When Dreams Do Come True (Lou...

By secret1dluver023

42.9K 658 202

Arielle Tomlinson is a gymnast. She wants to go to the Olympics. Her dreams are crushed at age 12 when her Mu... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Sneak Peak to What's to Come

Chapter 1

8.6K 69 10
By secret1dluver023

~Arielle's POV~

This was my one and only chance. Everyone I knew would hate me but it was something I needed to do. This was the only way my dream would ever have a chance of coming true. My name is Arielle Tomlinson. I'm 16 years old and I'm sneaking out of my house forever. Tonight was the last time I was ever to see my family. I'm a gymnast. A really good one too but, I couldn't stay a gymnast. My one and only brother, who is 4 years older than me wanted to do the X-Factor. This came up in 2008. Mum loves him. I think he reminds her of his dad more than I do. See that's a secret no one but I know. Mum cheated on Dad with Louis's father. We are biologically the exact same. I'm the mistake. So in 2008 Mum went and took me out of gymnastics, permanently. It broke me. Louis started to sing and get things to help him sing. Mum forced me to sell all my gymnastics stuff, but I kept some. I kept my bag that had my name, my grips, and my braces.

The thing is my coach didn't want to see me go. She was my best friend's aunt, my best friend and her mum knew what my mum did. So, everyday after school I would "go over my best friend's house" but really for the 6 hours I was supposedly over her house, my coach would train me at the gym. I was good. I had gotten better. Olympic and World Championship good. So my dreams were crushed because until I was 16, I had to have my mum's permission to compete.

Tonight is my night to shine and become me. I won't live with Louis. I also made sure it was tonight it hapened. Louis is coming home tomorrow. Since, he got into the X-Factor, I've become distant in my family. Talking to them very little and keeping to myself. Which was good. When I was 15 I broke 2 bones, Mum never ever noticed. I'm the unnoticed Tomlionson and I plan to keep it that way for now. But tomorrow morning, I hope they know what they did to me. They broke me but, I'm making myself me again. Nobody is going to stand in my way. I'm going to become what they said I would never be. They're just blood relation, not my family. Not with they way they treat me. So when tomorrow they come to wake me up and find a letter on a made bed with no sign of sleep, well, too bad.

I grabbed my one bag. My gym one that had my fake passport, well know real ( I had changed my name and it had been OK ed by the law yesterday) passport, some clothes, and some money. I opened the door to my room and turned a light on. I left the door cracked a tiny bit and walked down the hall. I looked downstairs and saw lights on. I would have to go out through Louis's room. I opened the door into his room. It still looked the same. Clean, clean, and clean. I went to the window and opened it. There was a large tree the was next to it. Stepping onto the tree, I closed the window and did what I do best, fade into the shadows. I hopped onto the next branch and jumped to the ground. I landed lightly on my feet. I ran across the backyard and pulled on one of my gym sweaters that Coach Kilatris had gotten me. It had Arielle across the back. I pulled it on and lifted the hood up to my face.

I untangled the ear-buds and iPhone that Coach Kilatris had gotten for me. She was the one who had become my real mum after age 12. The iPhone was under her account. I walked down the street and called her.

"Hello Ari." Coach Kilatris or as I called Misty said.

"I'm at the corner, Misty." I told her.

"I'm nearly there. You have everything, right?" She asked.

"Yeah. I do," I replied.

"Look for the Maserati," Misty replied. I saw the Maserati pull up in front of the blue house on Market Street. I ran up and got in.

"Your 100% sure about this, right?" Misty asked.

"This is what I've wanted to do my whole life. Since I was 2. Nothing is going to stop me. I don't give a damn about the people who made me put my dreams on hold for his. They have no meaning in my life anymore. I have to be the one who gets to decide what I want to do," I told Misty with the most true look on my face because it was true. It they had truly cared about me they wouldn't have made me put my dreams on hold, or make them stop. I had left them a note that explained what I had done and why but only to that extent. Nothing more. Misty rubbed my shoulder. She knew that I had loved them. Emphasis on the word loved.

I put my ear-buds in and played Katy Perry's firework. That song always made me feel better. It made me feel more wanted. My favorite version of it though, is the orchestral version. It sounded better. Misty pulled up into the airport. I grabbed my bag, which was a carry-on and Misty grabbed her only bag which was a carry-on. This was one of the moments that would change my life. These next few months I would never forget.

Misty opened the door to the airport. We had already gotten our passes and was past check-in. I pulled my hood off and walked around. The last time I had been in an airport was when Louis left for his tour. It had also been the last time I had every said, "I love you," to him. My hair was longer since the last time he would ever see me and had gotten lighter. I had grown a backbone to. The airplane was announced and we both walked on. I looked out the window into the darkened outside. This was going to be the last time I would be here, other than if I went to the Olympics. This was my last time in Doncaster. The last time I would see my parents or my sisters and this was what I wanted to do. I would miss them but not for long. My training would take up that time.

