My Husband's Father -BWWM-

By MotherMelanin02

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Author's Note
What's To Come
Cast & Summary
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Author's Note
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
**Chapter Twenty-One**
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty

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By MotherMelanin02

A scruffy-faced exhausted Evan stared out the window of his office, sipping on a glass of whiskey. The last two months hadn't been the best for Evan and the beard he was two seconds from having, showed that. The loneliness that Alyson had once felt being in that house, had passed on to him.

Knowing that she wasn't there, made him not want to go back. Even when he didn't treat her right, in the back of his mind, there was comfort in knowing that she there. That she would always be there because that's how much she loved him. She loved him and he took her for granted.

And now that she had been gone, he wanted her back. There was no other woman like Alyson who was going to put up with him, nor was there a woman who would take care of him as well as she did. 

If he was going to get her back, he was going to wow her tonight and prove that he had changed.

In the middle of his thought session, his office phone rang. Going over to his desk, he read the caller ID to see that it was his secretary. He answered, putting her on speaker, "yeah?"

"Uh, sir, I know you said you didn't want to be bothered by your gr-"

Right in the middle of her sentence, an angry Maggie bursts into his office with her designer shades over her eyes and her purse on her shoulders.

"Have you lost your mind?" she scolded him.

"Thanks, Rita," Evan hung up with an eye roll.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," Maggie snapped, walking over. She took off her shades, tossing him on her desk. She put her purse down, "What the hell is that on your face? You look like shit."

"Thanks," Evan scoffs, downing the rest of this whiskey.

"did you forget how to use a god damn phone?"

"We just talked yesterday, what are you talking about?" he asked.

"I'm not talking about my calls, I'm talking about Kelly's? I thought we agreed -"

"I changed my mind," he shrugged, "I don't want to -"

"You don't get to change your mind, Evan. Not know, it's too late. She's p -"

"I don't want to be with her, alright?" he slammed the empty glass down. "I'll admit, I was on board before and it was fun."

"Yeah, I bet it was," Maggie cackled, starting to pace, "you weren't complaining when you were ramming her slutty ass."

Leaning on the desk, Evan sighs, "That's the thing, it was only fun. I love -"

"Don't say her name, don't you dare say her name," Maggie snapped, "we've come too far for you to -"

"I love Alyson, grandma. No one can compare to her, not even -"

"Oh Evan," Maggie shook her head, "Evan, Evan, Evan, Evan." She walks around the table, grabbing a hold of his face, "my handsome, successful but naive grandson. Do you hear yourself? Do you think she'll really take you back after she finds out you're the father of  -"

"I was hoping she wouldn't have to know," Evan couldn't even bear to hear the rest of the sentence. "I screwed up, I know I did. But I didn't want to, it's because of you and -"

"Before you point fingers," she lets face his go, "let's be clear that it wasn't my idea for you to go screwing around. You killed your marriage with Alyson, not me."

Evan sucked in a breath, anger filling his veins.

"Now," she grabs his chin so he could look at her, "you did what we did and now we're here. This just makes everything easier, so listen to me, and listen closely."

* * * * * * * * * * 

* * * * * * * * * *

Alyson looked good but most importantly, she felt good. She had been counting the days until her dinner with Evan and to her surprise, she wasn't as nervous as she thought she would be. She had no clue what she was going to say to him, all that she knew was if there wasn't going to be any change, she didn't want to be with anymore.

Over the past few days, she made a pact to herself that no matter what he said, the goal was her well-being. If she wasn't convinced he had changed, then that was it.

The other part that she took into consideration is, he could be asking her to this dinner to serve her divorce papers. As much as it would hurt, she thought about what her sister said about not being alone and that eased the pain a lot more.

If Evan didn't want to be married to anymore, the only thing she could do was respect. Also, it would be the first time he's been really honest with her over the past few years which is really sad when you think about it.

Sitting at her vanity, Alyson was putting on her lipstick when her doorbell rang.

She checked the time on her cellphone with a frown. 

Evan was an hour early, she thought.

Going downstairs, when she opened her door, she was surprised to see it wasn't Evan - it was Joseph.

"Hi!" she beamed at the sight of him.

All while he was caught off guard by how good she looked.

"What are you doing here?" she hugged him.

"I was in the neighborhood and I thought -"

She gasped, noticing a huge shiny black pick-up truck, "did you get a new car?"

Pulling out of the hug, a barefoot Alyson stepped outside walking over to her. Trying to keep his composure Joseph slowly turned around, watching her walk.

"Joseph?" Alyson looked back to notice he was staring.

"What?" she smiled shyly.

"Nothing," he walked over, shrugging, "I just uh, you look, where are you, who is he -"

Poor Joseph was stumbling over his words, trying to ask her why she was so dressed up without being in her business. While he was curious, she technically didn't owe him an answer.

"Thank you for the compliment," Alyson laughed at his stuttering. "I am actually going to dinner with . . . Evan."

