My Husband's Father -BWWM-

By MotherMelanin02

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Author's Note
What's To Come
Cast & Summary
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Author's Note
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
**Chapter Twenty-One**
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Eighteen

4.5K 268 90
By MotherMelanin02

Since finding out about Kelly's pregnancy, Rick had made sure that he had a balance between work and spending time with her. He stopped taking long shifts and made sure to always come home for his lunch break. If not to doing anything for her, just to spend time. He was really excited about being a father, and nothing made him happier than coming home to Kelly who seventeen weeks now.

As usual, he came home for lunch only to found a bunch of baby stuff scattered around the foyer. There were big boxes, small boxes, toys, you name it. It was so much stuff you would have thought, the baby was coming tomorrow. 

It wouldn't have bothered Rick so much, if they hadn't just stored a lot of other baby stuff they received, not too long ago.

"Kelly!" he yelled.

"Yeah!?" she yelled back, from upstairs.

"Can you come down here, please?" he placed his hands on his hips.

Barely a minute later, she came walking down the stairs with her small belly that you could see since she was wearing leggings and sports bra.

"Hey, baby," she greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.

"Kelly, what is this?" he gestured around them.

"Baby stuff," she said in an obvious tone, "for the baby."

Letting a breath, in a sweet tone he replied, "yes, I know that but where the hell did it come from? I just finished storing all the other things we got."

"Maggie got this stuff," she said happily. "Isn't she sweet?"

Maggie, Maggie, Maggie. 

That name had become popular in his household. Before knowing Kelly was pregnant, it was uknown to him that she and Maggie even had a relationship. Yeah, they've known her for years but it never occurred to him that his wife was close to his best friend's grandmother.

It wasn't like Maggie had a friendship with Rick too. She spoke to him when they happen to be in the same place but other than, there was nothing. If he had to be honest, Maggie was never his cup of tea but that didn't mean he didn't like Evan.

Evan was like his brother and he wouldn't something as childish as not being close to his grandmother affect their friendship in any way.

Not to mention, Maggie was the person who bought them all the other baby stuff.

"Is something wrong?" Kelly placed her hands on her hips.

"No, it's just crazy to buy all this stuff for a baby that isn't even close to being here yet. I mean, where are we going to put all this stuff? It won't fit in his room."

"We'll make it work," Kelly shrugged nonchalantly. She smiled at all the stuff, "isn't Maggie sweet though."

At a loss of words, all Rick could do was scoff.

"What? What's wrong?" Kelly was started to get irritated with his obvious dislike for Maggie.

"I just think it's weird that you're besties with Maggie. I didn't know you two were so close. Now she's freaking Santa Clause all of a sudden."

"What is your problem, Rick? It's not a big deal."

"Maybe not to you, I'm it's a little sketchy that your best friend's mother-in-law is sending you gifts when she probably hasn't said a word to Alyson since she left."

"Do I look like Maggie? How am I supposed to know? She's a grown woman, if she doesn't want to reach out to Alyson, that's not my fault. Besides, why do you care?"

"Because I can understand Evan wanting to Alyson her space but what I can't understand, is why you as her best friend haven't reached out to her in two months. You guys are inseparable and now all of a sudden, you barely mention her."

"Why don't you ask Alyson why she hasn't reached out to me? Huh? It's a two-way street."

"I did. I've actually been talking to her."

"You what?" she tensed up. "Why have you been talking to Alyson?"

"Because she's our friend and I care."

"Well, what did she say?"

"She said that you guys just needed some time apart. It makes me think that something happened between you guys. Something, you didn't tell me about."

"It's nothing, Rick, okay? I don't want to talk about it," she turns to go back upstairs.

"Was it that bad?" his question made her stop. "So bad that you can just walk away? It doesn't hurt you that our friends' marriage could be over. That things won't ever be the same with all four of us?"

Scoffing, she turns around, "things are never going to be the same, Rick. Let's be honest, we knew there was marriage was going to crumble eventually."

"Yeah, but I hoped -"

"Hope gets you shit, babe. Sometimes you gotta look at the facts and things just aren't meant to be."

Rick didn't understand how calm she was about the situation. It was very off-putting for him. From what he remembered, Kelly was agreeing with him that Evan and Alyson should try and repair their marriage. And now she just didn't care.