I sat down on my seat and curled into a ball position. This was also the last time that I would see the place that I had lived my whole life. The place where I had my first date, my first kiss, my first slow dance. Where my best friend and I spent the entire night eating Nutella and watching movies that would scare the living shit out of us. That was what I would miss. Not the people who made me feel like a tiny piece of nothing.

I closed my eyes and began to sleep.

"Honey. Wake up. We're here," Misty said while shaking me awake. I opened my eyes to see light shining out of the window. We were able to get an apartment near a private gym in New York so we only had to take one flight. I got up and grabbed my bag. Following, Misty, I walked through everything in a haze. Thinking it was not really real, but it was. I would be able to go to the Olympics and now there was nobody to stop me. This made me feel really good.

We got out of the airport to see Misty's Maserati. Misty hit the key that un-locked it and I went into the passenger seat. I turned the radio and looked for the one that had good music. I stopped on one. I knew the Remix. It was Tommie Sunshine's MegaSix MashUp for Katy Perry. It was a mash-up between the songs: The one that got away, Teenage Dream, Firework, E.T., T.G.I.F., and California Gurls. I looked out the window. The sun was shining and there was lots of happiness. I took this as a good sign.

"When do you want to start training?" Misty asked me.

"I want to start as soon as possible," I told her.

"How about tomorrow? You don't really get affected by time changes and it would be good for you," Misty suggested.

"Ok. Let's do it," I replied.

Misty pulled into a apartment building. The two of us went to the front and got our keys. Our apartment was on the 25th floor. I hit the elevator button and went into our apartment. There were three rooms, a living room, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a porch, and 3 closets.

"I got you something," Misty said as soon as she showed me my room. It was purple, pink, black, and white. I had set my bag down. I followed Misty into the room at the end of the hall. She opened the doors. Inside were gymnastics unifroms. In tons of colors too. I saw 3 grips and a few braces. Then, Misty went over and opened the closet. Inisde were tons of warm-up clothes.

"I thought you would need some," Misty said.

"Thanks. You didn't have too," I replied.

"Oh. But I did. Your going to be huge and I want to help you get there. You have the Visa Championships in June and right now its April. We have to work on your routines," Misty said.

"Of course," I replied.

"I think you should do the Amanar vault," Misty said.

"I've only done it before in gym and not in competiton," I told her. When I was supposed to be sleeping over at my best friend, Maire,'s house I would really compete at high level competions.

"I know. But you can do it. I know you can and I know you know that you can," Misty told me.

"Well, work on it," I replied.

"I knew you would say that," Misty teased.

"That's because I always say that," I teased back.

"Want to go get dinner?" Misty asked.

"No. I'm really tired." I replied.

"Ok. Keep your phone on," Misty said.

"I'm 16," I replied.

"I know but keep it on," Misty replied.

"Whatever." I said and kept my phone on.

~Louis's POV~

I unlocked the door to the house and heard crying. This wasn't usally because I lived with 6 girls, including my sister Arielle, who Mum didn't want the public to know about. Arielle was the oldest sister I had, 4 years younger than me. I walked into the house with Harry and Liam. Tossing my keys onto the table, I walked into the kitchen where I saw everyone crying in the living room, even Mark, and a police officer.

"I think you should talk to them. Make them feel better about it," She told me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her. The female police officer looked at me weridly and shook her head.

"Mum, what's going on?" I asked. But Mum, wouldn't asnwer me.

"Daisy, what's going on?" I asked as I knelt by Daisy on the couch.

"Ari's missing," Daisy said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She means Arielle is gone. Like poof. She left. She's a missing person, Lou. That's what she means. Ari ran away," Lottie said while holding a piece of paper.

"What's going on Louie?" Liam asked.

"Arielle is missing," I told him simply.

"Who's Arielle?" Liam asked.

"My sister," I told him.

"But you only have 5 sisters," Liam replied.

"No. I have 6. Arielle is the oldest. She's 16. Mum wanted her to have privacy so she made me keep her a secret and now she's gone." I said. The moment I said it, it seemed to become real. Ari was gone. My little tiny Ari who always was quite was gone. Shy little Ari. What had happened to her?

"Louis. Read this," Lottie said holding out a letter.

Dear Mum, Dad, Louis, Lottie, Fizzy, Phobe, and Daisy:

I'm sorry to have to be writing this letter. Lottie, Fizzy, Phobe, and Daisy. I'll miss you the most. You guys were always there for me and I was for you. I'll always love you know that. Remeber all our good times. Lottie and Fizzy, I know that Phobe and Daisy may not remember me because their so young and I'm never ever coming back but remind them of me. Never let them forget. It'll help them.

