|| Beauty and The Beast || (...

By Mamree

962K 52.8K 9.1K

1st Runner up in Choice Award 2019 Winner of 3rd position in Limelight Award 2020 #Standalone A ruthless... More

Story Synopsis
1 ~ Beauty~
3 ~ Blooming Bond ~
4 ~ Broken ~
5 ~ Bitter Past
6 ~ Being Close ~
7 ~ Being Yours ...Legally ~
Glimpse of Next Part
8 ~ Beside You... Always ~
9 ~ Beautiful Moments ~
Important Announcement
10 ~ Breathless Moments Of Togetherness ~
11 ~ Being Yours... Ritually ~
12 ~ Being Reborn ~
13 ~ Because You Are My Wife ~
Glimpse of Next Part
14 ~Best Friend... Such A Pain....~
15 ~ Behind The Veil ~
16 ~ Burning Desire ~
17 ~ Burning Together ~
18 ~ Beast's Broken Dream
Glimpse Of Next Part
19 ~ Brother After all
20 ~ Brutal Ugly Truth ~
Hello Lovely
21 ~ Broken Pieces Of Past ~
My Lovely Readers, Followers and Friends...
22 ~ Be My Solace ~
23 ~ Beloved Son ~
24 ~ Beast's Return ~
Glimpse Of The Next part
25 ~ Broken Illusion : Part -1 ~
26 ~ Broken Illusion : Part-2 ~
~ Choice Award~
Question To The Character
27 ~ Broken Illusion : Part -3 ~
28 ~ Breaking Down ~
~Answers By The Character ~
29 ~ Being Confused ~
30 ~ Because I am a Fool ~
31 ~ Because I Love You Dammit ~
32 ~ Blooming In Your Love
~Limelight Award 2020~
33 ~ Beyond Everything ~
34~ Being Your Soulmate~
35 ~ Bacio Alla Francese ( French Kiss) ~
36 ~ Blissfully Together : 1
37 ~Blissfully Together 2~
~Cherish Fan Award 2020~
38 ~ Becoming Mine...Forever ~
39~ Becoming Mine.. Forever 2~
40~ Burning Passion ~
~Glimpse Of Next Part~
41 ~ Behind The Shadow :1~
42 ~ Because You Are My Life :1 ~
43 ~ Because You Are My Life : 2~
44 ~ Blurred ~
45 ~ Behind The Shadow 2 ~
46 ~Broken Heaven : 1~
47 ~ Bowing Down Before The Devil :1 ~
48 ~ Bowing Down Before The Devil: 2 ~
49~ Because You Are My Life : 3 ~
50 ~Broken Heaven 2 ~
51 ~ Be Safe .... My Love ~
52 ~ Beginning Of A New Life ~
53 ~ Beauty and The Beast ( Last Chapter ) ~
~Thank You ~
~ Curtain Raiser : Final Banner ~

2 ~Beginning~

23.6K 1K 233
By Mamree

dedicated to ArShi_Angel, PearlOfPacific, ReemaRohra,Saraali13,Angel_arshi23,RaginiKumari4,

sreemukhee,psuhuna,Kaicutiepie,Ananya_malik,FlorK2D, strings_of_fate4321,CharuSharma3,

 and to all my readers and friends..

2~ Beginning ~


Next Day Morning...

Arnav's Penthouse...

Khushi had a sleepless night yesterday.. The anticipations about the upcoming days and events, specially how her life will be , kept her awake the whole night. Once she thought to cancel the deal with the devil and just leave his den, but then where she will go?? What if her so called mother found her? The thought itself enough to stop her heartbeat.. it's better she stays here in this Devil's den.

Khushi chuckled thinking about the name she has thought about Arnav Ray.. "Devil..". But is he really a devil?? Khushi shook her head, no.. certainly not. Infact he had saved Khushi from those lechers. But definitely Arnav Ray is mysterious..

Khushi's thought was broken when a maid informed that Arnav Ray is waiting for her in the downstairs. Taking slow steps Khushi came in the dining hall, Arnav was already eating his breakfast and without looking at her, he uttered, " Good morning."

"Good morning" while replying Khushi thought, Arnav is different. He talks less, always maintains a stoic face but a person who take care a stranger for weeks, definitely a genuine person. "He has his own motive behind that." Khushi's subconscious reminds her. " Yes, But he did not force me in this deal, he requested me." Khushi defended the devil.. and she herself got confused why?? Why she is defending this stranger and feeling an unknown pull towards him all of a sudden. Actually not all of a sudden, yesterday, the moment Khushi saw the stranger, her heart found peace. She felt secure in his presence.. And not to mention the "certain acidity" she is feeling since yesterday after meeting him..

Khushi knew the upcoming days will be a roller costar ride for her but for some unknown reason, she is excited for the journey...

" Khushi...KHUSHI....." Arnav snapped his finger to break Khushi's trance. " Back to earth. Finish your breakfast, we have to go out."

