she began to whimper from pain? Laurens face contorted, as she staggered away from the brunette, holding her head tightly in her hands. Camila wasn't sure what was happening and purely driven by instinct and without thinking she ran forward crashing into Laurens body, wrapping the Gryffindor up in a right embrace.

She remembered that Lauren had told her once that she had panic attacks similar to hers. It felt like that was what Lauren needed. Camila held tightly onto Lauren, not letting her go. She could feel Lauren struggle to get free for the first couple seconds until she suddenly went limp in her embrace. She began calming down and her breathing went back to normal. Followed were sobs that finally took over the anxious girls body, as she began crying into Camila's neck. She wrapped her arms around the smaller girls waist, pulling her in even closer. 

The girl was still shaking but Camila figured it was still from the adrenalin that was slowly draining from her system. Camila held on to her, not daring to move or even breath as she let Lauren simmer down. 

After a moment Camila felt her arms get tired and her legs were tingling all over, afraid to freak Lauren out if she'd move to much, or leave their current embrace she shifted her weight from one foot to another, causing Lauren to take in a deep breath.

Unexpectedly two strong hands pushed Camila away, causing her to stumble backwards. Lauren was suddenly fuming. She could tell that the girl was still anxious her eyes red and puffy, as she stared angrily back at Camila. 

"D-Don't touch m- ... Get away from me! What the actual fuck?" Lauren almost yelled running a frantic hand through her hair, as she self consciously looked around, making sure no one else saw. "Stay the fuck away from me... you freak!"

The words cut deep. Camila stared after Lauren, who was quickly making her way out of the room, slamming the large wooden door close.    


Lauren was running. She was thankful that it had already gotten quite late and most students were already in their dorm, as she made her way into the third floor corridor. Some of the students that passed her threw her weird looks or called after her, but she couldn't care less at the moment. 

Why did Camila have to witness this shit? She felt horrible at snapping at the girl, she had just tried to help her. Her heart clenched at the memory of the look in the Slytherin girls face when she had snapped. She hated that she kept hurting the girl, while all Camila did was be nice to her.

Lauren came to an abrupt halt in front of the stone gargoyle on the third floor corridor to the Headmasters office. "Toffee Eclairs." Lauren said breathlessly as she glared impatiently at the stone gargoyle in front of her.  

"Isn't it a little late for a visit, Ms. Jauregui?" The Gargoyle questioned her, moving its head to look at her. 

"Toffee Eclairs." Lauren gritted through her teeth and within seconds the gargoyle jumped aside, granting her access. She sprinted up the three stairs, impatiently waiting for the spiral staircase to arrive atop. 

Arriving in front of Albus Dumbledors office, she was to impatient to knock and instead bolted into his office. The moment she opened the door, tons of voices were talking over one another, like there was a huge gathering inside his office. Once Lauren entered, she looked around, only noticing the portraits that covered almost every inch of his office loudly arguing about something.

Dumbledore himself, was seated in his chair, scribbling something on a piece of parchment when he heard that someone had entered his office. Intrigued he looked up, over the rim of his glasses, raising both eyebrows at the distraught girl. 

"Ms. Jauregui... ." He said, putting the quill back into the ink bottle.

Lauren stopped in her tracks when she noticed that he was already wearing his night gown and immediately went red in the face. She realized she had just ran inside his office without even considering who or what could be going on inside. She awkwardly cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry, I didn't... ." Lauren began to say, as she turned back towards the door, before turning back yet again towards the headmaster, uncertain.

"What seems to be the matter?" Dumbledore questioned, getting up from his chair, watching the girl attentively.   

"He did it again... he... he got inside my head..." Lauren explained as she felt her body relax, realizing that if Dumbledore was here, she was save. The adrenaline that still had been cursing through her veins moments ago suddenly seemed to drain from her system. She felt tears come into her eyes, but made no effort to wipe them away. "I couldn't stop him... ." Lauren said, as sobs began racking her body again. She quickly brought her hands up to hide her face.

Dumbledores brows furrowed as he calmly made his way over towards the Gryffindor who was still shaking all over. "What did you see?" 

Lauren shook her head embarassed about what she had seen, what she had done, what he had made her do.

"This is very important. Can you remember?" Dumbledore asked coming to a stop in front of her.

Lauren looked up at him, nodding her head in confirmation. Her eyes were still red as she wiped the remnants of tears from her cheeks. Knowing that Lauren had seen something terrible, he guided her towards one of his golden chairs offering her some sweets. "Breath Lauren. He cant touch you now. Tell me what you saw."  

"I was with him... ." Lauren sniffed, looking down at her hands in her lap. "It felt so real Professor. I didnt have control.. I wasn't just an observer. He made me do it... He made me kill them... ." Lauren chocked out as she closed her eyes and shook her head at the memory. 