"Evan?" Joseph's eyebrows raised in surprise. "I didn't know you guys were on speaking terms."

"Well, he called a few days ago. Since our anniversary was coming up, he thought it was smart we go to dinner and talk about things."

"Ah," Joseph stuffed his hands in his pockets, seemingly uneasy by what he's hearing. 

"I know what you're thinking," Alyson crossed her arms over her chest. "Mia and I already had the talk, you don't have to worry."

"Of course, of course," Joseph shrugged, "you're a smart woman, you can handle yourself. I just don't want to see you hurt again, you know? I've uh, I've enjoyed seeing you happy."

A blushing Alyson smiled, "Mia was right."

"About what?"

"She asked me if I wanted to get back with Evan. I admitted that though I've been happy, I was afraid to be alone. Of course, she said I had her, my nieces but most importantly I have you."

"You can always count on me," he assured her, "always."

Alyson found herself, getting lost in those brown eyes of his that beamed of nothing but trust. That was one thing she appreciated about Joseph. His words weren't just words, they carried weight. When he said something, he meant it.

"I should uh, go. I just thought I'd stop by and show you the truck."

"I love it," she took a step back to get a good look at it, "very cool."

"Yeah, well, uh, you have fun, tonight, alright?"

"You alright?" Alyson noticed how odd he was suddenly behaving.

"Yeah, yeah, just a long day, you know?"

Before she asks any questions, he walks over to the driver's seat. Before getting in the car, he looks back at her, "you look beautiful, Alyson."

Alyson smiles, watching him get inside his truck. With her hands on her hips, she thoughtfully watches him drive away.

* * * * * * * * * * 

Never in her life, had Alyson been so pissed at herself. She should have known that Evan was going to let her down. Every time she gives him the benefit of the doubt he always lets her down. She thought this time it would be different.

Not just because it was their anniversary but because this night would choose whether they were going to try and better their marriage and call it off.

Yet there was Alyson, sitting in her living room, make-up still done, dress and heels on, waiting for Evan who was three hours late, picking her up. What made it worse is that he didn't call and he didn't text.

Every time she tried to call him - straight to voicemail.

Every time she tried to text him - no reply.

Alyson has been angry before. Two months ago, she thought she had hit rock bottom but no, this night, this was her rock bottom. She was so pissed, tears were streaming down her face, ruining her make-up that she had worked so hard on.

Pulling out her phone to call her sister, she stopped when a text from Joseph, asking how the dinner went, popped up.

Instantly, she dialed his number calling him.

"Hey," Joseph answered on the first ring.

Alyson stood from the couch, sniffling.

"Alyson?" Joseph was instantly concerned. "Are you crying?"

She was so distraught, she couldn't even talk through the tears.

"What's wrong?" Joseph questioned, "talk to me."

Alyson sucked in a breath, still unable to explain what she needed because really what she wanted was Evan's head on a stick.

"Just stay put alright?" Joseph tells her. "I'll be right there."

* * * * * 

Joseph was like a knight in shining armor, pulling up to Alyson's house in his new pick up truck. When he pulled up, a crying Alyson had been sitting on the porch steps waiting for her.

Aside from happiness, the emotion Joseph was used to seeing her display was sadness. But this time, all he could see was anger. She had this vacant look in her eyes like she would cut someone if they said the wrong thing.

Mind you she was still in her dress and her make-up was past messed up. She had mascara running down her face and everything.

Joseph walked over, kneeling down in front of her.

She was so embarrassed, she couldn't even look him in the eyes.

"Hey," he turned her face, so she could look at him, "I'm here. What do you need?"

"Honestly," her voice cracked, "I just need to get out of here."

"Okay, okay," he rubbed her arms. "We can do that."

He took her hands, "come on."

Joseph helps her to her feet and puts his arm around her, leading her over to the truck.

Luckily, he knew the perfect place to take her. He took her out of LA, and to Stonehaven, his neck of the woods. He had recently found a vacant field where the stars shined brightly. So after getting some pizza and pack of beers, he drove her to the spot.

He put on the radio and they sat in the bed of his truck, eating the pizza and drinking beer. 

Alyson didn't talk the whole time. She just stayed quiet, even when she was eating her pizza. Joseph didn't bother to get her to talk, she just let her go through whatever she was feeling. He didn't really care to talk, especially if she didn't want to.

He just wanted to be there for her.

Finishing her third beer, Alyson let's out a small burp, placing it down. She looks at Joseph who gives her a small smile.

All she could do was shrug. Shrug because she had no words. Evan letting her down was nothing new. If she went on a tangent, she would just be repeating what she's already said before.

Letting out a sigh, she looked up at the stars, "I'm sorry that I'm so quiet, I just - I don't know what to say anymore."

"It's alright," Joseph shrugged, "there's nothing wrong with silence." He nudged her playfully, causing her to smile. 

Alyson was so busy gazing at the star, she didn't notice the song on the radio playing.

