Dangerously Delicious

nerdyflirtykari által

1.3M 52.8K 26.3K

Filled with street smarts and book smarts, Arianna Lincoln reached her dream of owning her own restaurant. Re... Több



15.6K 684 65
nerdyflirtykari által

Disclaimer: Mature scenes of the same sex are included.

Menaggio, Italy

"Are ready to face the outside world once again?"

Dana Monroe turned her head slightly, squinting from the morning sun to look her brother's way. Her smile grew wider just by saying the word brother in her head. Gianni was worth every value of how one's brother should be. Since they arrived at the Delacourde's mansion, Gianni has been her constant companion. Though he had the female guards escort her outside of the mansion walls, he insisted extra men be put on security. He made sure she ate healthy, go to therapy, see the sights of Menaggio, help her socialize more and be her shoulder to cry on. They were on their daily beach walk, sipping on their Italian coffee, talking about anything and sometimes nothing. She was delighted to have him as her brother.

"Surprisingly, I am. Being here was godsent. I can't thank everyone enough for saving me when I lost hope that I will die at my father's hands," she confessed.

"We may not be fully blood-related, but you're family. Even if Mercer didn't approach Raizon, you would have been still rescued. What we want to see now, is you becoming better and living a free life.  While you're on your way to recovery, you have us in your life now. A large extended family who will protect you to the ends of the earth." He was right, she thought. Looking back on the little time she arrived, the whole family rallied behind her. In the melting pot, she called the Delacourde Clan, she found a father figure in Zane, a mother and friend in Giselle, brothers in Stephen and Gianni and a pure sense of faith and love in Lionel. That man stayed by her side as long as Gianni did. They haven't moved passed hand holding yet but the feelings, the true honest to goodness feelings were right there between them.

"I like having a big family now. I'm no longer alone," she commented.

"No, you aren't." Gianni smiled at his sister, she changed little by little, still a bit skittish among men but overall healing. Gone was her long beautiful blonde hair, to replace it was a cute pixie styled which showed her delicate beauty, even more, her beauty mark pronounced her innocence that was stolen from her. Her battered thin body now had a healthy glow of being well-fed and being active. The ladies were giving her self defense training, along with gym work with Giselle. Gianni remembered the look of awe Dana had on her face when she saw his mother practicing her martial arts with her trainer. Though the older woman was no longer head of the household, she still kept up her training, it has been the same from the first day his father started with her. Deep down, Gianni knew she was doing that routine to keep Renith Delacourde alive in her heart. She still wore his ring around her neck and made his personal handgun her own. 
Since the arrival of everyone, the old Giselle was back. The queen was in her domain, mothering everyone, keeping up with everyone back in the states and staying in the loop for any threat still around Dana.

"Are you nervous?"

Gianni frown in confusion of her question. She giggled when she saw the look. "Sorry. About your wedding. Are you nervous?" she clarified. The sappiest look took over his face, Dana laughed boisterously because of that look. Gianni simply nudged her and looked over his shoulder where the mansion lay. Though he can't see him, he knew Stephen was somewhere along one of the balconies keeping an eye out for him to return. 

"Nope. We've been together for like..... forever. He's my best friend first of all. He became the love of my life in a quick flash that I didn't question it. I was shocked and blessed to know he too was gay and loved me. We had our rough patches in coming out of the proverbial closet, the fear of ruining our friendship and the relationships around us but we made it. You can't have love without a little drams, as mother says."

Dana has seen the couple together and was instantly chucked onto the Stephen and Gianni bandwagon. The two was entirely in love with each other and no one had any objections of their union. 

"Seems about right. I've seen how he looks at you, I see the same look in Lionel's eyes but I'm scared."

"Why? That brooding ex-military man worships you, sis," Gianni asked gently.

"Scared that I won't be able to return that love to him. Scared that the remnants of love I've come to gather for him will not grow. Some may call it puppy love or whatever but I know it's there. I'm scared that I can't reach it and lose him entirely. I'm broken, scarred, how long will he wait for me. I-I was saving myself for him only for it to be taken away from my own father." The last line was said in a whisper but Gianni heard it. Quickly he gathered her in his arms and let her release those tears he saw shining in her eyes as she spoke. 

"If he's dedicated to you and loves you the way the whole house thinks he does, you won't lose him. Don't expect him to give you surprise kisses and secret getaways because he knows how much you're healing. Focus on yourself, he understands." He felt the nod of her head before they carried on with their walk. 

