His Impossible Lost Girl [ Pe...

By girl8890

57.8K 1.2K 706

Book #2 of the From The Beginning, Series There will be smut, action, violence, adventure, fluff, mystery, an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 *smut*
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 *smut*
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16 -The end-

Chapter 15

2.1K 61 76
By girl8890

Two days Later
Day of Zelena's Ball

Your POV

I was in my room with only a towel on. I took a very long shower because I wanted to be super clean for tonight. I haven't worn a dress in so long. I stared at my dress that was laying across my bed. I was bitting my thumb nervously just staring at it. I hope Belle, Mary Margaret, and Emma weren't lying when they said they loved me in this dress.

I heard a knock at the door and gasped. "Hey Y/n, can I come in?" It was Emma.

"Yeah come in!" I went back to staring at the dress.

She entered my room and shut the door behind her. She saw I was still in my towel just staring at my dress. "What's wrong?"

"I'm nervous about tonight."

"Y/n, don't be nervous. We're all going to be there with you." I looked at her and she sent me a slight smile.

I breathed in deeply and looked back at my dress. I was more nervous about what I was wearing at the moment. Emma was watching me just stare at my dress, then she said,"Come on Y/n. Put on the dress and I will do your hair and makeup."

I sighed and said, "Okay."

I put on my dress in the bathroom and when I walked out, Emma smiled at me. She then curled my hair and put some light make up on me. She said, I didn't need to much since I was already beautiful. I thanked her for the compliment, but inside I still didn't feel as beautiful as Peter and her always told me. I walked to my mirror in my bathroom and gasped at the sight of myself. I felt, and in the back of my mind looked beautiful.

It was weird seeing me look so different. My eyes had brown eyeshadow on and my lips had pink gloss. My hair was curled in lose curlers. I looked at myself a little longer, then I turned and smiled at Emma. She was already smiling at me and I could tell she was loving my reaction.

Before I left the room, I grabbed the bracelet Jack got me. It felt tighter then before, but I didn't think anything of it.

Peter POV

I was down stairs waiting for Y/n. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs in front of me, but when I looked it wasn't Y/n. I saw Jack instead. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall. He laughed when he saw my reaction. I asked annoyed, "What are you laughing at?"

"Oh nothing. Just surprised someone like you is wearing a suit and not leave garments."

I wore a completely black suit and under shirt. I had a little red pin on too, but that was the only bit of color I was wearing. I got close to his face and tried to intimidate him. I said evilly and low, "You know. If it wasn't for Y/n, I would pluck your eyes out of your sockets and laugh at you too. Your so lucky I love my relationship more then torture." I heard him mumble something to him self. I swore I heard him say, will see? I asked confused, "What?"

"Umm. Nothing! Just nothing!"

I smirked at him and became proud of myself. He acts so tough, but can't even repeat his own threats. I heard more steps come down the stairs again. I held my gaze at Jack a little longer, until he looked up at the stairs and his jaw dropped. I was confused by his reaction, so I turned to look at the stairs and I had the same reaction. I was caught off guard by Y/n. She looked so different, but in a good way. She was wearing just the right amount of make up and her hair was sculpted perfectly around her face. When my eyes landed on her dress, oh that dress was so tight. It was short, but covered her upper half but had a triangle cut out to expose just a little. I wasn't sure if I should be mad or feel aroused. She looked so sexy.

Definitely aroused.

She realized Jack and I were just staring at her and she asked, "Umm. You guys okay?" I shook my head to shake myself out of my trance.

"Yeah. Yeah, you just look-" I couldn't get the words out.

She finished with a answer that wasn't in my mind, "I know, I look way to different and skimpy."

I rolled my eyes at her. I took her hand and she stepped down to the ground. I whispered in her ear, "I wasn't going to say that darling. I was going to say sexy as fuck. Just wait until I take that dress off you later." She was blushing now and tried to not smile at what I said. She did look super sexy.

