Hired (Chanbaek)

By cclay2020

109K 6.6K 3.2K

*Complete* Chanyeol being quiet and not fully over his ex leaving him at the altar, he now needs a date for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Quick Question
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15(edited)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New Story
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Ohhhh 😘
Special Chapter

Chapter 20

2.7K 171 61
By cclay2020

Waking up to my screaming alarm I reach across and turn it off before laying back down on my bed. Why oh why did I give him a week to do what ever he wanted I am such an asshole. I drag myself out of bed and wince at the pain as I grab onto my dresser holding on as I feel the pain travel down my lower back and along my ass. He maybe small in height but by god does he make up for it with his prince parts. I try to move stretching my back as I head towards my bathroom to take a shower giggling along the way as he really stuck to his word and made me feel him today.

Once I'm showered I grab my bag and head to work. Climbing into my not so great car I can't seem to get Baekhyun off my mind and every time I move I can still feel him inside me making me cautious of how I am going to sit at my desk in front of my students without them asking questions. "Mr Park, how was your break?" Jungkook says with a huge smile on his face as he stands beside my car waiting for me to grab my things. "My break was good, I can see by the smile on your face you had a good break also" I close the car door and lock it swinging my bag over my shoulder. "I really did sir" He blushes as we both head inside to my classroom. 

"Park, morning" I shake my head knowing that voice belongs to no other then Taehyung. "Taehyung how many times have I told you to call me Mr Park or sir" I scold him as I am about to sit on my chair but stop myself as I know the pain at my ass will hurt if I do, so instead I decide to lean against the desk instead. "Sorry sir I get carried away, morning Jungkook" Taehyung smiles making the smaller blush. I can still see chemistry between them but I hold back my emotions as I watch them talk between themselves. 

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket making me wonder who that could be. smiling I take it out and see that its Heechul

I am coming over to yours later and you are going to tell me every single thing that happened from when you arrived till the minute you get home

Do we have to I'm rather tired

You can't hold out on me I am dying here man, I want to know how you and Mr sexy escort got on

It was just a wedding no biggie

just a wedding, are you serious you went to a wedding with the hottest bloke I have ever seen (don't tell my lover I said that I will deny it) be over around 7 

All I can do is laugh at Heechul, but i better be prepared for a lot of questions from him later. Looking up from my phone I see my class has finally all arrived and are chatting among themselves. As its Monday and we are just back after our mini break I decide to go easy on them. "Ok class welcome back after the break, I hope you all behaved yourself especially you Taehyung" They all laugh as I give him a smirk making him lower his head as the last break we had he ended up breaking his wrist after falling off a wall. I never pushed him to tell me why he was on the wall as he seemed to blush when I did so it was safer not to ask.

"Ok for today since its Monday how about you write me an essay about your mini break" They all just look at me as if I have ten heads. "Don't look at me like that, come on it will be good practicing and if you do it now I wont give you homework". I watch as they all quickly grab their notepads and start to write. "Do we do it in English sir or...?" Mark asks me making me burst out laughing. "Mark no in German" I tell him as they all look around at each other. "Of course in English this is an English class after all. "Sorry sir I am still on holiday mode" He lowers his head embarrassed as I hush the rest of the class.

Walking around my table I sit on my chair completely forgetting that my ass hurts as the pain shoots up inside me making me jolt forward as my class look up at me. "Are you ok Sir?" Jackson asks me as I just nod and tell him I'm fine and to get back to work. I smile a little remembering what Baek did to me last night to make me remember him but I have to say I really do miss him.

Baekhyun's pov 

Driving past Chanyeol's school where he works, I can't help but bite my lip knowing the man I am crazy about is inside that building teaching, and here I am outside stalking the place like some crazy stalker. My phone rings making me look at the centre screen on the dash to see its Kai.

"Hey kai what's up?" 

"Don't what's up me where are you , you were suppose to be here an hour ago" 

"Kai I am on the way ok, I just had to drop off somewhere first" 

"I've been here waiting Baek"

"Kai I am on my way, look I will even pick you up those teddy bear cookies you like from the bakery, how's that?"

"ok they will do, drive safe~

I hang up the phone laughing at just how much I can get around him with the best Teddy bear cookies in town. Starting the car I take one more look at the school as I drive on off in the direction of the bakery to get as many cookies as I can. As I drive along I cant help but think how I can make up for lost time with Chanyeol after this week is over. Should I give him space or should I not. He did want us to be apart just so I could say goodbye to all my clients that just shows me how big his heart really is and it does show me how vulnerable he is and how people could cheat on him because he is so nice. This week he wont have to worry about any of that as I wont cheat on my baby, I will say my goodbyes and hurry into the arms of my man. If I get to see all my clients early the sooner I can see him.

Pulling up to the bakery I park my car and climb out heading inside. "Ah good morning Mr Byun how are you this fine morning?" Mr chin who owns the bakery says with the biggest smile on his face. "Good morning Mr Chin, I am very well how are you?" I shake his hand giving him a little bow. "The usual Mr Byun?" He hurry's back around the counter grabbing a cup as he moves over to the coffee machine. "Yes better make that two coffees and also Mr Chin if I could have all your teddy bear cookies". he turns back facing me nearly dropping the cup. "You want all of them, is it Mr Kim's birthday again?" He asks with a shocked look on his face. "No Mr Chin just I need to tell him something and I need the cookies to help me cushion the blow as they say" he nods and ushers to the other waitress to get as many as he has and put them into a box.