Khushi nodded her head and focused her whole concentration to finish her breakfast as soon as possible.

After 30 minutes....

Khushi is sitting in the car beside the Devil himself almost clueless. She does not know where Arnav is taking her, besides sitting so close with the devil himself, already Khushi in daze. His strong minty cologne invading her heart.. But finally gathering her courage Khushi asked, " Whe..where are we going?"

" At my house.." without looking at her Arnav replied curtly.

" We were already in your house .. Then why new house ? Was the previous one a rented house then?" Khushi asked without thinking much but Arnav could not hide his amusement.

The moment this girl gained her consciousness, she is giving surprises after surprises. Arnav shook his head and finally looked at her, " You really don't have any idea about me, right?"

" No...I mean, Yes.. I have the idea that you have saved me, gave me a new life, You are a very Kind hearted person.." Khushi replied looking at his manly face.. The slight burn marks seems happened recently, and suddenly Khushi felt to touch that area and caresses it. But soon enough she scolded herself for her forbidden thought.

"Kind?? Kind hearted person?? And me??" Arnav chuckled a little, " Khushi you know what, your this opinion will change very soon. People who knew me, said that I am a devil reincarnated.. and I guess you too will find it out soon."

" But to me, you are a kind hearted person. You took care of a stranger. Nowadays who does that? The world is full of Hyenas.. if you were...Not there that night... I .. I..." Khushi broke down remembering about that horrendous night. Tears were rolling down from her eyes like a cascade.

" Here, take it.." Khushi looked at the handkerchief which Arnav was offering her.

Slowly composing herself she whispered a , " sorry. I did not wanted to bother you.. it's just that..." Khushi was cut off by Arnav immediately, " if you don't mind , may I ask, what you were doing in that lonely road at that time of the night."

" I was running away from my home." Khushi replied meekly.

" Why? Did your parents not approved your boyfriend or forced you in a arrange marriage?" Khushi felt the tone of Arnav is quiet different for the first time. Did he just mock her? Immediately she decides that she will tell him about herself . If they have to be husband and wife for the next 6 months, then Arnav should know about her past. He has the right, so if he want, he can cancel the deal.

" No.. I was running away to save my dignity. Actually that night, My mother sold me to a elderly person for one night.. and.." before Khushi can proceed further that car stopped suddenly at the side with a jerk.

" WHAT THE !!! How could a mother...." Arnav almost roared but looking at his face Khushi easily found out beside shock, there is concern for her too.

" She is my step mother. I lost my mother when I was 8 years old, in an accident. My father remarried and from then, I really lost my family..I.." Khushi stopped unable to control herself again as tears were rolling down from her eyes.

Few minutes later Khushi controlled herself by wiping her cheeks. She is thankful to Arnav for giving her that much time and not show any pity.

After a pregnant silence, Arnav cleared his throat to gain Khushi's attention. "Tum Theek Ho?" ( Are you alright?) Khushi looked at Arnav sensing his concern for her.. and smiled a little.. and thought "he is telling me , he is not kind hearted." Khushi shook her head.

" I am sorry about whatever happened to you Khushi.. I know How it feels like losing your parent.. But I can assure about one thing, You will be safe with me. I will protect you from all danger for coming 6 months. And most importantly, be assured, I will never intrude your privacy. I mean, in front of the whole world and my family, we will be a lovely couple, but trust me, I will not take any advantage of my upcoming relationship with you or I will never demand my rights from you. You can trust me on that." Arnav said looking straight into her eyes.

" I TRUST YOU." Khushi's reply was so instant that it halt Arnav from whatever he was going to say, for few minutes. For few minutes Arnav just looked at Khushi straight in her eyes and for a change, Khushi too did not broke the eye contact. But there little moment was broken by sudden ring of Arnav's phone.

" Ya...ya.. we are on the way.. coming within 15 minutes." Arnav cut the call and looked at Khushi again.

" It was from My cousin brother Akash. Khushi, as you asked me before, we are going to my house, to my family. They want to meet with my beloved, with my future wife, they wanted to meet with you Khushi." Suddenly Khushi felt her heart was becoming warm and a sudden heat is rising in her face. She felt a tingling sensation under the hooded gaze of Arnav.

"And before you reach there, I want you to know about them , at least a little. " taking a pause Arnav continued, " I have a extended family including my nani, mama, mami, two cousin brothers, one sister in law. My family is very crazy, so, be careful while meeting with them...they are very eager to meet you. And By the way, I have completed my masters from Harvard University And I am the current MD of Ray fashion house. I hope you have heard about it." Arnav raised his eye brows a little.

Khushi nodded a little suppressing her smile. As usual Arnav shook his head, "Unbelievable..I never thought I have to introduce myself like this...you amazed me Khushi... by the way, tell me something about you."

