Tick tock

By 111MIRROR111

18.2K 706 803

I looked around the locked room, shivering violently. I spot the discards of my hair that Clockwork cut off a... More

*~9~* /// POV switch///
HΔ™Ε‚Ε‚Ε“ pëøpΕ‚Δ™ pΔ—rΕ›Ε“Γ±Ε‘
It's ya favourite fighting french man~
It's the mythic bitch...
Ummmm... hi...
⚠️iMpOrTaNt ShIt⚠️
1k reads!!!


353 18 34
By 111MIRROR111

Jack launched at me, pinning me to the ground as his fists dug into my face.

The sudden sting somewhat fazed me as a metallic taste started to fill my mouth.

I grabbed his arms and tried my best to push him away.

Of course I failed though.

I mean, I have chicken arms and I was always too nervous to go to the gym.

Strong people scare me...

Jack latched onto my neck and squeezed, digging his claws into my skin.

I tried my best to breath but I couldn't, every airway seemed to be blocked and my head started to feel like my brain was replaced with helium.

Everything seemed to get blurry and every little sound seemed to be muffled; like being underwater.

Until I remember that my knee was directly under... his crouch.

Before Jack could squeeze even harder, I lifted my knee and shoved it right in the... well let's just say that if he was still allowed to have children... he definitely isn't anymore.

Jack let go of my neck, allowing me to go into a fit of coughing as I tightly gripped the bat still in my hands.

I could hear the faint screaming of Natalie as I turned my head slightly to the left and witnessed her getting punched multiple times by... Toby.

No, no, no.

"Toby, stop!"
I unknowingly screamed.

He froze and turned his head around to stare at me while getting off of Natalie.

"Look, Toby. I... I know you feel like... like you have to do this but y-you really don't!
If... if you stop this I promise Jack won't do anything to the girl you're in love with-"

He burst out into a fit of laughter, his neck uncontrollably cracking in a violent manner.

He abruptly stopped and, I assume, stared me dead in the eye.

"I can't take that chance.
I- I will n-n-never risk h-er l-l-l-life... unless if I'm the one t-t-taking it."

I stared at the boy in disbelief before being dragged back by the hood and slammed up against a rock.

Everything ached and I swore I could hear something crack inside of me.

I could see the blurry outline of Jack raising his fist.

Is this what Santi saw when he was dying?

Was this how he felt?

I slowly wrap my fingers around the bat in my hand...

And swing it into his masked face.

He stumbles backwards and onto the floor.
His blue mask just out of his reach.

I walk over and stare at his bruised face, my stomach sinking as I did.

His eyes... were missing.
The inhuman tongue he possessed slithered around exactly like a snakes while the teeth seemed more like a shark's.
His whole face was disfigured, really.
It was horrifying to look at.

Inhuman screeches erupted from Jack when he couldn't feel around for his mask.

Is this dude self conscious or something?

I raise the bat and smash it down onto his head once more; his body recoiling.

Then again, and again, and again.

His screams were becoming muffled and gargled as he began to throw up black blood.

"This... this is why you leave me the fuck alone! You... you grown ass puppy dog, self conscious piece... piece of shit!"

"You only wanted to kill me and... and Santi 'cause we're better than... than you!"

At this point I couldn't keep track of how many times I was bashing Jack in the head.

All I could see was images of Jack and Toby's attacks and really... nothing else.

I could hardly hear the cracking sound that erupted from Jack's skull signaling that he was about to die.

All I could see was Toby digging his hatchet into my arm, the kiss Natalie forced upon me and lastly... holding Santi's hand as I watched the life being sucked out of his eyes.

With one final bash... I crack Jack's skull open.

Black ooze gushed out from his forehead as his body tensed up.

His chest sunk down and I took the time to look at the horrified expression frozen on his demon like face.


I just killed someone.

I let go of my bat, letting it hit the forest floor as I looked down at my shaking hands.

A cold shiver went down my spine as I examined the black ooze smeared on my hands.

I... I killed someone.



I trembled and fell to the ground right over the lifeless body in front of me.

My head in my hands as I bawled my eyes out.

What is wrong with me?

What is wrong with me?

What is wrong with me?

Am I... am I going crazy?
Is this finally the end of my sanity.
I would never actually want to hurt someone... let alone kill them, no matter who they are.
I even feel bad about killing ants.

Am I...

Am I a monster?

I felt a hand on my back and turned around to see Natalie.

Some of her hair was ripped off and the clock in her eye seemed to be broken and shoved even deeper into her socket.

She had a helpless look on her face, one saying that she didn't know what to do or how to comfort me.

I couldn't blame her.
She is a cereal killer so it would be pretty much the least of her worries making sure a random human was 'okay.'

She awkwardly placed an arm around me and starts to pat my head roughly; making me laugh rather than cry.

"Where's... where's Toby?" I mumbled while whipping away my tears.

"You scared him off.
He saw that you literally crushed Jack so he retreated back to whatever hellhole he lives in."


We both sat there awkwardly, trying to avoid each other's eyes.

"When... when you killed Jack that was pretty awesome, like, his head went all like... psh... and you-"

"Just... just stop."

"Yeah, probably should."

We both stifled a laugh before packing up our scattered things and heading back to our 'little' nature walk.

"Wait- where are we even going?"
I turned to face Natalie.

"It's my other cabin that literally nobody knows about. It's a little up north though."
She scrunched up her nose.

"Really? How long will it take us?"

Natalie immediately cringed at my question.

"... let's just say a little while."

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