"I'm sorry. The doctor said to expect emotional outbursts and stuff."

"I may have been worried if you didn't. While I may not be a professional of the human mind and feelings, I do know about love and men. Don't worry about the future, for now, take time to heal and also embrace the love and support that man has for you." Kissing her head affectionately, he began a new topic to bring her mind off sad and horrible memories. The only topic that can help will be his wedding at the family castle next weekend. He told her of the Delacourde family, the Caine family and the history of the castle he grew up during the years. 

"Your older brother. Is he coming? I haven't met him officially only heard of him and glimpse photos of him.  Stephen told me of him. Is he that feared? Do grown-ass men actually bow to him? Is he really the head of the whole family?" Dana was intrigued by the man Raizon Delacourde. Giselle spoke of him with a mother's love, Stephen spoke of him with mutual respect and brotherly love, the men had the same respect and pride when she asked of him. Eyeing Gianni now, she saw the same smile Giselle had on her face when she talked about the oldest Delacourde son.

"He's my hero. Right after our father. He was raised to be the next Mafia King, knew what the business entailed since he was three or four, had to be stronger and braver than everyone. Ray didn't grow up with much freedom as I did, I felt bad at times when I had free time on my hands to act the fool while he was either in a board meeting or dealing with some loose end in the mafia world. He was every way my father and it worried mother and I. Ray loves us and always protects us, he took bullets for us, killed for us. I can never repay him for keeping us alive. When father died, we all saw how he threw himself into the family business. Ray now handles all the Delacourde problems, all three direct family line including extended families to the name, an empire that is older than us, an underworld with many demands as the legal world and the new addition to our family. He does all of his with no complaints and unwavering love for us all. I aspire to be like him. I always wanted to prove to him that I can do it too. Be responsible. Take care of the family."

"Does he know?" Dana asked softly. Her mind was whirling thinking of this man below the age of thirty who has the world of responsibilities on his shoulders. From the opulence of the house and the security teams, she knew he was successful in whatever he dealt in.

"He does now. Ray gave Stephen, Michael and I sectors to command over, meaning soldiers and turfs to keep in check. Recently he signed over a few legal businesses into our names which surprised the fuck out of us. He isn't one to let loose on the reins."

"Why did he though?"

Gianni's smile grew wider. "Love."

"What?" Dana brows furrowed in confusion then it cleared. "Arianna. The woman who rescued me."

Gianni nodded, "My best friend and soon to be sister in law. Raizon loves her unconditionally and will do anything to make her happy. He listens to her, he trusts her and respects her. She's every way his equal. Arianna is as strong and loving as my brother. She brought out a side to him no one ever thought he had. I'm thankful to her for showing my brother the love they now share. He's more affectionate and open to us. The family can't wait to see the change we told them of. We were all worried about him. Taking care of three lines of our family is a lot of work."

Dana nodded in agreement. Giselle told her a bit of the Delacourde family, even showed her the ancestral family tree tapestry. Raizon was the first son of Renith Delacourde, who in return was the oldest of Thibault Delacourde. The mantle of the family has always been passed down to the oldest. Renith had one brother and one sister. His brother was killed by his own son, Talon due to greed and misplaced anger. His sister married outside of the mafia circle to a man name Keiran Maslev from Greece. A simple hotel magnate on one of the islands. She now has two daughters and one son, the three kids will want of nothing for their future because of Renith and now Raizon. Any problems whether be small or big, Raizon was there to help. A week or so ago, Dana saw how true families took care of each other. 

Word reached them via satellite of the death of Talon Delacourde. The man who purchased her from her father. The video feed she viewed was bloody yet mind-boggling. They all watched on as the small woman by the name of Arianna Lincoln took down and killed the hulk of a man. No remorse was in her eyes as she slit his throat wide open, her smile was cold and chilling, the woman was a huge contrast to the warm welcoming one at the hotel. Thinking back on that faithful night, that same woman, jumped out of a chopper and into a shootout. She really is the perfect match for Gianni's older brother. After they watched the video feed, Dana witnessed Giselle going to the other side of the room and make a call. She only said one statement, "He's dead." She nodded once then ended the call. Stephen quietly informed her, it was Talon's mother Giselle called. The woman was waiting for that call to come. Dana asked why Stephen's eyes became cold and said: "Bad apples never stays with the good ones." Two days later, she met Laron Delacourde, French-born actress and daughter of a past Prime Minister. Giselle and Laron watched over the feed, the woman gave a firm nod to the screen when it stilled on her son's lifeless body as tears rolled down her delicate face.

