
By wee_me

455K 15K 6.7K

Lily is happy with her life. She has a unique family that she can rely on as well as four great friends who s... More

Chapter 1 - Road Trip
Chapter 2 - Theme Park
Chapter 3 - Bonfire
Chapter 4 - Midnight Surprise
Chapter 5 - Sunday Morning Scuffles
Chapter 6 - A Little Paranoid
Chapter 7 - Man In Uniform
Chapter 8 - Confusing Revelations
Chapter 9 - Catching Up
Quick info
Chapter 10 - Overnight Guests
Chapter 11 - Coffee Junkies
Chapter 12 - Boot Camp
Chapter 13 - Rookie Roadie
Chapter 14 - Sleep Deprived
Chapter 15 - Library Boy
Chapter 16 - Irritation
Chapter 17 - Taking A Chance
Chapter 18 - Friends
Chapter 19 - Chicago Calling
Chapter 20 - Drama Queen
Chapter 21 - Hiding Places
Chapter 22 - Trust
Chapter 23 - Origin
Chapter 24 - Dizzy
Chapter 25 - Agitation
Chapter 26 - Pandora's Box
Chapter 27 - Missing Pieces
Chapter 28 - Reflecting
Chapter 29 - Vulnerable
Chapter 30 - Partners In Crime
Chapter 31 - Unlikely Ally
Chapter 32 - Coping Mechanism
Chapter 33 - Creativity
Chapter 34 - Plan B
Chapter 35 - Unexpected
Chapter 36 - Irresolvable Task
Chapter 37 - City Lights
Chapter 38 - Gullible
Chapter 39 - Warmth
Chapter 40 - Resentments
Chapter 41 - Turmoil
Chapter 42 - Panic Reaction
Chapter 43 - Blackmail
Chapter 44 - Determination
Chapter 45 - Bonnie & Clyde
Chapter 46 - Imperfect
Chapter 47 - Compassion
Chapter 48 - Responsibility
Chapter 49 - Distractions
Chapter 50 - Memories
Chapter 51 - Surprises
Chapter 52 - Brothers and Sister
Chapter 53 - Home
Chapter 54 - Traditions
Chapter 55 - Confrontation
Chapter 56 - Disconnected
Chapter 57 - Understanding
Chapter 58 - Gifts
Chapter 59 - Unravelling
Thank you

Introduction & Characters

33.1K 341 130
By wee_me

This is my first story on Wattpad. I am not a native English speaker, so please bear with me. All mistakes, be it grammatical errors, illogical plot lines or badly researched information are completely my own. My story is a work a fiction, so the characters, the storyline as well as some places or events are simply creations of my imagination. 

I hope you enjoy!


Lily (12) – Lily just started junior high and has to get used to going to school with her older brothers again. She is the youngest out of 12 siblings - and the only girl. She used to be a very shy kid, but is slowly coming out of her shell. To prove to her brothers that she is no longer a little girl, she is trying to become more independent. Lily is a bit of a tomboy and she does not hesitate to get into the odd physical fights with her much bigger siblings if necessary. But she also absolutely loves a good cuddle! Eating is not very high on her list of priorities,  but when it comes to sweets - preferably chocolate - there is no holding her back. She plays soccer together with her best guy friend, Jayden. Lily also likes to snowboard and is currently learning self-defence from her brother Jordan. Out of her siblings, she gets along best with Luke, Sean and Jordan, because they are not acting as overprotective as the others and she thinks they are actually taking her seriously (most of the time). The brother she fights and disagrees with the most is Aidan. Her best friend's name is Gracie, and since she started junior high she is also friends with Anna and Lauren. Lily respects her oldest brother Alex' authority the most out of all the siblings; she adores him and looks up to him. She is pretty easy-going, but can be very stubborn if she disagrees with someone.