Arriving at the office I grab the two large boxes of cookies along with the coffees and head inside. "About time" Kai shouts as he gets up from our meeting room table. "Here" I slide the boxes across the table to him as he looks at me in shock before falling back onto the chair. "Crap it's bad news isn't it" he looks at me with sadness in his eyes as I take a seat across from him grabbing a strawberry muffin from the box.

"Kai I'm quitting this line of work, I have fallen for Chanyeol and I can't work here and still date him" I watch cautiously as his eyes grow wider and he spits out a bit of cookie as he nearly chokes on it. "I had a feeling you were going to say that when he rang me nearly crying looking for you" he takes a sip of his coffee dropping the half eaten cookie on a napkin on the table.  "I'm sorry Kai but I cant be with him and do what we do it wouldn't be fair, so this week I will need a list to say goodbye to my clients and end all of this". I watch as he closes his eyes taking a deep breath. "I've met someone also" He smiles a blush comes across his face making me sit up in the chair. "Really who?" I ask him as he looks at me "Oh Sehun his name is, we have been dating awhile now and its going serious so I was going to have the same discussion with you" He looks at me as we just both laugh. 

"So what do we do now?" he asks as he takes back his half eaten cookie and continues eating it. "I was thinking since we have all the connections that we have, how about we go into party planning for the rich?" I watch him think about it and then he finally smiles. " I think that's a brilliant idea we always kinda wanted that before, but sure why not lets change our business to that, at least that way it will keep our men happy" he smiles as we both cheers on it. "So this is why you bought all these cookies" he laughs as I just nod.

"Ok well we better say our goodbyes to them and maybe tell them about our party ideas that way if we wont really lose them as clients if they need parties". I nod my head getting up from the table. "I better go start making a few calls. Heading to my office I close the door and look out my window at the city below. I wonder how Chanyeol is, I do miss him so much and we have only been apart for a while. I sit at my desk and start to make the calls.   

Chanyeol's pov

Finally the day is over and I can get home and take some much needed pain killers as the pain in my lower back and ass still hurts. Heading outside with all the kids in a line I hold open the door for them as they all hurry outside into the yard. "Wow who is that?" I hear one of them say as a top of the range flash car pulls up in the yard stopping rolling down the window. I know straight away who that is as I feel my ears go red. I walk over to the car as the window rolls down. "Hey baby" Baekhyun smiles at me as he removes his sun glasses. "What are you doing here?" I whisper looking around to the eyes of all the kids looking at me and two whistles. "I wanted to pick my man up from school, am I not allowed? " He bites his bottom lip knowing full well he is teasing me making me slide my glasses back up my nose. "Baek the kids will see us" I try not to laugh as he revs the engine getting their attention more while giggling. "You did not just do that" I try cover my face as he keeps laughing. "Well get in then" he winks as he revs the car again to the whistles of the kids. "Stop doing that" I push him a little as he keeps laughing. "Get in the car and I will" He smiles before signalling me to get in. "I have my own car" I tell him as he revs it more. "Oh my god ok ok " I hurry around and climb in the car making the kids all whistle again. "Mr Park has a rich boyfriend" Taehyung shouts as Baek looks towards them. "Yeah he does, don't be jealous now~" Baek winks at them as he puts his sun glasses back on before driving away as I sink with embarrassment into the seat. 

"I cant believe you did that and where did this car come from?" I look around it in awe. "Its one of my others ones I have" he looks at me before he looks back at the road. "What are you doing here anyway, I thought you were taking the week away to sort stuff out" I look at him as he just smiles and reaches his hand to touch my leg. "I missed you and I'm really only bringing you on a drive, oh how's your bottom?" He tries to hold back his laugh as I blush "Its sore" I look away out the window as we pull up to a little pop up coffee van with tables in front of it.   

"Lets go have a coffee and tell me about your day back at school" He gets out of the car while hurrying around to help me out. Sitting down as he orders our drinks, I feel rather nervous as the last time I seen him I was screaming my lungs out nearly. "So how was your day?" He hands me my tea as he sits in front of me while I explain my day before I ask him the dreaded question about his day not really wanting to know as it will break my heart. "I told Kai I was quitting and he told me the same, turns out he met someone also and we have both decided to go into the party planning side of it" He sips his ice tea as my heart starts to race in my chest. I get up the courage to ask him when his first meeting is.

"When is your meeting?" I look at him before I quickly look at my hand holding my cup. "In a hour baby" he says as he reaches my hand giving it a squeeze. I feel a lump in my throat as I stand up. "What's wrong baby?" he shouts after me as I start to walk away I have no idea where to I am going I'm just following my leg as if they have a mind of their own.

"Chanyeol no wait" he runs after me before stopping in front of me. "Tell me what's wrong" he grabs my hand as I look down at it. "I'm jealous ok" I pull away as I take my glasses off to wipe my eyes. "You asked and I wanted to be truthful with you baby" he looks at me with sad eyes as I cant be angry with him, I did ask him after all. "I'm sorry Baekhyun its just this is hard being away from you and now knowing your going to see one of them it killing me. I think its best if  we don't see each other this week till its all over as my heart wont be able to cope I'm sorry, now can you please drop me back to get my car". 

Pulling up at my apartment as I collected my car I feel like I left my heart on that bench near that coffee place. Still feeling the kiss Baekhyun gave me on my cheek makes me smile a little. I feel bad for him too as he has to say goodbye to the money he earned but then again I should be grateful as he is doing it for me, us. I head inside and straight into my bathroom as I turn on the water filling the bath. I just want this week to go fast and hopefully still have the man I think I am falling in love with back soon. I decide to rest a bit before Heechul arrives and starts asking hundreds of questions.

❤️ C ❤️

Cclay 2020



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