"Mon amour se repose maintenant," she said to the screen. Translation, her love shall rest now. The woman didn't shed a tear for her son but for her husband their own son killed. Dana's heart ached for the woman that day, on the bright side Laron was still a Delacourde no matter what transpired. 

"Hopefully you will meet him before the wedding when we get to France next week," Gianni said bringing her back to the present.

"He isn't coming here?"

"Quick surgery. After my wedding will be his. Two or three weeks after. His will be bigger," he answered with a laugh.


Gianni stopped and looked at her, full amusement on his face. In truth, he was more ecstatic of his brother's wedding than his own. Family and friends from near and far will be at the Delacourde castle wanting to be the witness of that special day. It was a huge deal when his father married Giselle, he saw pictures and a freaking home movie to back up the memories of that day. Now it was Raizon's turn.

"Everyone will want to see the woman who holds the heart of Raizon Delacourde."

Back at the mansion, Stephen sat on the balcony waiting for the return of his Gianni patiently. Horace and Francis, their loyal and faithful dogs lay at his feet taking in the salty morning air of the beach beyond them. His recovery from his injuries are coming along, minor pains but passable. All he cared about, is being able to stand at the altar in front of his family and friends, sharing the vows of love he wrote for his partner. His family will be flying into France in two days where he will meet them all to finalize the wedding plans and get them assimilated with the family they are about to join. He was nervous in telling them about the dark side of the Delacourde's but he must. Stephen knows his father had an inkling of the truth because of his subtle friendship with  Renith, it's his sweet mother and independent sisters he was worried about.

June and Saul Caine accepted their son's sexuality like any loving and supporting parent would. They were entirely pleased that the man he chose to live his life with was his best friend. They all love Gianni, though one of his sisters did have a crush on the guy. She was shocked when he too came 'out of the closet'.  Overall, they were all happy and excited to see both of them take this final step of their love. 

The anxious whines of the dogs brought Stephen out of his happy reminiscing state. He laughed lightly when the dogs scrambled from the floor and dashed inside the room he shares with Gianni. He made his way slowly in, taking in the scene before him. Dressed in cotton slacks and an open shirt, barefoot, his love was as handsome as ever. His dark hair was messy from the wind, his eyes were bright with joy and his face flushed from his walk.

"How is she today?" he asked approaching him. Gianni stood to his feet, the dogs bumping at their legs wanting to play but the two only had eyes for each other.

"Better. She's ready to make the trip to the castle." 

Stephen nodded and reached out to brush his love's unruly hair from his face. Gianni closed the distance between them, placing his lips against his for a mere moment before whispering a sweet good morning against his lips.

"Morning," Stephen returned before deepening their kiss. One kiss can never be enough when it comes to them both. Gianni's hands reached his waist and head, planting him firmly against his body. Stephen held him the same as they both got lost in their heated kiss. Groans of want escaped them both, their harden cocks brushed against each other, the only barrier between their needs were the cotton pants they wore. Tugging on his dark looks, Stephen took note of the wild look in Gianni's eyes, he smirked knowing just what he wanted. His man was insatiable. They made love all night and the early hours in the morning before he left his side and still he wanted more. "Put the dogs out," he ordered before turning his back on him. He listened as Gianni walked the dogs out then locked the door. He ditched his cotton pants and sat on the loveseat, naked and waiting for him. Arms spread wide, his body was on display for him. Gianni stood before him and slowly undressed under Stephen's watchful gaze. Both their bodies were well-muscled, scars lining their arms, legs, and backs, tattoos they took for each other and just for the hell of it, the two greedily eyed each other. Stroking his swollen cock, Gianni went to his knees and allowed Stephen to guide his head over to his own throbbing leaking cock. Bobbing his head up and down, while stroking his own cock in the languid motion he started, he listened to Stephen's breathy moans and encouragements to go deeper and faster. Strong hands got tangled in his hair, his hips began to move with his motions, his lover got louder begging him not to stop. Gianni always does as he says, always wanting to please him. The faster Stephen fucked his mouth, the faster he stroked his cock. Both their groans of pleasure and sexual musk filled the room. Coating his finger with his pre-cum he teased the puckered hole of Stephen's ass. He flinched for a moment by the abrupt entrance, he cursed to the ceiling when the intruding finger went in and out his entrance. 