"You hear that?" Joseph asked her.

"Hear what?" she looked at him.

Instead of replying, Joseph climbed out of the bed of the truck and went to the front seat. Leaning in through the window, he turned up the radio.

A wide smile grew across Alyson's face as her head hung low.

Ironically, it was Michael Jackson's P.Y.T, the song her father used to wake her and her sister up to every morning.

With a grin on his face, Joseph came to the bed of the truck, holding out his hand.

She shook her head, "no, Joe, no."

"You don't have to talk," he grabbed her hand, "just dance."

Reluctantly, she climbed out of the bed of the truck, letting Joseph pull her close. She fought it at first, but then again, who could ever resist Michael?

* * * * * 

Alyson couldn't help but smile like an idiot. Though she wasn't able to spend this night with Evan, she ended up having fun anyway. She couldn't remember the last time Evan actually treated her to a night like this. She couldn't even remember the last time she had an intriguing conversation with her husband.

She had learned so much about Joseph tonight, and she couldn't help but want to learn more. Because of their time together, she saw him in a completely different light.

It started with Michael and went from one old bop to the next.

After slow dancing to Al Green, Alyson and Joseph sat on the edge of the tailgate beside one another, gazing up at the beautiful starry sky.

As if the night couldn't get any more wonderful, 'When a Man Loves a Woman' by Percy Sledge started playing on the radio.

Alyson smiled, a thoughtful look in her eyes.

"What?" Joseph looked over at her.

"Nothing, I just . . ." She turned her head to look at him, "Thank you so much for tonight. If I hadn't let you drag me out of the house, I would be crying myself to sleep."

Joseph's lips curved into a smile, causing her cheeks to heat up. "No need to thank me. If I had a wife as beautiful as you, I'd take you out all the time. Not just because it's our anniversary but because you deserve it."

"Stop it," she shook her head.

"I'm serious," he looked deeply into her eyes.

"Evan barely spends time with you. As you've been helping with the business, I've gotten to know you. You're smart, you have a big heart and you're selfless. You could be pursuing your own career but instead, you stay home, you cook, and you clean when you could pay people to do that. But you don't, because it's you're home, and you're happy to keep it up. You wash his clothes and you feed him, without getting one thank you but you keep a smile on your face because as his wife you don't mind tending to your husband's every need."

Alyson gazed back into his eyes, his words giving her validation that she always looked for in Evan.

"As we've been working together, I've tried to find something that could explain why Evan treats you the way he does - and I've come up with nothing. I keep asking myself, how can he miss a woman as beautiful as you? How does he sleep without even touching you? When . . . every day that's all I think about."

"You do?" She asked softly.

To answer her question, Joseph leaned forward and laid his head on the side of hers.

He put his lips to her ear, "I do. I see you, Alyson."

His words caused a chill to go down her spine, "if only you knew the things that I would do to you. If it was our anniversary, we wouldn't even have made it out of the door."

Alyson's stomach tightened as his hot breath hit her bare neck.

"Tell me," she closed her eyes, "tell me what you would do to me."

"Well, I'd let you pick which room in the house, you'd want me to take you in."

She gulped as he continued.

"Then I'd kiss you soft and slowly. Each kiss would become more passionate. I'd strip every piece of clothing off of you until that beautiful body was on display for me. I'd kiss every part of your skin, making sure not to leave any spot unintended too."

He smiled against her neck.

"Then I'd go for you. I would place soft, wet kisses onto your skin until I found your sweet spot. Then I'd lick and I'd suck, listening to you try and hold in your moans. I'd leave a mark, that would signify that you're mine."

He softly kissed her neck, causing her to shiver.

Alyson's breath hitched, "Then?"

"Well at this point," Joseph kissed her neck again, sliding his other hand up her thigh.

"At this point, you'd be soaked and ready for me. But I wouldn't give it to you just yet. It's gonna be a long night, so we have to take it slow. I'd go down on you. I'd start on slow, just to tease you a bit. After I'm content, I'd dig right in."

Alyson took in a small gasp, feeling his hand getting closer to her throbbing heat.

"I'd devour you until you cum for the first time that night." He pulled away from her neck, looking her in the eyes.

Joseph looked down at her lips, biting his own, "then, I'd kiss you." He leaned forward, his lips grazing hers, "and let you taste yourself."

Alyson closed her eyes, wanting nothing more but to feel his lips on hers.

Realizing what he was doing and his confession, Joseph began to stop himself.

"I'm sorry," he pulled back.

Just as he was about to pull his hand from under her dress, Alyson stopped him.

She learned toward a hesitant Joseph, putting her forehead against his.

"Kiss me . . . " She whispered, "do whatever you want to me."

Joseph took no time to lock his lips with hers.

He caressed the side of her face, their kiss becoming deep and more passionate.

It was at this point, Alyson didn't care who Joseph was. At this moment he made her feel more alive than Evan has in a long time.

She wanted him and she wanted him right now.

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