He wished he could talk about it with Evan but Evan was keeping his distance. Didn't want to talk about Alyson or anything. He just wanted time to himself and as worried as Rick was about his best friend, he had to respect that.

Sadly, it felt like he was being kept on the outside. Everyone knew something that he didn't and that was frustrating.

"Well, are you hungry?" Rick asked her as she got to the top of the stairs.

"I could eat," said Maggie, appearing from down the hall.

"Maggie!" Rick was surprised to see her. "I didn't know you were here."

"Hello Rick, yes, I dropped everything off myself."

"She's helping me pick out the colors for his room," Kelly widened her eyes at Rick, hoping he wouldn't act out.

Which he wasn't because that's not who he was.

"Well, uh thank you for the baby stuff. I really appreciate it."

"Well, you're welcome. I'm excited for you guys," she put her arms around Kelly. "Now how about some food?"

"Actually, I planned to cook something for Kelly."

"Great!" Maggie clapped, "tell us when the food's ready."

She leads Kelly down the hall, leaving a bewildered Rick standing there.

* * * * * * * * * *

"So, what do you guys think?" Alyson asked Mia, "you think I can turn this place into something?"

Sitting on the stage beside her sister Mia looked around the club, nodding.

"I know you can do something with this. Do you know what you want to name it?"

"I don't know, I haven't come up with anything yet."

"Hm," Mia squinted thoughtfully.

"You got any ideas?"

"No, I just can't stop thinking about how good of a friend Joseph is. Who buys someone a club, just so they can start their own business? A freaking angel that's who."

"Yeah," Alyson smiles, "he's sweet isn't he?"

"Yeah, he is. I'm glad he moved back here, despite planning to leave at first. Without Joseph, I don't think you would have left Evan."

"Yeah I've thought about that," Alyson leaned back on her arms. "It's a scary thing, one person coming or not coming into your life can change everything."

"You're telling me," Mia scoffed, thinking about her ex-husband. "Love can be so dangerous, you know?" She looks down at Alyson's hands to see she still wasn't wearing her wedding ring, "have you figured out what you wanted to do? With Evan I mean?"

"Do I want to divorce him? It's hard to say. I mean, I don't want to be in a crappy marriage but on the other hand -"

"You don't want to be alone," Mia said knowingly.

"Yeah," Alyson pulled up her legs, sitting criss-cross. "I've been doing well on my own but, Evan's been my everything since college, it's not easy to walk away. It took rock bottom just for me to leave."

"I get it Aly, but you're not alone," Mia takes her hand. "You have me, you have Nikki, Angel, Joseph," she gestures around them.

Alyson looks away, hiding her smile at the mention of Joseph.

"Joseph's practically the only friend you need. How many people would invest in your future and your dreams?" Mia stands up, taking a whirl around the stage, "how many friends do you know would buy you a whole club?" 

"He's great isn't he?" Alyson looked up, thinking about her friendship with Joseph, how it's changed her and evolved.

She couldn't deny that he was a big part of why she left Evan in the first place. When she noticed how happier she was around him than at home, even though she fought it, change was inevitable.

Especially since he treated her so well. Alyson hadn't realized that she had forgotten was a good man was, that is until she met Joseph of course.

"Hey," Mia slowly poked Alyson's back with her knee, "what are you thinking about?"

She holds her hand out to Alyson, who whirls around and takes it.

"I'm thinking about Joseph. You don't think it's weird, do you?" Alyson asked as Mia helped her to her feet.

"What's weird?"

"Joseph and I? Being friends?"

Mia arched an eyebrow, not understanding.

"You know . . . because he's Evan's father?"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Mia laughed.

"What's so funny?" Alyson chuckled lightly.

"Nothing, I just forgot they were related. In my mind, Evan is the son of Satan."

"Mia!" Aly groaned.

"You know I'm kidding," Mia cracked up. She sighed happily, "anyway, no I don't think it's weird. I mean, when is the last time they even talked to each other? Joseph doesn't even exist in Evan's life? Just because someone shares the same blood as you doesn't mean your family. 'Blood is thicker than water' is bullshit, and you've families who can prove that."

"Yeah, you're right," Alyson nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. "Also, I forget they're related too. They're so different."

"Yeah," Mia took out her phone to see if she had any notification, "why do you ask anyway? You feel weird about being close to Joseph?"