I turned and realized Jack was now looking at her lower region. I looked at her bum and smirked at myself. I grabbed her bum with a tight squeeze and possessively pulled her close to me. I kissed her deeply in front of Jack. When I pulled away I told Jack without using words, 'Mine.' His lips and eye twitched. I smirked at him knowing that made him jealous. He looked away from her now. When I looked back at Y/n, she was still blushing and had her lips tucked in her mouth.

She saw what was going on and said, "Really?" I just laughed low as a response.

Regina walked out of the kitchen and asked, "Alright! Everyone ready to go?" We all nodded and left Regina's house. I kept Y/n close to me and sat in the middle of her and Jack in the car. I was rubbing her thigh and kept teasing her with nibbles on the ear. She moaned softly and that made Jack roll his eyes. I can't hurt the guy, but I will be damn sure I will make him jealous as hell.

Now he knows how I felt.

We arrived to the address Zelena put on all the invitations. It was a big green and pointed out castle. I walked over to Regina and asked, "Regina isn't this-"

She cut me off while staring up at the castle. "Yes, Pan. This is my castle." She walked away from me and I felt the anger coming off her as she walked away. I felt fingers cruel into my fingers. I smiled and looked down at Y/n. She was smiling nervously at me and holding my hand too.

I gave her words of encouragement, "Don't be nervous love. Hopefully nothing bad will happen and Zelena will just be trying to make peace."

Very unlikely, but anything to amen her less nervous.

"I don't know about that. No one can go from evil to loving like you did." I turned around to see Rumple was the one who said that.

I smiled and said, "Rumple my boy. Looks like you got your fashion sense from me after all." He was wearing a black suit too, but had a gray tie on.

"At least one good thing came out of being your son." I rolled my eyes as my first response.

"Oh Rumple. Always trying to destroy a moment between father and son."

"Let's just get into the party shall we." He was holding Belle's hand and walked away. Rumple and I were getting along, but he wasn't forgetting the hardships I put him through. I didn't lie to him when I said, I wanted to start over with him. I was expecting it to be hard, but not so hard he couldn't let me compliment him.

I turned back to look at Y/n and she sent me a slight smile. I walked over to her and took her hand again. I then said, "Come on love. Your the guest of honor, so we can't be late." We walked into the castle. It was a long walk, but we finally got to the front gate.

This... was going to be interesting.

Your POV

When Peter and I walked up to the castle, a very skinny and long haired boy stopped us. He said, "Y/n, most powerful girl in the world and Queen of Neverland-" that was a first, "I am to escort you and ONLY you to the front."  He held out his arm and had a blank expression. Almost annoyed.

I was about to grab his arm, but Peter pulled me back with his arm. He looked down at me and whispered, "You must of lost your head if you think I'm letting you go with him." I looked at the boy, then back at Peter. I don't think this was a jealousy thing from how the boy looked.

"Peter, I think it's a smart idea if I go with him."

"And how is that?" He was no longer whispering.

"You can watch me the entire time. Maybe he'll show me to Zelena."

Peter rolled his eyes and looked at the boy up and down. He then looked at me with a worried expression. "What if something bad happens?"

"Then I know you'll be here to protect me from afar and last time I checked I still had my powers, so I might now even need the extra protection."

He hesitated for a second, but nodded his head. I let go of Peter's arms and took the boys arm. We started walking around the crowd of people inside the castle. It was all decorated in dark green decorations.

Of course Zelena went for a creepy decorating strategy for this ball.

Some people looked familiar and others didn't at all. He was guiding me to the front of the room. We weren't talking, so in a nervous attempt to clear the air, I asked, "Sooo. You work for Zelena?"


"And why's that?"

"She is my queen. We all will think so soon," He put a creepy and wide smile on after saying that. I didn't ask anything else. When we stopped, I ended up in front of the whole room. The boy left and gestured for me to stay there.

I looked around and saw Jack. I held up my wrist, to show him I was wearing his gift. He smiled at me and nodded.