Noah (14) – Noah is a freshman in high school, together with his twin brother Aidan, who is 15 minutes older than him. He is the youngest boy out of the 11 brothers and has to try a bit harder to be taken seriously because of this. Compared to his twin, he is definitely the quieter and more agreeable boy. He is the only one in his family that plays baseball and he sometimes struggles to get his siblings interested in supporting his choice of sport - or even attend a game. Girls in school like him but he is too shy to notice. He only has one best friend, Nick, and other than that likes to just hang out with Aidan and his friends. Noah looks up the most and gets along best with Sam out of all his brothers. He does not mind spending time with Lily and tries to stick up for her when his twin pesters her too much. But he hates to be teased for it, so he sometimes acts a bit mean towards his sister just to protect himself from harassment.

Aidan (14) – Aidan is the older twin by 15 minutes and he likes to remind Noah of this. He has also just started his freshman year in high school and claims to have had a reputation in school since his first year of junior high already. He plays football and his aim is to become as successful playing in the school's team as some of his older brothers have beeen before him. He also believes that girls cannot resist him. However, so far, he has not yet even had one girlfriend to support this theory. He generally likes to challenge his oldest brothers' authority and kind of looks up to his rebellious brother Will, much to Alex' dismay. Aidan is a hothead, which gets him in trouble regularly. He does not get along at all with Lily and likes to antagonize her whenever he gets the chance. What his siblings find most surprising about him is his interest in cooking. Helping in the kitchen is the only chore that he does not complain about.

Jack (17) – Jack just started his final year in high school and he cannot wait to turn 18 and officially be declared an adult. He plays football and his quite okay at it, too, just like some of his older brothers were before him. However, to him it is just a hobby and doesn't take it as seriously as his siblings did. He has a new girlfriend, Nora, which he is a bit reluctant to introduce to his large family, since he fears that they will scare her off. He is generally a pretty quiet individual and does not like to be in the spotlight. It is rather difficult to get a rise out of Jack and he hardly ever fights with his younger siblings, unless they really ask for it. Recently, Will moved back into their previously shared bedroom and he is not amused by that. Jack is saving up money to buy himself a car, with the aim to become more independent.

Will (19) – Will is the problem child of the family. He only recently finished high school since he had to repeat senior year. He has no plans to go to college and he also cannot hold down a job for longer than a couple of weeks at most. He likes to hang out with the wrong crowd, drinks and smokes and occasionally experiments with other drugs, too. Will has a new girl almost every week and does generally not treat women very respectfully. Therefore, Alex has forbidden him to bring home any girls. The two of them get into fights all the time, usually over Will's life choices and lack of plans for his future. The 19-year-old hates to show emotion and is grumpy and abrasive towards his siblings most of the time. However, he has a bit of a soft spot for Lily, which he tries to hide from the rest of his family. The only thing he admits to liking is snowboarding when they go up to their cabin in the mountains on their annual family vacation (although he usually tries to get out of having to go in the first place, since he deems family trips a waste of his time).

Luke (24) – Luke is a passionate musician and plans to make a career out of playing music. Girls admire him and literally fall at his feet when he is on stage, but his off-stage persona struggles to find a girl for something more permanent. He is simply not confident enough around women. Luke has a very laid-back attitude towards life in general and it is almost impossible to make him angry. He is usually seen with a smile on his face and he has a very good sense of humour. He and Alex disagree on his career choice, usually resulting in Luke disappearing on regular intervalls without contact for weeks. Luke loves to eat and has a massive appetite all the time, despite being the smallest and skinniest of all the grown-up siblings. He also doesn't like anything to do with playing sports and tries to avoid having to partake in any such activities whenever his family gets together for that reason. He makes an exception when it comes to snowboarding.

Sam (26) – Sam went to college on a football scholarship and made a name for himself playing college football. He is a sports and health fanatic and considers his body his temple. He has made a career out of being a physio therapist. He only works part time, however, since he is also a personal trainer and a skiing and snowboarding instructor. If he is not busy working he spends time with his girlfriend Hannah, who he has been together with for more than two years now. Most of the time, he stays over at her place and to his siblings it is only a matter of time until he moves out to live with her permanently. According to Lily, Sam gives some of the best cuddles. Also, he is a useless cook, which means that he is banned from getting anywhere near a stove.

