Driver (Sebastian Vettel) - O...

By TeamStyles01

40.7K 615 25

"It's all on you, Megan." Being a karting pro had boosted Megan Moore's career as a test driver, she'd hopped... More

0.1 - Cast
0.2 - Playlist
0.3 - Important Notes - Disclaimers
1.0 - Megan
2.0 - Charles
3.0 - Friends
4.0 - German Language
5.0 - Lewis
6.0 - Natalie
7.0 - Sebastian
8.0 - Italy
9.0 - Paola
10.0 - Alive
11.0 - Calling Simeri Mare
12.0 - Tears
13.0 - Italian
14.0 - Vincenzo
15.0 - Wine & Talks
17.0 - Little Talks
18.0 - Smiles
19.0 - Hungover
20.0 - Kater
21.0 - Losing
22.0 - England
23.0 - A Long Week
24.0 - Karyn
25.0 - France
26.0 - Outbursts & Alcohol
27.0 - Less Words, More Actions
28.0 - Explaining
29.0 - Catching Up
30.0 - Own Worst Enemy
31.0 - Small Things
32.0 - Austria
33.0 - Struggles
34.0 - Visitors
35.0 - Just Listening
36.0 - Hoping
37.0 - Mother

16.0 - Returning To Work

848 15 0
By TeamStyles01

Megan Moore

Vincenzo had stayed the night, and during the day we spent our time doing tourist things as I drove him around in my work Ferrari, testing the speeds and enjoying the weather. As the evening drew in, we headed to the airport, I had agreed to drop him off not wanting him to pay for a taxi. I parked the car in the drop off as I got out, he followed suit before I walked around to his side on the path. 

"So, I'll see you again soon?" I asked him as I looked up at him, putting my hands in the back pockets of my jeans. 

He nodded, "Let's not leave it as long, kid." He reached forward and ruffled my hair. 

"Yo!" I slapped his hand away from my hair before I shook my head with a large smile on my face. "If you need to talk, or anything," I told him, "Please just call me. I'll do whatever you need me to do."

Vincenzo pulled me close to him, he wrapped his arms around me as he hugged me. I returned the gesture, putting my arms around his midsection as I relaxed into him. "I will," he told me as held me. "Cosa ho fatto per meritarti?" What did I do to deserve you?

Smiling I closed my eyes, I really did appreciate having Vincenzo in my life, and it only happened because I'd been sent to Italy to learn, so my mother was the real reason we were so close. "You need to go and get on that plane," I told him as I pulled away from him and made eye contact with him. "But you better send me a text as soon as you land."

"You sound like my Ma," he laughed as he picked his bag up from the ground and smiled at me. "Take care, Meg."

I grinned at him, "Be safe," I winked before I walked around to get back into my car. I looked at him one last time and smiled, "See you soon." He said his goodbyes before I watched him head inside to the airport, I got into the car and sat in the front seat for a minute just taking a moment to myself. 

Reaching down, I picked up my cable plugging it into the car and phone before selecting my favourite playlist then pulling away from the kerb. I blasted some of my top songs as I drove through the streets on Italy, making my way back to the apartment. 

My eyes might have been on the road, but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I was returning to work tomorrow, I had no idea where Sebastian was and if he was going to be there or not. Mostly, I was worried that soon I would be going back to England, there for a while, my life would just be the drama it was before I came here. 

When I pulled into the garages of the apartment I noticed that Sebastian's space was empty, I sighed as I pulled my phone out of the cable and then proceeded to exit the vehicle before using the key fob to lock it. Dragging my feet, I got to the stairs and started the climb to the apartment, my flip flops making a lot of noise on each step. 

As I got to the floor, I needed to be on I took my keys from my pocket before unlocking the door, my feet kicking the door shut behind me. I chucked the keys on the table by the door after I heard the automatic lock go then walked through to the living room where I tidied up the mess I had left behind. Leaving the room I went into my bedroom, I stripped down and pulled on my nightwear, a pair of black shorts and a sports bra, as I put my phone on to charge I heard the intercom system buzzing. 

I checked the time on my phone, it was almost ten, I wondered who would be coming to the apartment at this time. I certainly wasn't expecting anyone, Vincenzo had returned home, and I didn't really know anyone else around here, only a few people from work. I walked to the system in the hall before pressing on it and speaking, "Hello?"

"Megan?" I heard Sebastian's voice through the speaker. "I left my keys at my house, can you let me in?"

Groaning I pressed on the button before unlocking the door, leaving it open before I headed back in my bedroom where I grabbed a top to pull over the top of my bra. Once I had it on, I headed through to the hall where Sebastian was just walking in with his case. "Didn't think you were coming back," I said as I looked at him. He was wrapped up right now, a pair of blue jeans with a padded coat on. I swear it looked like he had just come back from the arctic, not from the warm streets of Italy. 

"My flight got delayed," he explained as he slipped his coat off hanging it up, revealing a short-sleeved white shirt. "I had to be back for tomorrow, I don't think Maurizio would be happy if I didn't return."

I smiled at him, "Well," I awkwardly swayed on my feet. "I'm heading to bed. See you in the morning," I nodded at him before I turned around and started to retrace my steps back to my bedroom. 

"Night, Megan."


Arriving at work, I headed to get changed before doing anything else. As I stripped down and pulled on my jumpsuit, I was surprised when Paola entered the room. "Nice to have you back," she spoke as she sat on the bench while I zipped my suit up. 

"Thanks," I said quietly as I made eye contact with her. "It's been nice to have a break," I smiled as I grabbed my shoes from my bag and slipped them on.

"I wanted to talk to you before you headed out onto the track," Paola seemed like a reasonable person, but I didn't know how much I could trust her. "I think there have been some discussions between higher management. Since we are based here, this is our headquarters, we would like to offer you the chance to relocate to Italy."

"Live here, permanently?" I questioned with wide eyes as I stared at her. 

Paola nodded, "Obviously, you will be offered an allowance to help with moving costs and finding a place. After speaking with Maurizio, it seems the job you have is suited to you. He needs someone who will work alongside Sebastian, someone who will push him to his limits."

"I don't feel like I am doing that," I confided in her. 

She smiled, "The fact that you don't give up means you are doing exactly what you need to do. I know moving to another country is a big ask, but I do think you should think about it."

"How long do I have to think about it?" I asked him as I sat down on the bench opposite her. 

"As long as you need," she shrugged her shoulders. "You have the rest of the season at least. You'll be away from home then anyway, but I would suggest getting an answer to us before the end of the season."

I looked down at my hands as I thought at the possibilities when it came to living in Italy. It would further my career, I could push myself to the limit. I could be there more for Vincenzo, see him more and help with his family. They were the positives, the negatives were all waiting for me back in England. If I moved to Italy, then I would be away from my family and friends, the people who meant the most to me. 

Looking back up at Paola, I smiled, "I'm going to have to have a long hard think about it."

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