"No," Alyson shook her head, turning away, "in fact, I feel the quite opposite. I was just wondering that's all."

"Well, we gotta go get the girls from school," Mia put her phone away, "your ready?"

"Let's go," Alyson kneels down and hops off the stage. 

Walking toward the exit with Mia hopping off the stage, her phone rings. Alyson comes to a halt and when she takes out her phone she stops immediately.

Gulping she leans it against her chest.

"What?" Mia asked, coming up behind her, "who is it?" 

Speechless, Alyson passes her phone back to her sister without turning around.

Mia scoffs when she reads the caller ID, "speaking of the devil himself."

Alyson turns to her, taking the phone back, "should I answer?"

"I wouldn't," Mia crossed her arms over her chest, poking her hip out.

Alyson stared at the ringing phone, contemplating.

Even if she didn't talk to him now, she would eventually have to do it later. She needed to know where the marriage was going if it was going anywhere.

"Go ahead, answer it," Mia patted her should, "I'll wait for you outside."

She heads out, leaving Alyson alone.

Letting out a breath, Alyson answered the phone.

"Evan, hi."

* * * * * 

"I don't know, Aly, I don't think it's a good idea."

"Well we have to talk sooner or later," argued Alyson from behind the wheel.

The sisters were on their way to get the girls and in the middle of a conversation about Alyson's phone call with Evan.

"Yet he didn't ask you to talk, he asked you to dinner for your upcoming anniversary."

"Which is where we'll talk."

"Maybe, but talking on your anniversary means . . . " Mia trails off, hesitating to finish her sentence.

"Means what?" Alyson looks over at her.

Mia stays quiet.

"Say it!"

"It means its a trap!"  

"What are -"

"This is just a way for Evan to try and creep back into your heart like he always manages to do. Think about it, you guys will get all dolled up, he'll bring you flowers, he'll talk about how he's changed and realized how much he needs you, you'll fight at first but then I'll get a call saying you're going back and all the self-work you've done for the past two months will be for nothing. Things we'll be good at first and then, you'll go right back to the way things used to be."

Gripping the steering wheel, Alyson didn't reply.

This was the reason Mia didn't want to say anything. She didn't believe her sister could resist Evan's charms and she had every reason not to believe in her. It's only been two months since she left, it's easy to go back - Mia knew that personally.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, Aly," Mia explained worriedly. "I want you to be happy like you are right now. I just don't think Evan is apart of the happiness. You understand where I'm coming from, don't you?"

"Yeah," Alyson took in a breath, putting her pride to the side. "I understand. You have every right to believe I'll go back. I can admit that I've been naive and I've let him pull me back, even when I knew there wasn't going to be any change."

She shrugs, "but I gotta do it. Do it for me. I have to show myself that I didn't waste two months of my life. Believe it or not, I see things differently. I'm not going back in the same naive woman that left. I have future now, things I want to do and if Evan wants to be apart of that, he's gonna have to do more than speak sweet nothings."

Though she was surprised to hear her sister talking like this, Mia still had a bad feeling in her gut.

"Are you sure you got this?"

"Yeah," Alyson held her high, nodding, "I'm sure."

* * * * * * * * * * 

* * * * * * * * * * 

Like most people, Mia did not like getting woken up - especially if it wasn't an emergency. So, imagine her mood when her doorbell rung at two AM in the morning. She trudged downstairs in her over-sized t-shirt, to answer the door.

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she opened the door, immediately rolling her eyes. She hung her head back, "I should have changed my address."

"Wouldn't have to come if you didn't change your number," said Rick with his hands in his jacket pocket. 

"Rick," Mia sighs, leaning in the doorway. "It is two in the morning, have you lost your mind?"

"I need someone to talk to."

Mia shrugs, "go talk to Kelly."

"Come on, Mia. I wouldn't have come if it wasn't serious." Rick runs his fingers through his hair, a desperate look in his eyes, "I could really use someone to talk to."

Not being able to look into his sad eyes, Mia turned her head away, contemplating. Despite being against keeping a distance from Mia, Rick was respectful of her decision. Hearing that she changed her number was enough for him. 

If was here, it was really because he needed somebody.

Why that somebody had to be Mia? Well, she was thinking the same exact thing.

Without a word, she stepped to the side, letting him in.

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