Dead Name

By sleepingcrytid

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Virgil "Anxiety" Sanders has a past that he'd much rather forget. It haunts him every day, but he was always... More

Chapter One: The First Time I Kinda Believed
Chapter Two: Can You Believe This False Hope?
Chapter Three: A Crack in the Glass
Chapter Four: A Truth I Wish I Hadn't Known
Chapter Five: Three's A Crowd, But Four's A Cult
Chapter Seven: Pleasing A Storm
Chapter Eight: This Will Either Be Very Good Or Very Bad
Chapter Nine: This Is. . . Okay?

Chapter Six: One Door Closes, Another Opens

381 25 17
By sleepingcrytid

Paranoia's P.O.V

I shivered against the glass. I knew I was towards at the front, seeing as how I could make the room out through the murky glass. I no longer counted the seconds as they passed- No longer prayed for salvation to throw the door open and set me free. I knew it would never happen.

I also knew the Disorders were searching for me. My body was trembling in fear from the last 'session', my mind halfway lost in my own panic. I - I couldn't do it again! I didn't want to! Why couldn't Deceit and Remus just have let me die?

Immediately, I whimpered. I didn't want to die. Depression's aspect was beginning to take permanent root in me, as were the others. From the corner of my eye, I saw the shadows twisting as if ready to take the form of another nightmare.

I blinked. Was Psychosis really affecting me, or did I see the door opening? A man entered, wearing glasses and a blue tie that stood out against a black shirt. He looked well-groomed and I knew he couldn't be from the Darkscape.

The man made his way to the box, clearly confused. Too weak to stand up alone, I reached up and pressed my hand to the glass sharply, startling the stranger - which I felt bad about. I pressed myself against the glass, letting it bear my weight, and gave the man a pleading look. "P-Please. . . Please help me. . ."

"What is your designation?" The strange trait inspected the confines, his voice unusually steady.

"P-Paranoia," My shaking voice whimpered. "P-Please. . . I'm begging you- They'll be back any second!" I needed help - I didn't care who this side was or what he represented. My panic was overriding any apprehension I might've had before.

The man froze, meeting my scared eyes with nervous ones. "Who will be back?"

I fearfully checked behind me, needing the conversation to hurry before I was found. "The Disorders. . . I can't- I can't go through it again!"

"Paranoia, I need you to calm down and explain what's going on." The stranger looked thrown off, but he seemed to recognize my oncoming panic attack.

"Depression, Psychosis, and Schizophrenia!" I was crying, I knew that much, palms pressed against the glass so hard- I wished it would break. "They. . . They feed off of me because I can experience their effects. Deceit and Remus - they said I hurt Thomas! I don't, I don't! I want him to be on the watch for danger!" Someone laughed from far away and I felt my body shake. "Please! Help me!"

The man's mouth opened and shut - he didn't seem to have a response. I pleaded with everything I was that he would help.

Then I felt it. I felt the shift in the air and heard the voices. I straightened and shivered, immediately hunching over afterwards. The man needed to leave. As much as I wanted help, if I was caught talking to someone outside, the Disorders just might kill me. "They're coming. . . You have to go! If they think I've been talking to you, I'll be in so much trouble!" I turned to race away.

"Paranoia." The stranger's steady voice stopped me and I glanced back, seeing him place a hand on the glass, eyes locked with mine and filled with determination. "I'm going to get you out of there. I will be back."

I stared at him for a minute, cautious, but I slowly nodded before stumbling through the smoke, away from the barrier. For the first time in who knew how long, I let myself believe that I might have a chance.


Logic's P.O.V

I didn't bother to share my findings with the others once I returned, instead heading straight to my room. I had a lot to do if I wanted to free Paranoia immediately.

God, just thinking about it nearly made me sick. He was obviously young and they locked him in a cage with disorders that fed off of his emotions. How could they? Everyone knew that the Dark Traits weren't exactly upstanding Good Samaritans, but this was just. . . too far.

I shook my head. Wallowing in my own horror wouldn't get Paranoia out. Working would. With that logic in mind, I grabbed several files, practically throwing them down on my desk. Luckily, I had evidence of Paranoia's contributions to Thomas's life. Even though I hadn't known what it was at the time, I documented Thomas's strange behavior the moment it started to happen, and continued to record the downhill spiral when Paranoia's effects withdrew.

My eyes closed and I stopped cold, swallowing thickly. It hadn't hit me before, but it was clear that Paranoia's effect were withdrawn without consent - when he was locked away. I did my best to avoid emotions, but I truly could've strangled one of the Dark Traits right then. They should count their blessings that it was me who discovered Paranoia, and not Morality.

Getting back to work, I bit my lip to keep myself from smiling. The mental image of Morality tearing through the Darkscape to free his new "son", pummeling Deceit and Remus on his way, was amusing, for sure. I was positive that the elder trait would welcome the young one with open arms.

"Don't worry, Paranoia," I murmured, my pen flying over the documents. "I'm going to get you out."


Paranoia's P.O.V

"Was there a Light Trait in here earlier?"

I flinched at the bite in Depression's tone. "A. . . A Light Trait. . ?" I didn't know what a Light Trait looked like. Deceit and Remus forbid me from going near the light area, where I assumed they lived.

"Yes, a Light Trait," Depression repeated, slight frustration building in his voice. He did not look happy. "Likely the one they call 'Logic'. Blue tie, glasses?" His eyes narrowed. "Did you see him?"

I could hear the blood rushing in my ears. "N-No, no. I didn't- I didn't see anyone like that." That couldn't be right. It had to be a coincidence.

Depression stayed for a minute, his eyes boring painfully into me, before he finally left. I curled up against the glass, my heart pounding. The description matched and his aspect being 'logic' would explain the collected demeanor. But it couldn't be! Deceit and Remus, they told me the Light Traits hated us. There was no way one of them would help me!

. . . right?

My gaze turned towards the front of the box, where the man (Logic?) had promised to return. If he was really a Light Trait, would he? What if he said that just to get my hopes up? What if they really are as sadistic as the other said? What if it was just a trick?!

I shook my head. I was letting my thoughts get ahead of me, again. I would wait and see if Logic returned. If he didn't, I would have my answer. Until then, I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Despite that, I let my eyes shift to the front once more. 'Please come back. . .'

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