Ben (27) – Ben is an English and History teacher at the local high school, much to his younger siblings' annoyance, since they go to that school. Lily suspects him of having his teacher colleagues spy on her, which he denies. He likes to give advice and can get pretty intense when it comes to the topic of education. Next to Josh, he helps Alex the most when it comes to raising their younger siblings and he ensures to enforce and defend Alex' rules whenever necessary. Ben loves reading and is a fountain of knowledge (or a wise-ass, if you ask some of his sibliings) regarding many topics, not only the ones he teaches. He has been called a nerd most of his life, but is not bothered by this in the slightest. Ben is the family's domestic cook and usually decides on what needs to bought to keep their pantry stocked. He used to have a long-term girlfriend a couple of years back, who broke up with him quite painfully. Since then, he has been struggling to find someone new. He is not very confrontational, but gets along the least with Sean.

Sean (29) – Sean has a PhD in psychology and is considered the smartest sibling. He lives and works in Chicago, where he has been ever since he went to college, but he is thinking about moving back to be closer to his family. He used to play soccer in school he still plays in his spare time. He loves to share this passion with his little sister whenever he is visiting. Although Sean never played an active role in helping his older brothers raise their younger siblings, due to his profession (his field of expertise is behavioural psychology), Alex regularly goes to him for advice on how to deal with teenagers. Their main topic usually is Aidan and Will's behaviour. Sean absolutely adores Lily and would do anything for her. But he also loves to tease her, because in his opinion, she is just too easy a target. He is considered the sonnyboy of the family and is quite the flirt, too. He has a great sense of humour and loved to prank his siblings when he was still living at home. He suffered a great loss when he was only 15 years old.

Jordan (32) – Jordan is the younger twin brother out of the older pair of twins. He is a Marine and has been deployed on and off to the Middle East for the past six years. He only recently returned home and plans to stay for a while. He is generally a very talented sportsman and plans to open his own martial arts studio. In high school, he was the star quarterback until he suffered a knee injury that spoilt his football scholarship and a very promising career. That was when he decided to enlist. He is considered the most attractive out of all the Taylor boys (and knows it, too) and is an absolute womanizer, who never had a long-term relationship. He is also physically the biggest out of all the brothers. To the outside world, he appears tough as nails but he actually has a very soft core and thinks of Lily as the most important person in his life. His five-star tattoo on his torso represent life, family and three of his family members, one of which is his little sister. Jordan is somewhat obsessed with his hair.

Josh (32) – Josh is 7 minutes older than Jordan and hates to be shorter than him by almost three inches. He also regularly gets upset when being reminded of his age, as he struggles with getting older. He lives with his boyfriend of almost four years, Tom, and they are engaged. He is a corporate lawyer and is the only brother other than Sean who went to university. Josh is rather stubborn and has quite a short fuse, which often results in him getting into arguments with Lily, since their personalities are pretty similar. But of course, he also loves her a lot (and vice versa). He can be very strict with his younger siblings and expects them to respect their older brothers' authority. He has helped Alex raise the kids from the age of 20. He is considered the best dressed brother. Josh used to play basketball and soccer in high school and likes to go for a run in the morning or on the weekends. He stops by at his family's house almost every day, since he only lives about 10 minutes away.

Alex (34) – Alex is the oldest sibling and a father figure to the youngest ones. He is a cop and has recently been promoted to detective. He has been looking after his brothers and sister since the age of 22 and is still the legal guardian of the four youngest. He sometimes struggles, because he has to be a parental figure for them while he would really prefer to just be a brother. Alex is generally very responsible and can come across as a bit stern and serious. He dislikes anything that has sugar in it and (unsuccessfully) tries to convince his siblings to eat healthier food. So far, only Sam agrees with him. He tries to work out every day and is considered a health freak. He is naturally the most protective of Lily, since he is ultimately responsible for her well-being. Alex is too busy with his demanding job and with looking after his family to find himself a girl and settle down. Lily is convinced that he is unhappy about being single and she intends to do something to change that soon.

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