Mum, Dad, Louis. Well, Louis your only part of why I'm gone but it's not your fault. I can't say that I love you but I think I still do. Just a tiny bit. Have a good life. I want you to forget me. Ever little piece of me. Everything. I want you to ask who Arielle is when Mum talks about her at your wedding or when Dad's talking about his kids. Just please do that for me.

Mum and Dad. Dad, I loved you but you didn't stand up for me. Nothing. You just let Mum do it. I like you but I can't love you. You broke my heart that day. You could have tried to let Mum try to do something else.

Mum. I don't love you. I don't like you. You hurt me and broke me. And my heart. I want you to forget me but slowly. So you'll feel what you made me feel. What you did. Think about it. YOU threw my dreams to the wind. You caused this. I'm not trying to point fingers, but if this never happened, this would never happen.


I felt Daisy wipe away tears before I knew they were there.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"We filled a missing person's report," Mum said.

"Mum, what happend?" I asked.

"Nothing," Mum mummbled.

"Mum, tell me what happened," I said.

"It wouldn't change anything now," Mum said.

"I want to know," I said.

"You don't want to," Mum said a little louder.

"For God's sake Mum. We need to know." I said.

"Fine. Just don't hate me. Remember when Arielle was 12 and I started you in vocal lessons. Well,I took Arielle out of gymnastics. I couldn't pay for all you vocal lessons and the X-Factor stuff without making something stop. Gymnastics was the most important thing for Arielle but it cost the most so I took her out and made her sell some stuff so we could have some money. We had more money and were able to do what you kids wanted." Mum told us.

I remember the day Arielle came home crying when she was 12. I felt really bad. That night, for the first time in 2 years, Arielle came into my room and slept in my bed. She only did that when something that hurt her badly happened but she never told me what happened. After that day she never went back to gymastics and I always wondered why. She wasn't the same after that, always acting distant and different.

"Mum, why didn't you keep her in gymnastics?" I asked.

"Because it cost too much money and the twins were 4. I couldn't stay home from work much longer without making more money. It helped our family a lot." Mum replied.

"But what about after I got into the X-Factor and was able to let you live without me. You could of put her back in gymnastics," I told Mum. It know made sense. Arielle was sad all the time because Mum always seemed to favor me and did nothing for her after that. It made everything she did something tiny and not worth while.

"I didn't think she would want," Mum told me.

"Mum. That's all she would talk about. She would have wanted to. ALL THE TIME. Don't say that she wouldn't want to," Lottie said.

"What do you mean?" Mum asked.

"Whenever I found her in her room crying. She would be holding her grips, and an old gymastics suit crying into them," Lottie told her.

"But," Mum said but Fizzy cut her oof.

"Mum. Just quit it. We need to figure out why this happened and we need to find Arielle. That's what we need to do," Fizzy said.

"I'm going to back to London, so I can help seach for her. I can do more and have more people search for her," I told them.

"We're going back." I told the boys.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Because Ari is missing. We need to help find her," I told him. Harry had found out about Arielle when he saw me on Skype talking to all of them during the X-Factor. She hadn't come to X-Factor dinners because she went and did extra school classes. I went back out of the house and into the car. I waited for the boys to get here and for the first time ever, I speeded. I, Louis Tomlison, speeded while driving a car.

2 hours later we were entering London. Everyone was getting ready for the Olympics and Simon was trying to get us to sing there for the closing ceremonies.

~Arielle's POV~

I felt the phone vibrate in my hand. It was 8 am. Time for practice. I got out of the bed and went into the gymnastics room. I grabbed a pair of short and a sports bra. I changed into them and ate an apple for breakfast.

"All ready?" A now full awake after drinking 2 cups of coffee, Misty asked.

"Yes." I replied. 

"Let's go then," Misty said. I had to run down the stairs to the lobby as my starting warm-up. Misty was waiting for me by the time I had gotten down. I had taken 5 minutes.

"Good time," Misty said.

"Thanks," I said as I got into the car. It took us 10 minutes to drive to the gym. Everything inside looked brand- new.

"Why isn't anyone here?" I asked.

"Because it our private gym," Misty said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"My coach left it to me in her will and I used to money to update everything. This is our private gym. I'm going to give you a key to here," Misty told me. We had our own gym. I could practice whenever I wanted to.

"Do warm-ups and I'll play some music," Misty told me. I did the splits and all my other warm-ups. Tommie Sunshine's MegaSix Mashup came on

"Ok. Vault." Misty said.