Music started playing deeply behind me. I turned around and saw smoke coming from a big double door. The door slowly opened both doors. Zelena walked out slowly and smiled. Everyone stared at her and I was right in front. She walked up some stairs onto a platform I was in front of. I was staring at her trying to look intimidating with just my eyes. She needed to know I wasn't being fooled by her 'let's make peace' ball.

She laughed deeply once with a huge smile on her face then shouted at the crowed, "Welcome my guests! I hope your all happy to finally see your host! Me! I am Zelena. Some of you must of heard me from stories. Today we are here to commence peace and you will all soon know me as your queen." I wasn't going to allow her to call herself our queen. So I laughed once loudly. She looked at me and said, "Oh! Almost forgot our first guest of honor," She gestured her hand to me, but I didn't take it. She then announced me, "Daughter of Queen Mary Margaret and the powerful Jafar, Y/n." Everyone started whispering behind me. Everyone knew I was Mary Margaret's daughter, but not Jafars.

Zelena walked down to my level and some people backed up further behind me. Some of the guards pulled the others that stayed close away. They created a opening in the middle of the room where we were standing. I asked her angry, "So you brought me here as a guest of honor, that's it?"

"Oh no my sweet. I also invited everyone here to give you a gift."

"What gift?"

"A lost one. The next guest of honor. The one you have all been waiting for!"

She turned to face the door she entered by. She shouted, "Oh Jafar!" And with that Jafar came strutting out. My eyes went wide and I became stiff where I was standing. How is he here? I sent him back to his prison with no magic. He walked over right next to Zelena and was holding a new staff that looked like his old one. It didn't have a snake head though, it had a monkeys head and it was green with black eyes.

He walked over and said, "Well hello again my daughter."

I stuttered my respond, "T-that's impossible."

Zelena then looked back at me and said, "Oh darling, you really thought you were the only one that can break people out of prison? Me and you are more alike then you think." I heard our group start to run to me, but Zelena held up her hands and created a green basically see-through barrier between everyone and us. She then shouted, "Not so fast there little monkeys. Y/n is going to fight her own battles now," she laughed evilly when she stopped speaking.

Jafar walked close to me and got close to my face. He spoke evilly to me, "You really thought you could beat me? The great Jafar! Oh my child, I always had a back up plan." He smiled evilly at me.

Zelena rolled her eyes and explained, "No he didn't. I broke him out because I needed more power then my own. You and me Y/n are going to work greatly together."

I practically jumped at her statement. She really thinks I'm going to want to work with her? I shouted, "I'm not going to work with you! Are you crazy?"

Zelena fakes thinking for a second then said, "Yes!" She put on a smile and laughed evilly again.

I shouted again, "Well I'm not doing anything with you!"

Zelena looked me up and down then said, "I'm afraid you don't have a choice darling."

"Oh yeah?!" I tried firing a fire ball at her, but nothing escaped my hands. Why wasn't my magic working? It worked last time. What was happening to me?

Zelena laughed evilly again and explained, "Oh darling that won't work. See you can't use your magic right now."


"B-But how?" I stuttered, still in shock by myself being powerless was definitely new. Even though I didn't have magic my whole life, I needed it most right now. With be emphasis on NEEDED.

That when I realized I had something new with me. Something I didn't have last time I was here. Something gifted by a friend...

"Because the bracelet!" I turned to look where that explanation came from. Jack walked through the barrier with ease. Jack betrayed me. He used his powers to bind my legs to the ground with vines.

"W-what Jack?! You betrayed me! How could you?!" I was holding back tears now. I trusted him and forgave him for ignoring me. How could he do this to me?

"I'm sorry Y/n, but I did. Zelena told me she was getting Jafar to wipe your memory and I would finally be able to be with you." He tried rubbing my cheek, but I slapped his hand away. I would of backed away from him, but I couldn't move because of the vines. He grabbed my wrist and whispered, "Just wait till later. You won't even remember who Peter Pan is." When he backed away a little, I looked at him with disgust. I turned to look behind me and saw both Regina and Peter freaking out. They couldn't get through the barrier and I couldn't hear what they were shouting. I was hopeless and powerless now.

I was a goner.

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