Looking up at his fiance between his powerful thighs, Gianni couldn't believe how lucky they both were to have each other. Spreading Stephen's muscled legs wider, he stopped his administrations on the thick hard cock and the tight hole, to rise to his feet. "I love you. I don't tell you enough how much I do love you," he said softly.

"You don't have to say it, G. I feel and see it," Stephen responded. 

Bending to be in the level of him, Gianni's slick cock nudged Stephen's hole, slowly, inch by inch, he pushed, watching the play of pure unadulterated pleasure etched on Stephen's face.  Buried to the hilt, he leaned forward and claimed the man's lips before pulling out and thrusting back in. "Shit."

"You feel so tight, baby. You always do." Wrapping his arms under Stephen's legs, he pistoned his hips back and forth, feeling how perfect his cock was in Stephen's tight hole. Over and over he went, sweat coating their bodies as they made love to each other like there was no tomorrow, sharing heated kisses with declarations of love. They both can feel that familiar feeling as Gianni went fast. He was chasing both their release, Stephen's veined cock was in his large hand, pumping as fast as Gianni's movements. Arching his back, he begged for release. "I'm close G. Shit. I can't hold back, baby," Stephen said through clenched teeth.

"Let go. Let go," Gianni pushed. Gripping onto his legs, he made one last plunge, releasing his seed just as ropes of cum left Stephen's cock. Heavy breathing filled the room, the scent of sex high in the air, gently pulling out, he returned to his knees and took Stephen's languid cock back in his mouth, cleaning him off under a very heated gaze. 

"More?" Stephen asked as his cock got reared and ready to go once more. 

Gianni didn't answer, he got back to his feet and turned his back towards Stephen. Knowing what G wanted, he swiped some of his essences and coated Gianni's puckered hole, guiding him back onto his cock. A hiss escaped him as he pushed more into the awaiting hole of his lover. His hands roamed Gianni's muscled back when G positioned himself to ride his cock. 

"Fuck me, baby. Fuck your cock," Stephen ordered. His hand slipped to the front, the long girth of Gianni was slick, his balls were swollen with another release. Gianni leaned against his chest and captured his lips in a slow kiss as he bounced on his cock. Stephen pumped G's cock in a matching pace, never losing the rhythm, their kiss became deeper, grips on each other's bodies became tighter. They knew each other so well. Stephen laughed against G's lips when he cursed at his oncoming release. Pushing him forward, one hand on his waist and the other still on his cock, Stephen took over Gianni's job and fucked him harder and faster. Skin hitting against skin was music to his ears, he grinned when he felt G's release all over his hand and seen his body slump slightly. It didn't take long for him to follow, two sharp thrusts had him spilling in his entrance. 

"Always amazing, babe," Stephen commented. 

Gianni eased off his lover's cock and turned to meet his gaze, "True. Care to take a shower with me before we head down?"

Stephen chuckled at the gleam in G's eyes, a shower with him can mean anything. Taking his offered hand, he allowed to pulled into his arm's only to be blessed with a soft kiss of his undying love. "I can't wait to marry you. Are you sure about taking my last name? You know it's not really an option," Stephen asked. Gianni ran his fingers through Stephen's now messy blonde hair and smiled. 

"I know. I want to be yours and only yours. Start our own family with your name. Fulfill those dreams we had since college."

Stephen leaned into Gianni's hand, remembering their plan. After two years of marriage, they will start their family, two to three kids, living in the suburbs on their own land with the dogs running about. It won't be perfect due to society and their backgrounds but it will be their kind of perfect. 

"I want that too," he said kissing Gianni's palm before leading him to the ensuite bathroom. He watched G's powerful body moved around the room, preparing their warm shower and keeping up a conversation with him. They were both excited about their wedding and couldn't wait to have the gang back together. They missed Ari and Michael terribly, having them back in the states with that threat brought them sleepless nights. That's all behind them now. In a matter of days, they all will be moving on with their lives.
Settling under the warm shower, Stephen gazed at Gianni lovingly as he talked animatedly about Dana and the surprise his mother has in store for her. He almost missed his chance in claiming this man as his own, he thanked the fates for sparing his life. 

He couldn't wait for their future together.

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