"I want you to do Amanars for the next 1/2 until you land well," Misty said. This was the Coach Kilatris, not Misty. I put some chalk on my hands and stood at the edge of the little lane before the vault. I hopped on my feet for a little while before beginnging to run. I ran and began to do the vault. I hit off the vaulting table and began to slow ( but seems fast to you people) flipping in the air. I then flipped over to land foward on my feet but instead of doing that I landed on my but.

"Again. Like that but faster and on you feet," Misty yelled. I continued to vault over and over again. Getting better each time. After 5 vaults, I was landing on my feet but hopping.

"5 more minutes on vault before you move. I want a perfect one," Misty yelled at me. I took a deep breath and began to run the vault. I hit the vault and flipped off it as hard and as fast as I could. I flipped and landed on my feet. I felt a smile come over my face.

"Good. Again," Misty said. I continued to do vault. We worked on bars that day too and the days to follow.

I got my floor routine perfected and my bars very good. It was the middle of May when Misty finally told me that she thought I was Olympic ready.

Right now, it was the day of  the Visa Championships. Misty was able to send them other tapes of my competions in England and they let me begin the competiton route for the Team USA olympics. I was in my outfit and was inside the place I would be competiting at for the next 3 days. I hopped to the beat of the music and felt nervous. Today was the day where everything mattered. You were sent home if you didn't place a certain place.

"Hey. Are you ok? It must be your first time. I'm Mckayla." The gymnast next to me said.

"Yeah. It is. I'm Arielle."  I told Mckayla.

"Well, you shouldn't be. There are so many people cometiting at the same time that nobody but the judges pay attention to you. You'll be fine. What are you events?" Mckayla asked.

"I'm going to Vault, Bars, Beam, and them Floor. What about you?" I asked her back.

"The same. What are you competing here for?" Mckayla asked.

"A spot on the Olympic team." I told her.

"Same here. Maybe we'll both make it. What's you number? Mine is 1029." Mckayla told me.

"I'm 1030. We're right after one another. Hope you make it to. What's your vault?" I asked.

"The Amanar. What about you?" She asked. I really like Mckayla. She was really nice.

"The Amanar," I told her.

"Well, look the two little girl trying to get a spot on the team. You girls are going to have to wait or give up your dreams. Tooda loo," This one girl said.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"That was Kyla. She's been competitng for a few years in this route and has become a really rude girl. We used to be friends but after what she said to me a few years ago I just didn't want to be around her," Mckayla explained to me. (A/N: I know their best friends. I had to do that to make it more interesting.)

"Oh. Well, let's prove her wrong today," I told her.

"Let's," She agreed with me.

"Attention gymnasts. Girls with number 1020-1035, vault is ready for you," The voice over the PA said.

"Let's set up near each other," Mckayla said.

"Totally," I replied. I grabbed my pink duffel bag with my stuff and set it on a chair next to Mckayla's stuff.

"Who's you coach?" Mckayla asked.

"Misty Kilatris," I told her.

"Wow. The English gymnast who nearly went to the Olympics but feel on her beam," Mckayla said.

"Yeah. I love her. She's like a mom," I told her.

"That's how it is with my coach too," Mckayla said.

"Number 1029," One of the judges said.

"Good luck," I said and gave her a hug. She was a good friend and was a fun girl.

I saw her put chalk on her hands and start of her vault. She landed but took a tiny hop. She finished her vault and came off. Her score was a 15.8.

"Good luck," Mckayla mouthed to me while she got her stuff to move to the bars area. I got up to the start of the vault. I put chalk on my hands. I waited for the bell to ding. I began to run and flipped onto the table. I hit the table and began to do my twists. I twisted the last time and landed. I stood still for a second and turned.

"Oh my god," Misty said.

"What?" I asked back. The highest I could score was a 16.5.

"Look at your score," Misty said. My score was a 16.2. I 1st on the score-board and behind me was Mckayla. I grabbed my stuff and walked to floor.

"Oh my god. Your great at vault. You need to have your coach help me," Mckayla said.

"Thanks. I could though," I offered.

"That would be great," Mckayla said.

I hit that one and scored high again. Still in 1st place with G. Douglas behind me and a J. Wieber behind her. Bars I got .2 off and was pushed down to 2nd place by who I learned was Gabby. I then regained 1st when I finished beam and left off with a gold medal for day one. I had also become friends with the girls placed behind me. Gabby Douglas, Jordyn Wieber, Aly Raiseman, and Mckayla Maroney.

That night we all got KFC to eat together and watched Titanic, since our rooms were right next to each other. I think I was fitting in very well. The gymnasts were nice and kind all except for Kyla.


YAY! New story. My friend told me to do a gymnastics one. YAY! Hope you like it.


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