" There is nothing special about me. I am originally from Lucknow, completed my bachelors in psychology from local college. I used to teach students to earn my living. And I had a pet named ...." Before Khushi can complete she was cut by the mighty Arnav himself.

" Acer... How can I ever forget that??" Arnav chuckled a little. " let's go, it's enough for now. And we will come to know about each other with time. One more thing, I am a very moody person, I lose my temper very easily and I never forgive those who betray me..try to remember that.."

Without any further delay, they drove towards Ray Mansion.

After 15 minutes, the car stopped in front of a huge mansion. Khushi was speechless seeing the mansion in front of her. This is his house? Like really? A sudden sound of click broke her trance. She looked at her side of the door, there Arnav was standing extending his hand for her, a rare smile was adorning in his face.

With a little hesitation Khushi slowly put her hands on his extending one and the moment their hand touch, a tingling sensation spread within both of them. They froze for few moments looking at each other. Arnav is the first one, who regain his senses.

Slowly taking Khushi's hands in his huge one, he proceeds towards the main door.

It was almost past one hour Khushi has come to Ray Mansion and was hovered over by the family members of Ray. The moment Khushi bend her head to take the blessings of Nani and other elders, they all probably sigh in relieve. Arnav's mami Manorama Ray even expressed that, "we thought Arnav bitwa will bring some modern model or miss world type girl. But now we are very happy dear to have you with us Khushi."

" Always take care of my Chotey.." Arnav's Nani kisses Khushi's forehead lovingly.

And just like that Khushi , with jovial nature and genuine self easily won the Ray's in her first meet itself.

Lunch with the Ray family was a very happy moment for Khushi. The love she was getting was almost chocking her in tears. How long, how long she was craving for a little bit concern but after her mother's death, she got nothing. It was after years, she is getting this much affections and it brought tears in her eyes.

"But it is all for 6 months." Her subconscious alerted her but Khushi ignore it. If it is for 6 months, she will live this upcoming six months fullest.

After the lunch is over, Arnav took Khushi upstairs in between the teasing smile of the family. Khushi was a little bit shy but Arnav as if, nothing was effecting him.. After so long Khushi looked at him and she felt that, Arnav is in deep thought.

" Suniye.." (listen) Khushi slowly called Arnav. Upon that Arnav looked at her for a brief period of time and then uttered, " Come with me, now I will introduce you with the most important person in my life..." with that he hold Khushi's hand and took her towards a particular room.

Arnav open the door with outmost care, the inside wall in paint in blue colour, with different toys all over the room. And in the middle there is a crib. Khushi was clueless about all this but taking slow steps she followed Arnav. There was sleeping a beautiful baby boy adoring a cute smile in his face.

" Meet Advay Ray, my everything." The moment Arnav declared it, Khushi felt a pang in her heart..it's not she is jealous or something, but suddenly as if someone threw her in reality..

" So, He is married and has a son, then why he is marrying me for 6 months? Is his wife died or they are separated or the family did not accept them or just they are having some issues?? So, Am I the temporary substitute for that post?" A race of thoughts like a storm disheveled her mind.

And without thinking much Khushi asked, " Where is your wife?"

Arnav looked at her keenly, taking slow steps he come close to her and replied, "in front of me."

" No, I am asking about your first wife, where is she?" Khushi felt a sudden ache in her heart. She should not feel like that but she could not control herself either.

" and I suppose I am standing in front of her only, I suppose, we are getting married.. and Khushi Basu will be my first wife, I guess." Arnav smirked a little sensing the tinge of jealousy in Khushi's voice and her gesture too.

" wh.. What?? Hey.. Devi Maiyaa... You became father without marriage?" Khushi rolled her eyes and Arnav got shocked." What the !!"

" What The nehi... hei Devi Maiyaa.. Did you previously had another contract for child too?" Khushi's brilliant and intelligent thought have no boundary. Like a express train, it took it speed and directly hit the Devil .

Arnav opened his mouth a little, then tried to form something, then shook his head, and lastly muttered, " UNBELIEVABLE...Khushi Basu, you are unbelievable... Advay is my only Nephew.." Arnav's reply bring a soothing sensation in her restless heart.

Suddenly under the heated gaze of Arnav, Khushi felt shy and sense that her cheek is getting red. Remembering her last few question she slowly averted her eyes but asked, " Where is your sister?"

" She is no more.. thus Advay is my world now..He calls me dad and I expect that, you will take care and adore him, as a mother till the time you are here." Arnav was about to continue something more but a little voice broke their conversation, " DA..DA..."

Arnav's face broke into a beautiful smile. He then went to the crib with few long strides and took Advay in his lap. But Advay eyes were stuck with the new member in the room. After looking at Khushi, a huge smile broke into his lips and with a giggle he uttered, " AN..TEL" (Angel)....

To be contd...


Author Note:

Hello My lovely readers.....

Expecting your response ....

Love and regards...



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