"... And it felt good. I watched the light go out in their eyes... and I felt the power, I felt ... invincible... he told me what to do and I ... I did it... ." Lauren confessed, hiding her face inside her hands again ashamed. 

"What else?" Dumbledore questioned patiently waiting for Lauren to continue.

"What else? Death... torment... violence... so much death... This school... he made me kill them... he wants to turn everyone and who doesn't obey...." Lauren began sobbing again. "You were there, too. I watched you... You fought my mother." Lauren confessed looking up into the icy blue eyes of the Professor. 

Dumbledore brows furrowed once more as he squinted at the girl confused. "You saw me fight your mother?"

"Sir you fought her but... ." Lauren closed her eyes shaking her head as if she was trying to purge the memory from her mind. "... but Camila killed her."

He carefully studied her features like he was trying to figure out if she was lying, before he slowly ran his hand down his long, gray beard.   

"Professor... d-did he show me the future?" Lauren questioned cautiously, threatening the worst.  

Dumbledore shook his head, stroking along his beard once more. "No. You saw precisely what he wanted you to see. The future is uncertain. Even for such a powerful vile creature like him. I am curious though... ." He said, seemingly thinking out loud. "The last time he got inside your head it caused you to shift. His hold on your wolf is to strong not to use. What kept you from shifting this time?"

Lauren shuffled uncomfortably in her seat as she thought back to Camila and her training session. She wondered if she Camila would even show up to another session after what had transpired between them prior her visit to Dumbledores office. 

Feelings her cheeks heat up, she ran a hand through her hair shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know... It happened during my tutor session with... with uhm Cabello. I don't really know... ."

"You mean Camila Cabello?" Dumbledore asked, as he re-adjusting his glasses. 

Lauren looked at the stone floor, nodding her head in confirmation.

"The same girl from your dream?" Dumbledore asked, although he seemed to already know the answer.

"Y-yes, Professor." 

"Walk me through what happened."  

Lauren looked up, taking in a deep breath. "I don't know.. it just happened... One moment she was showing me how to execute a spell and the next I was standing in a dark field surrounded by death eater." 

"What happened when you came back? You shifted didn't you?"

"Professor... I didn't mean to I swear! Maybe we need better suppressants... ." Lauren quickly argued, hoping that Dumbledore wasn't going to throw her out. She had put another students life at risk and she knew that wasn't something that he could tolerate. She felt ashamed that it had even gotten so far, especially since the student was Camila.

"She kept you from shifting, didn't she?" He stated more than asked, as he smiled at the nervous Gryffindor opposite him. 

"I don't know what that means." Lauren argued, fiddling nervously with her fingers.

Dumbledore just smiled nodding his head. "Has she kept you from shifting before?"

"Professor?" Lauren whispered, feeling her heart clench inside her chest. 

"Its nothing to be ashamed of, Lauren." He said calmly resting his hand on her shoulder. 

"How do you know?" Lauren questioned, looking into the Professors amused blue eyes. 

"Adelfí psychí!" Dumbledore simply stated, running another hand through his long beard. Lauren gaped at him, her eyes going wide, as she felt her cheeks heat up.

"Camila conjured the spell in her first year." 

Lauren swallowed hard, as she whispered; "And then the Snake bites the Lion." 

Dumbledore nodded his head in understanding as to what Lauren was referring to. "Not everything you have seen has to come true. We still make our own decisions."

"What does it mean... ."  

"You already know what it means." He retorted, watching as Lauren let her head down.

"She is my anchor." 

"Keep going." Dumbledore encouraged her, nodding his head. 

"... Professor it doesn't matter... every time she is close to me... every time I spent time with her as little as it might be... His hold on me gets stronger. I feel him. He is in my dreams... every night I experience it over and over again. And now he even gets to me when I'm wide awake! I cant be anywhere near her."

"Preciously. And yet, Ms Cabellos mere existence was able to keep you from shifting.  

"Its torture!"

"Right. It is torture, but you never gave it a chance." He explained, while pressing down on the two bites on my shoulder, reminding me.

"Professor, I saw it. She will kill my mother... I cant go through this again... after her family killed my bro... ." Lauren began, chocking up all over again at the memory.  

"Maybe that is exactly what he wants you to think." He said smiling reassuringly at Lauren. "Maybe he feels that he is loosing something that is far to valuable to loose."

"Hah! People relying on each others mistakes to manipulate one another and use one another even relate to one another. What a beautiful, warm messy circle of humanity am I right." One of the portraits said laughing loudly, while he twirled his mustache.

"It entirely depends on you which path you will follow, which one of the two bonds is stronger... but one will win in the end." Dumbledore said, ignoring the man in the painting.

Lauren shook her head. He couldn't be serious. Camila was the heat of a thousand fires. The pawn that checkmates her king. She knew if she would let Camila in further than she already was, it would be her downfall, her demise. But maybe... it would be a sweet one?


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